74 resultados para daytime sleepiness


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To determine whether glucose tolerance varies throughout the day in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). We studied 15 healthy IGT, and 18 matched normal glucose tolerant (NGT) individuals. Blood samples were taken every 30-120 min during a 24 h period in which all individuals had three mixed meals and nocturnal sleep. We measured glucose, free fatty acids, specific insulin, intact proinsulin, cortisol and growth hormone. Variable responses were considered as concentrations and areas under the curves. Comparison between the groups was by Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney, and analysis of variance. Higher total glucose response, inappropriate normal total insulin response, and unproportionally increased proinsulin total response were observed in the IGT group. Lower glucose tolerance occurred in IGT after dinner, as in the NGT, and after breakfast associated with increased insulin response after breakfast, and similar proinsulin response after all three meals. IGT had higher glucose response than NGT after breakfast and lunch, similar insulin responses, and increased proinsulin-insulin ratio after all three meals. Data from this study demonstrate that IGT individuals present lower glucose tolerance in the evening, as those with NGT, and in the morning, as reported in patients with type 2 diabetes. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate performance and daytime ingestive behavior of 84 Nellore young bulls in the post-weaning phase kept on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures during the dry season. Treatments were protein mineral supplementation (1 g/kg body weight) and protein+energy mineral supplementation (3 g/kg body weight). The experimental area comprised 12 paddocks in a total area of 27.36 ha, divided in two blocks of six paddocks each, having three replications per treatment in each block, with 42 animals/treatment. The data were subjected to variance analysis with repeated measures over time via procedure PROCMIXED of SAS (Statistical Analysis System, version 9.0) and means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The initial average weight of animals was 204.8 kg; final weights were 260.9 and 276.9 kg for animals that received protein and protein+energy supplement, respectively. The forage availability, sward height and stocking rate values did not differ with supplementation, but they showed difference between the experimental periods. The average time spent grazing during daylight of animals fed protein+energy supplement was shorter as compared with those which consumed protein supplement. Animals kept under the same pasture conditions during the dry season show better performance when they receive protein+energy supplement than protein supplement.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to describe the behavior of Cebus nigritus kept in captivity. The work, carried out during the month of March 2008 at "Dr. Belrio Guimaraes Brandao" County Zoo in GarYa- SP and Monte Alegre Farm Ecological Park in Telemaco Borba- PR, included 48 hours of observations, divided equally in four daytime periods. The behavioral catalogue used was constituted of different categories such as: foraging, feeding, locomotion, rest, social interaction, physical care, alertness, manipulation of things, reproductive behavior and stereotyped behavior. Animals showed activities of foraging, feeding, and locomotion and social interaction in low percentages in the two morning periods; however, their frequencies increased in the afternoon. Other activities like physical care, alertness and stereotyped behavior appeared mainly in the two morning periods, but were reduced in the afternoon. The rest category was more evident early morning and late afternoon. Since the stereotypical behavior presented high percentages, this study recommends that the number of individuals be diversiied in the social organization of the groups and that environment enriching activities be developed in captivity, creating situations similar to the animal's natural habitat.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The literature widely recognizes that shift workers have more health complaints than the general population. The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of sleep complaints and verify the polysomnographic (PSG) variables of shift workers in two Brazilian nuclear power plants. We carried out a subjective evaluation with a sleep questionnaire. Based on these results, the interviewees that reported sleep-related complaints were referred for polysomnographic evaluation. of the 327 volunteers initially evaluated by the sleep questionnaire, 113 (35%) reported sleep complaints; they were significantly older, had higher body mass index (BMI), and worked more years on shifts than those without sleep complaints. of these 113, 90 met criteria for various sleep disorders: 30 (9%) showed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 18 (5.5%) showed limb movement, and 42 (13%) evidenced both sleep problems and had a significantly higher proportion of sleep stage 1 and arousals compared with the 23 shift workers that had no indices of sleep problems. The present study found that 90 (27.5%) of the evaluated participants met the PSG criteria of some type of clinical sleep disorder. This high proportion should be investigated for associations with other aspects of work, such as working hours, working schedule, years performing shift work, and access to health services. Due to the strong association between sleep disorders and the incidence of fatigue and sleepiness, the evaluation of the sleep patterns and complaints of shift workers is essential and should be considered to be one of the basic strategies of industry to prevent accidents.


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Water vapor is an atmospheric component of major interest in atmospheric science because it affects the energy budget and plays a key role in several atmospheric processes. The Amazonian region is one of the most humid on the planet, and land use change is able to affect the hydrologic cycle in several areas and consequently to generate severe modifications in the global climate. Within this context, accessing the error associated with atmospheric humidity measurement and the validation of the integrated water vapor (IWV) quantification from different techniques is very important in this region. Using data collected during the Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in Amazonia during the Dry-to-Wet Transition Season (RACCI/DRY-TO-WET), an experiment carried out in southwestern Amazonia in 2002, this paper presents quality analysis of IWV measurements from RS80 radiosondes, a suite of GPS receivers, an Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) solar radiometer, and humidity sounding from the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB) aboard the Aqua satellite. When compared to RS80 IWV values, the root-mean-square (RMS) from the AERONET and GPS results are of the order of 2.7 and 3.8 kg m(-2), respectively. The difference generated between IWV from the GPS receiver and RS80 during the daytime was larger than that of the nighttime period because of the combination of the influence of high ionospheric activity during the RACCI experiment and a daytime drier bias from the RS80.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The characteristics of log smoldering after an Amazonian deforestation fire are described. The experiment was carried out in 2001 at the Caiabi farm, near the city of Alta Floresta, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, as part of a set of tests that have been performed in the same area since 1997. A 200 x 200m(2) test area was slashed in the beginning of June and burned on 20 August. The area contained 507 logs with diameter at breast height (DBH) higher than 10 cm, per hectare. In the day following the main burn 59 logs were found to remain smoldering, a number that corresponds to 2.9% of the total in the area. We chose 11 of the 59 logs to have their smoldering process monitored. Their diameter, moisture content and CHN dry biomass composition after the plot burn and before smoldering were determined. Other parameters such as temperature distribution while smoldering, porosity, density and mass volatilized during thermogravimetric test were also determined. Average smoldering speeds were in the range from 0.8 to 1.5 cm h(-1) for logs that smoldered without transition to the flaming regime. The average speed increased to 2.1 cm h(-1) for those logs that oscillated between smoldering and flaming. The speeds were lower overnight as compared to values determined during daytime for the same log. Higher log moisture contents were found to produce decreased speeds. Micro-porous biomass was not observed in the set of the 11 selected logs. Smoldering was observed to occur at substantial intensity in crossing of logs, with no longitudinal propagation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Injeção inadvertida de medicamentos de uso não espinhal nos espaços peridural e subaracnóideo é uma complicação anestésica passível de ocorrer. Este relato apresenta um caso de injeção inadvertida de metoclopramida no espaço subaracnóideo. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, 69 kg, IMC de 26.2, estado físico ASA I, 36 semanas e 4 dias de gestação, com diagnóstico de sofrimento fetal agudo, e indicação de cesariana. Apresentava freqüência cardíaca de 82 bpm, pressão arterial de 130 x 70 mmHg, SpO2 de 97%, ritmo cardíaco sinusal regular. A anestesia foi por via subaracnóidea com a associação de anestésico local e opióide, 15 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% e 25 µg de fentanil. Após 5 minutos da instalação do bloqueio, a paciente referiu mal estar inespecífico. Aferidas pressão arterial, 190 x 120 mmHg, freqüência cardíaca, 145 bpm, e SpO2, 95%. Verificando-se as ampolas cujos conteúdos foram administrados encontrou-se uma de bupivacaína e uma de metoclopramida. O quadro se apresentou com cefaléia frontal intensa, visão turva, náuseas, vômitos e agitação inicial, que evoluiu para sonolência e torpor, além de hipertensão arterial e taquicardia. Foram administrados tramadol, dipirona, ondansetron e medidas de suporte. Após 30 minutos, a paciente apresentava-se assintomática, com PA de 150 x 100 mmHg e FC de 120 bpm. Recebeu alta para a enfermaria 140 minutos após permanência na SRPA, com total reversão dos bloqueios motor, sensitivo e autonômico, e normalização dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos. Recebeu alta hospitalar 48 horas após, sem apresentar seqüelas neurológicas, juntamente com o recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Máxima atenção deve ser dada a qualquer medicamento administrado, seja qual for à via utilizada. Padronização de cores de ampolas, e dos locais de depósito, com o intuito de diminuir este tipo de acidente é recomendável.


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Objective: To evaluate the systemic blood pressure (BP) during daytime and nighttime in children with sleep breathing disorders (SBD) and compare parameters of BP in children with diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) to those one with primary snoring (PS).Methods: Children, both genders, aged from 8 to 12 years, with symptoms of SBD realized an overnight polysomnography followed by a 24 h recording of ambulatory BP.Results: All subjects presented with a history of snoring 7 nights per week. Children who have apnea/hipoapnea index >= four or a apnea index >= one presented a mean BP of 93 +/- 7 mmHg and 85 +/- 9 mmHg diurnal and nocturnal respectively whereas children who have a apnea/hipoapnea < four or a apnea index < one presented 90 +/- 7 mmHg and 77 +/- 2 mmHg. Eight children out of fourteen, from OSA group, lost the physiologic nocturnal dipping of the blood pressure. Among OSA children 57% were considered non-dippers. Two (16%) have presented absence of nocturnal dipping among children with primary snoring. The possibility of OSA children loosing physiologic blood pressure dipping was 6.66 higher than the possibilities of patients from PS group.Discussion: Our results indicate that children with sleep apnea syndrome exhibit a higher 24 h blood pressure when compared with those of primary snoring in form of decreased degree of nocturnal dipping and increased levels of diastolic and mean blood pressure, according to previous studies in literature. OSA in children seems to be associated to the development of hypertension or other cardiovascular disease. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) produzidas em tanque-rede, providas de dispensadores automáticos de ração, alimentadas em diferentes frequências - uma vez por hora e a cada duas horas - e períodos - durante o dia, à noite ou ambos. Dezoito tanques-rede de 1.0m³ foram colocados em um tanque de 2000m² com dois metros de profundidade e renovação de água de 5%. Cento e setenta tilápias, com peso inicial de 16.0±4.9g foram distribuídas em cada tanque-rede de 1m³ e a taxa alimentar foi ajustada a cada 21 dias junto com as biometrias. As medidas foram coletadas de março a julho (outono e inverno). Observou-se diferença significativa para peso final (P<0.05) entre os tratamentos. O aumento da frequência alimentar melhorou o desempenho produtivo de tilápias-do-nilo produzidas em tanque-rede e permitiu melhor manejo alimentar. A melhor conversão alimentar para alta frequência, 24 vezes dia-1, pode resultar em uma economia de até 360kg de ração por tonelada de peixe produzido, melhorando a sustentabilidade econômica para produção de tilápia e sugerindo menor poluição ambiental.