46 resultados para Zone melting.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and isotopic (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) data were combined to study the emplacement setting of the granite sheets that constitute the Esperanca pluton in the Borborema Province (Northeastern Brazil). The sheets dip moderately to the SE along the contact zone between the Paleoproterozoic basement rocks and Early Neoproterozoic orthogneisses and metasediments. Granite fabrics were determined mainly using AMS in 136 sites distributed within the central and western part of the pluton. The sheets normally have susceptibility lower than 0.35 mSI but, locally, where a Ti-poor magnetite appears with titanite, the susceptibility increases up to 5 mSI. Comparison between the silicate fabric and AMS showed inconsistencies between the shape of mineral and magnetic ellipsoids despite of their orientations that fit fairly well to each other. AMS indicated the deformation was partitioned between the lower (tonalite, syenogranite) and upper (leucogranite and coarse porphyritic granite) sheets. In the lower sheets the curvilinear lineation trajectory is attributed to a dominant heterogeneous pure shear event that flattened laterally the still molten tonalite and syenogranite into the regional foliation. ne associated microstructures are typically magmatic. Zircon U/Pb data of the syenogranite yielded a crystallization age of 592 +/- 5 Ma. In the upper sheets the fabric recorded a component of simple shear deformation that displaced the coarse porphyritic granite and the top gneissic host rocks to the southwest. Microstructures are mostly of post-full crystallization type. T(DM) model ages and epsilon(Nd) (t = 0) values indicate that the magma contaminated by partial melting of the regional host rocks. Sheet propagation at the emplacement level would have exploited the contact zone between crustal blocks of different rheologies when the melt pressures would be able to tensionally fail the anisotropy of the host rocks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Chain. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance of acicular crystals in the cambium. This information was correlated with the phenology of the species and the climate of the region. Acicular calcium oxalate crystals were found in cambial fusiform and ray cell initials, as well as in their daughter cells. An abundance of crystals was observed during periods of water deficit and leaf fall (July). Fewer crystals were found in the beginning of the wet season and bud swelling (September). When trees were flowering and the soil was wet (November and December), acicular crystals were rarely observed. During this period, acicular crystals were found in differentiating phloem and xylem parenchyma cells, in fully differentiated phloem cells, but not in fully differentiated xylem cells.


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Neural stem/progenitor cell (NSP) biology and neurogenesis in adult central nervous system (CNS) are important both towards potential future therapeutic applications for CNS repair, and for the fundamental function of the CNS. In the present study, we report the characterization of NSP population from subventricular zone (SVZ) of neonatal piglet brain using in vivo and in vitro systems. We show that the nestin and vimentin-positive neural progenitor cells are present in the SVZ of the lateral ventricles of neonatal piglet brain. In vitro, piglet NSPs proliferated as neurospheres, expressed the typical protein of neural progenitors, nestin and a range of well-established neurodevelopmental markers. Upon dissociation and subculture, piglet NSPs differentiated into neurons and glial cells. Clonal analysis demonstrates that piglet NSPs are multi-potent and retain the capacity to generate both glia and neurons. These cells expressed VEGF, VEGFR1, VEGFR2 and Neuropilin-1 and -2 mRNAs. Real time PCR revealed that SVZ NSPs from newborn piglet expressed total VEGF and all VEGF splice variants. These findings show that piglet NSPs may be helpful to more effectively design growth factor based strategies to enhance endogenous precursor cells for cell transplantation studies potentially leading to the application of this strategy in the nervous system disease and injury.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Knowledge about bird's heat stress is extensively discussed in the literature. From behavior data collected during the summer of 2000/2001 in an open-sided reduced scale model of a poultry barn, this study estimated the thermoneutral zone for female broiler breeders. The birds were electronically identified and the frequency of use of passage, indicating movement, and drinker, indicating thirst, where the antennas were placed, was recorded. Environmental data such as dry and wet bulb temperature were collected in the geometric center of the model and continuously registered by a datalogger. From the statistical analysis, it was possible to predict a real-time-based zone where the birds showed coherent behavior towards the use of the drinker and movement in the passage. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amphibians are an important component of terrestrial and aquatic freshwater communities worldwide. Especially to the Northern coastal zone of Brazil, the knowledge about amphibian communities is very scarce. We have studied amphibian assemblages along the coastal strip zone of the state of Piaui for two years, covering a distance of ca. 70 km. It was possible to prepare a list of 21 anurans from 6 families (Microhylidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Cycloramphidae, Leiuperidae, and Bufonidae). All species are common and widely distributed in Brazilian territory, mainly on the Caatinga biome. The results are important to amplify the knowledge on the biodiversity found at the coastal zone of the state of Piaui.


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The Precambrian Rio Paraíba do Sul Shear Belt comprises a 200-km-wide anastomosing network of NE-SW trending ductile shear zones extending over 1000 km of the southeastern coast of Brazil. Granulitic, gneissic-migmatitic, and granitoid terrains as well as low- to medium-grade metavolcanosedimentary sequences are included within it. These rocks were affected by strong contractional, tangential tectonics, due to west-northwestward oblique convergence of continental blocks. Subsequent transpressional tectonics accomodated large dextral, orogen-parallel movements and shortening. The plutonic Socorro Complex is one of many deformed granites with a foliation subparallel to that of the shear belt and exposes crosscutting relationships between its tectonic, magmatic, and metamorphic structures. These relationships point to a continuous magmatic evolution related to regional thrusts and strike slip, ductile shear zones. The tectonic and magmatic structural features of the Serra do Lopo Granite provide a model of emplacement by sheeting along shear zones during coeval strike-slip and cross shortening of country rocks. Geochronological data indicate that the main igneous activity of Socorro Complex spanned at least 55 million years, from the late stage of the northwestward ductile thrusting (650 Ma), through right-lateral strike slip (595 Ma) deformation. The country rocks yield discordant age data, which reflect a strong imprint of the Transamazonian tectono-metamorphic event (1.9 to 2.0 Ma). We propose a model for the origin of calcalkaline granites of the Ribeira Belt by partial melting of the lower crust with small contributions of the lithospheric mantle during transpressional thickening of plate margins, which were bounded by deep shear zones. The transpressional regime also seems to have focused granite migration from deeper into higher crustal levels along these shear zones.


