96 resultados para crisis of democracy


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O objetivo do ensaio é expor a alienação/estranhamento como o problema crucial do nosso tempo histórico, buscando salientar os significados do conceito de autotranscendência positiva da alienação, considerada por István Meszáros, como sendo o eixo da reflexão marxiana nos Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos. Para tanto, discorre sobre o novo registro histórico da Aufhebung nas condições da crise estrutural do capital e a vigência do capitalismo global como capitalismo manipulatório. Aborda a centralidade ontológica da problemática da vida cotidiana e o estranhamento na perspectiva da crítica radical do trabalho. Finalmente, coloca elementos para refletir, na perspectiva do marxismo radical, sobre a transição como sendo o problema de produção dos sujeitos humanos, capazes da autotranscendência positiva da alienação.


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Este artigo versa sobre a importância da pequena cafeicultura no complexo cafeeiro entre 1890 e 1914. Discutimos aqui as relações de trabalho, as formas de financiamento e o modo como a pequena propriedade se insere neste universo. Utilizamos como fontes prioritárias os contratos de trabalho que envolviam a formação e/ou o trato de cafeeiros e as escrituras de dívidas hipotecárias, ambas lavradas nos Livros Cartoriais, fontes estas ainda não trabalhadas pela historiografia de forma mais sistemática. Desviamos nosso olhar para uma região marcada predominantemente pelas pequenas e médias fazendas produtoras de café, observando a dinâmica da acumulação em um período de expansão e de crise da cafeicultura.


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Este artigo aborda as relações entre a filosofia e a educação no pensamento de Theodor Adorno. A partir da reflexão elaborada pelo frankfurtiano acerca da relação entre teoria e práxis, procuramos compreender o papel político conferido às suas concepções de filosofia e de formação humana e discutir os seus limites e possibilidades no presente. Para tanto, elegemos como objeto de análise as conferências pronunciadas pelo autor e os artigos que escreveu sobre o assunto, entre 1959 e 1969, com o objetivo de recuperar os possíveis nexos teóricos entre filosofia e educação em sua obra e o significado que seu pensamento crítico e sua concepção de educação política assumiram nesse contexto; e de discutir sua eventual atualidade. Pretendemos, assim, reconstituir a reflexão de Adorno sobre o tema, compreendendo o seu significado em seu projeto filosófico, de modo a vislumbrar a face filosófica educacional de seu pensamento crítico.


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Procurando-se reafirmar a importância da teoria marxista, este artigo propõe-se a redefinição da democracia enquanto método e a possibilidade de sua superação para democracia-condição social através da praxis intencional exercida no cotidiano. A compreensão da vida cotidiana requer a sua reconstituição ontológica pela via da conscientização dos valores éticos contidos na genericidade.


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O presente artigo trata da interdisciplinaridade, da psiquiatria e da atenção psicossocial. Ao longo do texto, faz-se um relato histórico a respeito da constituição e da crise do saber científico organizado em disciplinas, analisa-se a dificuldade teórica de se conceituar a interdisciplinaridade e, ao final, aborda-se a psiquiatria e sua relação com a interdisciplinaridade na realidade da atenção psicossocial. Os autores defendem que a psiquiatria, por sua história, guarda singularidades que a diferenciam de outras especialidades médicas e que - a um primeiro momento - poderiam fazê-la ir em direção contrária à interdisciplinaridade. Os autores concluem que os serviços de atenção psicossocial, pelas características que lhes são inerentes, são lugares privilegiados para a formação psiquiátrica com características interdisciplinares.


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The end of the authoritarian regime in Brazil resulted in new forms of democratization of politics and its institutions, with the strenghtening of the civil society. The Participatory Budgeting is an important experience of that new way, characterized by the assumption of the new responsibilities by the local governments. The comparative approach of those experiences, conducted from different party coalitions - in Piracicaba (1989-1992) and in Santa Bárbara d'Oeste (1997-2000) -, allows a test of their powers and limits from a procedural conception of democracy and the complementary role of the participation. In contrast to a view that gives priority to representation, the analysis discusses the range of the new civil society actions from the perspective of the democratization process in the scope of the Local Government. © 2007 CEDEC.


