168 resultados para eficiência de absorção de nutrientes


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A presente pesquisa foi conduzida em condições de campo, no município de Botucatu - SP, em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo - Terra Roxa Estruturada e de clima Cf.b. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a marcha de absorção dos seguintes nutrientes: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo e Zn. Dentre os resultados obtidos constatouse que: a - a absorção de nutrientes pela parte aérea é crescente durante o primeiro ano da cultura, atingindo absorção máxima no décimo segundo mês. b - em cultura de um ano, a absorção de nutrientes pela parte aérea, por planta, obedece a seguinte ordem: N - 66,7g; K - 62,8g; Ca 24,8g; Mg - 10,3g; S - 7,3g; P - 6,3g; Fe - 229,8 mg; Mn - 149,lmg; Zn - 79,7mg B - 74,2mg; Cu - 20,0mg; Mo - 0,15mg.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição corporal e a eficiência de utilização de nutrientes por pacus alimentados com dieta suplementada com cromo trivalente e mantidos em duas densidades de estocagem. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso com 24 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial: quatro níveis de cromo na ração (0, 6, 12, 18 mg kg-1), duas densidades de estocagem (4 e 20 kg m-3) e três períodos de avaliação (30, 60 e 90 dias) com quatro repetições. Foram observados aumentos significativos na eficiência de retenção de proteína bruta e na porcentagem de proteína bruta na carcaça, diminuição de eficiência de retenção de gordura e menores valores de porcentagem de gordura na carcaça dos pacus alimentados com ração suplementada. O nível de cromo de 6 mg kg-1 foi suficiente para possibilitar, na menor densidade, o maior acúmulo de proteína e menor teor de gordura na carcaça, ao passo que, na maior densidade, a exigência de cromo foi mais alta (12 mg kg-1), para obtenção de resultados semelhantes. Pacus alimentados com dietas suplementadas com cromo apresentaram carne mais magra, com menor teor de gordura, até 60 dias de experimento.


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A greenhouse experiment was conducted in a factorial design of randomized complete blocks, with three replications, to study plantage response of soybean cultivars on efficiency: update (EAB); conversion (EC) and utilization, as well as utilization index (IU) by soybean cultivars. Four soybean cultivars (IAC 17, IAC 18, IAC 11 e FT 2) were grown in nutrient solutions with either adequate or deficient K levels (0.5 and 1.82 mmol. L-1) and harvested 20, 40 and 60 days after plant emergence (DAPE). The plants were separated in top, median and lower leaves, stems and roots, dried, ground and analyzed for K contents. Regardless of cultivar, in deficient plants K was translocated from the other organs to median leaves, in order to maintain its K contents. This behavior was particularly evident in 'IAC 11' and 'IAC 18'. Well nourished plants showed higher EAB than deficient plants. 'IAC 17' and 'IAC 18' showed higher EAB at either adequate or deficient K. levels. 'FT 2' showed highest EUK in deficient solutions at 40 DAPE (immediately before flowering), and the lowest EUK at 60 DAPE. The utilization index was helpful in determining cultivar plasticity to adapt to K deficiency. The highest plasticity was observed for 'FT 2' at 40 DAPE and for 'IAC 18' at 60 DAPE. K-deficient plants were more efficient in EC, yielding more dry matter for K uptake unit.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effects on soil chemical properties brought about by cover crops vary considerably. This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient uptake by five cover crops used for grain, seed and forage production at different seed densities per hectare, as well as uptake by spontaneous vegetation, and their effect on the chemical properties of two Oxisols when grown in rotation with soybean and corn. The experiments were set up in Votuporanga, SP, Brazil and Selvíria, MS, Brazil in March 2008 after conventional soil tillage. A randomized complete block experimental design was used with four replications with the following cover crops at different seed densities: Sorghum bicolor at 6, 7 and 8 kg ha-1; Pennisetum americanum at 10, 15 and 20 kg ha-1; Sorghum sudanense at 12, 15 and 18 kg ha-1; hybrid of Sorghum bicolor with Sorghum sudanense at 8, 9 and 10 kg ha-1; and Urochloa ruziziensis at 8, 12 and 16 kg ha-1. We also used a spontaneous vegetation control. After management of the cover crops, in the first year of study, soybean was sown in no-tillage system and, in the second year, corn was sown, also in a no-tillage system. We evaluated the dry matter yield of different cover crops, nutrient uptake by the cover crops, and the chemical changes in the soil. It was found that in clayey soils with high aluminum content, as in Selvíria, sudan grass at a seed density of 18 kg ha-1, and sorghum at a seed density of 6 kg ha-1, in combination with liming, contributed to reduction of aluminum content and high potential acidity and an increase in base saturation. The different seed densities of each cover crop did not affect the dry matter yield of the cover crop itself, but affected nitrogen uptake of the hybrid Sorghum bicolor with Sorghum sudanense at a seed density of 10 kg ha-1, with lower uptake than at a seed density of 8 kg ha-1. Seed density also affected the organic matter content in the soil with sudan grass, with the seed density of 15 kg ha-1 providing more organic matter content than a seed density of 18 kg ha-1.


