53 resultados para Urea Cycle


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to validate noninvasive endocrine monitoring techniques for Pampas deer and to evaluate seasonal changes in testicular steroidogenic activity and their correlation to reproductive behavior, antler cycle and group size. Thus, fecal samples, behavioral data and observations of antler status were collected at monthly intervals during 1 year from free-ranging Pampas deer stags (three radio-collared individuals and 15 random individuals) living in Emas National Park, Brazil (18 degrees S latitude). Fecal steroids were extracted using 80% methanol and steroid concentrations were quantified by a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Fecal testosterone concentrations peaked in December-January (summer), March (early autumn) and in August-September (winter-spring), with minimal values from April-July. Reproductive behavior had two peaks, the first in December-January, characterized by predominately anogenital sniffing, flehmen, urine sniffing, chasing and mounting behavior, and the second peak in July-September (behavior primarily related to gland marking). There were significant correlations between fecal testosterone and reproductive behavior (r = 0.490), and between fecal testosterone and antler phases (r = 0.239). Antler casting and regrowth occurred under low testosterone concentrations, whereas velvet shedding was associated with high concentrations of testosterone. We inferred that Pampas deer stags exhibited a seasonal cycle that modulated sexual behavior and the antler cycle, and we concluded that fecal steroid analysis was a practical and reliable non-invasive method for the evaluation of the endocrine status of free-ranging Pampas deer. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was designed to evaluate the effects of different fat sources on the performance, egg quality, and lipid profile of the egg yolks of layers in their second production cycle. The fat sources were cottonseed oil, soybean oil, lard, sunflower oil, or canola oil. Experimental diets were fed to postmolt ISA Brown layers at 70 wk of age and the experimental period was 74 to 86 wk of age. The different fat sources did not influence performance or eggshell quality, but lipid profile of the egg yolk changed as a function of dietary fat sources. In general, the best changes, such as lower level of saturated fatty acids, higher levels of alpha-linolenic acid and DHA, and lower linoleic acid levels, were promoted by the addition of canola oil, but it did not promote enrichment of the eggs with polyunsaturated fatty acids.


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One hundred sixty-two commercial 70-wk-old ISA Brown laying hens, previously subjected to induced molting by feed restriction, were distributed in a completely randomized design with 3 x 3 factorial arrangement (i.e., 3 metabolizable energy levels: 2,850; 2,950, and 3,050 kcal of ME/kg) and 3 protein levels (16, 18, and 20% CP), which totaled 9 treatments with 3 replicates of 6 birds each. Experimental diets were offered to birds after the feed restriction period. Performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated in 14-d intervals from the 4th to 12th weeks after forced molting for a total of 4 evaluation periods. Increases in dietary energy and protein levels did not improve performance or egg quality. The levels of 2,850 kcal of ME and 16% protein were sufficient for laying hens starting the second production cycle without decreasing their performance or egg quality.


