50 resultados para feeling of professional competence


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O presente estudo objetivou identificar as representações elaboradas por agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS) acerca de suas práticas assistenciais. Utilizamos a metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, adotando, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a entrevista semiestruturada e, para a interpretação dos dados, recorremos à Análise Temática. Foram ouvidos 12 ACS das Equipes do Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (PACS) de um município do interior paulista. O material obtido permitiu verificar como temas: o vínculo como instrumento de trabalho e a prática pautada na promoção da saúde e na prevenção das doenças. Os relatos demonstram a importância do vínculo na prática diária, enfatizam os princípios humanitários que embasam as ações de solidariedade, destacam o sentimento de gratificação quando o trabalho executado é reconhecido pelas famílias e revelam que os sujeitos ouvidos têm dificuldades para discernir o alcance de seus limites. Embora estes profissionais apresentem um bom suporte técnico para o cumprimento de suas ações, também demonstram carência na instrumentalização para o exercício profissional. Concluímos que as diretrizes e normas estabelecidas para o PACS funcionam como norteadoras do processo de assistência, mas ainda não respondem a questões mais subjetivas encontradas na assistência ao indivíduo-famíliacomunidade. Além disso, os ACS parecem estar vulneráveis às flutuações de gestão dos municípios, estados e Governo Federal, apresentam inconsistência na ideologia do desempenho do próprio papel e não conseguem inverter o modelo assistencial pautado na doença e na intervenção médica individual.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo propor bases metodológicas para o acompanhamento da progressão da competência comunicativa no aluno de Enfermagem. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa e referencial teórico de comunicação interpessoal, desenvolvemos a pesquisa entrevistando 13 professores com experiência acumulada em atividades de ensino e pesquisa de comunicação em Enfermagem. Nos dados obtidos, os entrevistados relataram que o acompanhamento da progressão da competência comunicativa do aluno ocorre: observando a evolução das habilidades comunicativas nos alunos e pacientes; viabilizando momentos de expressão de pensamentos, sentimentos e percepções; fornecendo feedback sobre o desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas; estimulando-os ao desenvolvimento das habilidades em comunicação; realizando avaliação formativa e tutorando o aluno.


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PROBLEM: What is the experience from long-term psychiatric hospitalization? How can psychiatric nursing contribute to reduce the emotional suffering and the feeling of social exclusion related to this process?METHODS: This study was conducted on four women committed to long periods of psychiatric hospitalization in Brazil. Data were collected through open interviews and drawings made by the patients, and interpreted according to the theory of social representations.FINDINGS: Reports on the patients refer to a process of social exclusion, emotional suffering, and inadequate treatment in the hospital, leading to no other option but recurrent hospitalization.CONCLUSION: Negative experiences related to long-term hospitalization could possibly be minimized through adequate assistance provided by psychiatric nursing in open services, as proposed in the recent Brazilian psychiatric reform.


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A Cachoeira de Emas, no Rio Mogi-Guaçu, é reconhecida regionalmente como um importante local para a pesca e o turismo. Os primeiros registros da pesca profissional e esportiva no local datam da década de 30, que é o mesmo período em que a atividade do turismo teve seu início. O presente artigo fornece uma valoração ambiental deste local e identifica as diferenças entre os principais grupos de pessoas que o frequentam. Durante o ano de 2006 nós entrevistamos 33 pescadores profissionais, 107 pescadores esportivos, 45 turistas e 103 excursionistas para estimar a Disposição a Pagar ( P) de cada categoria e para analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos através de regressões logísticas e ANCOVAs. A DAP dos pescadores profissionais foi significativamente influenciada pela idade e escolaridade e a DAP dos pescadores esportivos foi significativamente influenciada pela renda familiar. As variáveis que influenciaram a DAP dos turistas e excursionistas fora o sexo e a escolaridade. valor anual total agregado para manter a Cachoeira nas condições atuais foi estimado em US$ 81.080,00, e US$ 44.055.911,46 para recuperá-la.


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Este estudo objetivou verificar a compreensão das experiências dos familiares em relação ao cuidado com a saúde bucal das crianças. É estudo qualitativo, realizado em 2007, em distrito de saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, com 12 cuidadores. Utilizou-se referencial teórico da vulnerabilidade e a perspectiva hermenêutica. Três categorias empíricas foram elaboradas: os significados do cuidado com a saúde bucal, em busca das causas e da prevenção de agravos bucais e a realidade dos serviços de saúde bucal. Entre outros elementos potencializadores da vulnerabilidade infantil aos agravos bucais, emergiu a supervalorização da causalidade biológica, do atendimento de alta complexidade e da odontologia estética e, entre os protetores, a valorização do saber popular e a integração de ações e conhecimentos profissionais. Aponta-se para a revisão das estratégias de prevenção e promoção de saúde bucal, fornecendo elementos para auxiliar os serviços de saúde a reorganizarem o cuidado com a saúde bucal de crianças.


