262 resultados para Variable pressure scanning electron microscope


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Aim To evaluate in vitro the cleaning of root-canal walls after irrigation with different irrigants.Methodology A total of 36 recently extracted human teeth were divided into four experimental groups according to the irrigating solution used: saline; 2% chlorhexidine; 2.5% sodium hypochlorite; and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite + EDTA. The cleaning of the apical, middle and coronal thirds of the root canals was evaluated by scanning electron microscope examination using a 4-point scoring system.Results the best cleaning was obtained using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and EDTA, followed by 2.5% sodium hypochlorite only (P < 0.05), whose cleaning was similar to chlorhexidine only in the cervical third. Cleaning by saline and 2% chlorhexidine was worse than the other two groups and was similar in all thirds. Better cleaning was found in the cervical and middle thirds for all groups with the worst results in the apical third.Conclusions the apical third of the root canals was not cleaned as well as the middle and coronal thirds. Cleaning by chlorhexidine and saline was inferior compared to the cleaning by sodium hypochlorite with and without EDTA.


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This in situ study investigated, using scanning electron microscopy, the effect of stimulated saliva on the enamel surface of bovine and human substrates submitted to erosion followed by brushing abrasion immediately or after one hour. During 2 experimental 7-day crossover phases, 9 previously selected volunteers wore intraoral palatal devices, with 12 enamel specimens (6 human and 6 bovine). In the first phase, the volunteers immersed the device for 5 minutes in 150 ml of a cola drink, 4 times a day (8h00, 12h00, 16h00 and 20h00). Immediately after the immersions, no treatment was performed in 4 specimens (ERO), 4 other specimens were immediately brushed (0 min) using a fluoride dentifrice and the device was replaced into the mouth. After 60 min, the other 4 specimens were brushed. In the second phase, the procedures were repeated but, after the immersions, the volunteers stimulated the salivary flow rate by chewing a sugar-free gum for 30 min. Enamel superficial alterations of all specimens were then evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. Enamel prism core dissolution was seen on the surfaces submitted to erosion, while on those submitted to erosion and to abrasion (both at 0 and 60 min) a more homogeneous enamel surface was observed, probably due to the removal of the altered superficial prism layer. For all the other variables - enamel substrate and salivary stimulation the microscopic pattern of the enamel specimens was similar.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Three types of neuromuscular junctions were described in the extraocular muscles of the opossum. The present study demonstrates the three-dimensional characteristics of these neuromuscular junctions after HCl connective tissue digestion. Adult opossum of both sexes were used and the neuromuscular junctions of the extraocular muscles were examined after removal of the intramuscular connective tissue and basal layer. This material was examined with a scanning electron microscope. Two types of 'en plaque' neuromuscular junction were described: the continuous type revealed elongated and branched primary synaptic grooves separated from each other by sarcolemma protuberances with different sizes, and the discontinuous or punctiform type which presents very shallow and discontinuous grooves when compared with the former. The multiple neuromuscular junctions were observed as two or three junctions associated with the same muscular fiber. The multiple junctions were present in thin fibers (around 11 microm caliber); the en plaque junctions were associated with large diameter fibers (around 21 microm). This study confirms and reveals the detailed morphological characteristics of the three neuromuscular junction types previously described by transmission electron microscope in the extraocular muscles of opossum.


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This study evaluated the antifungal potential of low-temperature plasma (LTP) on a 72-hour Candida albicans biofilm. A growth inhibition zone test was conducted with agar plates inoculated with C. albicans and submitted to LTP and argon application at 3 and 10 mm for 10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 seconds. The groups for biofilm assays were 60 seconds of LTP application with a tip-to-sample distance of 3 mm (LTP-3) and 10 mm (LTP-10); –application of only argon gas for 60 seconds with a tip-to-sample distance of 3 mm (Ar-3) and 10 mm (Ar-10); and no treatment. The C. albicans biofilm was grown on saliva-coated discs. The medium was replaced every 24 hours. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed the proportion of live and dead cells, and variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VPSEM) showed biofilm/cell structure. No inhibition zone was observed for control and either Ar groups. For the LTP groups, a progressively increasing of inhibition zone diameter was observed for different treatment durations. The LTP-3 and LTP-10 groups presented higher proportions of dead cells compared with the Ar-3 and Ar-10 groups. VPSEM revealed cell perforations in the LTP-3 and LTP-10 groups. A short period of LTP exposure demonstrated an antifungal effect on C. albicans biofilm.


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The cells of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles of the monkey Cebus apella apella were examined through scanning electron microscopy at contributing to the description of such structures in primates. The animals were anesthetized previously with 3% hypnol intraperitoneally and after perfusion with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, samples of the choroid plexus were collected after exhibition of the central portion and inferior horn of the lateral ventricles. The ventricular surface of those cells presents globose form as well as fine interlaced protrusions named microvilli. Among those, it is observed the presence of some cilia. Resting on the choroid epithelial cells there is a variable number of free cells, with fine prolongations which extend from them. They are probably macrophages and have been compared to Kolmer cells or epiplexus cells, located on choroid epithelium. The choroid plexus of the encephalic lateral ventricles of the monkey Cebus apella apella at scanning electron microscopy is similar to that of other primates, as well as to that of other species of mammals mainly cats and rats, and also humans.


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A new device for irrigation, which presents hydrodynamic activation based on the pressure-suction technology, has recently been introduced to the market: the Rinsendo system. This study compared the efficacy of the Rinsendo system and conventional (manualdynamic) irrigation in the removal of debris from the root canal walls, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twenty mandibular premolars with completely formed roots were selected and randomly divided into group 1 (irrigation with the Rinsendo system) and group 2 (conventional irrigation). The canals were irrigated with 1 ml of saline at each change of instrument. instrumentation started with a #15 K file and continued up to a #40 K file, which was standardized as the working length instrument. Then, the teeth were sectioned in buccolingual direction and the halves were sputter-coated with gold and examined by SEM. The apical, middle and cervical root canal thirds were evaluated, and the results were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test for comparison between methods, Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison among thirds, and Miller test for individual comparisons. A significance level of 5% was set for all analyses. The results did not show significant differences (p>0.05) between methods at each third and among thirds for each technique analyzed individually. in conclusion, there was no difference in the cleaning ability of the Rinsendo system and conventional irrigation.


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The methodology for fracture analysis of polymeric composites with scanning electron microscopes (SEM) is still under discussion. Many authors prefer to use sputter coating with a conductive material instead of applying low-voltage (LV) or variable-pressure (VP) methods, which preserves the original surfaces. The present work examines the effects of sputter coating with 25 nm of gold on the topography of carbon-epoxy composites fracture surfaces, using an atomic force microscope. Also, the influence of SEM imaging parameters on fractal measurements is evaluated for the VP-SEM and LV-SEM methods. It was observed that topographic measurements were not significantly affected by the gold coating at tested scale. Moreover, changes on SEM setup leads to nonlinear outcome on texture parameters, such as fractal dimension and entropy values. For VP-SEM or LV-SEM, fractal dimension and entropy values did not present any evident relation with image quality parameters, but the resolution must be optimized with imaging setup, accompanied by charge neutralization. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The external morphology of seeds and post-germination developmental stages of Angelonia salicariifolia Bonpl. (Scrophulariaceae) were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Some structural features of the seed exotesta and seedling in Angelonia are presented for the first time and are of potential taxonomic value for this neotropical genus. The seeds are very small (0.9-1.7 mm long and 0.5-0.9 mm wide), ovate, with a reticulate-crested exotesta, reticules arranged uniformly in longitudinal rows, with a high density of microcilia-like projections on the cell wall of the reticule base and on the edge of the crests. The hilum is located beside the micropyle at the narrow end of the seed. Germination is epigeal. During germination the radicle develops, followed by elongation of the hypocotyl and primary root. At this stage dense root hairs develop on the lower part of the hypocotyl. The apical bud-located between the cotyledons-begins to develop after the cotyledons have unfolded. The cotyledons are equal in size, sessile and ovate. The seedlings have two types of trichomes, one characteristic of the cotyledons and first pair of leaves (glandular, sessile, four-celled head with quadrangular shape) and the other characteristic of the hypocotyl and epicotyl (stalked, erect, elongate and three-celled with dome-shaped unicellular head). (C) 2001 Annals of Botany Company.


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Propõe-se, neste trabalho, o uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura para avaliar perda de epitélio intestinal da mucosa intestinal de pintos machos e fêmeas submetidos a prolongado jejum pós-eclosão de água e ração. Dois segmentos do duodeno, jejuno e íleo por ave foram coletados e processados pelo método de rotina para microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Seis diferentes graus de perda de epitélio intestinal foram determinados: grau 0, vilos normais, sem extrusão; grau 1, vilos com pequenos pontos de extrusão; grau 2, vilos com perda de epitélio no ápice; grau 3, vilos com perda de epitélio na região apical; grau 4, vilos com perda de epitélio em sua metade superior; grau 5: vilos sem epitélio; grau 6: vilo quebrado. As três regiões intestinais das fêmeas apresentaram aproximadamente 90% de seus vilos normais (graus 0 e 1), enquanto nos machos ocorreu 38% de vilos normais no duodeno e jejuno e 85% no íleo. Além disso, machos apresentaram graus mais acentuados de perda de epitélio (graus 3, 4, 5 e 6) que as fêmeas (grau 3). Os dados indicaram que a mucosa intestinal de pintos machos é mais sensível a prolongado jejum pós-eclosão que a de pintos fêmeas. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura pode ser usada como um método de rotina seguro para a caracterização e quantificação de perda de epitélio intestinal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)