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Longitudinal changes in composition, abundance, and distribution of copepods were studied at the transition zone of Paranapanema River-Jurumirim Reservoir (SP, Brazil). The interchange of biotic material between marginal lakes and the river system was also examined. Water samples were obtained from 6 stations along a stretch of 13 km of the Paranapanema River, from an upstream reach with high water velocity up to the river mouth into Jurumirim Reservoir. Two other sites in lateral lakes were also sampled. Nine copepod taxa were identified: 3 calanoids (Argyrodiaptomus furcatus Sars, Notodiaptomus iheringi Wright, and N. conifer Sars) and 6 cyclopoids (Eucyclops Claus, Microcyclops Claus, Mesocyclops longisetus Thiébaud, Thermocyclops decipiens Fischer, T. minutus Lowndes, and Paracyclops Claus). Harpacticoids were also collected. Calanoid and cyclopoid nauplii and copepodids, and harpacticoids were the most abundant organisms. In general, there was a longitudinal decrease in copepod abundance, whereas an increase was detected near the lakes. The abundance of most copepods was inversely correlated with current velocity and suspended solids. Higher abundance was observed in the river main course during the rainy season, during which there is a higher connectivity between the lakes and the main river. This promotes exportation of biologic material from marginal lakes to the river system, a biotic exchange reflecting the importance of marginal lakes to the river community structure.


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The Brasília belt borders the western margin of the São Francisco Craton and records the history of ocean opening and closing related to the formation of West Gondwana. This study reports new U-Pb data from the southern sector of the belt in order to provide temporal limits for the deposition and ages of provenance of sediments accumulated in passive margin successions around the south and southwestern margins of the São Francisco Craton, and date the orogenic events leading to the amalgamation of West Gondwana. Ages of detrital zircons (by ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS) were obtained from metasedimentary units of the passive margin of the São Francisco Craton from the main tectonic domains of the belt: the internal allochthons (Araxá Group in the Áraxá and Passos Nappes), the external allochthons (Canastra Group, Serra da Boa Esperança Metasedimentary Sequence and Andrelândia Group) and the autochthonous or Cratonic Domain (Andrelândia Group). The patterns of provenance ages for these units are uniform and are characterised as follows: Archean- Paleoproterozoic ages (3.4-3.3, 3.1-2.7, and 2.5-2.4Ga); Paleoproterozoic ages attributed to the Transamazonian event (2.3-1.9Ga, with a peak at ca. 2.15Ga) and to the ca. 1.75Ga Espinhaço rifting of the São Francisco Craton; ages between 1.6 and 1.2Ga, with a peak at 1.3Ga, revealing an unexpected variety of Mesoproterozoic sources, still undetected in the São Francisco Craton; and ages between 0.9 and 1.0Ga related to the rifting event that led to the individualisation of the São Francisco paleo-continent and formation of its passive margins. An amphibolite intercalation in the Araxá Group yields a rutile age of ca. 0.9Ga and documents the occurrence of mafic magmatism coeval with sedimentation in the marginal basin. Detrital zircons from the autochthonous and parautochthonous Andrelândia Group, deposited on the southern margin of the São Francisco Craton, yielded a provenance pattern similar to that of the allochthonous units. This result implies that 1.6-1.2Ga source rocks must be present in the São Francisco Craton. They could be located either in the cratonic area, which is mostly covered by the Neoproterozoic epicontinental deposits of the Bambuí Group, or in the outer paleo-continental margin, buried under the allochthonous units of the Brasília belt. Crustal melting and generation of syntectonic crustal granites and migmatisation at ca. 630Ma mark the orogenic event that started with westward subduction of the São Francisco plate and ended with continental collision against the Paraná block (and Goiás terrane). Continuing collision led to the exhumation and cooling of the Araxá and Passos metamorphic nappes, as indicated by monazite ages of ca. 605Ma and mark the final stages of tectonometamorphic activity in the southern Brasília belt. Whilst continent-continent collision was proceeding on the western margin of the São Francisco Craton along the southern Brasília belt, eastward subduction in the East was generating the 634-599Ma Rio Negro magmatic arc which collided with the eastern São Francisco margin at 595-560Ma, much later than in the Brasília belt. Thus, the tectonic effects of the Ribeira belt reached the southernmost sector of the Brasília belt creating a zone of superposition. The thermal front of this event affected the proximal Andrelândia Group at ca. 588Ma, as indicated by monazite age. The participation of the Amazonian craton in the assembly of western Gondwana occurred at 545-500Ma in the Paraguay belt and ca. 500Ma in the Araguaia belt. This, together with the results presented in this work lead to the conclusion that the collision between the Paraná block and Goiás terrane with the São Francisco Craton along the Brasília belt preceded the accretion of the Amazonian craton by 50-100 million years. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.