236 resultados para Vetores lipídicos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Triatoma melanocephalae T. lentisão espécies crípticas de triatomíneos pertencentes ao subcomplexo Brasiliensis. Esses organismos foram agrupados no subcomplexo apenas por caracteres morfológicos e pela disposição geográfica. Sendo assim, estudos citogenéticos são considerados como importantes ferramentas na classificação dos triatomíneos e, com isso, podem auxiliar na criação de um plano de profilaxia da doença. Por meio da técnica citogenética de impregnação por íons prata, foi possível visualizar a atividade nucleolar e as Regiões Organizadoras Nucleolares (RONs) desses insetos. T. melanocephalaapresentou três RONs ativas nos autossomos durante a prófase I. T. lenti apresentou duas RONs ativas nos autossomos durante a prófase I e a metáfase I. Ambas as espécies apresentaram o fenômeno de persistência do material nucleolar encontrado em triatomíneos. Sendo assim, por meio da análise das RONs, foi possível observar que T. lenti, quando comparado com os outros organismos do subcomplexo, apresentou marcações semelhantes à T. tibiamaculata e que T. melanocephalanão apresenta nenhuma relação direta com o subcomplexo. Palavras-chave: Citogenética. Taxonomia. Triatominae. Subcomplexo Brasiliensis. ABSTRACT Analysis of nucleolus organizer regions and nucleolar activity in important vectors of Chagas disease (Triatoma melanocephala and T. lenti) Triatoma melanocephalaand T. lentiare important vectors of Chagas disease. These cryptic species of triatomines are grouped in the subcomplexbrasiliensisdue only to morphological characters and geographical distribution. Cytogenetic studies are important to the classification of insects and can assist in creating a disease prevention plan. The aim of the present study was to determine nucleolar activity and nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in these insects using the cytogenetic method of silver ion impregnation. T. melanocephalaexhibited three active NORs in autosomes during prophase I. T. lentiexhibited two active NORs in autosomes during prophase I and metaphase I. Both species exhibit the persistent nucleolar material found in triatomines. The analysis of NORs in the present study revealed that T. lenti exhibited labeling similar to that found in T. tibiamaculata, which belongs to the subcomplex, whereas T. melanocephalashows no direct relationship with the subcomplex. Keywords: Cytogenetics. Taxonomy. Triatominae. Brasiliensissubcomplex.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O fluconazol (FLU) é um antifúngico muito utilizado no tratamento de dermatomicoses devido à sua eficácia e segurança. No entanto, este pode apresentar perfil farmacocinético muitas vezes inadequado, promovendo recorrência da doença ou resistência do fungo, apresentando uma série de efeitos colaterais além de alta toxicidade. Por esta razão, há uma busca contínua de novos medicamentos antifúngicos mais potentes, mas, sobretudo, mais seguros que os existentes. Os carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados (NLCs) são compostos por uma matriz contendo lipídio liquido e sólido, e possui como uma de suas vantagens a alta capacidade de encapsulamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver e caracterizar NLCs para administração cutânea de fluconazol. A solubilidade do FLU foi avaliada em ácido oleico (AO) e monoestearato de glicerila (GMS) e observou-se uma maior incorporação de FLU na mistura desses lipídios do que nos compostos isolados. Os NLCs contendo AO, GMS, poloxamer-407, fosfatidilcolina de soja (PC) e FLU foram desenvolvidos empregando o método de homogeneização em alta velocidade de cisalhamento à quente. A caracterização foi realizada por espectroscopia de correlação de fótons e os resultados de diâmetro médio, índice de polidispersidade e potencial zeta foram de 218,63 e 314,1nm, 0,417 e 0,640 e -28,4 e -25,8mV para os NLCs com (NLC_FLU) e sem o FLU (NLC) respectivamente. No estudo de estabilidade, as formulações NLC e NLC_FLU foram armazenados à 8ºC e à temperatura ambiente e os resultados mostraram maior estabilidade durante os seis meses para os NLC_FLU armazenada à 8ºC. A morfologia dos NLCs foi determinada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura de efeito de campo na qual os NLCs apresentaram morfologia esférica e escala nanométrica. Uma metodologia foi validada por espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta para a determinação da eficiência de encapsulação (EE) do fármaco que foi ...


