20 resultados para concept design
This article is the result of a narrative literature review. The objective is to show the development of an overview on the ideological debate on the design of state health policies. We argue that the role of the state in the development of health policy, even under the pressure of the global market, may create alternatives to promote and drive economic and social development, meaning they are not subject to economic constraints imposed by the liberal ideal of market. Here is a part of a theoretical discussion about the construction and presence of the State in Latin America, particularly in Brazil. We take the approaches of the Marxist tradition and liberal to the issue as reference. This discussion allows us to understand the historical role of the state in the maintenance of social policies, specifically health, is an alternative to public control eases the intense capital mobility promoted by economic globalization. In this sense, the theme makes the Brazilian health an important issue of social sciences, why is the historicity of the construction of the Brazilian health system, as a public policy that can mirror the actual reconstruction of the institutional framework of the Brazilian state with the establishment instances of negotiation between the various spheres of power that strengthen the state in this process of democratization of Brazilian society.
The present study, is characterized as qualitative investigative, has as main objective to analyze the convergence between the fields of the visual arts and design. To base the analysis, it was developed a bibliographical research that raised the concept of hybrid language, the mixing of different races in Brazilian design, the relations between art and design and the Design Prize Museum of Brazilian House (MCB). As shown on the basis of this theoretical survey, it was presented the designers Luciana Martins and Gerson de Oliveira, from the company, OVO, and the objects selected for this study, that are the two products awarded from the MCB, which contain artistic characteristics and are commercialized and recognized as objects of Brazilian design. These products were analyzed and the hybrid characteristics of them were raised.
Educational games are responsible for part of the information assimilated by the child, because these games respect the individual learning time, enabling experimentation and, consequently, being an accessory to retain the acquired knowledge spontaneously. However, the analogy between stimulus and reception/result is not always the expected. On the one hand, there are the pedagogues, bearing the knowledge necessary to the children’s development. On the other hand, are the children, who cannot completely assimilate the concept, commonly because of lack of planning on the product. After all, the children become not interested in the game, without developing the expected cognitive abilities planned for the product. Whereas the importance of the games on children’s development, this work aimed to analyze and select educational games presented on the preschool, based on the language exploration from the Design’s knowledge and skills. Specifically, the research intends to investigate games targeted to stimulate geometric concepts, and so, to describe parameters that must be observed during the product planning.
The language in the contemporaneous, for treating from essential factor to the communication and artistic expression, mainly starting from the intense expansion of the industrial techniques, it’s makes way for a considerable reflection: the stylistic relationship among the industrial object, the craft and the properly artistic work (DORFLES, 1988). The aesthetics, as inherent factor and mediator the all these subjects, is capable to establish similarities between the design concept and the contemporary art. Starting from this panorama an interpretative analysis is delineated on the function aesthetics/poetics (JAKOBSON, R. 1995; MUKAROVSKY, J. 1993) in the language of the design, under the optical of the contemporary thought in order to provide a contribution of updating of the present delimitation context between the art and the design in the extent of the aesthetics.
Taking as a starting point the reflection on the ornament, is delineated an interpretative analysis of delimitation between art and design in the extent of the aesthetics. Presupposing the ornament as an elementary and universal form of the all aesthetics’ manifestations, trying to work, through recent contributions and in an unified way, concepts regarding the aesthetics in parallel with the phenomenon of the perception. The ornament as element previously “ordered” front to the organization need that the interpretation demands, it constitutes fertile philosophical instrument, for all the art forms and of design, which seeks to provide an aesthetic sensation. Returned to the thoughtful function, the ornament has as essential purpose to stimulate the aesthetic experimentation, capable to induce the perception to subtler states of conscience similar of to the ecstasy, where the spirit from whom contemplates, can live experiences of extreme freedom and intense pleasure. . Establishing semiotics foundations capable of evidencing a function anagogic-therapeutics in the action of conceiving and to meditating, alternately, an object with function strictly ornamental (aesthetics), also intending the reflection of moral stamp on the ornamental concept of the decency as conciliatory solution in the intersection between art and design, concerning the creativity of the formative process.