18 resultados para arendt


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Este ensayo procura analizar el tema de la educación a lo largo de la vida en su intersección con la escuela. En oposición a las perspectivas teóricas que defienden una posible conciliación entre vida y escuela, evidenciamos la tensión existente entre esas dos esferas, al hacer el análisis de los temas de la experiencia con el nacimiento, con la muerte y con la diferencia, y señalamos que su reflexión invita a los sujetos de la praxis educativa a una actitud ética de cuidado para con el otro, para con uno mismo y para que el otro cuide del cuidado de uno, que, de modo complementario a los saberes y prácticas escolares, posibilita una formación continuada que implica la transformación de sí mismo. Eso porque, teniendo como referencia el pensamiento de Arendt y Foucault, comprendemos que la vida transborda a los saberes y prácticas escolares, ofreciéndonos lo que pensar en la praxis educativa y haciendo que los sujetos de esa praxis aprendan a ubicarse entre la vida y la escuela, a la búsqueda de nuevos sentidos para ellos y de resistencia a lo que existe mientras se transforman a sí mismos. Así, buscamos ofrecer a los educadores algunos problemas de la vida que interfieren en la praxis educativa, que repercuten en su experiencia y que hacen pensar sobre aquello que les queda.


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This essay aims to analyze the relationship between life and school. In opposition to theoretical perspectives longed for a possible reconciliation between life and school, we look for to show to existing tension between these two spheres, making an analysis of the themes of the experience with birth, death and the difference, and highlight that this reflection invites the subjects of the educational practice to an ethical attitude of care for the other, for oneself and so that the other one takes care of the care of the self. Having the thoughts of Arendt’s and Foucault’s as reference, we understand that life goes beyond school knowledge and practices, offering us what we think about educational practice and making the subjects of that practice learn how to place themselves between life and school, looking for new senses for themselves and resistance to the existent while they transform themselves. Thus, we wait to offer the educators some life problems that pervade the educational practice, reverberate in their experience and make them think about what they have left.


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This work of completion is inserted at the interface between violence and school, and how you want to portray violence in school is represented in film productions. We consider important to first discuss in depth the concepts of violence to better understand the phenomenon of school violence, which is a subject much discussed in recent times. One of the types of violence very often nowadays, taking forms that we can call as new, in primary education schools, as well as in society in general, is known as bullying, for some authors the concept is very close to the definition of prejudice in with respect to social factors that reflect the target groups of this type of violence. Other authors also research on the expansion of the recent phenomenon known as School Shooting, which means school shootings, very common in American schools. Our study builds on ideas Debarbieux and Blaya (2002) that treat violence more broadly, taking into account the reports of the victims, including symbolic violence, the institutional and physical. For them, every concept must take into consideration how it was socially constructed, to thereafter be searched. Our goal is to analyze and understand how the issue of school violence is treated theoretically and also as is portrayed through the lens of cinema. Our study is theoretically based on authors like Debarbieux, Blaya, Bourdieu, Charlot, Arendt, Foucault, Sposito, among others, and use the qualitative approach, working with content analysis of films