43 resultados para eggplant


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Many arthropods are mentioned with whitefly natural enemies, including the green lacewings. The aim of this study is to analyses the development and the capacity of predation of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) fed with Bemisia tabaci B biotype nymphs, rearing different vegetables (kale, broccoli, eggplant end tomato). The duration, viability end weight in each stage end phase of development of the insect-predator had been evaluated, as well as the predatory capacity of the larvae in the third instar. The larval phase of the predator presented minor duration when these had been fed with nymphs developed the broccoli (12.36 days) and minor duration of the tomato (14.36 days) phase when fed with nymphs developed in kale, broccoli, and eggplant (6.50, 7.20, 7.33 days, respectively). The lower indices of viability been found for the larvae fed with nymphs developed in the tomato (30%), and average weights have. The predatory capacity of the larvae during the third instar was not affected, independently on the plant host where the whitefly nymph fed itself.


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A ferrugem de espécies de Capsicum spp. (pimenta e pimentão), é causada pelo fungo Puccinia pampeana, pode causar perdas totais em plantios de diversas espécies de Capsicum, onde preodminam temperaturas ao redor de 21ºC. Esta ferrugem, mesmo sendo específica do gênero Capsicum, e mesmo muitas espécies dentro deste gênero sendo suscetíveis, algumas apresentam reação de hipersensibilidade. Foi o caso de Capsicum annuum (pimenta cv. Cayenne) e C. chinense (pimenta cv. Habañero), que após a formação dos espermogônios (11 dias), apresentou manchas necróticas na região periférica aos espermogônios, aos 15 dias após a inoculação, não havendo evolução da infecção. Também foi observada reação de hipersensibilidade, de forma mais moderada em folhas C. annuum (pimenta serrano) e C. baccatum (chapéu-de-frade). Com relação às outras solanáceas inoculadas (jiló e berinjela) não foram observados os sintomas e sinais da infecção.