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This article turns on the importance of the small coffee production in the coffee complex economy between 1890 and 1914. We argue here the relations of work, the forms of financing and the way as the small coffee production inserts itself in this universe. We use as priority sources the employment contracts that involved the formation and/or the treatment of coffee trees and the Writes of mortgage debts, both recorded in Notarial Books, documents not used by historiography in a systematical way. We turns our look for a region marked predominantly for small and the middle producing farms of coffee, observing the dynamics of the accumulation in a period of expansion and crisis of the coffee economy.


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Marilena Chauí and Marco Aurélio Nogueira, the speakers of the first seminar on behalf of Cedec's Thirty Years, discuss the origins of Cedec in the light of the academic, political and cultural debates, which took place in Brazil and abroad at that time, on the future of democracy and socialism.


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The action of São Paulo's Italian reformist socialists at the beginning of the 20th century had a political impact on the way of considering the question of democracy both in the state of São Paulo and the whole of Brazil. In fact not only did the socialists oppose the fascist political project and the symbolic roots of its aggressive behavior, but they also faced the opposition of the theoretical proposals coming from other leftist groups. This article intends to present the main interlocutors of these socialists and understand how this theoretical dispute has developed.


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The Brazilian democratic transition, still underway today, has run up against enormous difficulty in incorporating penal action. Or, put in yet stronger terms, we could say that the boundaries of democratization processes, delineated through the action of that sector of the State, reveal the possibility that the juridical field remains immune to democratizing change. Although prevailing discourse among law professionals asserts that Penal Justice is undergoing democratization, what we have observed in practice is a strong resistance within the juridical field to assuming political responsibilities within the consolidation of democracy. This article reports analyses and conclusions formulated through observation of the Brazilian penal justice system that gave origin to the thesis entitled Penal Justice in Brazil today: democratic discourse, authoritarian practice. The research sought to reflect on contemporary criminal justice policy, which has been guided by the widening of repression and the continued use of incarceration. Such policy, carried out in Brazil since the beginning of the 1985 political opening has adjusted itself to the liberal project that is also currently underway in the country, as well as in almost the entire Western capitalist world. As we can observe, Penal Justice, even during the execution of sentences, operates in authoritarian and exclusive ways, suppressing the rights guaranteed by law to those who have been sentenced and adopting extremely repressive forms as demonstrated by the extremely sparse benefits that it concedes. Thus, in Brazil, criminality has generally been responded through severe sentences, reflected in the absence of guarantees of constitutional rights and ample recourse to incarceration. In this vein, our contemporary democratic governments have frequently adopted a punitive stance that seeks to reaffirm the State's aptitudes for punishing and controlling criminality. © 2009 Revista de Sociologia e Política.


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In this paper, we revisit the recent Spanish political process, emphasizing issues relating to the Armed Forces (FFAA), trying to understand since the formation of these forces prior to the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, through this and coming to today, when it seems that the reforms promoted over past 30 years, that finally resulted in the Armed Forces incorporated of democracy.


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Following the thermodynamic formulation of a multifractal measure that was shown to enable the detection of large fluctuations at an early stage, here we propose a new index which permits us to distinguish events like financial crises in real time. We calculate the partition function from which we can obtain thermodynamic quantities analogous to the free energy and specific heat. The index is defined as the normalized energy variation and it can be used to study the behavior of stochastic time series, such as financial market daily data. Famous financial market crashes-Black Thursday (1929), Black Monday (1987) and the subprime crisis (2008)-are identified with clear and robust results. The method is also applied to the market fluctuations of 2011. From these results it appears as if the apparent crisis of 2011 is of a different nature to the other three. We also show that the analysis has forecasting capabilities. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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