277 resultados para bloqueio femoral


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a influência do Laser Terapêutico de Baixa Potência sobre a placa de crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar machos com 40 dias de idade foram divididos em dois grupos, G1 e G2. O grupo G1 foi submetido à irradiação com laser GaAlAs 830 nm, potência de saída de 40 mW, e densidade de energia de 10 J/cm2. A irradiação foi aplicada diariamente por um período máximo de 21 dias. O mesmo procedimento foi realizado no grupo G2, com a probe desativada. Cinco animais em cada grupo foram sacrificados nos dias 7, 14 e 21 e submetidas à análise histomorfométrica. RESULTADOS: em ambos os grupos, o disco fisário esteve radiograficamente visível em todos os momentos nas incidências craniocaudal e médio-lateral. No 21º dia a porcentagem de comprimento longitudinal do fêmur foi maior em G1 que em G2 em relação ao valor basal, e o número de condrócitos da zona hipertrófica foi maior em G1 que em G2. A zona de cartilagem calcificada estava maior em G1 em relação a G2 em todos os momentos de avaliação. A angiogênese foi maior em G1 que em G2 nos 14º e 21º dias. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia com laser terapêutico de baixa potência influenciou negativamente o disco fisário distal do fêmur de ratos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVO: Cirurgias artroscópicas do ombro cursam com intensa dor pós-operatória. Diversas técnicas analgésicas têm sido preconizadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o bloqueio dos nervos supraescapular e axilar nas cirurgias artroscópicas de ombro com a abordagem interescalênica do plexo braquial. MÉTODO: Sessenta e oito pacientes foram alocados em dois grupos de 34, de acordo com a técnica utilizada: grupo interescalênico (GI) e grupo seletivo (GS), sendo ambas as abordagens realizadas com neuroestimulador. No GI, após resposta motora adequada foram injetados 30 mL de levopubivacaína em excesso enantiomérico de 50% a 0,33% com adrenalina 1:200.000. No GS, após resposta motora do nervo supraescapular e axilar, foram injetados 15 mL da mesma substância em cada nervo. em seguida, realizada anestesia geral. Variáveis avaliadas: tempo para realização dos bloqueios, analgesia, consumo de opioide, bloqueio motor, estabilidade cardiocirculatória, satisfação e aceitabilidade pelo paciente. RESULTADOS: Tempo para execução do bloqueio interescalênico foi significativamente menor que para realização do bloqueio seletivo. Analgesia foi significativamente maior no pós-operatório imediato no GI e no pós-operatório tardio no GS. Consumo de morfina foi significativamente maior na primeira hora no GS. Bloqueio motor foi significativamente menor no GS. Estabilidade cardiocirculatória, satisfação e aceitabilidade da técnica pelo paciente não diferiram entre os grupos. Ocorreu uma falha no GI e duas no GS. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as técnicas são seguras, eficazes com mesmo grau de satisfação e aceitabilidade. O bloqueio seletivo de ambos os nervos apresentou analgesia satisfatória, com a vantagem de proporcionar bloqueio motor restrito ao ombro.


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Utilizou-se a osteotomia femoral em cúpula em um cão que apresentava aumento do ângulo de inclinação do colo do fêmur e subluxação da articulação coxofemoral. A linha de osteotomia situou-se cerca de 1 cm distal ao trocanter menor, no sentido látero-medial. Para a imobilização utilizou-se um fio de Steinmann passando pelo trocanter maior e por toda a extensão do fêmur. Um fio de aço foi colocado em orifícios ósseos produzidos nos segmentos proximal e distal do fêmur para a realização de sutura óssea. A técnica empregada culminou em: diminuição de 35° no ângulo de inclinação, rebaixamento da cabeça do fêmur, elevação do trocanter maior, congruência da articulação e encurtamento de 3cm do membro. A consolidação ocorreu cerca de 90 dias após a cirurgia.


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Background: This study investigated the influence of the period after ovariectomy on femoral and mandibular bone mineral density (BMD) and on induced periodontal disease.Methods: One hundred and twenty-six female Holtzman rats were divided into nine groups: control, sham surgery (SHAM) with and without induction of periodontal disease for 51 and 150 days, and ovariectomy (OVX) with and without induction of periodontal disease for 51 and 150 days. Periodontal disease was induced by placing ligatures on the first lower molars during the last 30 days of each period. BMD was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Vertical bone loss was determined by measuring the distance from the alveolar bone crest to the cemento-enamel junction on the mesial side of the first lower molar.Results: Statistical analyses (Kruskal-Wallis test) revealed a significant difference between the OVX and SHAM groups' global and femoral proximal epiphysis BMD (P < 0.001) for 150 days and in the global evaluation for 51 days. For mandibular BMD, no difference was found between the groups of each period. Influence of the period on femoral BMD was found only for the SHAM groups, with lower BMD for the 51-day period compared to the 150-day period (P < 0.05). In the global evaluation of the mandible, a lower BMD was found after 51 days. The period was a contributing factor for the vertical bone loss, and it resulted in higher values for the 51-day period (P < 0.05).Conclusion: the period influenced the femoral BMD and the vertical bone loss in induced periodontal disease.


