29 resultados para VET-03


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Hereditary or acquired cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) is commonly diagnosed in Holstein, Guernsey, Shorthorn and Jersey cattle. Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) has been associated to acquired CH due to viral infection during the second trimester of pregnancy. Stricken calf usually shows ataxia, hypermetria, opisthotonus, intentional tremor and wide-based stance when in standing position. Three newborn calves were referred to the FCAV/Unesp Veterinary Teaching Hospital because of neurological distress. The clinical presentation, similar in all cases, indicated CH. Two weeks later, clinical signs did not improve and euthanasia was performed. Macroscopic examination revealed a gelatinous serosanguineous fluid over the brain surface and within the cervical spinal canal. Histologically the cerebellum had disorganization of the internal granular layer and moderate disappearance of Purkinje cells. The observed clinical signs and nervous tissue lesions were consistent with congenital cerebellar syndrome, possibly associated to viral infection during fetal development. Despite CH has been assumed to be related to BVD, blue tongue and Akabane viruses, only the BVD etiology has been already identified in Brazil.


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A 10-year-old mongrel dog was presented with signs of vomiting, prostration, anorexia, abdominal pain, dyspnea, dysuria, and enhanced scrotal volume. Clinical, laboratory, and radiological examinations showed intrascrotal testicular pathology and chronic renal failure. Emergency treatment was carried out; however, the patient died. Necropsy diagnosed an intrascrotal testicular torsion and seminoma. The aim of the present report is to describe an intrascrotal testicular torsion associated with chronic renal failure in a dog. © Tübïtak.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar características de carcaça por ultra-som de 28 bubalinos jovens Mediterrâneo terminados em confinamento e abatidos aos 450, 480, 510 e 540 kg de peso vivo (PV). Foi utilizado um equipamento de ultra-som Piemedical Scanner 200 Vet, com transdutor linear de 178 mm e 3,5 MHz, a cada intervalo de aproximadamente 28 dias, para obter a área do longíssímus dorsí (ALOU), espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGSU) entre a 12ª e 13ª costelas e a espessura de gordura na picanha (EGP8U), sob o terço superior do músculo bíceps femorís. Após atingirem os pesos de abate pré-estabelecidos, os animais foram abatidos e obteve-se o peso de carcaça quente (PCQ) e o rendimento de carcaça (RC). Após 24 horas de resfriamento, as carcaças foram seccionadas entre a 12a e 13a costelas e obtidas a área do longíssímus dorsí (ALOC), a espessura de gordura (EGSC) e a espessura de gordura sob o bíceps femorís (EGP8C) na carcaça. As correlações entre as medidas por ultra-som e na carcaça foram de 0,96 entre ALOU e ALOC, de 0,99 entre EGSU e EGSC e de 0,91 entre EGP8U e EGP8C. Equações de regressão utilizando o peso vivo (PV), ALOU, EGSU e EGP8U explicaram 95% da variação do PCQ quando a medida foi realizada imediatamente antes do abate. As equações para estimar o RC utilizando as mesmas características explicaram cerca de 32% da variação quando a medida foi realizada imediatamente antes do abate. O peso da porção comestível do corte traseiro a partir de medidas efetuadas por ultra-som e na carcaça é predito com maior magnitude que a percentagem da porção comestível. Os resultados indicam que as equações para as medidas ultra-sônicas apresentaram boa acurácia e podem ser utilizadas para estimar diferenças entre grupos de animais, mas há a necessidade de mais estudos envolvendo maior número de animais e de outros grupos genéticos de bubalinos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This investigation aims to observe play contents and elements that make it possible to notice if a child is at the imitation stage. First of all, this study reviews Piaget’s findings about the origins of imitation, and how it develops into representation. After that, “game” is analyzed in order to understand the cognitive representation and how children develop the ability to use symbols. Based on these assumptions, a study was developed into a public school (Profª Maria Teixeira Fittipaldi) with 9 children, aged between 1 to 3. Methodology included the observation of play and activity time; a diary to record the observations; and the analysis of the collected data, based on Piaget’s research into the classification and development of symbolic play. The results show that all observed situations were at the “first stage”, which reveal the apogee of ludic symbolism, and that the kind of game varied according to the child’s age. Moreover, it was possible to notice the importance of symbolic play at preschool, since it triggers world knowledge development and helps interpersonal relationship growth.


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The Prato cheese is the second most consumed cheese in Brazil. It is produced by milk enzymatic coagulation, and maturated for at least 25 days; it is classified as fatty cheese and of medium moisture. Due to the concern to health, the cheeses consumers have been seeking for products with low fat contents; however fat is essential for providing desirable sensory and physiologic characteristics, such as flavor, softness and texture to cheeses. Alterations on the technological processing of low fat cheeses have been made seeking for improved products, and the use of proteolytic enzymes has been a significant strategy. The meltability, color and sensory characteristics are fundamental quality indicators of the final products. This study reports the findings from the analyses on the physical and sensory characteristics of low fat Prato cheese with addition of proteolytic enzyme – fastuosain, that is extracted from unripe gravata fruit. The addition of fastuosain improved the quality of the product, as this additive neither affected the meltability, nor produced bitterness, which is a common unpleasant taste in low fat cheeses.


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This paper reports the data on the cuiabana sausage historical aspect, and from the study performed on its technical/sensory characteristics. Four formulations of cuiabana-type sausage were prepared, varying the basic raw material (bovine, chicken and swine meats). For processing these sausages, the raw meats (beef, chicken and pork) were cut into cubes and together with the other ingredients (garlic, cheese, pepper and chives) they were weighed and homogenized. The resulting mixture was refrigerated for 24 hours for intensifying the flavor. Thereafter, it was stuffed into natural casings. These prepared samples were characterized on the physical-chemical profile and on the shelf life under refrigeration for over a seven day-storage in order to assess the microbiological contamination (total coliforms and fecal thermotolerant bacteria), sulphite-reducing clostridium, Salmonella spp., coagulase-positive Staphylococcus), and pH. The sensory evaluation and statistics analysis were carried out on the different types of laboratory- processed cuiabana sausage. Introducing over time changes in the cuiabana sausages formulation are positive factors; therefore, variations in the formulations it is feasible to get a better final product than that original one, and it might be resulted from the market demand.


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Cheeses are known to be sources of calcium, phosphorus and protein, important nutrients for a suitable nutrition. However, certain cheeses imply the ingestion of large amounts of fats, which can cause the development of coronary heart and carcinogenic diseases. Although consumers are aware of the necessity of reducing the fats intake, they are still not pleased with the quality of light cheeses available on the market, because the partial or total fat removal provides some undesirable changes, especially regarding to the product texture and flavor. In order to offer products nutritionally adequate and palatable, alternatives have been developed to improve the characteristics of light cheeses. Such alternatives include the use of fat substitutes, those additives that improve the functional and sensory characteristics of cheeses with reduced fat. Fat substitutes composed of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, or a combination of them, help the retention of moisture and eliminate the undesirable characteristics of fat reduced-cheeses. In this context, this review aims at reporting the innovations and trends on the use of fat substitutes to produce light cheeses.


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Many types of food contain ingredients or bioactive compounds that provide health benefits. The collagen is a fibrous protein found in the connective tissue of the body, and it plays a part in the tissues resistance and elasticity. Due to their functional characteristics, this protein has been added into foods in order to achieve therapeutic effects. This paper aimed at showing how the collagen formation occurs, and the beneficial effects of this compound in the organism as well as its characteristics, properties and applications in food.


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Eça de Queirós published in Gazeta de Notícias, the text “Theme for verses I and II” in April 2nd and 3rd in 1893 . From part II, it was taken an excerpt and published as a short story under the title “The maid” when this text was a part of the book Short Stories (12 stories, some of them handwritten, from 1874 to 1897) gathered by his friend, Luís de Magalhães, and published in 1903, under the year of 1902. Since then, the text ”The maid” is present in many editons of Eça de Queirós’ short stories without any mention to its primary source, the newspaper Gazeta de Notícias (Rio de Janeiro), or even the other part of the text in which it was originally in. The objective of these short considerations is reflecting if the short story, known as “The maid”, should be read as an excerpt of the original text as it has been done since 1902, or it should be put in its original context, joining the two parts of the text “Theme for verses I and II”.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of glutamine supplementation of the diet on intestinal mucosa morphology, performance, and egg quality of commercial laying hens, submitted to heat stress and thermoneutral conditions. In this study, 96 (Isa Babcock) laying hens at 35 weeks of age were used and distributed in a completely randomized design according to a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with two levels of ambient temperature (thermoneutral and hot) and two levels of glutamine in the diet (0.0 and 1.0% of inclusion), in 6 replicates of 4 hens per box. Feed intake, daily egg production, feed conversion per kilogram of eggs, and egg quality were obtained in two periods of 28 days each. Heat stress decreased egg production and quality, and glutamine supplementation improved egg quality and feed conversion. The heat and glutamine supplementation provided an increase in calliciform cells quantity in duodenum and ileum, respectively. Significant morphological modifications in the intestinal mucosa of laying hens were not found.


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Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Milk that is adequate for consumption must be of hygienic quality, nutritional value, and should maintain its organoleptic properties. Isolation of fecal and/or total coliforms from bovine milk is considered an indicator of hygiene and good management practices, and can be used as a quality indicator. This study aimed to isolate, identify, and assess the resistance profile of coliforms isolated from collective bulk tanks and individual milk tanks. A total of 89 milk samples were collected from collective bulk tanks and, from these, 21 Klebsiella spp., one E. coli, and 29 Enterobacter spp. were isolated, whereas 102 milk samples from individual tanks showed isolation of one Klebsiella spp. and seven Enterobacter spp. In collective bulk tanks, at least 47% of Klebsiella spp. and Enterobacter spp. were resistant to cephalexin and 30% to ampicillin. From these, at least 24% showed multidrug resistance. Among the microorganisms isolated from the individual tanks, 85% or more were resistant to ampicillin. The ESBL phenotype and the blaTEM gene were detected in strains of Klebsiella spp. isolated from both tanks. It was concluded that contamination of milk with resistant total coliforms, and especially the storage of raw milk from several small producers in the collective bulk tank increase the risk of contamination.