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Kaposi´s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is a gammaherpesvirus essential for the development of all forms of Kaposi´s sarcoma (KS). The KSHV’s life cycle is basically divided into latent and lytic phases, which have distinct viral gene expression profiles. Some important oncogenic products of KSHV are expressed during the lytic phase, including the viral K1 protein. As an effect of interfer-ence with intracellular signaling, K1 expression increases proliferation and survival of KSHV-infected cells. Due to its high level of genetic variability compared to other re-gions of the viral genome, the K1-encoding ORF (ORF-K1) is commonly evaluated for KSHV genotyping. It remains unclear whether different viral genotypes have particular biological effects that might modify the KSHV oncogenicity. The present study aimed to contribute to the establishment of an experimental in vitro model for evaluation of the K1 protein from common KSHV genotypes. Recombinant expression vectors with the ORF-K1 from KSHV genotypes A, B and C were prepared by genetic cloning. The recombi-nant vectors pKSHVOK1 obtained by cloning were sequenced for structural validation. After that, HEK293 cell line was transfected with the recombinant vectors, and proteins were extracted for expression analysis by Western blot technique, for K1 functional vali-dation. Results showed that ORF-K1 vectors containing KSHV ORF-K1 from the A, B and C genotypes were produced and structurally validated by DNA sequencing. The K1 expression at the protein level was also confirmed by immunoblots using an antibody for FLAG detection, an epitope from the vector that binds to K1. Based on presented re-sults, it´s possible to conclude that the recombinant vectors will be able to be used in future studies of K1 protein biological properties from distinct KSHV genotypes


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In this project the Pattern Recognition Problem is approached with the Support Vector Machines (SVM) technique, a binary method of classification that provides the best solution separating the data in the better way with a hiperplan and an extension of the input space dimension, as a Machine Learning solution. The system aims to classify two classes of pixels chosen by the user in the interface in the interest selection phase and in the background selection phase, generating all the data to be used in the LibSVM library, a library that implements the SVM, illustrating the library operation in a casual way. The data provided by the interface is organized in three types, RGB (Red, Green and Blue color system), texture (calculated) or RGB + texture. At last the project showed successful results, where the classification of the image pixels was showed as been from one of the two classes, from the interest selection area or from the background selection area. The simplest user view of results classification is the RGB type of data arrange, because it’s the most concrete way of data acquisition


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Results of educative actions on the control of vectors for dengue and leishmaniasis were evaluated by using an online semi-present course directed to teachers from Fundamental I Education level in Araçatuba-SP. 40 teachers from municipal schools located on geographical areas of town with higher occurrence of dengue and leishmaniasis cases, attended to the course, which consisted in a conceptual part directed to specific subjects such as vector borne and zoonotic diseases, responsible ownership of pets and health education and a practical phase, directed to execution and application of educative projects in the target schools. Data about the teacher’s specific knowledge, before and after the attendance to the course, were submitted to the Wilcoxon test with a 5% of significant level. The application of practical educative projects was evaluated by multiplicative actions involving target public. Tests showed statistically significant increase in the knowledge about the studied diseases (p<0.0001) after the course, especially on questions related to etiological agent, clinical symptoms on man and animals and prevention. Activities of knowledge multiplication envolved teachers and students which detected the problems and promoted education actions in their neighborhood as stage performing, group cleaning activities and elaboration and distribution of folders during a student pared. In conclusion, educative actions direct to the control of diseases vectors using a semi-present course, provides new knowledge to the teachers, impelling them to motivate their students to adopt vectors control measures and environmental cares and to sensitive the community to collaborate with control diseases.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O Teorema de Poincaré-Bendixson é um resultado muito importante no estudo de Sistemas Dinâmicos, pois ele estabelece para quais tipos de conjunto limite as trajetórias de um campo de vetores em IR2 deve convergir. Neste trabalho vamos abordar a Funç˜ao do primeiro Retorno de Poincaré, além de discutir a estabilidade de Ciclos Limites e provar o Teorema de Poincaré-Bendixson.


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The feeding diets were evaluated containing low and high levels of soybean oil for horses athletes subjected to two protocols of aerobic training on the response of basal blood biochemical parameters. Four horses were used in latin square design with treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted levels of 5 and 15% oil concentrates and two aerobic training, 40' and 60' minutes. Plasmatic parameters were monitored, triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), glucose (GLU) and lactate (LAC), during basal metabolism. The TG, TC, GLU and LAC from horses at rest were not affected (P> 0.05) neither of diet and physical activity, 0.21, 3.79, 4.18, 0.93 mmol L-1, respectively. It can be concluded that offer concentrate with high content of soybean oil to athletic horses in aerobic activities can be performed without altering the blood biochemical profile of basal metabolism.