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Spodoptera cosmioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)é uma espécie polífaga e alimenta-se de grande número de plantas cultivadas e espontâneas. No Brasil, as culturas do abacaxi, algodoeiro, arroz, berinjela, cebola, eucalipto, pimentão e tomateiro, entre outras hortaliças, são consideradas hospedeiras da praga. Entretanto, apesar da ampla gama de hospedeiros, sua ocorrência como praga é relatada relacionada a desequilíbrios provocados pelo uso excessivo de inseticidas de amplo espectro, o que vem causando a resistência da praga a inseticidas. Devido a essa complexidade, métodos alternativos de controle têm sido propostos, por exemplo, o controle biológico através da utilização de parasitóides. Trichospilus diatraeae (Hymenptera: Eulophidae) é um parasitóide gregário pupal preferencialmente de espécies da ordem Lepidoptera. Este é o primeiro relato de T. diatraeae parasitando pupas de S. cosmioides, parasitóide que oferece novas perspectivas para os programas de controle biológico.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study was carried out at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, São Paulo State University-UNESP, Botucatu Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil in order to evaluate the effect of sources and increasing doses of potassium in roots of eggplant. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 2 x 4 (two sources of potassium: KCl and K(2)SO(4) and four doses of K(2)O, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha(-1)) and three replications. For the experiment, we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, 45 g of silt and 340 g of clay per kg soil). The soil passed through sieve of 5 mm and packed in plastic pots with a capacity of 32 liters of soil where plants were grown. The pots were distributed with a spacing of 0,63 m between plants and 1,0 m between rows each pot being grown with a plant. The evaluated characteristics were: root dry mass and volume of the root. It was concluded that sources and excessive doses of mineral K(2)O induces stress in eggplants and affect the roots being less harmful K(2)SO(4) source.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Em 2005, foi constatada em dois campos comerciais de tomate no Estado de São Paulo, a ocorrência da queima bacteriana, causada por Pseudomonas cichorii. em vista disso, foram desenvolvidos estudos visando a determinação da gama de hospedeiros de isolados de Pseudomonas cichorii (IBSBF 2309 e IBSBF 2323), obtidos de tomateiro, provenientes de campos comerciais localizados nos municípios de Bragança Paulista e Mogi Guaçú, SP. Plantas de abobrinha, alface, beldroega, berinjela, beterraba, cenoura, couvebrócolo, datura, fumo, girassol, jiló, melão, pepino, petúnia, pimentão, rabanete, repolho, rúcula, salsa e tomateiro foram inoculadas por pulverização, separadamente, com os dois isolados de P. cichorii de tomateiro e um isolado de girassol (GIR-1). Os isolados IBSBF 2309 e IBSBF 2323 foram patogênicos à beldroega, datura, girassol, pimentão e tomate; GIR-1 foi patogênico apenas à beldroega, datura e girassol, não sendo patogênico ao pimentão e ao tomateiro. No Brasil não se conhecem fontes de resistência dentro do gênero Lycopersicon ou a reação de cultivares de tomateiros a esta bactéria. Vinte e oito genótipos de tomateiro provenientes do Banco de Germoplasma da empresa Sakata Seed Sudamerica Ltda., foram avaliados quanto a reação aos isolados IBSBF 2309 e IBSBF 2323 de P. cichorii, pelo método de inoculação nas folhas. Os maiores níveis de resistência foram observados em AF 11768, AF 2521, AF 11766, AF 11772, AF 229, AF 5719-1 e AF 8162. O genótipo AF 5719-1, que possui o gene Pto, que confere resistência a P. syringae pv. tomato, apresentou um bom nível de resistência a P. cichorii. A identificação de genótipos que apresentem bons níveis de resistência a este patógeno é importante para utilização em programas de melhoramento genético do tomateiro, visando a incorporação de genes de resistência a P. cichorii.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The leaf beetle Metriona elatior from Brazil-Argentina was screened in the Florida (USA) State quarantine facility as a potential biological control agent of tropical soda apple, Solanum viarum, a recently arrived weed species. Multiple-choice host-specificity tests were conducted in small cages (60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm) using 95 plant species in 29 families. Adults fed heavily on the main target weed (S. viarum), and on turkeyberry, Solanum torvum (noxious weed of Asiatic origin); fed moderately on red soda apple, Solanum capsicoides (weed of South American origin), and eggplant, Solanum melongena (economic crop); and fed lightly on aquatic soda apple, Solanum tampicense (weed of Mexican-Caribbean-Central American origin), and on silverleaf nightshade, Solanum elaeagnifolium (native weed widely distributed). M. elatior adults laid 84 to 97% of their egg masses on S. viarum, and 3 to 16% on S. melongena. Non-choice host-specificity tests were also conducted in quarantine in which M. elatior adults and neonate larvae were exposed to 17 and 19 plant species, respectively. Tests with the neonates indicate that this insect was able to complete its development on S. viarum, S. torvum, S. melongena, and S. capsicoides. Although some adult feeding and oviposition occurred on S. melongena in quarantine on potted plants in small cages, no feeding or oviposition by M. elatior was observed in field experiments conducted in Brazil. Surveys in unsprayed S. melongena fields in Argentina and Brazil indicated that M. elatior is not a pest of S. melongena in South America. The evidence obtained from the South-American field surveys, Brazil open-field experiments, and Florida quarantine host specificity tests indicate that M. elatior causes significant feeding damage to S. viarum, and does not represent a threat to S. melongena crops in the USA. Therefore an application for permission to release M. elatior against S. viarum in the USA was submitted in October 1998.


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Feeding preference of adults of Metriona elatior Klug (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) for different hybrids of Solanum melogena Linnaeus (Solanaceae). Metriona elatior Klug is a potential biocontrol agent for Solanum viarum Dunal (tropical soda apple), because larvae and adults feed on its leaves and this species shows a low dispersion rate. Specificity plays a major role in the feasibility of an organism as a biological control agent, especially in the inundative strategy. The feeding preference of M. elatior adults was evaluated to 14 eggplant (Solanum melogena Linnaeus) hybrids. Mass rearing was carried out under lab conditions, with the insect feeding directly on S. viarum leaves. The study started with dual and multiple choice tests in 24 and 48 hour feeding times, by offering leaf disks in Petri dish conditions. Survival and leaf consumption analysis were performed in newly adults in tropical soda apple and eggplant leaves kept turgid by immersing the petioles in water. The leaf area was measured before and after four days of insect exposure. M. elatior showed higher feeding preference, survival and consumption of the weed species, especially in comparison with the hybrid Ryoma. The highest feeding preference among the eggplant hybrids was observed in 'Minikuro Kowishiki'.


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Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a phytophagous insect associated with the reduction of eggplant productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium silicate and/or an organic mineral fertilizer, together or separately, in increasing the resistance of eggplants to T. palmi. The treatments were calcium silicate, organic mineral fertilizer, calcium silicate associated with this fertilizer and the control. Mortality and number of lesions caused by nymphs of this insect on eggplant leaves were evaluated after 3, 6, 9 and 12 leaf applications of these products. The calcium silicate and the organic mineral fertilizer reduced both the population of T. palmi and the damage caused by its nymphs, suggesting a possible increase in eggplant resistance to this pest as a result of the treatments.


