101 resultados para Zona fria
Fluid inclusions, petrofabric and microstructures studies of mylonites and cataclasites were used to establish the Itu-Jundiuvira Shear Zone (IJSZ) tectonic and metamorphic evolution. The quartz fabric indicates that prism {1000} slip was important during the deformation. This studies have showed that IJSZ changed from deeper crustal levels (12-15km) and ductile conditions to upper levels of about 4 to 6km and brittle strain conditions. -English summary
Planning control programs, for diseases such as rabies requires information on the size and structure of the dog and cat population. In order to evaluate the dog population of the urban area of Araçatuba city, S. Paulo State, Brazil, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire to interview members of households. Eighty-eight districts were visited (37,778 houses) and the interview was possible at 77.93% of these. Human population size evaluated was 113,157 inhabitants. Houses that owned animals represented 55.2%, 26,926 of the animals concerned were dogs and 5,755 were cats. Of the dogs, 56.64% were 1-4 year olds and males represented 56.2% of the total population. Dog: person ratio was estimated at 2.8 dogs to every 10 persons, almost 3 times the ratio hitherto estimated and used in the planning of rabies vaccination campaigns.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of broilers reared under different population densities in the cold and hot seasons of the year. Two identical experiments were conducted, one during the winter for 49 days, and the other during the summer where the chicks were slaughtered at 42 days of age. Commercial Hubbard broiler-type chicks were distributed in a randomized block design in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement with population densities of 10, 14, 18, and 22 birds/m 2, by sex, and with four replications. Feed intake was reduced with a progressive decrease of available space for the chicks, and it resulted in a linear decrease in weight gain. However, there was a linear increase in the live weight of broilers in kilograms per area of floor space, proportional to the increase of population density, without effect on the viability. The progressive increment in the population density reduced the observed feed/gain ratio during the total winter rearing period for both sexes. There was no effect of population density on this characteristic during the hot season of the year. Population density did not affect the carcass yield of chicks during the summer. However, there was a linear increase on carcass yield with an increase in population density in the winter. The males, at the age slaughtered, had higher weights, feed intakes, and better feed/gain ratios, and lower abdominal fat and higher live weight production in kilograms per floor area than females. However, the viable index for the males was lower. From the results obtained, there was a linear increase in the liveweight of broilers in kilograms per floor area, making it possible to rear broilers under higher population densities, independent of the season of the year, as well as the occurrence of a decrease in feed intake and weight gain of the chicks with a decrease of available space.
Monthly collections of fishes using a trawl net were carried out from August 1996 to December 1997 with the objective of evaluating the composition and diversity of fish species in the littoral area of the transition zone between Veados Stream and Jurumirim Dam (Upper Paranapanema River, São Paulo State). Diversity and similarity indices of ichthyofauna at the sites were determined and correlated with abiotic factors such as dissolved oxygen, temperature, pluviometric precipitation and hydrological level. Twenty-six (26) fish species (the majority small-sized) of the family Characidae (Tetragonopterinae and Cheirodontinae) were registered. Representatives of the orders Siluformes, Gymnotiformes, Perciformes and Synbranchiformes occurred in lower abundance. Significant differences were found in the site diversity indices, but not in the abiotic factors. Significant correlations between the abundance of the ichthyofauna and the variations in the abiotic factors were not detected. The presence of fish larvae in the samples indicates the importance of the transition zone as a reproduction area of the fish species registered in this study.
