99 resultados para ball mill


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This work presents a surface study of monolithic vitreous (or glassy) carbon - MVC - obtained from vitreous carbon powder. Defective MVC pieces are crushed in a ball mill and size classified by sifting. The MVC powder is mixed with furfuryl-alcohol resin and compacted in a mould using a hydraulic press. Samples with different powder granulometries are produced in this way and carbonized in a furnace under nitrogen atmosphere. Complete carbonization of the powder is achieved in only one day and losses due to breakage of the pieces is less than 5%. These results compare very favorably with respect to traditional MVC production methods where full carbonization may require up to seven days and losses due to breakage can be as high as 70%. After carbonization, samples are sanded and polished. Surface roughness and microstructure are characterized by light microscopy. Porosity is quantified from micrographs using ImageJ software and nanometric height variations are measured by atomic force microscopy. © 2012 Materials Research Society.


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Yttrium manganite (YMnO3) is a multiferroic material, which means that it exhibits both ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties, so making it interesting for a variety of technological applications. In this work, single-phase YMnO3 was prepared for the first time by mechanochemical synthesis in a planetary ball mill. The YMnO3 was formed directly from the highly activated constituent oxides, Y 2O3 and Mn2O3, after 60 min of milling time. During prolonged milling, the growth of the particles occurred. The cumulative energy introduced into the system during milling for 60 min was 86 kJ/g. The X-ray powder-diffraction analysis indicates that the as-prepared samples crystallize with an orthorhombic (Pnma) YMnO3 structure. The morphology and chemical composition of the powder were investigated by SEM and FESEM. The magnetic properties of the obtained YMnO3 powders were found to change as a function of the milling time in a manner consistent with the variation in the nanocomposite microstructure. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Making bioproducts available to the market requires finding appropriate processes for mass production and formulation of biological agents. This study aimed at evaluating the Bipolaris euphorbiae production in a solid medium (fermentation in solid substrate) and in a biphasic system (growth in a liquid medium followed by growth in a solid medium), as well as determining the processes for collecting and drying conidia, under laboratory conditions. The influence of the incubation period and inoculum quantity were also investigated. The conidia were dried by using an oven (30ºC, 35ºC, 40ºC, 45ºC, 50ºC, 55ºC and 60ºC), and laminar flow, continuous air flow and aseptic chamber at room temperature. Dry conidia were obtained by sieving and grinding in a ball mill, hammer mill or grain grinder. The conidia viability and sporulation efficiency were evaluated in the solid medium and in the biphasic system. For growth period, the best sporulation on solid medium was obtained after 10 days of incubation, reaching 8.3 x 10(7) conidia g-1 of substrate. The biphasic system did not increase the B. euphorbiae sporulation (4.5 x 10(7) conidia g-1 of substrate), after 14 days, and the amount of liquid inoculum used in this system was not an important factor for increasing its production. The continuous air flow and laminar flow preserved the conidial viability (94.6% and 99.1%, respectively), while promoting a great moisture loss (62.6% and 54.0%, respectively). All the grinding processes reduced the conidia germination (86.2%, 10.5% and 12%, respectively), while sieving allowed the collecting of powdered conidia with high viability (94.8%).


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The search for new methods of manufacture of glass-ceramics with controlled porosity and permeability is interesting of the industrial and commercial point of view, and a challenge of great complexity. Porous glass-ceramics produced by sintering and crystallization of glasses can find applications, for example, as filters, materials with bactericidal properties, bio-implants, as catalytic and enzymes supports, among others. An alternative and low cost method of ceramic manufacture reaching different levels of porosity, for diverse purposes, is the conformation assisted by addition of starch, known as consolidation with starch. The objective of this project is to study the process of conformation with starch for making porous glass-ceramics from a commercial glass in the system Na2O-CaO-SiO2, whose kinetics of sintering by viscous flow and surface crystallization are known. The method of conformation with starches is innovative for glass-ceramics and its development opens the way for obtaining a new class of materials. We found a possible route for the production of porous compacts of glass particles, from the powder preparation to the removal of starch. It was observed that a glass powder obtained by dry milling in a ball mill with alumina balls for 24 h, afterwards mixed with water in an eccentric ball mill for 2 h, without the addition of a deflocculant, and subsequently mixed with starch also in an eccentric ball mill for 5 min resulted in slurries stable against sedimentation


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The synthesis of calcium titanate, CaTiO3, was performed by mechanical activation and thermal treatment. Milling for up to 360 minutes in a planetary ball mill mechanically activated an equimolar mixture of CaCO 3 and TiO2 powders. A small amount of mechanically activated mixtures was pressed into briquettes and calcined at 850°C for two hours. The effect of mechanical activation on the solid-state reaction was studied using X-ray powder diffraction and differential thermal analysis. The change of morphology and size of powder particles due to milling, were determined by SEM, while BET analysis was used to determine the specific surface area of the powder. The sintering process was followed by a dilatometer during thermal treatment up to 1300°C. The main conclusion of the analysis of conducted investigations is that CaTiO3 ceramics can be obtained from an activated mixture at a much lower temperature than reported in the literature owing to acceleration of the chemical reaction and sintering.


