342 resultados para Veterinary instruments and apparatus


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No presente trabalho foram utilizadas quatro fêmeas suínas, adultas, mestiças, não-gestantes e sem sinais clínicos de estro, criadas e mantidas sob condições industriais de criação. Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de ritmicidade biológica circadiana para tiroxina e 17-alfa -OH progesterona. Os ensaios para dosagens hormonais foram executados utilizando-se a técnica de radioimunoensaio (RIE) em fase sólida e para isso foi empregado conjunto de reagentes comerciais (COAT-A-COUNT R). As análises séricas de tiroxina mostraram valores mais elevados ao redor das 15 horas, decrescendo a partir dai até atingir níveis menores no intervalo da zero às 4 horas. Quanto a 17-alfa -OH progesterona, observaram-se níveis mais elevados por volta das 3 horas, decrescendo gradativamente ao longo do dia, até atingir menor concentração no intervalo das 12 às 15 horas.


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Dezesseis eqüinos adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (GI, GII, GIII e GIV) constituídos por quatro animais, recebendo cada grupo o seguinte inóculo por via intraperitoneal: GI (100 X 10(7) unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) de Escherichia coli diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GIII (100 X 10(7) UFC de Escherichia coli associados a 100 X 10(7) UFC de Bacteroides fragilis diluídos em 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril); GIV (testemunho - 500 ml de solução salina 0,9% estéril). Leucopenia ocorreu em todos os animais inoculados com bactérias, nas primeiras seis horas após as inoculações. Posteriormente a este período, verificou-se em alguns eqüinos inoculados leucocitose. Os eqüinos inoculados com culturas puras de E. coli ou B. fragilis apresentaram peritonites brandas e autolimitantes, enquanto os inoculados com a associação destas bactérias, apresentaram alterações laboratoriais de maior intensidade e duração.


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This study compared pressure and thermal thresholds after administration of three opioids in eight cats. Pressure stimulation was performed via a bracelet taped around the forearm. Three ball-bearings were advanced against the forearm by inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder. Pressure in the cuff was recorded at the end point (leg shake and head turn). Thermal threshold was tested as previously reported using a heated probe held against the thorax [Dixon et al. (2002) Research in Veterinary Science, 72, 205]. After baseline recordings, each cat received subcutaneous methadone 0.2 mg/kg, morphine 0.2 mg/kg, buprenorphine 0.02 mg/kg or saline 0.3 mL in a four period cross-over study. Measurements were made at 15, 30, 45 min and 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after the injection. Data were analysed by ANOVA (P < 0.05). There were no significant changes in thresholds after saline. Thermal threshold increased at 45 min after buprenorphine (maximum 2.8 +/- 3 degrees C), 1-3 h after methadone (maximum 3.4 +/- 1.9 degrees C) and 45 min to 1 h (maximum 3.4 +/- 2 degrees C) after morphine. Pressure threshold increased 30-45 min (maximum 238 +/- 206 mmHg) after buprenorphine, 45-60 min after methadone (maximum 255 +/- 232 mmHg) and 45-60 min and 3-6 h (maximum 255 +/- 232 mmHg) after morphine. Morphine provided the best analgesia, and methadone appears a promising alternative. Buprenorphines limited effect was probably related to the subcutaneous route of administration. Previously, buprenorphine has produced much greater effects when given by other routes.


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Objective To compare the cardiorespiratory changes induced by equipotent concentrations of halothane (HAL), isoflurane (ISO) and sevollurane (SEVO) before and after hemorrhage.Study design. Prospective, randomized clinical trial.Animals. Twenty-four healthy adult dogs weighing 15.4 +/- 3.4 kg (mean +/- SD).Methods. Animals were randomly allocated to one of three groups (n = 8 per group). In each group, anesthesia was maintained with 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration of HAL (1.3%), ISO (1.9%,) and SEVO (3.5%) in oxygen. Controlled ventilation was performed to maintain eucapnia. Cardiorespiratory variables were evaluated at baseline (between 60 and 90 minutes after induction), immediately after and 30 minutes after the withdrawal of 32 mL kg(-1) of blood (400% of the estimated blood volume) over a 30-minute period.Results. During baseline conditions, ISO and SEVO resulted in higher cardiac index (CI) than HAL. Heart rates were higher with SEVO at baseline. while mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mean pulmonary arterial pressure did not differ between groups. Although heart rate values were higher for ISO and SEVO after hemorrhage, only ISO resulted in a higher CI when compared with HAL. In ISO-anesthetized dogs, MAP was higher immediately after hemorrhage, and this was related to better maintenance of CI and to an increase in systemic vascular resistance index from baseline.Conclusions. Although the hemodynamic responses of ISO and SEVO are similar in normovolaemic dogs, ISO results in better maintenance of circulatory function during the early period following a massive blood loss. Clinical relevance Inhaled anesthetics should be used judiciously in animals presented with blood loss. However, if an inhalational agent is to be used under these circumstances, ISO may provide better hemodynamic stability than SEVO or HAL.


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Realizaram-se mensurações sérica e urinária de fosfatase ácida prostática (PAP) e antígeno prostático específico (PSA) de 20 cães. Os testes de PAP e PSA foram feitos em um equipamento automatizado, com o uso de kits comerciais para humanos. A média de PAP sérico foi de 0,7U/l e urinário 0,U/l. As médias do PSA sérico e urinário foram 0,005ng/dL e 0,004ng/dl, respectivamente. A determinação do dois biomarcadores in vivo é uma nova opção de diagnóstico na medicina veterinária e os valores obtidos devem ser correlacionados com a lesão morfológica da próstata.


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Previously, survival of rabies infection was shown to correlate with low IL-6 serum concentration in mice subjected to post-exposure treatment with the Fuenzalida Palacios rabies vaccine in conjunction with the immunomodulator Propionibacterium acnes, previously Corynebacterium parvum. Considering the substitution of the Fuenzalida Palacios rabies vaccine by the Vero cell raised anti-rabies vaccine in almost all countries, the objective of this work was to evaluate the survival and cytokine serum concentration of rabies virus-infected mice treated with P. acnes in conjunction with or the anti-rabies-VERO vaccine. For this, Swiss mice were experimentally infected with street rabies virus and subjected to vaccine and/or P. acnes following infection. Animals were killed at different times and serum was collected to evaluate cytokines. The greatest survival was observed in animals given one or two does of P. acnes in the absence of vaccination. Animals given anti-rabies VERO vaccine alone or with three doses of P. acnes had the second highest survival rate. The group that had the highest percentage of mortality also had the highest IL-6 concentration on the 10th day, a time correlating with clinical symptoms of the animals. The results reinforce the inefficacy of anti-rabies vaccine in only one dose as a post-exposure treatment irrespective of the type of vaccine used, the immunomodulation activity of P. acnes in rabies post-exposure treatment and suggest a role for IL-6 in rabies virus pathogenesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A brucelose é uma zoonose crônica de importância para a Saúde Pública. Considerando o pequeno número de dados brasileiros sobre a sua presença em leite cru e derivados não-pasteurizados, estudamos a presença de brucelas em leite de animais sorologicamente positivos. A soroaglutinação rápida (SAR), a soroaglutinação lenta (SAL) e a soroaglutinação lenta com tratamento do soro com 2-mercaptoetanol foram utilizados para identificar os animais positivos nas propriedades estudadas. Amostras diárias de 300 ml de leite foram colhidas por três dias de todos os quartos mamários produtivos (75 ml/teto). As amostras eram misturadas e centrifugadas. Parte do sedimento e do sobrenadante foi inoculada em meios de Farrel e Brodie-Sinton (BS) suplementados com agentes antimicrobianos. As placas e tubos foram cultivados por sete dias a 37ºC, em microaerofilia. As colônias suspeitas no meio BS foram imediatamente repicadas para ágar-Brucella, e cultivadas sob a mesma condição. Os microrganismos isolados foram submetidos a procedimentos de identificação, incluindo a coloração de Gram, requerimento de CO2, produção de H2S, atividade da urease e crescimento na presença de tionina e fucsina. Das 49 amostras examinadas, isolou-se Brucella abortus de 15 (30,61%). Os biótipos isolados foram: biótipo 1 em uma amostra (2,04%), biótipo 2 em oito (16,32%) e biótipo 3 em seis amostras (12,25%)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To evaluate a prototype pressure stimulus device for use in the cat and to compare with a known thermal threshold device.Eight healthy adult cats weighing between 3.0 and 4.9 kg.Pressure stimulation was given via a plastic bracelet taped around the forearm. Three 2.4 mm diameter ball bearings, in a 10-mm triangle, were advanced against the craniolateral surface of the antebrachium by manual inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder. Pressure in the cuff was recorded at the end point (leg shake and head turn). Thermal threshold was also tested. Stimuli were stopped if they reached 55 degrees C or 450 mmHg without response. After four pressure and thermal threshold baselines, each cat received SC buprenorphine 0.01 mg kg(-1), carprofen 4 mg kg(-1) or saline 0.3 mL in a three period cross-over study with a 1-week interval. The investigator was blinded to the treatment. Measurements were made at 0.25. 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hours after injection. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA.There were no significant changes in thermal or pressure threshold after administration of saline or carprofen, but thermal threshold increased from 60 minutes until 8 hours after administration of buprenorphine (p < 0.05). The maximum increase in threshold from baseline (Delta T-max) was 3.5 +/- 3.1 degrees C at 2 hours. Pressure threshold increased 2 hours after administration of buprenorphine (p < 0.05) when the increase in threshold above baseline (Delta P-max) was 162 +/- 189 mmHg.This pressure device resulted in thresholds that were affected by analgesic treatment in a similar manner but to a lesser degree than the thermal method. Pressure stimulation may be a useful additional method for analgesic studies in cats.


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A úlcera gástrica constitui-se numa das mais importantes causas de desconforto abdominal em eqüinos jovens. Com o objetivo de se verificar a prevalência de lesões gástricas (úlceras e/ou erosões) e sua relação com fatores como estresse, idade, e sexo, sessenta potros da raça Quarto de Milha não portadores de sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões gástricas foram submetidos à gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etárias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. A prevalência de lesões gástricas foi de 43,3%. Animais com idade entre 61 a noventa dias foram os mais acometidos. Não houve diferença significativa entre as faixas etárias. Descamações do epitélio aglandular ocorreram em nove potros (60%) entre um e trinta dias, em seis (40%) entre 31 e sessenta dias e em apenas dois (6,6%) com idade superior a sessenta dias. Fatores considerados estressantes, como infestação intensa por carrapatos (29), problemas respiratórios (3), dermatopatias (3), babesiose (2), onfaloflebite (1), diarréia (1), problemas ortopédicos (1) e ferida lacerante com presença de miíase (1) não influenciaram a ocorrência das lesões. Machos e fêmeas foram igualmente acometidos.


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A úlcera gástrica figura como uma importante causa de desconforto abdominal em eqüinos jovens. de acordo com a localização das lesões na mucosa gástrica, a presença ou ausência de sinais clínicos e possíveis complicações resultantes de sua ocorrência, quatro síndromes clínicas são freqüentemente descritas em potros: 1) Úlceras assintomáticas ou silenciosas; 2) Úlceras sintomáticas ou ativas; 3) Úlceras perfuradas; e 4) Obstruções gástrica ou duodenal. Com o objetivo de se verificar a distribuição de lesões gástricas (úlceras e/ou erosões) e descamações do epitélio aglandular no estômago de eqüinos jovens assim como uma possível relação entre as alterações mencionadas (lesão/descamação) sessenta potros da raça Quarto de Milha não-portadores de sinais clínicos compatíveis com úlceras gástricas foram submetidos à gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etárias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. As lesões ocorreram em ordem decrescente de freqüência nas regiões aglandular próximo ao margo plicatus ao longo da curvatura maior, aglandular próximo à cárdia ao longo da curvatura menor, fundo glandular e aglandular e antro. As descamações do epitélio aglandular ocorreram de forma similar nas regiões de fundo e margo plicatus. Não houve associação entre a ocorrência de lesões e descamações.


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Objective To evaluate the effects of methadone, administered alone or in combination with acepromazine or xylazine, on sedation and on physiologic values in dogs.Study design Randomized cross-over design.Animals Six adult healthy mixed-breed dogs weighing 13.5 +/- 4.9 kg.Methods Dogs were injected intramuscularly with physiologic saline (Control), or methadone (0.5mg kg(-1)) or acepromazine (0.1 mg kg(-1)) or xylazine (1.0 mg kg(-1)), or acepromazine (0.05 mg kg(-1)) plus methadone (0.5 mg kg(-1)) or xylazine (0.5 mg kg(-1)) plus methadone (0.5 mg kg(-1)) in a randomized cross-over design, with at least 1-week intervals. Sedation, pulse rate, indirect systolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate (RR), body temperature and pedal withdrawal reflex were evaluated before and at 15-minute intervals for 90 minutes after treatment.Results Sedation was greater in dogs receiving xylazine alone, xylazine plus methadone and acepromazine plus methadone. Peak sedative effect occurred within 30 minutes of treatment administration. Pulse rate was lower in dogs that received xylazine either alone or with methadone during most of the study. Systolic arterial pressure decreased only in dogs receiving acepromazine alone. When methadone was administered alone, RR was higher than in other treatments during most of the study and a high prevalence of panting was observed. In all treatments body temperature decreased, this effect being more pronounced in dogs receiving methadone alone or in combination with acepromazine. Pedal withdrawal reflex was absent in four dogs receiving methadone plus xylazine but not in any dog in the remaining treatments.Conclusions Methadone alone produces mild sedation and a high prevalence of panting. Greater sedation was achieved when methadone was used in combination with acepromazine or xylazine. The combination xylazine-methadone appears to result in better analgesia than xylazine administered alone. Both combinations of methadone/sedative were considered effective for premedication in dogs.


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Objective To measure cutaneous electrical nociceptive thresholds in relation to known thermal and mechanical stimulation for nociceptive threshold detection in cats.Study design Prospective, blinded, randomized cross-over study with 1-week washout interval.Animals Eight adult cats [bodyweight 5.1 +/- 1.8 kg (mean + SD)].Methods Mechanical nociceptive thresholds were tested using a step-wise manual inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder attached to the cat's thoracic limb. Thermal nociceptive thresholds were measured by increasing the temperature of a probe placed on the thorax. The electrical nociceptive threshold was tested using an escalating current from a constant current generator passed between electrodes placed on the thoracic region. A positive response (threshold) was recorded when cats displayed any or all of the following behaviors: leg shake, head turn, avoidance, or vocalization. Four baseline readings were performed before intramuscular injection of meperidine (5 mg kg(-1)) or an equal volume of saline. Threshold recordings with each modality were made at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes post-injection. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t-tests (significance at p < 0.05).Results There were no significant changes in thermal, mechanical, or electrical thresholds after saline. Thermal thresholds increased at 15-60 minutes (p < 0.01) and mechanical threshold increased at 30 and 45 minutes after meperidine (p < 0.05). Maximum thermal threshold was +4.1 +/- 0.3 degrees C above baseline at 15 minutes while maximum mechanical threshold was 296 +/- 265 mmHg above baseline at 30 minutes after meperidine. Electrical thresholds following meperidine were not significantly different than baseline (p > 0.05). Thermal and electrical thresholds after meperidine were significantly higher than saline at 30 and 45 minutes (p < 0.05), and at 120 minutes (p < 0.05), respectively. Mechanical thresholds were significantly higher than saline treatment at 30 minutes (p <= 0.05).Conclusion and clinical relevance Electrical stimulation did not detect meperidine analgesia whereas both thermal and mechanical thresholds changed after meperidine administration in cats.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective To compare the analgesic effect of uni- and bi-lateral electroacupuncture (EA) in response to thermal and mechanical nociceptive stimuli and to investigate the cardiorespiratory, endocrine, and behavioral changes in dogs submitted to EA.Study design Prospective, randomized cross-over experimental study.Animals Eight adult, clinically healthy, cross-breed dogs, weighing 13 +/- 4 kg.Methods Dogs underwent electrostimulation at false acupoints (T-false); bilateral EA at acupoints, stomach 36, gall bladder 34 and spleen 6 (T-EA/bil); unilateral EA at the same points (T-EA/uni) or were untreated (T-control). All animals received acepromazine (0.05 mg kg(-1)) IV; and heart rate, pulse oximetry, indirect arterial blood pressure, respiratory rate, PECO2, rectal temperature, and plasma cortisol concentration were measured before, during, and after EA. Analgesia was tested using thoracic and abdominal cutaneous thermal and mechanical stimuli, and an interdigital thermal stimulus. Behavior was classified as calm or restless. Analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test was used for analysis of the data.Results There were no cardiorespiratory differences among the treatments. The cutaneous pain threshold was higher after EA, compared with false points. The latency period was shorter and analgesia was more intense in T-EA/bil than T-EA/uni, when both were compared with T-false and T-control. Six out of eight animals treated with EA were calm during treatment, and 5/8 and 4/8 of the T-false and T-control animals, respectively, were restless. Latency to interdigital thermal stimulation increased in T-EA/bil compared with the others. There was no difference in plasma cortisol concentrations among the treatments.Conclusions Bilateral EA produced a shorter latency period, a greater intensity, and longer duration of analgesia than unilateral stimulation, without stimulating a stress response.Clinical relevance Bilateral EA produces a better analgesic effect than unilateral EA.