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Este estudo aborda a avaliação do exercício da prática profissional (EAPP) no curso de enfermagem da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema); tem como objetivo analisar a concepção de avaliação do professor que realizou o EAPP com estudantes de primeira a quarta séries do curso. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, modalidade análise de conteúdo e identificação da seguinte temática: as ambigüidades do processo de avaliação. Constata-se que a concepção do professor na avaliação no EAPP aproxima-se muito da abordagem de competência dialógica, que articula e integra resultados, atributos e contexto em situações distintas, com diferentes formas de realizar tarefas essenciais para a formação do enfermeiro. Contradições no processo avaliativo entre os professores, porém, estão presentes e necessitam ser constantemente trabalhadas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a respiratory disease characterized by the collapse of the extrathoracic airway and has important social implications related to accidents and cardiovascular risk. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the drop in expiratory flow and the volume expired in 0.2 s during the application of negative expiratory pressure (NEP) are associated with the presence and severity of OSA in a population of professional interstate bus drivers who travel medium and long distances.Methods/Design: An observational, analytic study will be carried out involving adult male subjects of an interstate bus company. Those who agree to participate will undergo a detailed patient history, physical examination involving determination of blood pressure, anthropometric data, circumference measurements (hips, waist and neck), tonsils and Mallampati index. Moreover, specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness will be administered. Data acquisition will be completely anonymous. Following the medical examination, the participants will perform a spirometry, NEP test and standard overnight polysomnography. The NEP test is performed through the administration of negative pressure at the mouth during expiration. This is a practical test performed while awake and requires little cooperation from the subject. In the absence of expiratory flow limitation, the increase in the pressure gradient between the alveoli and open upper airway caused by NEP results in an increase in expiratory flow.Discussion: Despite the abundance of scientific evidence, OSA is still underdiagnosed in the general population. In addition, diagnostic procedures are expensive, and predictive criteria are still unsatisfactory. Because increased upper airway collapsibility is one of the main determinants of OSA, the response to the application of NEP could be a predictor of this disorder. With the enrollment of this study protocol, the expectation is to encounter predictive NEP values for different degrees of OSA in order to contribute toward an early diagnosis of this condition and reduce its impact and complications among commercial interstate bus drivers.


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This paper aims to discuss the directions of pharmaceutical education based on the new curriculum guidelines from MEC (Ministry of Education - Brazil). In the recent past, Brazilian pharmaceutical faculties prioritized the formation of professional resources in specific modalities in detriment of pharmacist's private field: the prescription filling and delivery at the drugstore. In order to avoid repeating the same mistake it is necessary to develop new competence, allowing the graduates to develop skills to connect the scientific and technological knowledge to Brazilian social context. The new curriculum guidelines are about to finish a time when the undergraduate studies seemed to split the pharmacist into two different professionals: one for the clinical analysis and other for the pharmaceutical industry. The previous educational model, which supposedly allows for pharmaceutical care without providing a broad integral knowledge of health sciences, cannot be repeated in the new curriculum. However, teaching subjects in a superficial and segmented manner, replete of predictable and repetitive technical practices and without a skilled teaching staff, will give no improvement in pharmacists education care. It is clear that the return of the formation of specific human resources in the field won't happen in short time.


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The study was realized among oncological nurses in their daily work routine and aimed to understand these professionals' subjective action, starting from their relation with patients, adopting a phenomenological reference framework based on the ideas of Alfred Schütz. The question: what does working in oncological care mean to you? Please describe, was used to collect statements, which were analyzed and clarified the typical action of a nurse caregiver in this daily routine. The study revealed that oncological care implies dealing with humans in a fragile situation; requires a relationship of affectivity; is care delivery that entails the genesis of professional burnout. Care delivery in oncology is highly complex, requiring a professional competence that goes beyond the technical-scientific sphere. Nursing professionals need to seek strategies which enable them to face the fatigue they are submitted to in their work.


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This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.


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Purpose: To compare knowledge of medical students about the cornea donation process among those who already studied Ophthalmology and the others. Methods: A questionnaire containing data as: age, sex, graduation year, and 10 multiple-choice questions about the subject was applied to medical students from the interior of São Paulo state, Brazil. The questions were: age for donation, contraindication for transplants, the time limit to remove the cornea, among others. The knowledge regarding cornea donation was compared between the two groups: students who already studied Ophthalmology (Group A) and the others (Group B). Results: The study group was composed of 402 students, of whom 140 were of group A and 262 of group B. Knowledge between the two groups was different, but not statistically significant (p=0.8328). Conclusion: Knowledge about the cornea donation process among the interviewed seemed to be insufficient, even those who had studied Ophthalmology. Information and education about transplants in Medical Schools should be improved.


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Objectives. One of the concerns of Sports Sciences is the search for methodologies that can help discover potential athletes. In this sense, some initiatives have been taken in an attempt to identify and characterize the genetic profile of dermatoglyphic marks (fingerprints). The present work has the objective of understanding the distribution of quantitative dermatoglyphic indicators in basketball players with different levels of performance compared to non-players. Methods. The subjects observed constituted 125 individuals, divided into five numerically equal groups, three of which were composed of professional basketball players according to their level of participation (Brazilian Team, National Championship and São Paulo Championship) and the last two formed by weekend players and non-players, respectively. Eleven dermatoglyphic variables were analysed in the descriptive level by means of measurement of position, variability and limits of confidence of the median, and, in inferential terms, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was adopted. Results. The more expressive ones were: TRC, counting lines a-b and A'-d, behave differently between athletes and non-athletes. Conclusion. Studies about this kind of analysis should be continued, calling on resources that take into consideration all variables simultaneously as a multivariate study. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.