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Solanaceous plants are widely distributed around the world and they are traditionally used as drugs for the treatment of cancer and herpes, and include familiar foods such as potato, tomato and eggplant and some berries popular in Brazil. As part of a program of research on pharmacologically active new molecules, the aim in this study was to assess the mutagenic effects of Solanum palinacanthum, known popularly as joá. The crude 95% ethanol extract and purified solamargine obtained from the fruits of S. palinacanthum Dunal were investigated by the Ames test, using the Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA97a, TA100 and TA102 as test organisms, with and without metabolic activation. The concentrations tested ranged from 0.07 to 15.0 mg/plate for the crude ethanolic extract and from 1.25 to 5.0 mg/plate for the solamargine. The results showed a mutagenic effect of both the extract and the solamargine in the TA98 strain (without metabolic activation). The present study showed the potential mutagenicity and suggests confirming this effect in other models, before recommending their indiscriminate consumption by the population.


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Most of the interspecific rootstocks (Lycopersicum esculentum × L. hirsutum) used in grafted Spanish tomato crops are resistant to Meloidogyne nematodes, but the 'Mi' resistance gene does not work well at high soil temperatures. Ralstonia solanacearum is a bacterial disease usual in tropical areas, but recently identified with low incidence in several European countries. This disease could be controlled by grafting tomato on Solanum torvum, which is also resistant to Meloidogyne. However, S. torvum and tomato have low grafting affinity, which could be improved using an intermediate rootstock. Some cultivars of eggplant have a relatively good affinity with tomato and complete affinity with S. torvum. In this study we compared two tomato cultivars (one resistant to Verticillium dalihae, Fusarium oxysporum v. lycopersici race 2 and Meloidogyne spp., and one non-resistant) grafted onto 'Beaufort' (Lycopersicum esculentum × L. hirsutum), 'Torvum Vigor' (Solanum torvum) and also with an intermediate grafting of eggplant ('Cristal') between tomato and S. torvum, with nongrafted plants as controls. This arrangement was carried out in two cropping cycles (winter-spring and summer-autumn). In both cycles, plants grafted onto S. torvum, both single or double grafted, yielded less than those grafted onto 'Beaufort' or nongrafted plants. In the spring cycle, no differences were found between single and double-grafted plants using S. torvum rootstocks, but in the autumn cycle double grafted plants had higher yields than the single grafted plants. The severity of nematode infections, in terms of reducing yields, and/or hypothetical infections of Ralstonia, will determine the utility of this technique in tomato production.


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This study was conducted at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in order to assess the dynamics of cationic nutrients in roots and leaves and effects on dry matter production of roots and shoots in eggplant grown on conditions of increasing doses of potassium from two distinct sources (KCl and K 2SO 4). The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks in factorial 2 × 4 (two sources of potassium, KCl and K 2SO 4 and four doses of each source equivalent, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha -1 K 2O) comprising eight treatments with three replicates. For the experiment we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, silt 45 g and 340 g clay per kg soil). The characteristics evaluated were: soil electrical conductivity, mass of shoot and root material, content and ratio of K +, Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ in roots and leaves of eggplant. We conclude that excessive doses of sources of K 2O affected the production of dry matter of roots and shoots, as well as electrical conductivity. The accumulation and the relationship of Ca2+/K+, Mg 2+/K + were affected by increased K + concentration; K 2SO 4 was the fertilizer that was less damaging.


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Two tomato scions (cvs. 'Raf' and 'Gorety') were grafted on three different rootstocks: S. torvum, 'Beaufort' (Lycopersicum esculentum × Lycopersicum hirsutum) and intermediate grafting of eggplant 'Cristal' between tomato and S. torvum (double graft). Plants were grown in Mediterranean greenhouse conditions. The response to grafting was measured through growth parameters, Fv/Fm and leaf macronutrients analysis, and it was compared with non-grafted plants. The scions grafted on S. torvum in simple and double graft showed lower fresh and dry weight of leaves, number of commercial fruits, plant height, Fv/Fm and decreased their capacity to absorb several nutrients resulting in a lower mineral concentration in scions leaves, as a result of a thickened graft union. On the other hand, both scions showed a good response when grafted on the rootstock 'Beaufort', with which growth parameters, yield and photosynthetic capacity were similar to non-grafted plants. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.