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O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar os níveis de nitrogênio uréico plasmático (NUP) de vacas mestiças leiteiras mantidas em duas áreas de pastejo rotacionado, uma de capim-elefante cv. Guaçu (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu) e outra de capim-Tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia). Foram avaliadas a produção de forragem e as frações colmo, folha e material morto, com base na matéria seca (MS), bem como os teores de proteína bruta (PB) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) nas amostras de forragem. O sangue foi coletado em quatro épocas, utilizando-se 16 vacas por espécie de capim. A média da massa de forragem pré-pastejo foi de 5.321 e 5.384 kg de MS/ha por ciclo de pastejo para o capim-elefante e capim-Tanzânia, respectivamente. A forragem desaparecida pós-pastejo, referente à folha, ao colmo e ao material morto foi de 1.400, 620 e 443 kg de MS/ha para o capim-elefante e de 1.586, 736 e 132 kg de MS/ha para o capim-Tanzânia, por ciclo de pastejo. As médias de quatro ciclos de pastejo de PB e FDN nas amostras da planta inteira, colmo, folha, material morto e resíduo foram de 8,4; 78,5; 6,9; 77,1; 12,5; 76,3; 5,3; 82,6; 6,5; 80,2, respectivamente, para o capim-elefante, e de 9,3; 81,6; 7,4; 82,4; 14,3; 80,4; 6,3; 82,9; 7,6; 81,6, respectivamente, para o capim-Tanzânia. Foi encontrada diferença significativa nos níveis de NUP das vacas alimentadas nas diferentes espécies de capim e por época de amostragem do sangue. As médias de NUP foram 9,8 mg/dL para as vacas mantidas no capim-elefante e 10,6 mg/dL para as vacas mantidas no capim-Tanzânia. Os baixos níveis de NUP encontrados refletem a baixa ingestão de proteína bruta por vacas manejadas em pastagens tropicais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate animal performance and carcass characteristics of 64 Nellore young bulls at 22 months of age finished in a feedlot and slaughtered at five body weights (350; 455; 485; 555 and 580 kg) fed diets containing coated or uncoated urea. The experimental design adopted was completely randomized, set in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, and for the variables assessed in the control animals, it was 5 × 2. No effect of interaction between slaughter weights and diets were observed, so the variables were analyzed separately, compared by polynomial contrasts and by the F test, respectively. The time animals remained in the feedlot to reach slaughter weights was 66, 88, 145 and 194 days. Average daily gain (ADG) showed quadratic behavior, with a maximum of 1.44 kg/day with animals of 491.7 kg. Dry matter intake (DMI) (kg/day) was similar in all the treatments, but it decreased linearly as body weight increased. The bionutritional efficiency worsened linearly as body weight rose. The elevation in slaughter weight resulted in linear decrease in the percentage of beef round and increase in forequarter. Backfat thickness and rib eye area of the longissimus increased linearly and the percentages of muscle and protein in the carcass reduced and those of fat and ether extract increased linearly as body weight increased. Average daily gain, DMI, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics were not affected by diets containing coated or uncoated urea. However, animals fed coated urea presenter better crude fiber and neutral detergent fiber intake.


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A adequada disponibilidade de N durante do ciclo do feijoeiro é fundamental para garantir elevada produtividade e qualidade dos grãos produzidos. Esse nutriente pode ser absorvido pelas raízes e folhas da planta. Contudo, ainda existem dúvidas sobre a eficiência da aplicação via foliar de N no feijoeiro e sobre a influência dessa prática na qualidade dos grãos. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura e via foliar sobre a produtividade e qualidade dos grãos da cultura do feijão. O experimento foi conduzido durante a safra da seca, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no município de Botucatu-SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, num esquema fatorial 3 x 4, constituído por três doses de N (0, 45 e 90 kg ha-1) em cobertura e quatro épocas de aplicação de N via foliar (1 - sem aplicação de N via foliar, 2 - pulverização estádio R5 (pré-floração), 3 - pulverização no estádio R7 (início da formação das vagens) e 4 - pulverizações nos estádios R5 e R7). em cada aplicação de N via foliar foram utilizados 200 L ha-1 de uma solução com 10 % de ureia. Quando foi realizada a adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, a aplicação de N via foliar, independentemente da época, não alterou os componentes da produção, a produtividade e a qualidade dos grãos do feijoeiro. Na ausência da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, a aplicação de N via foliar na fase reprodutiva aumentou a massa e o tamanho dos grãos, a produtividade de grãos e o teor de proteínas nos grãos do feijoeiro. A aplicação de N via foliar no estádio R5 foi mais eficiente em aumentar a produtividade de grãos do feijoeiro que a aplicação em R7.


