43 resultados para Wave energy Converter


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Some dynamical properties present in a problem concerning the acceleration of particles in a wave packet are studied. The dynamics of the model is described in terms of a two-dimensional area preserving map. We show that the phase space is mixed in the sense that there are regular and chaotic regions coexisting. We use a connection with the standard map in order to find the position of the first invariant spanning curve which borders the chaotic sea. We find that the position of the first invariant spanning curve increases as a power of the control parameter with the exponent 2/3. The standard deviation of the kinetic energy of an ensemble of initial conditions obeys a power law as a function of time, and saturates after some crossover. Scaling formalism is used in order to characterise the chaotic region close to the transition from integrability to nonintegrability and a relationship between the power law exponents is derived. The formalism can be applied in many different systems with mixed phase space. Then, dissipation is introduced into the model and therefore the property of area preservation is broken, and consequently attractors are observed. We show that after a small change of the dissipation, the chaotic attractor as well as its basin of attraction are destroyed, thus leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. The transient after the crisis follows a power law with exponent -2. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A narrow S-wave resonance has been found in the positron-helium system at about 30 eV, using the close-coupling approach, in excitation and rearrangement cross sections to He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s) and Ps(2s) states by employing different combinations of the following basis functions: He(1s1s), He(1s2s), He(1s2p), Ps(1s) and Ps(2s), where Ps stands for the positronium atom.


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A study of the analytic behavior of different few-particle scattering amplitudes at low energies in two space dimensions is presented. Such a study is of use in modeling and understanding different few-particle processes at low energies. A detailed discussion of the energy and the momentum dependence of the partial-wave on-the-energy-shell and off-the-energy-shell two-particle t matrices is given. These t-matrix elements tend to zero as the energy and momentum variables tend to zero. The multiple-scattering series is used to show that the connected three-to-three amplitudes diverge in the low-energy-momentum limit. Unitarity relations are used to show that the connected two-to-three and one-to-three amplitudes have specific logarithmic singularities at the m-particle breakup threshold. The subenergy singularity in the two-to-three amplitudes is also studied, and comments are made on some applications of the present study in different problems of ph cal interest.


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We study exact boundary controllability for a two-dimensional wave equation in a region which is an angular sector of a circle or an angular sector of an annular region. The control, of Neumann type, acts on the curved part of the boundary, while in the straight part we impose homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. The initial state has finite energy and the control is square integrable. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report luminescent and morphological studies with yttrium oxide samples doped with ytterbium and erbium. The samples were prepared by the combustion method and also from different precursors: oxalate, basic carbonate and polymeric resin. All powders were identified Lis being an yttrium oxide with a C-form structure, independent of the employed precursor. From mean crystallite size measurements, it was verified that oxides prepared through the polymeric precursor and combustion methods lead to the smallest crystallite size. Particle shape and size were investigated by SEM and TEM, and showed that both the oxalate precursor and the combustion methods do not provide oxide materials of suitable shape or size, on the other hand. The basic carbonate and polymeric precursors resulted in spherically shaped particles with an average diameter of 90 and 15 run. respectively, Upon 980 run diode laser excitation, green and red emission lines were detected for all samples and were assigned to the H-2(11/2) S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and (4)Fg(9/2) -> 4I(15/12) transitions, respectively. Such transitions are characteristic for Er3+ and result from energy transfer from Yb3+ energy levels, F-2(7/2) -> F-2(5/2). A relationship between the decrease in the mean crystallite size and the enhancement in red emission was also established as well as the influence of the presence of a high percentage of Yb-3 Both factors promote ET from Yb3+ (F-2(5/2)) to Er3+ (I-4(11/2)). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is shown that for singular potentials of the form lambda/r(alpha),the asymptotic form of the wave function both at r --> infinity and r --> 0 plays an important role. Using a wave function having the correct asymptotic behavior for the potential lambda/r(4), it is, shown that it gives the exact ground-state energy for this potential when lambda --> 0, as given earlier by Harrell [Ann. Phys. (NY) 105, 379 (1977)]. For other values of the coupling parameter X, a trial basis;set of wave functions which also satisfy the correct boundary conditions at r --> infinity and r --> 0 are used to find the ground-state energy of the singular potential lambda/r(4) It is shown that the obtained eigenvalues are in excellent agreement with their exact ones for a very large range of lambda values.


