138 resultados para fine needle aspiration


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Objective: To identify associations between cytological criteria in fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens and histological subtypes of lobular breast carcinoma (classical and other types). Study Design: FNA cytology and mastectomy specimens from 72 cases of invasive lobular breast carcinoma were consecutively retrieved from the files of the Amaral de Carvalho Hospital, Jaú-São Paulo, Brazil. All cases were reviewed regarding five cytological criteria: cellularity, cellular cohesion, presence of inflammation, nucleoli and nuclear atypia. The χ2 test or Fisher's exact tests with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used. Results: The classical type showed lower initial cytological diagnosis of malignancy compared to the other variants (p = 0.017; odds ratio (OR) 0.26, 95% CI 0.89-0.80). Moderate/intense cellular cohesion (p = 0.011; OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.04-0.73) and mild atypia (p = 0.000; OR 16.15, 95% CI 3.20-81.48) were significantly associated with the classical type of lobular breast carcinoma, while the absence of inflammation (p = 0.082; OR 0.36, 95% CI 0.12-1.15) was marginally associated with the classical type. Conclusions: In cytology, the characterization of lobular carcinoma as malignant is difficult, especially the classical type. The association between cell cohesion and the classical type of lobular breast carcinoma may be one of the factors that complicate this diagnosis.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to assess whether fine needle aspirates from non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) could be used for growth fraction analysis with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) staining and if there was a relationship between the growth fraction and cytomorphologic classification according to the Kiel classification.STUDY DESIGN: the study group consisted of 40 patients with NHL diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. The cytologic classification of the lymphomas was made by two cytopathologists on May-Grunwald-Giemsa-stained slides using the Kiel classification. There were 27 cases of low and 13 of high grade lymphoma. The estimation of the growth fraction was made by PCNA immunoreactivity. The PCNA index was quantitated in smears by counting an average of 1,000 cells, and the count teas correlated with the cytomorphologic classification.RESULTS: There was It strong correlation between the PCNA index and lymphoma grading. High grade lymphomas exhibited a mean PCNA positivity of 74.0%, which was significantly higher (P <.001) than that of low grade lymphomas (17.6%).CONCLUSION: Our study showed that PCNA evalua tion is suitable for smears obtained by FNA on NHL, correlates with increasing grades of lymphoma according to the Kiel classification and may offer a method of monitoring treatment of lymphoma.


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1. Fine needle aspirates from ten patients with high-grade malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas were analyzed by cytomorphology and immunocytochemistry.2. The following morphologic diagnoses were made: lymphoblastic lymphoma (3 cases), Burkitt's lymphoma (3 cases), mixed small and large cell lymphomas with predominance of large cells (2 cases), and centroblastic lymphoma (2 cases). Immunocytochemistry showed a B-cell phenotype in five cases and a T-cell phenotype in four. One case of lymphoblastic lymphoma was negative for the T and B cell markers used.3. The results of histological and immunohistochemical analyses performed on surgical biopsies from 8 patients confirmed the morphological diagnosis in all cases. Two cases of Burkitt's lymphoma were submitted only to cytological and immunological diagnosis.4. The high diagnostic accuracy of combined cytomorphology and immunocytochemical assessment of fine needle aspirate samples validates the use of the technique in the diagnostic work-up of high-grade non Hodgkin's lymphomas.


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Cytomorphologic characteristics of smears from fine-needle aspirates (FNA) of three cases of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) (Rosai-Dorfman disease) are described. All aspirates showed mature lymphocytes, plasma cells, and large pale histiocytes with well-preserved lymphocytes within the cytoplasm (lymphocytophagocytosis). The cases were confirmed by surgical biopsy, and the immunohistochemical findings suggested a macrophage origin for this lesion. The value of FNA analysis as an aid to diagnosis of SHML is discussed.