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The analysis of the uptake of nutrients is important for understanding the nutritional requirements of a cultivar during its development and identifies periods of increased demand, which allows scheduling fertigation. Nevertheless, the information is limited for gerbera. Thus, the present study was conducted to determine the uptake of potted gerbera cultivars Cherry and Red conducted in substrate in a crop cycle in the period August-October 2008. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a randomized block split plot with four replications. The plots were composed by cultivars and subplots by dates of collection. During the development of the plants, the content and accumulation of macro and micronutrients was assessed in plant tissue of the shoots. The macronutrients were accumulated in the following order: K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S (524, 334, 119, 47, 42, 21 mg plant-1). The micronutrients were accumulated in the following order: Fe>Mn>B>Zn>Cu (7897, 1505, 801, 384,63 µg plant-1). The reproductive was the period of greatest uptake of nutrients, except for Fe.


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In Brazil, phosphorus availability is one factor that that more limit yield of upland rice under rainfed system. Then, better understanding of cultivars development at phosphorus soil fertilization is very important in the production systems making this more sustainable. The objective was to evaluate the influence of phosphorus doses applied to the soil over the root length, root and shoot dry matter, concentration and content of macronutrient and zinc in shoot and root as well as the efficiency of nutrient uptake per meter root of upland cultivars of intermediate and modern groups. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse conditions in a completely randomized design in factorial scheme 4 x 4. Treatments were four levels of P fertilization applied at the soil (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm(-3) of P) and four upland rice cultivars (Maravilha - modern group, IAC-201, IAC-202 and Carajas - intermediate group). There is increase in phosphorus availability in the soil with increasing levels of P fertilization. Under low phosphorus availability, cultivars of the intermediate group have better shoots and root system development in relation to the modern cultivar group. Level of phosphorus affected nutrients contents in shoots and root system of upland rice cultivars. The increasing phosphorus fertilization increased uptake of nutrients per meter of root; and although under higher phosphorus availability there was a greater root growth, in low phosphorus availability root growth was greater at the expense of shoot growth.


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The production systems on substrates have been employed in most commercial cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants, including gerbera. However, its introduction as potted flower is recent in Brazil and many studies, especially those related to the determination of substrates physical and chemical properties, which contribute to production quality are still needed. The present study aimed to assess the influence of substrates characteristics for nutrient absorption and production of potted gerbera. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse with the experimental design in randomized blocks, factorial arrangement 5x2 (5 substrates and 2 cultivars) and 4 replications. Treatments consisted of substrates with different physical and chemical characteristics and gerbera cultivars (Cherry and Red). Plants grown on substrate with pH above 7.0 had a reduction in iron absorption, resulting in lower intensity of green coloration in the leaves. Plants grown on substrate with pH below 5.0 showed toxic levels of manganese and lower dry mass. The characteristics of the substrate, especially the pH, influence the nutrients absorption and the production of potted gerbera, altering the final plant quality.


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A eficiência na absorção de nutrientes pelos frutos pode sofrer interferências em função da estrutura morfológica presente. Assim, frente à importância do conhecimento da morfologia dos frutos para um manejo mais adequado dos pomares em termos de adubação foliar, ou de tratamentos pós-colheita para ampliar a vida útil dos mesmos, desenvolveu-se o presente estudo, cujo objetivo foi descrever a morfologia do pericarpo dos frutos de goiabeira. Para isto, amostras do pericarpo de goiabas (cv. Paluma) foram observadas ao microscópio ótico e eletrônico de varredura. Algumas das características observadas, como a presença de cutícula espessa, cêra epicuticular, três camadas subepidérmicas de células compactas e grande quantidade de esclereídeos, bem como a presença esporádica e dispersa de estômatos, podem constituir-se em barreiras para a absorção e movimentação de nutrientes e substâncias aplicadas aos frutos de goiabeira.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV