81 resultados para e-mail


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A Pesquisa Narrativa de Clandinin & Connelly (2000) compreende a experiência humana como histórias vividas e contadas. Nesta abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, os participantes contam histórias e os pesquisadores as recontam e as reconstroem por meio de narrativas acerca das experiências. Tendo este arcabouço metodológico como orientador de nossos procedimentos de pesquisa, neste artigo investigamos nossa experiência compartilhada de aprendizagem in-tandem do português e do italiano - no caso, uma experiência de oito meses por meio de um tandem face-a-face. Neste período, vivenciamos e coletamos dados acerca de nosso processo de aprender a língua um do outro: anotações de campo, mensagens reflexivas de e-mail trocadas durante o período e o conteúdo anotado durante as aulas. Ao reviver nossas histórias vividas durante aquele período, por meio da narrativa aqui apresentada, ressaltamos os elementos de identidade no nosso tandem que acreditamos estarem relacionados à aprendizagem. Também individuamos os elementos desencadeadores de identidade específicos deste contexto de aprendizagem.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos que estão sendo adotadas no setor eletroeletrônico brasileiro e verificar se as prioridades competitivas da produção das empresas desse setor se relacionam com a adoção de tais práticas. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa empírica, de cunho quantitativo, a partir da realização de uma pesquisa survey por e-mail com gerentes de empresas do setor eletroeletrônico da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica. Técnicas estatísticas descritivas e multivariadas de segunda geração (modelagem de equações estruturais) foram empregadas para analisar os dados obtidos. Como principais resultados deste artigo destacam-se: a) as práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos que estão sendo mais implantadas são voltadas à integração e apoio das atividades de desenvolvimento de produtos com os clientes; e b) não foram verificadas relações significativas entre as prioridades competitivas das empresas estudadas e a adoção de práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos.


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Buscou-se junto a um grupo de risco para o câncer de pele seu o perfil demográfico e analisou-se o uso de medidas preventivas utilizadas pelos mesmos e pela empresa. Estudo quantitativo com 33 carteiros da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos em Botucatu, Brasil. Dados obtidos por meio de um formulário que investigava perfil demográfico, tempo de trabalho na empresa, horário de exposição ao sol, história de queimaduras solares, história de câncer na família e formas de prevenção do câncer de pele utilizadas. Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se estatística descritiva segundo Teste Exato de Fisher ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que a faixa etária predominante foi de 26 a 30 e de 31 a 35 anos, correspondendo a 42,42% da amostra, a cor da pele foi à branca com 93,94% e 81,82% trabalham há mais de cinco anos na empresa. O hábito de usar filtro solar foi encontrado em 63,63% dos entrevistados, sendo a não aderência a este justificada em 75% por falta de costume. em relação aos equipamentos protetores do sol a empresa fornece para 100% deles. Os achados permitem a caracterização da população estudada, identificada como de risco para o câncer de pele, propiciando a profilaxia através de ações em saúde, visando à sensibilização dos mesmos para com as medidas preventivas que podem ser adotadas.


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Rangel P. & Marin J.M. 2009. Analysis of Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitic milk. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(5): 363-368. Departamento de Morfologia, Estomatologia e Fisiologia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida do Cafe s/n, Campus USP, Ribeirao Preto, SP 14040-904, Brazil. E-mail: jmmarin@forp.usp.brMastitis has been recognized for some time as the most costly disease in dairy herds. From February to November 2004, 670 samples of bovine mastitic milk from which 231 Escherichia coli strains were isolated, were collected from two Brazilian states. The strains were screened for the presence of Shiga toxin-producing (stx 1 and stx 2) and intimin (eae) genes. Twenty (8.6%) strains were detected by PCR to harbor the Shiga toxin genes (8 the stx 1 gene, 12 the stx 2 gene and none both of them). Two (0.8%) of the Escherichia coli strains studied were eae positive non Shiga toxin-producing. The strains were also examined for resistance to 12 antimicrobial agents. The predominantly observed resistance was to tetracycline (92.2%), streptomycin (90.4%), nalidixic acid (88.3%), amikacin (86.5%) and cephalothin (84.8%). Multidrug resistance was found among 152 isolates (65.8%).


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Spams and Phishing Scams are some of the abuse forms on the Internet that have grown up now. These abuses influence in user's routine of electronic mail and in the infrastructure of Internet communication. So, this paper proposes a new model messages filter based in Euclidian distance, beyond show the containment's methodologies currently more used. A new model messages filter, based in frequency's distribution of character present in your content and in signature generation is described. An architecture to combat Phishing Scam and spam is proposed in order to contribute to the containment of attempted fraud by mail.


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Renata G. Vieira R.G. & Acqua Coutinho S.D. 2009. Phenotypical characterization of Candida spp. isolated from crop of parrots (Amazona spp.). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(6):452-456. Curso de Pos-Graduagdo em Imunopatologia Veterinaria, Universidade Paulista, Rua Agariba 48, São Paulo, SP 05053010, Brazil. E-mail: selene@uol.com.brThe purpose of this study was to characterize Candida isolates from crop of parrots. Forty baby parrots of genus Amazona, species aestiva and amazonica that were apprehended from wild animal traffic were used: 18 presented ingluvitis and 22 other alterations, but showing general debilitation. Samples were seeded on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol after be obtained by the introduction of urethral probe through the esophagus. Based on morphology and biochemical reactions (API 20C) Candida was confirmed; it was still searched the production of proteinase and phospholipase, virulence factors for Candida species. Candida spp. were isolated from 57.5% parrots, being 72.2% from birds with ingluvitis and 45.5% from without ones. Twenty-five strains of Candida were isolated, 60% and 40%, respectively from parrots with and without ingluvitis, and were speciated: 28% C. humicola, 24% C. parapsilosis, 20% C. guilliermondii, 20% C. famata, and 8% C. albicans. These results demonstrate that C. albicans is not the most frequent species isolated, and it is the first report that shows C. guilliermondii, C. famata, and C. humicola causing infection in parrots. Many isolates presented filamentation (76%), 100% produced proteinase and 68% phospholipase. The observation of Candida spp. producing virulence factors reinforce the pathogenic role of these yeasts in the cases studied.


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Os caprinos têm um sistema de termorregulação que visa manter a temperatura corporal constante dentro de certos limites, independente da temperatura ambiente. Quando esses limites são estabelecidos, eles são usados em diversos mecanismos fisiológicos para manter a temperatura corporal (TC) dentro dos limites normais. Assim, a produção animal pode diminuir devido ao estresse térmico causado por temperaturas elevadas, especialmente em áreas semi-áridas como o Nordeste do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento fisiológico de diferentes grupos genéticos de caprinos nativos de acordo com a resposta fisiológica das varáveis temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (FR), batimentos cardíacos (BC) e movimentos ruminais (MR), e estabelecer os parâmetros fisiológicos para estas raças sob as condições do semiárido do Nordeste do Brasil. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 30 animais, sendo cinco machos e dez fêmeas da raça Canindé e cinco machos e dez fêmeas da raça Moxotó, dos quais foram aferidos as variáveis BC, FR e TR nos meses de abril e setembro/2007 e 2008. Observou-se influência significativa (P<0,05) do período do ano no BC, na FR e na TR na raça Canindé, sendo observados valores mais elevados de BC e TR no período chuvoso. Na raça Moxotó observou-se uma diferença significativa (P<0,05) quanto ao BC e TR entre os períodos estudados, sendo observadas na estação seca maiores valores para estas variáveis. Também se observou nesta raça, uma correlação negativa (47%) entre a temperatura ambiente (TA) e TR no período seco, enquanto que no período chuvoso, essa correlação foi positiva (28%). A correlação entre TA e BC foi negativa (21%) no período chuvoso e, positiva (25%) no período seco. Na raça Canindé observou-se correlação negativa (39%) entre TA e movimento ruminal (MR) na época chuvosa, enquanto que no período seco, essa correlação foi positiva (33%). Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados neste estudo encontram-se dentro da normalidade para a espécie caprina no semi-árido nordestino e a raça Moxotó apresentou comportamento condizente com uma maior tolerância ao clima da região e um maior grau de adaptabilidade.


