68 resultados para antibiotic therapy


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This literature review aims to evaluate the epidemiologic profile of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) that developed a bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis that affect the jaws (BRONJ), including demographic aspects, as well as clinical and therapeutic issues. A search of PUBMED/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Cochrane databases from January 2003 to September 2011 was conducted with the objective of identifying publications that contained case reports regarding oral BRONJ in RA patients. Patients with RA who develop oral BRONJ are usually women above 60 years taking steroids and long-term alendronate. Most of them have osteoporosis, and lesions, triggered by dental procedures, are usually detected at stage II in the mandible. Although there is no accepted treatment protocol, these patients seem to have better outcomes with conservative approaches that include antibiotic therapy, chlorhexidine, and drug discontinuation.


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O sistema Diramic foi avaliado para o diagnóstico das infecções do trato urinário (ITU). O sistema Diramic foi desenvolvido em Cuba e possibilita resultados de diagnóstico das infecções do trato urinário (ITU) em quatro horas e baseia-se na variação da turvação do crescimento microbiano no meio de cultura após incubação a 37ºC/4 horas. 396 amostras de urinas provenientes de ambulatórios e enfermarias do HC da FMB-UNESP-Botucatu/SP foram analisadas pelo sistema Diramic. O método da alça calibrada (AC) foi adotado como método de referência. A taxa de coincidência entre os dois métodos foi de 96,46% (382 amostras de urina), não havendo diferença significativa entre os resultados obtidos nos dois métodos. Os resultados para sensibilidade e especificidade foram 84,37 e 98,80% respectivamente e 10 resultados no Diramic foram falsos negativos (2,5%) e 4 falso positivos (1,01%). Os microrganismos identificados nas urinas positivas foram Escherichia coli (68,75%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (10,94%), leveduras (6,25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4,69%), Enterobacter cloacae (3,12%) e Proteus mirabilis, Staphyloccocus coagulase negativo, Morganella morganii e Citrobacter freundii também foram identificadas (1,56% para cada espécie). O método Diramic foi eficiente na triagem das urinoculturas, porém verificou-se algumas restrições quanto ao diagnóstico das infecções do trato urinário quando causadas por leveduras e em pacientes submetidos a antibioticoterapia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objetivo: avaliar a significância clínica de estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN) isolados de processos infecciosos em recém-nascidos da unidade neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. Método: as linhagens de ECN isoladas foram identificadas e classificadas em significativas e contaminantes, com base em uma série de dados clínicos e laboratoriais obtidos dos prontuários dos pacientes internados na unidade neonatal. Foram pesquisados os dados referentes a fatores perinatais de risco para infecção, evolução clínica, alterações do hemograma e/ou positividade de proteína C-reativa e antibioticoterapia. Resultados: das 117 linhagens de ECN isoladas, 60 (51,3%) foram classificadas como significativas, e 57 (48,7%) como contaminantes. Das 54 crianças com infecção por ECN, 43 (79,6%) eram prematuras, e 27 (50,0%) tiveram peso ao nascimento Conclusões: a maioria dos recém-nascidos com infecção por ECN apresentou fatores predisponentes importantes para a instalação do processo infeccioso, incluindo o peso de nascimento < 1.500g, a não remoção de corpo estranho e a antibioticoterapia prévia. A identificação de espécies de ECN constitui um marcador útil de infecção, visto que o S. epidermidis foi o agente etiológico mais freqüentemente associado aos processos infecciosos.


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This is a case report of Garre's osteomyelitis caused by infection from a lower left molar which was successfully managed by root treatment following several unsuccessful attempts with antibiotic therapy alone. After 18 months there was complete resolution of the bony lesion.


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Background: We describe an experimental model for transanal endorectal pull-through surgery using the method of de]a Torre and Ortega that can be used for training purposes in experimental laboratories.Methods: Ten rabbits were submitted to the transanal endorectal pull-through technique of de la Torre and Ortega. Animals were randomly selected in the Botucatu School of Medicine experimental laboratory. Animals weighted between 2800 and 4400 g. Colons were not prepared, and antibiotic therapy was not used; dipyrone(1) was administered postoperatively for analgesic purposes. We standardized resected segment size, recorded surgical time, and observed Survival and possible complications for 1 month.Results: All animals survived the initial follow-up period without infection. Bowel movements returned quickly, and all animals were evacuating regularly within the first 24 hours. Mean surgical time was 48.6 minutes.Conclusions: the experimental model proposed in this study is very useful for training and improving surgical techniques using the method of de la Torre and Ortega. The rabbit is an excellent animal for this surgery because of its size and postoperative resistance. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This is a case report of Garré's osteomyelitis caused by infection from a lower left molar which was successfully managed by root treatment following several unsuccessful attempts with antibiotic therapy alone. After 18 months there was complete resolution of the bony lesion.


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Rhinoliths are rares and, in general, develop in response to foreign body lodged in the nose. This study briefly comments the clinics features of one case of rhinolithiasis that occurred during two years period. The etiology of rinoliths, differencial diagnosis and a review of the literature are also included. The authors concluded that the presence of calcified stones must be considered in cases of sinusitis or rhinitis not responding to medical therapy.


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Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are epitheliotropic viruses, that induce benign and malignant lesions on several body sites. It's a small circular DNA virus, non-enveloped and 75 types have been identified. Frequently HPV 6, 11 (benign lesions) and 16, 18 (malignant lesions) are occurred on mucosa. The infection takes place at the basal layer cells with microlesions, when the virus enters into the cells and looses the capsid. The benign HPV types is associated to cell's genome in epissomal way. In malignant lesions, it integrates into the cell's DNA. HPV viruses are sexually transmitted and responsable for malignant cell transformation. Thus this viruses have an extremely epidemiologic importance. This paper reports a HPV review study about: epidemiology, diagnostic methods and treatment to papillomavirus infection.


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The biotechnology, biochemical characterization, and protective effects of the himematsutake and shiitake mushrooms were studied for the Thematic Project, from 1998 to 2003. A new species, Agaricus Brasiliens is Wasser et al. (= A. blazei Murrill ss. Heinem.), was proposed for the cultivated lineages in Brazil. Interactions among lineages, substrates, casing layers, and fructification inductions (temperature alternations) significantly increased the productivity of A. brasiliensis in Brazil (from 40 g to 200 g of fresh mushroom kg -1 moist compost). However, pests and diseases (mainly Sciaridae flies and false truffle), drastically reduced the productivity of A. brasiliensis (below 50 g kg -1). Biochemically for each mushroom species, the polar extracts, no polars, and medium polarity presented the same organic substances; however, their concentrations differed as a result of the lineages, maturation of the fruit bodies, and cultivation conditions. In this aspect, concentration of linoleic acid in A. brasiliensis (added to animal food) was related directly to the chemical protection against carcinogenic drugs in mice. Aqueous extracts of Lentinus edodes (= Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) and A. brasiliensis may be preventive chemical protectors against mutagenic and carcinogenic drugs, depending on the lineage and extraction method (tea or juice). However, immunomodulator effects and tumor reduction were only observed with concentrated fractions (hexanic, methanolic, and ATF extracts). Aqueous extracts of A. brasiliensis and L. edodes have antibiotic-like substances and substances able to act as elicitors of resistance responses in some plants (local and systemic) and show a potential to be used in the alternative control of plant pathogens. © 2005 by Begell House, Inc.


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An external fixation technique, using a circular fixator, to obtain arthrodesis was evaluated in 2 dogs with infected open lesions and soft tissue damage. In both cases, articular cartilage was curetted, and devitalized bone and necrotic soft tissue were removed. No bone graft was used. The wounds were maintained open and the dogs received postoperative antibiotic therapy. The arthrodesis site was compressed progressively as needed. Infection was eradicated and bony union was obtained in both dogs. It was concluded that the use of a circular fixator is an effective method to achieve arthrodesis.


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Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a very common condition in clinical practice, affecting an estimated 50% of all adult women during a lifetime. The most common causative agent is E. coli; UTI may also be caused by S. saprophyticus, Enterobacteria (Klebsiella sp and Serratia sp.), Enterococcus sp., and P aeruginosa. Recurrent UTIs occur at least twice per semester or three times a year. Prophylactic measures to prevent recurrent UTIs include changes in contraception methods, cranberry products, increased fluid intake, urination after intercourse, vaginal estrogen therapy for post-menopausal women, antibiotics, and urinary tract antiseptic agents. Objectives: To evaluate the use of a combination of methenamine and methyl-thioninium chloride in the prophylaxis of recurrent uncomplicated lower UTIs, with respect to: • Signs and symptoms of UTI • Etiologic agent(s) • Recurrence rates • Need for antibiotic therapy in case of recurrence • Incidence of adverse events associated with the treatment, including any reported alterations of laboratory tests Materials & methods: A descriptive, analytic, restrospective study was performed at Hospital Universitário Constantino Otaviano - UNIFESO. Medical charts from patients presenting recurrent uncomplicated lower UTI attended from 2001-present were analyzed, including the following information: Demographic data (age, gender, weight, ethnicity, living conditions): medical history/signs and symptoms of UTI; identification of treatment and dosing regimens; treatment duration; recurrence rates and need for antibiotic therapy in case of recurrence; other medications prescribed; and records of adverse events. Results: E. coli was identified as etiologic agent in 80% of the patients. Following antibiotic therapy, all patients received prophylactic treatment with the combination of methenamine and methylthioninium chloride. Treatment duration ranged from three to six months. Adverse events were observed in 13/60 patients (21.7%). At the end of the respective treatment periods, a statistically significant (p<0.0001) number of patients showed no UTI recurrence. Conclusion: Based on the results from the collected data, we conclude that an orally administered combination of methenamine and methylthioninium chloride is safe and effective in the prophylactic treatment of recurrent uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection. © Copyright Morelra Jr. Editora.


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The aim of this study was to identify the resistance profile of Staphylococcus aureus strains, in relation to induced clindamycin resistance, and to detect oxacillin resistance by the routine phenotypic methods. The strains were isolated from nasal or lingual swabs taken from healthy adult carriers with no medical history of hospitalization or antibiotic treatment. Eighteen strains were distinguished by the different patterns generated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Four (22.2%) of these showed sensitivity to clindamycin by the conventional antibacterial susceptibility test, but demonstrated inducible resistance to it by the D-test. One strain (5.6%) was characterized as borderline oxacillin-resistant S. aureus (BORSA), and another (5.6%) as CA MRSA (community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Both of these strains were shown to be cefoxitin susceptible by the disk diffusion test. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) failed to detect the mecA gene in this last strain and it was thus classified as BORSA. These results show the importance of incorporating the D-test into the routine lab tests for S. aureus inducible clindamycin resistance and also of including the cefoxitin resistance test among the phenotypic methods for MRSA characterization.