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All methods to detect experimental loss of bone present technique limitations. The sensitivities of image and histological analyses to detect the effects of teriparatide in rats with bone loss after ovariectomy were evaluated. All methods were qualitatively valid.The standardization of methods to assess bone loss after ovariectomy is crucial to establish the degree of experimental osteoporosis. In general, methods per image or histological techniques are used. To validate these two ways to determine the degree of bone loss in ovariectomized rats, we evaluated the sensitivities of bone densitometry, conventional radiography, and histological analysis of the area occupied by collagen, detecting the effects of teriparatide treatment in the femur of ovariectomized rats with bone loss.Wistar rats were divided into three groups: a control group, in which the animals were only subjected to laparotomy; an ovariectomized group, in which bilateral removal of the ovaries was performed; and an ovariectomized + teriparatide group, in which bilateral removal of the ovaries was performed, and the animals were treated with 3 mu g/100 g/day of teriparatide. Three months following the ovariectomy, bone densitometry, radiographic densitometry, and histological analysis of the area occupied by collagen fibers were carried out in the femur diaphysis.The bone densitometry revealed 11.2% reduction in femur density; in the conventional radiography, the loss of bone mass was 14.5%, and with the histological analysis, a 40.9% reduction in the area occupied by collagen was detected in the femur diaphysis.In conclusion, histological analysis could not be quantitatively compared with the methods of bone densitometry and conventional radiography; however, all of these methods were qualitatively valid for assessing the loss of bone stemming from ovariectomy and the therapeutic effect of teriparatide in the prevention of osteoporosis.


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Background: Canine hip dysplasia (HD) is characterized by hip joint laxity and subluxation. It is the most common cause of osteoarthritis in dogs, especially in larger breeds. Its management includes nutritional supplements, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, acupuncture or surgical procedures. Implantation of gold beads in acupuncture points and trigger points around a joint has been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs for at least 30 years. Gold bead implants(GBI) acts as continuous acupuncture stimulation and trigger point treatment in canine HD with long lasting results. Electrophysiological investigations of trigger points reveal dysfunctional muscle spindles which indicate that the electrical activity of active loci arises from extrafusal motor endplates.Case: This is a report on the use of acupuncture and GBI for bilateral HD in a nine year old female German Shepherd. The patient has a HD non-responsive to anti-inflammatory drugs and was unable to stand up or walk by its own. Radiographs showed marked dysplasia, significant subluxation with the femoral head partly out of a shallow acetabulum and massive secondary arthritic bone changes, mainly on the right side. The animal was submitted to eight acupuncture sessions with seven days interval. After the first acupuncture session the use of NSAID was interrupted. After eight weeks the dog was considered rehabilitated and underwent GBI in acupoints and trigger points as maintenance treatment. During the one-year follow-up period the improvement remained unchanged with no need of analgesics.Discussion: It has been suggested that acupuncture or GBI can treat the chronic pain resulting from osteoarthritis induced by HD. According to AP theory, GBI is permanent and long-lasting acupoint stimulation. Moreover, the method is inexpensive, quick and easy to perform, with no postoperative pain or need of exercise restriction. Although gold is extremely corrosion-resistant, the surface of the gold implants stimulates a reaction from the immune system causing an oxidative liberation of gold ions with anti-inflammatory actions. It is well known that gold ions are effective inhibitors of the respiratory burst of neutrophils and monocytes and the proliferation of lymphocytes. These findings suggest that gold implantation, on a local scale, mimics the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of drugs with chemically bound gold ions. The relatively slow speed of the process results in a limited liberation of gold ions securing that they are taken up almost exclusively by cells close to the implant. The nine year old female German shepherd had a positive response to acupuncture with pain relieve and locomotor rehabilitation. For the nine year old female German shepherd previous acupuncture sessions to GBI resulted in no post-implant worsening period. Indeed, the association acupuncture/GBI does not have the anti-inflammatory drugs undesirable effects and brings long lasting results. In conclusion, GBI therefore should be considered for canine HD when conservative or medical treatments fail to give the desired effect.


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To find a valuable tool in achieving a good accuracy in predicting the outcome from sympathectomy, changes in limb skin temperatures (LST) before and after epidural lumbar anesthesia (ELA) and before and after lumbar sympathectomy were studied in 13 patients with thrombangiitis obliterans or arteriosclerosis obliterans. The results were compared with the clinical course and follow-up from 1 to 5 years. In seven patients there was a rise in LST after ELA and after sympathectomy, and this pattern of variation was associated with good clinical course. In three patients there was decrease in the LST after ELA and after sympathectomy and they did not do well. In two patients there was no change in temperature before or after the procedure; one of them had a good and the other a bad clinical course. The same measurements were performed in three other patients who had had a sympathectomy some years previously and the data showed that LST was lowered after ELA. It is concluded that the measurement of limb skin temperature before and after epidural lumbar anesthesia aids in determining which patients are more likely to benefit from sympathectomy.


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In the renal and femoral arteries of rabbit was verified that both vessels had walls structured by myostromal components, despite of their different distributive of blood, being the renal artery a visceral blood vessel and the femoral artery a parietal vessel. This wall pattern in these vessels concerned to presence of connective stromal elements (collagen and elastic fibres and lamellae) and smooth muscle cells coexisting with some equilibrium in the wall structure of the renal and femoral arteries, mainly in the medial layer architecture. An intimal folding pattern was verified around the vascular lumen, possibly related to capacitance of the both arteries regarding to variability of pressure levels in cardiac cycle. Furthermore, myostromal relations of connective elements and smooth muscle cells verified in the medial layer and the network formed by connective elements in the adventitial layer of these arteries contributed to maintenance of wall viscoelasticity properties of the vessels.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