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Aims: To evaluate the reliability of fine needle aspirate cell blocks in the assessment of oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER-2/neu proteins by immunohistochemistry in comparison with surgical specimens. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study of 62 cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and confirmed using the surgical specimen. Immunohistochemical tests were performed to assess the presence of oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER-2/neu proteins in cell blocks and the corresponding surgical specimens. The cell block method used alcohol prior to formalin fixation. Cases with 10% or more stained cells were considered positive for ER and PR. Positivity for HER-2/neu was assessed on a scale of 0-3+. The criterion for positivity was a score of 3+. Results: Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of the cell blocks in the investigation of ER, PR and HER-2/neu protein (3+) were (%): ER, 92.7, 85.7, 92.7, 85.7 and 90.3; PR, 92.7, 94.7, 97.4, 87.0 and 93.5; HER-2/neu, 70.0, 100.0, 100.0, 94.5 and 95.2. Discrepancies were seen in cell blocks in the 1+ and 2+ HER-2/neu staining scores: two of 12 cases scoring 2+ and one case of 26 scoring 1+ on cell blocks scored 3+ on surgical specimens. The correlation index between cell block and corresponding surgical specimen varied from 90% to 94%. Conclusion: Cell blocks provide a useful method of assessing ER, PR and HER-2/neu, mainly for inoperable and recurrent cases, but consideration should be given to carrying out FISH analysis on 1+ as well as 2+ HER-2/neu results. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Ultrasound (US) has been used as a tool for parotid abscess diagnosis and treatment. The present article aimed to report a case of 72-year-old woman with parotid abscess treated by US-guided needle aspiration and conventional surgical drainage. Along with the clinical report, indications, advantages, and limitations of the method are discussed.


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Foram estudados tumores de mama em cadelas, comparando o seu padrão citológico, obtido através da Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF), com os resultados da histopatologia. Num período de um ano, as cadelas trazidas ao Hospital Veterinário -- UNESP -- Câmpus de Jaboticabal foram submetidas a exérese cirúrgica dos tumores mamários. As amostras foram avaliadas de acordo com parâmetros estruturais utilizados nos tumores mamários humanos, como grau de atipia, critérios nucleares, padrão de cromatina e nucléolos, alta celularidade e pouca coesão intercelular. Utilizaram-se estes critérios para diferenciar tumores mamários benignos de malignos com 63% de diagnósticos concordantes, sensibilidade de 73% e especificidade de 83%. Nossos dados mostraram ter uma correlação positiva com o prognóstico, demonstrando que é possível reconhecer variáveis estruturais de malignidade na citopatologia para obter um diagnóstico precoce e um prognóstico seguro.


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OBJECTIVE: To measure thyroid cell proliferation in patients with Graves' disease (GD) before and during treatment with antithyroid drugs.STUDY DESIGN: Patients were assessed by fine needle aspiration biopsy before (n=20) and after 4 (n=19) and 12 months of treatment (n=15) with propylthiouracil or methimazole. Cell proliferation index (CPI) was estimated by immunocytochemistry using MIB-1. CPI was studied in relation to the cytologic parameters of the smears; clinical parameters, such as Wayne's Clinical Index (WCI) and time without treatment; laboratory parameters, such as (131)Iuptake and dosage of serum free thyroxin and thyroid-stimulating hormone; and thyroid ultrasound.RESULTS: CPI varied from 0.00% to 25.00% before treatment, 0.00% to 23.00% at 4 months and 0.00% to 14.84% at 12 months. CPI median values were 6.50%, 4.30% and 3.30%, respectively (before and after 4 months and 12 months of treatment). CPI had a positive correlation with WCI and FT4 at 12 months of treatment.CONCLUSION: Thyroid CPI in GD varies from case to case. However, due to its decreasing pattern during follow-up and its positive correlation with thyrotoxicosis severity, CPI may indicate the functional status of the gland and contribute to a better understanding of GD.


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Uma cadela, Dachshund, quatro anos, foi encaminhada ao H.V. da FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu-SP com histórico de prostração, emagrecimento progressivo, anorexia, cansaço e tosse seca. Ao exame clínico observou-se apatia, secreção nasal serosa bilateral e dispnéia intensa. Radiografia torácica demonstrou efusão pleural, edema pulmonar acentuado, desvio dorsal da traquéia e possível massa mediastinal. A ultra-sonografia, após drenagem torácica, confirmou a presença de massa mediastinal, sendo classificada como neoplasia maligna de origem epitelial pela citologia aspirativa por agulha fina. O animal veio a óbito logo após o diagnóstico de neoplasia. À necropsia constatou-se massa mediastinal encapsulada, consistência macia e superfície de corte com coloração branco-acinzentada e áreas necrótico-hemorrágicas, localizada na região ântero-ventral do tórax. O exame histopatológico demonstrou células epiteliais neoplásicas, células linfóides (timócitos) com morfologia normal, vasos sangüíneos de pequeno e médio calibre, formações císticas com conteúdo eosinofílico e corpúsculos de Hassall. A imunohistoquímica apresentou positividade para citoqueratina AE1/AE3 e UCHL, confirmando o diagnóstico de timoma.