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A maria pretinha (Solanum americanum Mill) é uma planta daninha infestante de diversas culturas e além da competição pode causar outros problemas. Nos estudos envolvendo a biologia e o controle de plantas daninhas, a área foliar é uma das mais importantes características a serem avaliadas, mas tem sido pouco estudada porque sua determinação exige equipamentos sofisticados ou utiliza técnicas destrutivas. Visando obter equações que permitissem a estimativa da área foliar desta planta daninha utilizando características lineares do limbo foliar, facilmente mensuráveis em plantas no campo, foram estudadas correlações entre a área foliar real e as seguintes características das folhas: comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C), largura máxima do limbo (L) e o produto (C x L). Para tanto, foram mensuradas 200 folhas coletadas de plantas sujeitas às mais diversas condições ecológicas em que a espécie sobrevive, considerando-se todas as folhas das plantas desde que não apresentassem deformações oriundas de fatores, tais como, pragas, moléstias e granizo. Todas as equações, lineares simples, geométricas e exponenciais, permitiram boa estimativa da área foliar (Af) da maria pretinha. do ponto de vista prático, sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto (C x L), a qual apresentou o menor QM Resíduo. Assim, a estimativa da área foliar de S. americanum pode ser efetuada pela equação AF = 0,5632 x (C x L), com coeficiente de determinação (R2) de valor igual a 0,9516.


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Dois experimentos foram conduzidas, em condições de casa-de--vegetação com o objetivo de caracterizar diferenças entre cultivares de tomateiro (Lycopersvcum esculentum Mill) com relação à tolerância ao alumínio e ao manganês. No primeiro experimento foram cultivados em Latossol Roxo (solo ácido, com níveis elevados de alumínio e manganês), seis cultivares de tomateiro: Santa Cruz Kada, Angela IAC 3946, Vital, Roma VF, Pavebo 220 e Ronita N, os três primeiros de crescimento indeterminado e os restantes de crescimento determinado. No segundo experimento, os cultivares Santa Cruz Kada e Ronita N que apresentaram um contraste de desenvolvimento no solo ácido, foram cultivados em solução nutritiva de HOAGLAND & ARNON, modificada para níveis de manganês (0,5 ; 1,5 e 3,0 ppm) e com adição de níveis de alumínio (0,0; 10,0 e 20,00 ppm). Os resultados obtidos permitiram indicar o cultivar Santa Cruz Kada como mais tolerante ao alumínio que o cultuar Ronita N. A maior sensibilidade ao alumínio do cultivar Ronita N foi associada com uma maior exigência em cálcio e fósforo, com uma maior absorção de alumínio e também com efeito depressivo do alumínio na absorção dos nutrientes mencionados, em relação ao cultivar Santa Cruz Kada. A tolerância do cultivar Santa Cruz Kada ao alumínio apesar de ser maior que a do Ronita N pode ser considerada de grau relativamente baixo, podendo-se esperar ainda, boas respostas dessas plantas à calagem nos cultivares em solos ácidos. O comportamento dos cultivares frente aos níveis de manganês em solução nutritiva foi semelhante, não sendo observado qualquer efeito prejudicial do elemento nos níveis empregados.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os ductos secretores e o óleo essencial das folhas de Foeniculum vulgare em diferentes épocas do ano. Para esta finalidade, foram realizados estudos de caracterização anatômica, bem como anatomia comparada dos ductos secretores e testes histoquímicos das folhas. O óleo essencial foi obtido de folhas e frutos, por hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger e analisados quantitativamente e qualitativamente por cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massa, realizando-se análises seguidas de três réplicas para folhas coletadas durante o inverno e primavera, e frutos no verão. Os resultados encontrados para os ductos secretores de óleo corresponderam à redução do teor de óleo essencial nas folhas coletadas no final da primavera. O componente majoritário do óleo essencial de folhas e frutos foi o trans-anetol, durante todas as estações do ano. Portanto, evidenciou-se que os ductos secretores e teor de óleo essencial estão relacionados, bem como os constituintes químicos também estão sujeitos a sazonalidade, conforme o estágio fenológico da planta.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)