79 resultados para city propaganda in Ancient Greek
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This article analyses the transformations of spatial references in Sophocles’Philoctetes. As we can see, instead of being cristalized in formulas and conventions, Ancient Greek Theater has renewed itself constantly, by experiencing different ways to correlate audience and events on stage.
This study presents a brief reflection on the genesis of literary genres in Ancient Greece. It is intended here, in the first place, take us off this "comfort zone" when we talk about "Greek literature" in antiquity, at least from the period of Homer until the fifth century. B.C. , moment when, in fact, the writing has become stable not only in the continent but spreads out reaching the Italian peninsula and generating what we have today as the Roman alphabet. Therefore, we examine some terms that appear to be so clear for us which termed other doings, such as poetry, poem, among others. We also examine issues concerning the epic, lyrical and dramatic poetry.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The tourism spending like other activities has direct and secondary effects on the economy, and presents complex interaction with other activities deserving a special treatment for measuring its contribution to the global result of production and consumption. In this paper, it is used the Money Generation Model to measure the global economic impact of tourism sales in Ouro Preto, this method is not so limited by the data and it is able to produce good approximations to reality. It was not possible to adopt the WTO methodology due to data limitation. The results revealed the real importance of tourism for Ouro Preto, representing up to 10.4% of GDP in 2002, up to 21.8% of tax revenues in 2004, and approximately 11% of the region’s population in 2002 was related to tourism sales. Some actions can be outlined from these results in order to illustrate the current economic reality of the tourism in Ouro Preto. It is also possible to improve the tourist planning accomplished by the local City Hall in a coherent way with the economic results generated by the tourism.
Based on the study of some philosophical schools – such as the Cartesian Racionalism, the Empiricism of Hume and Kant’s Criticism – and of some brief remarks on Mathematics in ancient world – particularly the greek Mathematics – this paper intends to understand how the euclidean ideas have been taken for a long time as a model of how to geometrize and of what Mathematics is.
The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...
The experiment was developed in Marta Farm, Tremembe city, located in the State of São Paulo - Brazil, using a frogculture commercial project. The aim of this study was evaluate the performance (growth, survival and feed conversion) of bullfrogs Lithobates catesbeianus, post-metamorphosed fed with diets containing different amounts of vitamin C and your performance with the temperature. The animals were kept in 24 boxes of (2.0 x 1.0 m) with an initial density of 50 animals per square meter. We tested the following levels of supplementation in the diet: 0, 250, 500, 750, 1,000 and 2,000 mg vitamin C kg(-1) of diet. The experimental design was completely randomized with six treatments and four replicates. The parameters evaluated were: feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and survival tax. The animals were weighed at the beginning of the experiment and every 30 days and recorded daily to room temperature. The percentage of food intake decreased with the growth of the frogs, from 3.85 to 1.2% of the live weight, and the mean of temperature decreased from 28 to 20.1 degrees C. It was concluded that there was no influence of vitamin C on the performance (growth, survival and feed conversion) of bullfrogs in the growing stage.
O presente estudo debruça-se sobre a interface do problema educativo com a problemática da ética, compreendendo a pedagogia com a arte/ciência voltada para a busca do bem educar/instruir/formar. Para tanto, o texto mobilizará conceitos da concepção ética da Aristóteles; e, na atmosfera mental da Grécia clássica, recorre-se ao termo específico grego e transdisciplinar na origem: paideia. A seguir, este ensaio procura pontuar alguns aspectos da concepção iluminista a propósito do tema, valendo-se da noção kantiana de imperativo categórico, a qual teria sido precedida pelo parecer de Rousseau, segundo o qual a vontade - e não a razão - seria a marca distintiva do gênero humano no ambiente natural. A idéia de Piaget de uma ética da reciprocidade também é aqui mobilizada. Abordando diacronicamente a temática, serão analisados conceitos de autores clássicos no debate da relação entre educação e ética, com destaque para o sentido conferido por Hanna Arendt para a autoridade como critério distintivo da relação assimétrica entre o educador (as gerações adultas de maneira geral) e os estudantes (ou as novas gerações). Arendt defende, como conceito e pressuposto operatório, a dimensão necessariamente conservadora do ato educativo: compete ao educador preservar do mundo as novas gerações e preservar o mundo das novas gerações - para que estas não destruam o suporte e o acervo cultural acumulados.