Experiments were conducted to study effects of macromolecules on stallion sperm capacitation and fertilization as determined by penetration of bovine zona-free and equine partially zona-removed oocytes. Stallion sperm were capacitated in TYH medium (modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate) supplemented with either 1 mg/mL of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) or 4 mg/ mL of BSA. Capacitation was induced with 8 bromoadenosine cyclic monophosphate (8BrcAMP; 0.5 mM) alone or in combination with 0.1 μM of ionomycin. Intraspecies gametes were co-incubated in TYH/PVA or TYH/ BSA for 18 to 20 h. For zona-free bovine oocytes, penetration rate (35%) with the combination of 8BrcAMP and ionomycin in PVA-containing medium was higher (P < 0.05) than any treatment in BSA-containing medium (5 to 6%). A similar study was conducted using equine oocytes with partially removed zonae. Sperm capacitated and used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in PVA-containing medium had higher penetration rates (P < 0.01) than sperm in BSA-containing medium (54 vs. 11%). The effect of equine preovulatory follicular fluid on bovine oocyte penetration was assessed. Bovine oocytes were matured in tissue culture medium-199 with 0, 20, 50, or 100% equine preovulatory follicular fluid, and 1 IU/mL of equine chorionic gonadotropin. Stallion sperm were treated with 8BrcAMP + ionomycin in PVA- or BSA-containing media. The penetration rates of bovine zona-free oocytes by stallion sperm were again higher with PVA (47%) than BSA (18%; P < 0.01). Penetration rates of oocytes matured in 100% follicular fluid were higher (P < 0.05) than for oocytes matured with 0% follicular fluid. The effects of equine follicular fluid and PVA/BSA during sperm capacitation on standard bovine IVF were examined. Culture of bovine oocytes with equine follicular fluid did not affect oocyte maturation or penetration rates after IVF. Bovine sperm capacitated with heparin in PVA-containing medium yielded lower (P < 0.05) fertilization rates than those capacitated in BSA-containing medium when incubated with both zona-intact and zona-free bovine oocytes. In summary, PVA was superior to BSA for ionophore-induced capacitation of equine sperm for penetration of zona-free bovine oocytes or partially zona-removed equine oocytes, but not for standard bovine IVF with bovine sperm. Zona-free bovine oocytes may be useful for assaying in vitro capacitation and fertilization of stallion sperm. © 2003 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
Implantation failure after IVF is one of the factors associated with a reduced chance of pregnancy for some patients. Assisted hatching methodologies are designed to facilitate the embryo's escape from the zona pellucida, and this strategy has been suggested as a means of improving pregnancy rates in patients with previous implantation failure. The aim of this prospective and randomized study was to evaluate the efficacy of quarter-laser zona thinning assisted hatching (qLZT-AH) in improving the implantation of embryos in patients with previous implantation failure. A total of 150 patients with a history of previous implantation failure were treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and allocated into two groups: group 1, only one previous implantation failure, and group 2, repeated implantation failures. The patients in each group were randomized at the time of embryo transfer into a control group (no qLZT-AH) or experimental group where qLZT-AH was performed. For patients with repeated implantation failures, the implantation rate in those who received laser-thinned embryos was significantly higher (P=0.02) than in those whose embryos were not laser-thinned (10.9 and 2.6% respectively). However, this difference was not observed in patients who presented with only one previous implantation failure. The data demonstrate that qLZT-AH is an effective strategy for improving the implantation of embryos in patients with repeated implantation failures.
The effects of salt concentration levels in electrical conductivity (EC) were evaluated in chrysanthemum root, cultivated in substrate using two sampling methods, under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was carried out in Paranapanema, São Paulo using the experimental design in randomized blocks and four replications. The treatments consisted of eight sampling periods of substrate solutions in pots: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days after strike root and five salt concentration levels of applied saline solution: 1.42; 1.65; 1.89; 2.13 and 2.36 dS m -1 in the vegetative period and during the reproduction period of flower budding: 1.71; 1.97; 2.28; 2.57 and 2.85 dS m -1. The substrate solution EC monitoring was done using two methods: solution extractors and 1:2 water diluted solution. The use of solution extractors and 1:2 water diluted solution allowed substrate solution EC monitoring along the culture cycle; the amount of salt concentration applied in the substrate caused the substrate salinity increase; the method using solution extractors presented higher EC values in the substrate.
Coqueiral lake is a marginal lake located at the southeast São Paulo State, in the mouth zone of the Paranapanema river into Jurumirim Reservoir and it has high connectivity with the Paranapaneina river. This work aimed to verify the benthic biodiversity in areas of the lake bottom. 18 sampling sites in the lake were selected, including shallow and deep areas. The samples were taken every three months during one year. Physical and chemical water variables (level, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, and electric conductivity) were analyzed. Sediment samples were picked up in triplicate for fauna and abiotic factors analysis (granulometric composition and sediment organic content), using Petersen dredge. The material was sorted out and analyzed under stereoscopic microscope. Counting and identification of the organisms were accomplished and diversity, relative abundance, taxonomic richness and dominance index were calculated. The analysis revealed a fauna with low species diversity and, with Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera dominance. Ephemeroptera, Campsurus, dominated in the hottest period and with low lake depth. Organisms' distribution had as main factors depth, transparency, pH, and water temperature. In the comparison between shallow and deep areas, a small density of organism in the deep regions was observed.
Laser-assisted hatching is little documented in the literature regarding its efficacy in cryopreserved-thawed (CT) embryo transfer cycles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in a randomized manner the efficacy of thinning one quarter of the zona pellucida of CT embryos to a depth of 50-80% of the original thickness, via laser treatment (the qLZT-AH procedure), in improving implantation and pregnancy rates. Two populations were studied: population I, patients who had all their supernumerary embryos cryopreserved, regardless of their morphology, and population II, patients at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome who had all their embryos cryopreserved. Artificial and natural protocols were used for the embryo transfers. A total of 350 laser-thinned CT embryos were compared with 352 intact zona embryos. No difference in implantation or pregnancy rate was found after using qLZT-AH in either population. These findings suggest that qLZT-AH should not be routinely performed in cryopreserved embryo programmes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR