382 resultados para deslocamento compulsório


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a associação da prática de caminhada no domínio lazer e no domínio deslocamento com a percepção do ambiente em adultos residentes no município de Rio Claro - SP. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base domiciliar com amostra composta por 470 adultos (45,7±17,8 anos). Os sujeitos responderam o Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas (versão longa) e uma versão adaptada da Escala de Mobilidade Ativa no Ambiente Comunitário, que foi utilizada para investigar a percepção do ambiente construído e social. Para análise dos dados foi realizada uma regressão logística, sendo considerado como desfecho, caminhar ≥10minutos/semana no domínio lazer e no deslocamento. A prevalência de sujeitos que realizavam caminhada no lazer foi de 20,6% e 58,9% para a caminhada no deslocamento. A prevalência de caminhada no deslocamento entre as mulheres foi maior quando comparado com os homens (66,3% e 50,0%, respectivamente) e menor no domínio lazer (19,8% e 21,7%, respectivamente). A caminhada como forma de deslocamento foi associada com sexo feminino, classe econômica mais baixas (C, D e E) e percepção da disponibilidade da presença de faixa de pedestre. Para a caminhada no domínio lazer as variáveis pessoais e do ambiente que se associaram foram: idade (60 anos ou mais), classe econômica (B2, C, D e E), convite de amigos e/ou vizinhos para a prática. Os resultados apresentados demonstram que há uma associação entre a percepção do ambiente e a prática de caminhada no lazer e no deslocamento.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The interspecific competition tends to favor the selection of divergent phenotypes minimizing the effect of this interaction. This process is termed character displacement and it is considered one of the main mechanisms promoting adaptive diversification. Brazil has the greatest diversity of amphibians on the planet and despite this great diversity; the role of character displacement in the process of Brazilian amphibian fauna diversification has not been studied. In the present study we tested the hypothesis of character displacement in four congeneric species pairs of frogs from the family Hylidae, occurring in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. We find evidence of character displacement for two pairs and parallel evolution for the remaining. Interestingly, the trend of character displacement was in species whose range covers less stable habitats. Since this is a pioneering study with neotropical hylid, we discussed issues considered relevant to elucidate mechanisms related to the maintenance of diversity


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The dairy business is in constant development, in order to achieve better results and higher profits to the producer, and this search for improvement has led to the selection of a herd more productive. But this has caused some problems heightened, among them the displacement of the abomasum, a disease that affects much of the high producing dairy herd. The main reasons are apparently related to the feeding management, with the abrupt changes that the animal suffers in the post partum period, with diseases that would cause abomasal atony favoring its displacement, among others. When affected, the animals lose their appetite and in milk production, and may even, in severe cases, death to come. Treatments described in literature are varied and there are conservative and chirurgical methods. The choice of a particular technique depends on the financial condition of the producer, the economic value of the cow and from personal experience and technique of the veterinarian. Understanding the clinical implications of displaced abomasum is necessary not only for its animal identification in the field and its appropriate treatment but also for finding the errors and inadequacies in the management system of production that trigger this disease


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The genetic selection and the nutritional management to improve milk production make the dairy cattle more susceptible to the development of diseases, such as the abomasal displacement. It is the most frequently detected abomasal problem and it is the main cause of abdominal surgeries in dairy cattle. It is a multifactorial disease that occurs mainly in dairy cattle of high production during the puerperium. The abomasal displacement can occur to the right (DAD) or to the left (DAE), being the former more frequent than the latter. It is related to feeding management and occurs in animals that also have other diseases such as hypocalcaemia, ketosis and retained placenta. The disease causes economical losses in dairy cattle because of the costs with treatment, reduction of production, increase of the interval between the parturition, loss of body weight, early discard of the matrix and mortality. The most usual clinical signs are apathy, dehydration, low to serious ruminal timpanismo (gas accumulation in the abomasum) with reduction or lack of motility, liquid splash sound during the ballottement of the right flank, metallic sound to percussion, presence of a structure similar to distended viscera in the thorax or in the paralombar cavity on the side corresponding to the displacement, and liquefied, dark, scarce and fetid feces. The treatment is surgical, and the most used technique is the omentopexy on the left flank. The hidroelectrolytic correction must be performed and the concomitant diseases must be treated. The prophylaxis consists of adequate nutrition and pre-parturition management, besides reduction of stress and other diseases of the puerperium


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A pecuária leiteira vem sofrendo ao longo dos últimos anos, constantes mudanças com o intuito de maximizar a produção. A contínua seleção para uma maior produção de leite em conjunto com o aumento da capacidade digestiva e profundidade corporal aumentou a susceptibilidade de ocorrência de várias enfermidades abomasais, como o deslocamento do abomaso. O deslocamento de abomaso é uma doença economicamente importante na bovinocultura leiteira e é definido como uma síndrome multifatorial onde há basicamente duas possibilidades de deslocamento, na primeira, a víscera pode deslocar-se à esquerda, causando o deslocamento do abomaso à esquerda e a segunda possibilidade, o órgão pode mover-se totalmente para o lado direito, provocando o deslocamento do abomaso à direita, sendo que o primeiro ocorre mais frequentemente. O período de maior ocorrência do deslocamento do abomaso à esquerda, se insere imediatamente ou até seis semanas após o parto. Assim, objetivou-se com essa revisão sistemática, elucidar as principais causas e fatores de risco, os variados sinais clínicos e os diversos métodos diagnósticos dessa enfermidade. Conclui-se que, é de extrema importância conhecer desde a causa, até o diagnóstico do deslocamento do abomaso à esquerda, para que auxilie os médicos veterinários a identificarem o problema na propriedade, direcioná-lo a um tratamento adequado e tomar medidas preventivas, eliminando os fatores de risco e consequentemente diminuindo a incidência do problema.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Temporomandibular joint disorders causing limitation of mouth opening and pain may be related to the restriction of slipping or forward displacement of the mandibular condyle. Temporomandibluar arthrocentesis is the lavage of the joint and is regarded as a simple method that produces good results in patients with these symptoms. This article reports a case of disc displacement and closed lock in a patient who reported limited mouth opening and pain as the main symptoms. The treatment proposed was arthrocentesis and lavage, combining a corticosteroid with a sodium hyaluronate solution. It is concluded that arthrocentesis is a simple, efficient and barely invasive method for particular types of temporomandibular joint disorders and should be considered before opting for more invasive surgical procedures.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The residual alveolar ridges may be unfavorable for implant placement. The edentulous maxilla is often challenging for the oral surgeon because of the lack of bone as a consequence of alveolar ridge resorption and/or maxillary sinus pneumatization. Accidents or complications may occur when some of these issues are not being known. This article reports one case of implant displaced into the maxillary sinus, 27 days after sinus bone augmentation with simultaneous dental implant installation, causing moderated sinusitis symptoms. The implant was removed through oral cavity access to maxillary sinus.


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The current paper had as its objective to analyze the precision planter's operational performance according to five different displacement velocities and two types of jumpers for planting no-tillage corn. The utilized experimental delineation consisted of blocks at random with parcels subdivided in factorial scheme 2x5, two types of jumpers (4 and 5 staples) and five different displacement velocities (3.0; 4.5; 5.0; 7.0 e 9.0 km h-1) with four repetitions and by applying the average comparation test, as for the jumpers effects as for the displacement velocities effects, to the significance level of 5%. It was evaluated the data concerned to the longitudinal distribution of plants, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, initial and final stand of plants, survival indices, mechanical harm on seeds, germination tests and grain production. It was also observed the planter displacement velocity effect of on variables as: longitudinal distribution of plants, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, initial and final stand of plants, mechanical harm and yield. The survival indice of plants were high for all the studied velocities and jumpers. Among the studied velocities, the one of 5.0 km h-1 presented the highest yield to both types of jumpers.