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Using a simple effective nucleon-trinucleon interaction we predict and study certain new correlations which are expected to exist between low-energy s-wave spin-isospin singlet observables of the four-nucleon system when various potential models yielding essentially identical two- and three-nucleon observables are employed in four-nucleon calculations. The study of such correlations using different realistic potential models is expected to yield information about the nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions.


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We have observed ultraviolet upconversion fluorescence from the 4D3/2 and 2P3/2 levels of Nd3+ in fluoroindate glass under infrared pumping. It was found that the excitation of a large population in the 4F3/2 metastable level allows to achieve strong upconversion emissions at 354 and 382 nm. A simple rate equation model reproduces the temporal behavior of the upconverted emission and allows us to estimate the energy transfer rate among three Nd3+ ions participating in the process. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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This work presents a new high power factor three-phase rectifier based on a Y-connected differential autotransformer with reduced kVA and 18-pulse input current followed by three DC-DC boost converters. The topology provides a regulated output voltage and natural three-phase input power factor correction. The lowest input current harmonic components are the 17th and the 19th. Three boost converters, with constant input currents and regulated parallel connected output voltages are used to process 4kW each one. Analytical results from Fourier analyses of winding currents and the vector diagram of winding voltages are presented. Simulation results to verify the proposed concept and experimental results are shown in the paper.


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We investigate ortho-positronium-lithium-atom (Ps-Li) scattering using static-exchange and three-Ps-state coupled-channel calculations. The present three-PS-state scheme, while closely agreeing with the resonance and binding energies in the Ps-H system, predicts S-, P-, and D-wave resonances at 4.25 eV, 4.9 eV, and, 5.25 eV. respectively, in the electronic spin-singlet channel of Ps-Li scattering. The present calculation also yields a Ps-Li binding in this attractive singlet channel with an approximate binding energy of 0.218 eV, which is in adherence with the recent findings of a chemically stable PsLi system using stocastic variational and quantum Monte Carlo calculations. We further report elastic, Ps(2s)-, and Ps(2p)-excitation cross sections at low to medium energies (0.068-30 eV).


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Employing a nonlocal model potential for electron exchange we study positronium-hydrogen-atom (Ps-H) scattering using a five-state coupled-channel model allowing for Ps(2s,2p)H(1s) and Ps(1s)H(2s,2p) excitations. We find remarkable correlations among S-wave Ps-H binding energy, scattering length, effective range, and resonance energy in the electronic singlet state. Using these correlations we predict fairly accurate values of singlet Ps-H scattering length (3.50a0) and effective range (1.65a0).


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In this work it is introduced a new approach to calculate the density of liquids in terms of the energies of the acoustic signals. This method is compared to other methods in the time domain (peak-to-peak amplitudes) and frequency domain magnitudes at a single frequency. It is used a measurement cell based on a multiple reflection technique, and it is developed an acoustic model for the cell. Simulations and experiments using several liquids are presented, showing that the energy method a less sensitive to noise than the other techniques. The relative errors in the density are smaller than 0.2% when compared to the values measured with a pycnometer.


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A quantizable worldsheet action is constructed for the superstring in a super-symmetric plane wave background with Ramond-Ramond flux. The action is manifestly invariant under all isometries of the background and is an exact worldsheet conformal field theory. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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Using the U(4) formalism developed ten years ago, the worldsheet action for the superstring in Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds is expressed in a manifestly N = (2,2) superconformally invariant manner. This simplifies the construction of consistent Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds and eliminates the problems associated with light-cone interaction point operators. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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This paper presents a general modeling approach to investigate and to predict measurement errors in active energy meters both induction and electronic types. The measurement error modeling is based on Generalized Additive Model (GAM), Ridge Regression method and experimental results of meter provided by a measurement system. The measurement system provides a database of 26 pairs of test waveforms captured in a real electrical distribution system, with different load characteristics (industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential), covering different harmonic distortions, and balanced and unbalanced voltage conditions. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, the measurement error models are discussed and several results, which are derived from experimental tests, are presented in the form of three-dimensional graphs, and generalized as error equations. © 2009 IEEE.