28 resultados para albendazole


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Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is an infection of the central nervous system (CNS) caused by the metacestode larval form of the parasite Taenia sp. Many factors can contribute to the endemic nature of cysticercosis. The inflammatory process that occurs in the tissue surrounding the parasite and/or distal from it can result from several associated mechanisms and may be disproportionate with the number of cysts. This discrepancy may lead to difficulty with the proper diagnosis in people from low endemic regions or regions that lack laboratory resources. In the CNS, the cysticerci have two basic forms, isolated cysts (Cysticercus cellulosae = CC) and racemose cysts (Cysticercus racemosus = CR), and may be meningeal, parenchymal, or ventricular or have a mixed location. The clinical manifestations are based on two fundamental syndromes that may occur in isolation or be associated: epilepsy and intracranial hypertension. They may be asymptomatic, symptomatic or fatal; have an acute, sub-acute or chronic picture; or may be in remission or exacerbated. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may be normal, even in patients with viable cysticerci, until the patients begin to exhibit the classical syndrome of NCC in the CSF, or show changes in one or more routine analysed parameters. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have allowed non-invasive diagnoses, but can lead to false negatives. Treatment is a highly controversial issue and is characterised by individualised therapy sessions. Two drugs are commonly used, praziquantel (PZQ) and albendazole (ABZ). The choice of anti-inflammatory drugs includes steroids and dextrochlorpheniramine (DCP). Hydrocephalus is a common secondary effect of NCC. Surgical cases of hydrocephalus must be submitted to ventricle-peritoneal shunt (VPS) immediately before cysticidal treatment, and surgical extirpation of the cyst may lead to an absence of the surrounding inflammatory process. The progression of NCC may be simple or complicated, have remission with or without treatment and may exhibit symptoms that can disappear for long periods of time or persist until death. Unknown, neglected and controversial aspects of NCC, such as the impaired fourth ventricle syndrome, the presence of chronic brain oedema and psychic complaints, in addition to the lack of detectable glucose in the CSF and re-infection are discussed. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers.


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The aim of this work was to determine the resistance level of Haemonchus contortus isolated from the Santa Inês flock of the Embrapa (Brazilian government's Agricultural Research Company), Southeast Livestock Unit (CPPSE), as well as to determine costs of characterizing and maintaining this isolate in host donors. Forty-two male Santa Inês lambs were experimentally infected with 4000 H. contortus infective larvae of the field isolate of CPPSE, called Embrapa2010, and divided into six treatment groups, which received triclorfon, albendazol plus cobalt sulfate, ivermectin, moxidectin, closantel and levamisole phosphate, as well as a negative control group (water). Egg per gram (EPG) counts were performed at 0, 3, 7, 10 and 14. days post treatment when the animals were slaughtered for parasite count. The data were analyzed using the RESO statistical program, considering anthelmintic resistance under 95% of efficacy. EPG and worm count presented a linear and significant relation with 94% determination coefficient. The susceptibility results obtained by RESO through both criteria (EPG and worm count) were equal, except for closantel, showing that the isolate Embrapa2010 is resistant to benzimidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles. The need of a control group did not appear to be essential since the result for susceptibility in the analyses with or without this group was the same. Suppression in egg production after treatment did not occur in the ivermectin and moxidectin groups. In the control group, the establishment percentage was just 12.5 because of the low number of third-stage larvae, resistance (innate and infection immunity) of the animals studied plus good nutrition. Drug classes presented similar efficacy between adults and immature stages. The costs for isolate characterization were calculated for 42 animals during 60. days. The total cost based on local market rates was approximately US$ 8000. The precise identification of Brazilian isolates and their establishment in host donors would be useful for laboratorial anthelmintic resistance diagnoses through in vitro tests, which has an annual cost of approximately US$ 2500 for maintenance in host donors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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As a result of the need to develop new active principles for the control of endoparasites in ruminants, the present in vivo study evaluated a formulation containing 24% Aurixazol (48 mg/kg), a parasiticide molecule based on disophenolate of levamisole. Two experiments were conducted: one evaluating the anthelmintic efficacy of 24% Aurixazol (48 mg/kg) against gastrointestinal nematodes in naturally infected sheep, compared to an association of ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg) + albendazole (5.0 mg/kg) + levamisole (7.5 mg/kg) (IAL), and a second one which evaluated the persistent efficacy of the same formulation against immature stages (L4) and adults of Haemonchus contortus in experimentally infected animals. In experiment I, against H. contortus, the formulation of Aurixazol and the IAL association reached efficacies (arithmetic means) of 99.32% and 96.11%, respectively. For Trichostrongylus colubriformis, the efficacy values were 88.92% and 98.08% for Aurixazol and the IAL association, respectively. Both formulations were totally effective against Oesophagostomum columbianum (100%). The results of the statistical analysis demonstrated that the mean parasitic burden of treated animals was significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) compared to the average number of helminths diagnosed in animals from the control group for H. contortus, T. colubriformis and O. columbianum. Comparing only the treated groups, it was possible to verify that the average number of H. contortus recovered from animals treated with Aurixazol was different (P ≤ 0.05) when compared to the mean amount recovered from sheep treated with the IAL association. When evaluating the prevention of H. contortus infection in experiment II, Aurixazol did not present preventive efficacy. Up until 21 days after treatment the groups treated with Aurixazol contained less adults and L4 of H. contortus (P ≤ 0.05) when compared to the non-medicated control group. However, future studies will be necessary to assess the effectiveness of Aurixazol against nematode strains resistant to levamisole and disophenol, but the efficacy results described in this study allow to state that Aurixazol can, associated with other measures, become an important tool in the control of sheep nematodes. © 2013.


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The development of resistance to anthelmintics has prompted research into alternative methods of controlling intestinal nematodes in ruminants. This study aimed to assess the activity of Ananas comosus on Haemonchus contortus in Santa Inês sheep. The aqueous extract of pineapple skin (AEPS), bromelain from pineapple stems (B4882) and residue from pineapple processing was evaluated in in vitro and in vivo tests. The enzymatic activity of substances was analyzed by the azocasein method. The egg hatch test (EHT) and larval development test (LDT) were performed using the Embrapa2010 isolate of H. contortus. In the in vivo test, 36 sheep artificially infected with H. contortus were divided into six groups: G1: 2g/kg BW of the aqueous extract administered for three days; G2: 2g/kg BW of the industrial pineapple residue for 60 days; G3: 180mg/animal of bromelain in a single dose; G4: negative control I; G5: positive control (levamisole phosphate); and G6: negative control II. The eggs per gram (EPG) in the feces were counted till 28 days after treatment. LC50 and LC90 were obtained by the probit procedure, while the in vivo test results were analyzed by GLM. The aqueous extract in the in vitro and in vivo test, the bromelain and industrial residue presented 0.102, 0.157, 1.864 and 0.048 enzyme units/mL, respectively. In the egg hatch test, the LC50 and LC90 were respectively 31 and 81mg/mL for the aqueous extract and 0.50 and 2mg/mL for bromelain. In the larval development test, the LC50 and LC90 were respectively 1.7 and 7.3mg/mL for the aqueous extract and 0.019 and 0.086mg/mL for bromelain. In the in vivo test, the general efficacies of the treatments in relation to the negative control were 22.6%, 42.2%, 3.65% and 89% for the aqueous extract, industrial pineapple residue, bromelain and positive control respectively. The transformed EPG values were 3.19±0.59, 3.32±0.25, 2.85±0.66, 3.44±0.50, 2.28±0.93 and 2.75±0.94 for the aqueous extract, industrial residue, bromelain, negative control I, positive control and negative control II respectively. The results for all the treated groups differed significantly (p<0.05) from the positive control, and although the residue presented efficacy of 42.2%, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05) in relation to the negative control. Therefore, both the aqueous extract and bromelain were effective in vitro, but showed reduced anthelmintic efficacy in vivo. For the pineapple residue, the 42.2% in vivo efficacy in reducing the EPG and the possibility of reducing environmental contamination through reuse of industrial residue indicate it can also be useful for control of this parasite. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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The present study aimed to notify the history of albendazole sulphoxide (ALB-SO) and albendazole (ALBZ) efficacy against Taenia saginata cysticercus (Cysticercus bovis) parasitizing experimentally infected bovines. A total of 11 efficacy trials were performed between the years of 2002 and 2010. In order to perform these trials, animals were individually inoculated with 2 x 104 eggs of T. saginata in each study's day zero (DO). For every trial, a positive control group (untreated infected animals) and a negative control group (animals that were neither infected nor treated) were used. ALB-SO or ALB were administered in the different dosages, in different days of treatments. In a last study with this formulation, this active principle was administered orally, mixed with the mineral supplement, on the 60th DPI, in a dosage of 30 mg/kg. In all trials, on the 100th DPI, all animals were euthanized and submitted to the sequenced slicing of 26 anatomical segments (fragments of approximately five millimeters) for the survey of T. saginata cysticercus. With the obtained results it is possible to verify that in the first trials, conducted in 2002, ALB-SO reached, independently of dosage and treatment scheme, efficacies superior to 98% (arithmetic means). The trials conducted in 2005 (2.5 mg/kg on the 30th, 60th, and 90th DPI) obtained values of efficacy all inferior to 60%. In 2008, the trials with 2.5 and 7.7 mg/kg demonstrated efficacy values inferior to 40%, for both dosages and treatment schemes (30th/60th/90th DPI and 60th DPI). When this formulation was administered orally on the dosage of 30 mg/kg on the 60th DPI, the efficacy against T. saginata cysticercus reached 88.28%. ALB administered orally showed efficacy values of 0.0%, 29.88% and 28.64% in the dosages of 5, 10 and 15 mg/kg, respectively, using the treatment schemes described above for each dosage. Based on the results of these trials, conducted in an eight year period (2002-2010) using the sequenced slicing method for evaluating the efficacy of the aforementioned formulations against T. saginata cysticercus, it is possible to observe that, amongst the few molecules used in the chemotherapic treatment against T. saginata larvae, ALB-SO, administered in varied routes, dosages and treatment schemes, the studies conducted in 2008, 2009, and 2010, have a low therapeutic efficacy against C bovis in Brazil, while ALBZ had insignificant efficacy values against T. saginata larvae parasitizing experimentally infected bovines. However, future studies using molecular biology will be necessary to assess whether the difference on the efficacy of the ALB-SO can be related to strain or another specific factor. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The albendazole and mebendazole drugs are benzimidazole derivatives and belong to the anthelmintic class. These drugs are particularly recommended for the treatment against worms present in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans, by acting directly on the worm metabolism. The need for thermally study drugs is related to all the parameters that these analyzes include: presence or absence of polymorphs, possible changes in the crystallinity of the drugs, as well as the quality control during the manufacturing process thereof. In this study the thermal behavior of anthelmintic albendazole and commercial mebendazole and its recrystallisation in organic solvents, such as acetic acid and formic acid in dimethylformamide to mebendazole, and albendazole were studied using TG-DSC techniques, TG-FTIR, FTIR and XRD. TG-DSC techniques were used so it could collect information about the thermal stability of the compounds steps for thermal decomposition process and also prove its melting temperature. For recrystallization of drugs in organic solvents, the TG-DSC curves were analyzed to compare and determine that the occurrence of polymorphs. The coupled TG-FTIR technique allowed the analysis of volatile products which were released during the thermal decomposition of the commercial mebendazole. The absorption spectroscopy in the infrared region was performed to mebendazole, and albendazole in order to show the difference in functional groups of both, comparing the spectra with commercial drugs and see if there was recrystallized changes in the absorption band where the drug was recrystallized or when heated. The diffraction technique by powder X-ray method was used for comparison of the crystal structures of commercial drugs and recrystallization in organic solvents to identify changes in crystallinity both, which might suggest the formation of polymorphs


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Four cases of suggestive inflammatory aneurysms in patients with neurocysticercosis have been described. We report a case of a 49-year-old woman who presented with subarachnoid haemorrhage from a right middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysm and had a casual relationship with neurocysticercosis. At surgery, a viable cysticercus without signs of inflammation or thickened leptomeninges was found in the distal position of the aneurysm. Postoperatively, the patient received albendazole and dextrochlorpheniramine. In the subsequent three years, the patient was asymptomatic and took drugs to prevent convulsion and arterial hypertension. The relationship between NCC and the presence of cerebral aneurysm is discussed.