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Barreto R.S.N., Miglino M.A., Meirelles F.V., Visintin J.A., Silva S.M., Burioli K.C., Fonseca R., Bertan C., Assis Neto A.C. & Pereira F.T.V. 2009. [Characterization of the caruncular fusion in gestations of natural and cloned bovine conceptuses.] Caracterizacao da fusao caruncular ern gestacoes naturais e de conceptos bovinos clonados. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(10):779-787. Laboratorio de Morfofisiologia da Placenta e Embriao, Faculdade de Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP294 Km 651, Dracena, SP 17900-000, Brazil. E-mail: fverechia@dracena.unesp.brThe objective of the study was to compare the characteristics of the caruncular fusion in gestations of non-cloned and cloned conceptuses. The non-cloned conceptuses were divided according to the gestation period: Group 1 (2 to 3 months; n=9),II (4 to 6; n=9); III (7 to 8; n=10) and IV (9 n=7). The cloned conceptuses formed the Group V: 9 months; n=4. The caruncles were observed macroscopically (number and dimensions: length, width and height), microscopically and submitted to statistical analysis (5% of significance). We observed three types of macroscopic caruncular fusions: oval (morphologically normal); two united adjacent caruncles and the lobulated type, characterized by regions with several united caruncles presenting a false fusion or deformation of the caruncular parenchyma. The length of the caruncles was 1.55 +/- 0.57; 2.45 +/- 0.55; 4.66 +/- 2.0 and 5.72 +/- 1.90cm for the groups 1, 11, 111, IV respectively. As for the height, the caruncles presented a lineal growth during the gestation: 0.40 +/- 0.15; 0.57 +/- 0.21; 1.0 +/- 0.48 and 1.80 +/- 0.91cm, for the respective groups 1, 11, 111 and IV. The width of the caruncles was similar between the groups I and 11 (0.97 +/- 0.30 e 1.42 +/- 0.71 cm) and the groups III and IV (2.68 +/- 1.22 and 3.52 +/- 1.16cm). When the group V was compared to the IV, the caruncles of the group V presented a larger length (5.72 +/- 1.90 vs. 7.88 +/-.13cm) and width (3.52 +/- 1.16 vs. 4.93 +/- 1.46cm), however they were similar in height (1.80 +/- 0.91 and 2.25 +/- 0.67cm). We verified that in gestations of cloned conceptuses the caruncles presented a larger development than in gestations of non-cloned conceptuses. The fusioned caruncles presented measurements statistically similar to the isolated ones in all the parameters and groups. Under light microscopy, we observed the formation of a stromal axis from the basis of the caruncle to the apex of the fusional fissure, with the histological constitution similar to the endometrial stroma. Three microscopic shapes were also unpublished defined: true fusion with a single axis evident below the fusional fissure; pseudofusion with a double axis in H shape and false fusion with absence of the axis. The first two formats were associated to the oval and lobulated caruncles and the last one to the false fusion with deformation of the caruncle parenchyma. The fusional axis increased in size along the gestation among the groups I, II, III and IV. The group V presented a larger length and width of the axis when compared to the group IV. Thus, in gestations of cloned conceptuses a destruction of the lateral epithelium of the caruncles is associated to an incompetence in the maternal-fetal interdigitation, that compromises the cotyledonary fusion. We suggest that, in gestations derived of cloned conceptuses, the increase of the size of the caruncular fusions is possibly associated to a compensatory mechanism for the metabolic exchanges between mother and fetus, in reason of the smallest number of isolated caruncles.


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Objective. To identify preliminary core sets of outcome variables for disease activity and damage assessment in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Methods. Two questionnaire surveys were mailed to 267 physicians from 46 different countries asking each member to select and rank the response variables used when assessing clinical response in patients with JSLE or JDM. Next, 40 paediatric rheumatologists from 34 countries met and, using the nominal group technique, selected the domains to be included in the disease activity and damage core sets for JSLE and JDM. Results. A total of 41 response variables for JSLE and 37 response variables for JDM were selected and ranked through the questionnaire surveys. In the consensus conference, domains selected for both JSLE and JDM activity or damage core sets included the physician and parent/patient subjective assessments and a global score tool. Domains specific for JSLE activity were the immunological tests and the kidney function parameters. Concerning JDM, functional ability and muscle strength assessments were indicated for both activity and damage core sets, whereas serum muscle enzymes were included only in the activity core set. A specific paediatric domain called 'growth and development' was introduced in the disease damage core set for both diseases and the evaluation of health-related quality of life was advised in order to capture the influence of the disease on the patient lifestyle. Conclusions. We developed preliminary core sets of measures for disease activity and damage assessment in JSLE and JDM. The prospective validation of the core sets is in progress.


