37 resultados para fluid power circuit


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The distribution of short-circuit current is investigated by means of two methods, one direct and the other analytic; both methods consider uniform probability distribution of line faults. In the direct method, the procedure consists of calculating fault currents at equidistant points along the line, starting from one of the end points and considering the other end open. The magnitude of the current is classified according to Brazilian standards (regulation NBR-7118). The analytic method assumes that the distribution of short-circuit currents through the busbar and the distribution of the line length connected to it are known, as well as the independence of values. The method is designed to determine the probability that fault currents through a line will surpass the pre-established magnitude, thus generating frequency distribution curves of short-circuit currents along the lines.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper enhances some concepts of the Instantaneous Complex Power Theory by analyzing the analytical expressions for voltages, currents and powers developed on a symmetrical RL three-phase system, during the transient caused by a sinusoidal voltage excitation. The powers delivered to an ideal inductor will be interpreted, allowing a deep insight in the power phenomenon by analyzing the voltages in each element of the circuit. The results can be applied to the understanding of non-linear systems subject to sinusoidal voltage excitation and distorted currents.


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This paper introduces Java applet programs for a WWW (world wide web)-HTML (hypertext markup language)-based multimedia course in Power Electronics. The applet programs were developed with the purpose of providing an interactive visual simulation and analysis of idealized uncontrolled single-phase, and three-phase rectifiers. In addition, this paper discusses the development and utilization of JAVA applet programs to solve some design-oriented equations for rectifier applications. The major goal of these proposed JAVA applets was to provide more facilities for the students increase their pace in Power Electronics course, emphasizing waveforms analysis, and providing conditions for an on-line comparative analysis among different hands-on laboratory experiences, via a normal Internet TCP/IP connection. Therefore, using the proposed JAVA applets, which were embedded in a WWW-HTML-based course in Power Electronics, was observed an important improvement of the apprenticeship for the content of this course. Therefore, the course structure becomes fluid, allowing a true on-line course over the WWW, motivating students to learn its content, and apply it in some applications-oriented projects, and their home-works.


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A low-voltage low-power 2nd-order CMOS pseudo-differential bump-equalizer is presented. Its topology comprises a bandpass section with adjustable center frequency and quality factor, together with a programmable current amplifier. The basic building blocks are triode-operating transconductors, tunable by means of either a DC voltage or a digitally controlled current divider. The bump-equalizer as part of a battery-operated hearing aid device is designed for a 1.4V-supply and a 0.35μm CMOS fabrication process. The circuit performance is supported by a set of simulation results, which indicates a center frequency from 600Hz to 2.4kHz, 1≤Q≤5, and an adjustable gain within ±6dB at center frequency. The filter dynamic range lies around 40dB. Quiescent consumption is kept below 12μW for any configuration of the filter.


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In this work the problem of defects location in power systems is formulated through a binary linear programming (BLP) model based on alarms historical database of control and protection devices from the system control center, sets theory of minimal coverage (AI) and protection philosophy adopted by the electric utility. In this model, circuit breaker operations are compared to their expected states in a strictly mathematical manner. For solving this BLP problem, which presents a great number of decision variables, a dedicated Genetic Algorithm (GA), is proposed. Control parameters of the GA, such as crossing over and mutation rates, population size, iterations number and population diversification, are calibrated in order to obtain efficiency and robustness. Results for a test system found in literature, are presented and discussed. © 2004 IEEE.


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An analysis of the performances of three important methods for generators and loads loss allocation is presented. The discussed methods are: based on pro-rata technique; based on the incremental technique; and based on matrices of circuit. The algorithms are tested considering different generation conditions, using a known electric power system: IEEE 14 bus. Presented and discussed results verify: the location and the magnitude of generators and loads; the possibility to have agents well or poorly located in each network configuration; the discriminatory behavior considering variations in the power flow in the transmission lines. © 2004 IEEE.


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This paper presents the analysis, design, simulation, and experimental results for a high frequency high Power-Factor (PF) AC (Alternate Current) voltage regulator, using a Sepic converter as power stage. The control technique employed to impose a sinusoidal input current waveform, with low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), is the sinusoidal variable hysteresis control. The control technique was implemented in a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device, using a Hardware Description Language (VHDL). Through the use of the proposed control technique, the AC voltage regulator performs active power-factor correction, and low THD in the input current, for linear and non-linear loads, satisfying the requirements of the EEC61000-3-2 standards. Experimental results from an example prototype, designed for 300W of nominal output power, 50kHz (switching frequency), and 127Vrms of nominal input and output voltages, are presented in order to validate the proposed AC regulator. © 2005 IEEE.