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A cultura do painço é uma opção interessante tanto para a formação de palha para cobertura do solo como para a produção de grãos, pelo seu rápido crescimento, tolerância à seca e ciclo curto. No entanto, são escassas as informações sobre o manejo da adubação nitrogenada para essa cultura. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, avaliar o efeito de doses e épocas de aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura nas características agronômicas e produtividade de grãos do painço. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4x2, constituído pela combinação de quatro doses (0, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N) e duas épocas de aplicação (14 e 28 dias após a emergência - DAE) do fertilizante nitrogenado (uréia) em cobertura, com quatro repetições. A adubação nitrogenada em cobertura promoveu aumento na altura da planta, comprimento da panícula e produtividade de grãos da cultura do painço, independentemente da época de aplicação. O número de grãos por panícula foi incrementado pela adubação nitrogenada apenas com a aplicação que foi realizada aos 14 DAE. A aplicação de N em cobertura, aos 14 dias após a emergência, proporcionou acréscimos nas características agronômicas, até a dose de 120 kg ha-1 (maior dose), acarretando aumento da produtividade de grãos do painço.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The elevated T-maze is an animal anxiety model which can discriminate between anxiety-like and fear-like behaviors. The estrous cycle is an important variable of the response in animal anxiety tests and is known to affect other models. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the estrous cycle on behavior displayed in the elevated T-maze test. Seventeen male and 60 female rats were submitted to one session in this test, with the females being screened for the estrous cycle and divided into groups according to the various phases. The elevated T-maze had three arms of equal dimensions (50 cm x 10 cm), one enclosed by 40-cm high walls and perpendicular to the others, the apparatus being elevated 50cm above the floor. Each rat was placed in the end of the enclosed arm and the latency for it to leave this arm was recorded. These measurements were repeated three times separated by 30-s intervals (passive avoidance). After trial 3, each rat was placed at the distal end of the right open arm and the latency to exit this arm was recorded. Whenever latencies were greater than 300 s the trial was finished. The results demonstrated females in diestrus exhibited anxiety-like behaviors while females in metaestrus behaved in a similar way as the males. There were no differences between groups in fear-like behaviors. The results also indicate the elevated T-maze to be a sensitive test to measure anxiety. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The increase in the use of natural gas in Brazil has stimulated public and private sectors to analyse the possibility of using combined cycle systems for generation of electrical energy. Gas turbine combined cycle power plants are becoming increasingly common due to their high efficiency, short lead times, and ability to meet environmental standards. Power is produced in a generator linked directly to the gas turbine. The gas turbine exhaust gases are sent to a heat recovery steam generator to produce superheated steam that can be used in a steam turbine to produce additional power. In this paper a comparative study between a 1000 MW combined cycle power plant and 1000 kW diesel power plant is presented. In first step, the energetic situation in Brazil, the needs of the electric sector modification and the needs of demand management and integrated means planning are clarified. In another step the characteristics of large and small thermoelectric power plants that use natural gas and diesel fuel, respectively, are presented. The ecological efficiency levels of each type of power plant is considered in the discussion, presenting the emissions of particulate material, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the first paper of this paper (Part I), conditions were presented for the gas cleaning technological route for environomic optimisation of a cogeneration system based in a thermal cycle with municipal solid waste incineration. In this second part, an environomic analysis is presented of a cogeneration system comprising a combined cycle composed of a gas cycle burning natural gas with a heat recovery steam generator with no supplementary burning and a steam cycle burning municipal solid wastes (MSW) to which will be added a pure back pressure steam turbine (another one) of pure condensation. This analysis aims to select, concerning some scenarios, the best atmospheric pollutant emission control routes (rc) according to the investment cost minimisation, operation and social damage criteria. In this study, a comparison is also performed with the results obtained in the Case Study presented in Part I. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Research of advanced technologies for energy generation contemplates a series of alternatives that are introduced both in the investigation of new energy sources and in the improvement and/or development of new components and systems. Even though significant reductions are observed in the amount of emissions, the proposed alternatives require the use of exhaust gases cleaning systems. The results of environmental analyses based on two configurations proposed for urban waste incineration are presented in this paper; the annexation of integer (Boolean) variables to the environomic model makes it possible to define the best gas cleaning routes based on exergetic cost minimisation criteria. In this first part, the results for steam cogeneration system analysis associated with the incineration of municipal solid wastes (MSW) is presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.