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Objective:Gene expression studies have revealed several molecular subtypes of breast carcinoma with distinct clinical and biological behaviours. DNA microarray studies correlated with immunohistochemical profiling of breast carcinomas using cytokeratin (CK) markers, Her2/neu, oestrogen receptor (ER), and basal myoepithelial cell markers have identified five breast tumour subtypes: (i) luminal A (ER+; Her2/neu-), (ii) luminal B (ER+; Her2/neu+), (iii) Her2 overexpression (ER-; Her2/neu+), (iv) basal-like (ER-; Her2/neu-, CK5/6 and 14+), and (v) negative for all markers. Luminal carcinomas express cytokeratins in a luminal pattern (CK8/18), and the basal-like type expresses CK5/6 and CK14 or basal epithelial cell markers. CK5/6, CK8/18, and smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression were assessed in cell blocks and compared with expression in surgical specimens.Methods:Sixty-two cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology with cell blocks and available surgical specimens were included. Cell blocks containing at least 10 high-power fields each with at least 10 tumour cells and surgical specimens were immunostained for CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA.Results:Percentage sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were, respectively, 77, 100, 100, 92 and 94 for CK5/6; 98, 66, 96, 80 and 95 for CK8/18; and 92, 96, 85, 98 and 95 for SMA.Conclusion:The identification of CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA by immunohistochemistry in cell blocks can be a reliable method that yields results close to those obtained in surgical specimens, and can contribute to the classification of breast carcinomas with luminal and basal expression patterns, providing helpful information in the choice of treatment and in the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O gene bcl-2 codifica uma proteína envolvida no processo de controle da apoptose. Inicialmente descrito em linfomas e posteriormente em tecidos epiteliais, sua expressão é freqüentemente encontrada em carcinomas de mama, associada a fatores de prognóstico favorável. Como a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) tem sido utilizada como um método confiável na investigação de carcinomas de mama, acessamos a expressão de bcl-2 em material assim obtido e correlacionamos sua positividade com o grau histológico, avaliado em material cirúrgico correspondente, das respectivas pacientes, seguindo a classificação de SBR (Scarff, Bloom e Richardson). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF e correlacionar com grau histológico. METODOLOGIA: A positividade do bcl-2 foi analisada, por imunocitoquímica, em 118 casos consecutivos de PAAF e correlacionada com grau histológico em material cirúrgico correspondente, segundo classificação de SBR. RESULTADOS: A positividade para bcl-2 foi encontrada em 77 de 118 casos de PAAF (65,25%) e foi inversamente proporcional ao grau histológico (84,37%, p = 0,0022). CONCLUSÃO: A expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF correlaciona-se com fator de bom prognóstico. O índice de positividade encontrado, assim como a correlação inversa com grau histológico, está de acordo com dados publicados previamente. O fácil e rápido manejo do material obtido por PAAF permite a aplicação de técnicas complementares, de maneira confiável, como demonstra este estudo. A positividade do bcl-2 correlacionada com baixo grau histológico, assim como com outros fatores de bom prognóstico, pode, no futuro, proporcionar informação preditiva e prognóstica para pacientes candidatas a tratamento quimioterápico neo-adjuvante.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Canine visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic infectious disease in some regions from São Paulo state and even though it is a systemic disease, in the dog, the main clinical sign is dermatological. Thirty dogs with positive results in serology (IFI) and parasitological exams (fine needle aspiration) for leishmaniasis from Aracatuba city were evaluated. They only showed dermatological signs and were divided in two groups, one with exfoliative (n=15) and other with ulcerative (n=15) lesions. There was significant statistical difference between CD3 and CD79a population in the same dermatological pattern, and with CD79a population between exfoliative and ulcerative patterns (p<0,05).


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The authors report a rare case of bilateral Leydig cell tumor in a noncryptorchid stallion, describing the gross. and microscopic findings. An 8-year-old Appaloosa stallion was examined for a unilateral enlargement of the testis associated with discomfort during palpation and signs of colic. General health conditions were good. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the testis provided the diagnosis of bilateral Leydig cell tumor. Bilateral orchiectomy was performed and the testes were submitted to histopathologic examination that confirmed the diagnosis of Leydig cell tumor.