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Introduction. Bioethics is present in Dentistry and other health areas, as scientific research that results on profession progress, as in proper clinical attendance. The study consists on valuation of teaching-learning methods of Bioethical on Brazilian Dental Schools. Materials and methods. Data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was realized descriptive analysis of quantitative answers, and for qualitative answers, it was used content analysis, by categorical analysis technique in according to Bardin. Results. Among 182 Dental Schools actives in Brazil, only 57 (31.3%) showed bioethical discipline in its curricular grid. It was observed the discipline is teaching on theoretical form (77.8%). Principal forms of evaluation are: writing prove (100%) and seminaries (75%). Just 6.4% of professors use bibliographic references about bioethical faced to Odontology specifically. The majority of interviewed person (74.2%) considered that bioethics is related on the direct and indirect form with all others disciplines. In relation to importance of Bioethical on dental surgeon formation, 64.7% emphasized it in professional-patient relation. Conclusion. The Bioethics show teaching and practice method of conserver evaluation, and so, it's necessary others methods directed to reflection of actual problems in odontology area that contribute significantly on integral formation of dental surgeon. © Viguera Editores SL 2009.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem where, given an undirected graph, the objective is to find a minimum cost set of tours servicing a subset of required edges under vehicle capacity constraints. There are numerous applications for the CARP, such as street sweeping, garbage collection, mail delivery, school bus routing, and meter reading. A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) with Path-Relinking (PR) is proposed and compared with other successful CARP metaheuristics. Some features of this GRASP with PR are (i) reactive parameter tuning, where the parameter value is stochastically selected biased in favor of those values which historically produced the best solutions in average; (ii) a statistical filter, which discard initial solutions if they are unlikely to improve the incumbent best solution; (iii) infeasible local search, where high-quality solutions, though infeasible, are used to explore the feasible/infeasible boundaries of the solution space; (iv) evolutionary PR, a recent trend where the pool of elite solutions is progressively improved by successive relinking of pairs of elite solutions. Computational tests were conducted using a set of 81 instances, and results reveal that the GRASP is very competitive, achieving the best overall deviation from lower bounds and the highest number of best solutions found. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the current level of adoption of Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices in the electro-electronic sector in Brazil and aims to identify the management and Information Technology (IT) actions that have been implemented to support the adoption of those practices. An e-mail survey was conducted. Descriptive statistics techniques were employed for data analysis. This study makes contributions to the electro-electronics sector and to the topics related to SCM, such as identifi cation and level of adoption of SCM practices. Another contribution of this research is the investigation of whether approaches such as Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Workshop with Customers, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Workshop with Suppliers and electronic Kanban are commonly used to support SCM practices. So far, this is the fi rst research on SCM practices in the electro-electronics sector in Brazil. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Background : Deep venous thrombosis (DVP) is a frequent disease. Prophylaxis is the best means to reduce its incidence, for lowering morbidity and mortality rates and treatment costs caused by its complications. Objective : To evaluate the knowledge and use of any kind of DVT prophylaxis by Brazilian Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. Materials and Methods : A questionnaire was sent to all Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons associated to the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons that have a valid e-mail address. The data retrieved was evaluated and tabulated. Results : Of the 1100 questionnaires sent, only 4% were retrieved. The 42 retrieved were included in the study. Twenty six of the surgeons do not use any kind of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis, 11 use mechanical means as elastic compressive stockings or pneumatic compressive devices for prophylaxis, and 5 uses low-molecular weight heparins (LMWH) as the choice for prophylaxis. Conclusion : The data collected, despite the low rate of participation (4%) by the surgeons, shows that this subject still does not receive proper attention. Whereas other medical specialties make routine use of prophylactic means maybe the maxillofacial surgeons lack concern on that matter.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the opinions of the Brazilian population about incentives for oocyte donation. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive approach was used to consult the Brazilian public. The data collection involved the use of a structured questionnaire about legal and ethical issues surrounding oocyte donation. Individuals were randomly selected from the general population using different e-mail lists. Potential participants were contacted by e-mail and invited to participate in the study by completing an online web survey. Results: A total of 1,565 people completed the survey, including 1,284 women(82%) and 281 men(18%). Among the respondents, 1,309(83.6%) were university graduates, 1,033(66%) had a personal income ≥1,250 US dollars/month, 1,346(86%) considered themselves to be religious and 518 (33.1%) were health professionals. While many participants believed that women may donate their oocytes for altruistic reasons, the majority believed that a lack of oocyte donations is due to the prohibition of payments(64.3%) and that incentives would facilitate the decision to donate oocytes(84.7%). The majority of the participants(65.3%) agreed that a financial incentive(i.e., paying the donor) would be the most practical solution for increasing the number of oocyte donations. These results tended to be independent of gender, age, income, religion, education level and profession. Conclusion: While the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine prohibits payments for oocyte donation, the majority of study participants had no objection to compensating oocyte donors. Moreover, most of the participants agreed that a financial incentive is the most practical solution to increasing the number of oocyte donations.