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This paper by R. E. Catai, E. C. Bianchi, P. R de Águia and M. C. Alves reports on the results of an analysis made of roundness errors, residual stresses, and SEM micrographs of VC131 steel. The analysis involved workpieces ground with two types of cutting fluid: synthetic cutting fluid and emulsive oil. In this study, the cutting parameters were kept constant while the type of cutting fluid was varied. The amount of cutting fluid injected in the process was also varied, aiming to identify the ideal amount required to obtain good results without causing structural damage to the workpiece. The SEM analyses of roundness errors and residual stresses revealed that, of the two cutting fluids, emulsive oil provided better tensions due to its greater lubricating power.


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In this work, a heuristic model for integrated planning of primary distribution network and secondary distribution circuits is proposed. A Tabu Search (TS) algorithm is employed to solve the planning of primary distribution networks. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are used to solve the planning model of secondary networks. The planning integration of both networks is carried out by means a constructive heuristic taking into account a set of integration alternatives between these networks. These integration alternatives are treated in a hierarchical way. The planning of primary networks and secondary distribution circuits is carried out based on assessment of the effects of the alternative solutions in the expansion costs of both networks simultaneously. In order to evaluate this methodology, tests were performed for a real-life distribution system taking into account the primary and secondary networks.


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A metaheuristic technique for solving the short-term transmission network expansion and reactive power planning problems, at the same time, in regulated power systems using the AC model is presented. The problem is solved using a real genetic algorithm (RGA). For each topology proposed by RGA an indicator is employed to identify the weak buses for new reactive power sources allocation. The fitness function is calculated using the cost of each configuration as well as constraints deviation of an AC optimal power flow (OPF) in which the minimum reactive generation of new reactive sources and the active power losses are objectives. With allocation of reactive power sources at load buses, the circuit capacity increases and the cost of installation could be decreased. The method is tested in a well known test system, presenting good results when compared with other approaches. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper considers the importance of using a top-down methodology and suitable CAD tools in the development of electronic circuits. The paper presents an evaluation of the methodology used in a computational tool created to support the synthesis of digital to analog converter models by translating between different tools used in a wide variety of applications. This tool is named MS 2SV and works directly with the following two commercial tools: MATLAB/Simulink and SystemVision. Model translation of an electronic circuit is achieved by translating a mixed-signal block diagram developed in Simulink into a lower level of abstraction in VHDL-AMS and the simulation project support structure in SystemVision. The method validation was performed by analyzing the power spectral of the signal obtained by the discrete Fourier transform of a digital to analog converter simulation model. © 2011 IEEE.


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In this paper a heuristic technique for solving simultaneous short-term transmission network expansion and reactive power planning problem (TEPRPP) via an AC model is presented. A constructive heuristic algorithm (CHA) aimed to obtaining a significant quality solution for such problem is employed. An interior point method (IPM) is applied to solve TEPRPP as a nonlinear programming (NLP) during the solution steps of the algorithm. For each proposed network topology, an indicator is deployed to identify the weak buses for reactive power sources placement. The objective function of NLP includes the costs of new transmission lines, real power losses as well as reactive power sources. By allocating reactive power sources at load buses, the circuit capacity may increase while the cost of new lines can be decreased. The proposed methodology is tested on Garver's system and the obtained results shows its capability and the viability of using AC model for solving such non-convex optimization problem. © 2011 IEEE.


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The high active and reactive power level demanded by the distribution systems, the growth of consuming centers, and the long lines of the distribution systems result in voltage variations in the busses compromising the quality of energy supplied. To ensure the energy quality supplied in the distribution system short-term planning, some devices and actions are used to implement an effective control of voltage, reactive power, and power factor of the network. Among these devices and actions are the voltage regulators (VRs) and capacitor banks (CBs), as well as exchanging the conductors sizes of distribution lines. This paper presents a methodology based on the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) for optimized allocation of VRs, CBs, and exchange of conductors in radial distribution systems. The Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (MGA) is aided by an inference process developed using fuzzy logic, which applies specialized knowledge to achieve the reduction of the search space for the allocation of CBs and VRs.


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This paper presents the analysis and evaluation of the Power Electronics course at So Paulo State University-UNESP-Campus of Ilha Solteira(SP)-Brazil, which includes the usage of interactive Java simulations tools and an educational software to aid the teaching of power electronic converters. This platform serves as an oriented course for the lectures and supplementary support for laboratory experiments in the power electronics courses. The simulation tools provide an interactive and dynamic way to visualize the power electronics converters behavior together with the educational software, which contemplates the theory and a list of subjects for circuit simulations. In order to verify the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed interactive educational platform, it is presented a statistical analysis considering the last three years. © 2011 IEEE.