This work is aimed to determine the profile of electrophoretic serum protein in healthy adult broiler breeders (Gallus gallus domesticus) of the Avian farm strain. Fifteen breeders aging 63 weeks from Conchas, city located in the State of São Paulo, were assessed. The biuret method was used to obtain the total serum protein values and protein fractions separation through electrophoresis technique in agarose gel, and film reading through densitometry in 520nM. Seven fractions were obtained, whereas, β 1 - globulin and β 2 - globulin were not cited by the authors in the textbooks checked. The prealbumin fraction was identified only in six out of 15 samples analyzed. In five breeders, it was observed the division of g - globulin into two fractions named g - 1 and g - 2, according to the electrophoretic mobilities. The relation albumin/globulin (A/G) found in the experiment agrees with the other authors cited, demonstrating that it decreases as the age increases.
Leptospirosis may affect all domestic and wild animals as well as human beings. Some serological studies have shown the involvement of wild species in the epidemiology of the disease. Once captive wild animals are not much studied, especially in Brazil, the present study aimed to detect anti- Leptospira spp. antibodies in animals from Ribeirão Preto city zoo, in São Paulo state, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from captive birds, fish, reptiles and mammals, sinanthropics and free-living animals and also from employees between March and October, 2006. Four hundred and three blood samples were obtained, 388 animals' samples (110 reptiles, 143 birds, 110 mammals and 25 fish) and 15 humans'. The sera were analysed by Microscopic Agglutination Test using 22 serovars from pathological leptospiras and two from non-pathological serovars. Among the animal samples, 339 were from captive animals, and 49 from free-living ones, captured with traps inside the zoo. One hundred and three (103/388 = 26.5%) samples reacted to leptospirosis, ninety-two (92/339 = 27.1%) samples were from captive animals and eleven (11/49 = 22.4%) from free-living ones. All humans' samples were negative. Serological titles varied from 40 to 5.120, with predominance of titles between 40 and 80 and the most frequent serovars were Patoc, Andamana, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Panama.
Environmental quality is a fundamental issue in order to characterize quality of life in the cities. The human activities interfere in environmental processes, causing impacts that must be minimized. It is the task of municipal laws to impose theoretic and practical foundations appropriated to the dimension of local problems. In this sense, the goal of this work was to propose a discussion about the recognition of environmental quality in municipal law, especially in the Municipal Master Plan of Araçatuba, city located in the state of São Paulo. It was possible to observe that in many aspects this law is far away from urban reality.
Mineral research works are fundamentals for recognition and incorporation of new reserves. This paper present an integrated analysis of geologic and metallogenetics data, with results gotten from the application of the Induced Polarization geophysical method, in an copper ore occurrence, inserted in Camaquã sedimentary basin, situated in northeast of Caçapava do Sul city (RS). In area ocurr arkosean arenites average coarse, the intensely silicified and recrystallized, pertaining to Passo da Promessa Formation. The presence of azurita and malachite in breakings and high porosity zones of the host rock characterizes the mineral occurrence in surface, located in the crossing two fault families. The inversion models indicate the predominance of high chargeability in vulcanics tuff, rock of high porosity in relation to the andesites and metaconglomerates gifts in the area. The strong structural control of the mineral occurrence associated the high chargeability in volcanic tuff is indications of the hydrothermal fluid access by means of faults, until rocks with great porosity, where it occurred disseminations of copper sulfides in depth and carbonates in surface.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA