69 resultados para Universidade de Passo Fundo.


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Clinical decisions in dentistry are often based on the knowledge obtained during graduation, clinical experience, information shared with colleagues and professor, textbooks, seminars, conferences and continuing education courses. However, it is necessary to know if this information is derived from scientifically validated researches since too much information may complicate this process. Initially in medicine and later in other health areas a method which enables a critical evaluation of scientific papers related to a specific issue and also, whenever it is possible, an evaluation of the results by meta-analysis,was developed by Cochrane in order to reduce the bias towards all information obtained. The aim of this work is to present some aspects of the Evidence Based Dentistry (EBD) and to show how this methodology can be used to better substantiate scientifically the clinical decision of the dentist and improve researches design with scientific validity. The paper discusses editorial trends focused on the EBD, shows the differences between a systematic and a conventional review, describes data about Cochrane and the advantages of scientific evidence synthesis and the implications of EBD for clinical practice and research as well as recommendation grades and evidence levels of general scientific studies.


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Introduction: The oral health education is a process that aims to transform attitudes and behaviors and to form habits for the benefit of individual health. For this to occur, it is necessary to strengthen and continuous repetition, as possible in the school environment. Objective: To analyze teachers’ knowledge about oral health, practices developed in the school environment, as well as the participation of dentists in guiding teachers of primary and secondary schools. Subjects and method: We used a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions about teacher training, received guidance on oral health during their training, development of oral health issues in the classroom and knowledge on the subject . Results: Of the total respondents (n = 221), only 77 (34.8%) said they had guidance on oral health in their training to be a teacher. 70 (31.7%) said they did not develop oral health issues in the classroom and 91 (41.2%) stated no interaction between dentist and professor. We observed deficiency in teachers’ knowledge about certain issues related to dental health. There was statistically significant association between the dentist’s guidance to teachers and the development of oral health actions and the teacher’s knowledge about the location of the first permanent molar eruption (p <0.01). Conclusion: This study conclude that although most educators develop educational practices on oral health in the school environment, there is a deficiency in understanding by teachers of certain subjects, making it necessary a greater participation of the dentist in the transmission of technical and scientific knowledge to them.


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Fluoridation of water for human consumption is a method of caries prevention that brings great social benefit, if kept at optimal levels. The increase in the production of bottled water emphasizes the need to verify whether fluoride presence in these waters occurs in sufficient quantity to prevent decay, or if it represents a significant risk of fluorosis. Objective: to compare the concentrations of fluoride present in bottled water to those declared on the labels, and to make a critical analysis of legal norms on the subject. Materials and method: this was a cross-sectional study, through which 22 samples of bottled water sold in state of Ceará, Brazil, were analyzed. Analyses were performed in duplicate by the electrometric method, and results were compared to those printed on the labels. Detailed searches by laws, resolutions, ordinances, and other official documents in force, related to the topic were performed. Results: the fluoride concentrations found ranged from 0.01 to 0.36 mgF/l. Although 72.7% of the samples were classified as fluoridated, the fluoride concentrations observed were shown to be insufficient for caries prevention. As for the rules, situations where they are not clear or even divergent were found. Conclusion: the current legislation on the subject requires updates to become more objective and to create new criteria on the use of the term “fluoridated water”.


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Objective: Histomorphometric study to evaluate the biological tissue compatibility of silicone implants suitable for plastic surgery. Methods: Thirty Wistar white rats received subcutaneous implants ande the revestiment of silicone gel Silimed, and randomized into six groups of five animals each, according to the type of implanted material and the time of sacrifice. Eight areas of 60.11 mm2 corresponding to the obtained surgical pieces were analyzed, counting mesenchymal cells, eosinophils, and foreign body giant cells, observing an acceptable biocompatibility in all implants, for subsequent statistical analysis by Tukey test. Results: Silicone gel showed inflammation slightly greater than for other groups, with tissue reactions varying from light to moderate, whose result was the formation of a fibrous capsule around the material, recognized by the organism as a foreign body. Conclusion: In general, it is possible to affirm that silicone gel had acceptable levels of biocompatibility, confirmed the rare presence of foreign body giant cells, and when of the rupture, formed a fibrous capsule around the material, separating the material of the organism.


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Congenital diaphragmatic Bochdaleck hernia is an anatomical defect of the diaphragm, which allows protrusion of abdominal viscera into the chest, causing serious pulmonary and cardiac complications in the neonate. In this study we aimed to present a case of congenital Bochdaleck hernia. We investigated a 40 weeks old child, with a pregnancy carried out in a public hospital in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We suggest that if diagnosis occurs in the prenatal period, the prognosis of this disease improves. As a consequence, it allows the parity of the fetus to occur in a higher complexity center, optimizing the chances of survival. © 2012 Lava et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to analyze the perception of elderly caregivers in relation to the meaning of general and oral health and about oral health status of the institutionalized aged. It was performed a qualitative study, using Discourse of Collective Subject method. It were interviewed 42 caregivers who worked in longterm care facilities of Araçatuba City, SP and Passo Fundo City, RS – Brazil, applying a structured questionnaire. The interviews were recorded and transcript to be performed the qualitative analysis. The answers were analyzed and them it was elaborated the discourses of collective subject (DCS). Oral health, according to caregivers, was hygiene habits and good diet, while the absence of oral health was sequelae of oral diseases. It's possible to note that older means of health were being substituted by new perceptions of quality of life and is very divergent between older professionals and those who graduated during last two decades. However, according to caregivers, this health perception as quality of life was not included in Dentistry, where the old mean "absence of symptoms" was prevalent. For part of them, the institutionalized elderly have no oral health and the only way to improve their condition was through clinical attendance.


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This work approaches the main methods of plastic deformation of metals, with a focus on the deep drawing process. The mechanical properties were evaluated with the tension tests. It is presented the aluminum alloys designation, followed by applying heat treatments and the designation of tempers. The manufacture of aluminum beverage cans is described step by step, in general terms. The main objective is to analyze how different cans background geometries have great influence on the dome reversal. To be able to achieve the goal it was necessary to use cans of different manufacturers, which were used in buckle tests to obtain the reversal pressures, tensile tests and geometric analysis. Finally empirical equations were obtained correlating these variables, and it was observed that the conformation of reforming change significantly it's behavior


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Contextualiza e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido pela equipe da UNESP de Araraquara no município de Axixá do Tocantins durante o Projeto Rondon. Apresenta proposta multidisciplinar desenvolvida e voltada para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio, entendendo-se que a rede municipal de ensino constitui-se num espaço estratégico para desencadear processos formativos que possam atingir, direta ou indiretamente, o público escolar e população em contato com esta. Focando a Serra do Estrondo, patrimônio natural local, a proposta objetiva a articulação de conhecimentos teóricos e práticos a partir de conteúdos relacionados à temática ambiental para enfrentamento de problemas socioambientais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O método de fluxo de carga convencional é considerado inadequado para se obter o ponto de máximo carregamento (PMC) de sistemas de potência, devido à singularidade da matriz Jacobiana neste ponto. Os métodos da continuação são ferramentas eficientes para a solução deste tipo de problema, visto que técnicas de parametrização podem ser utilizadas para evitar a singularidade da matriz Jacobiana. Neste trabalho, novas opções para a etapa de parametrização do método da continuação são apresentadas. Mostra-se que variáveis com claro significado físico podem ser utilizadas na etapa de parametrização. As seguintes variáveis foram testadas: perda total de potência ativa e reativa, potência ativa e reativa na barra de referência, potência reativa das barras de geração, e as perdas de potência ativa e reativa nas linhas de transmissão (LT). Além de facilitar a implementação computacional do método de continuação, as técnicas de parametrização apresentadas simplificam a definição matemática e o entendimento do método por parte de engenheiros de potência, visto que os métodos de continuação existentes na literatura sempre utilizam técnicas de parametrização complexas, e de interpretação puramente geométrica. Resultados obtidos com a nova metodologia para os sistemas testes do IEEE (14, 30, 57 e 118 barras) mostram que as características de convergência do método de fluxo de carga convencional são melhoradas na região do PMC. Além disso, durante o traçado das curvas PV, as diversas técnicas de parametrização podem ser comutadas entre si possibilitando o cálculo de todos os pontos da curva com um número reduzido de iterações. Diversos testes são realizados para proporcionar a comparação do desempenho dos esquemas de parametrização propostos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar se existe correlação entre qualidade de vida e classe funcional em pacientes no pós-implante de marca-passo cardíaco, e sua relação com idade. MÉTODOS: Investigados 107 pacientes de ambos os sexos (49,5% do sexo feminino e 50,5% do sexo masculino), tempo médio de implante 6,36º ±2,99 meses e média de idade 69,3º ±12,6 anos. Para avaliação da classe funcional, foi utilizada escala proposta por Goldman e para qualidade de vida, questionário AQUAREL associado ao SF-36. Realizada análise estatística pela correlação de Spearman, com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foram observadas correlações negativas entre qualidade de vida e classe funcional: AQUAREL nos três domínios, desconforto no peito (r=-0,197, P=0,042), dispneia (r=-0,508, P =0,000), arritmia (r=-0,271, P=0,005) e, no SF-36 nos oito domínios. em relação à idade, correlação negativa com Capacidade Funcional do SF-36 (r=-0,338, P=0,000) e não se observou correlação com AQUAREL. Entre idade e classe funcional observou-se correlação positiva (r=0,237, P=0,014). CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo, encontrou-se correlação negativa entre qualidade de vida e classe funcional, evidenciando nesta amostra que os pacientes pertencentes a melhor classe funcional apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida. Conforme maior idade, pior a qualidade de vida em Capacidade Funcional e em classe funcional. Sugere-se, que idade e classe funcional influenciam qualidade de vida e as escalas de classificação funcional podem constituir um dos instrumentos que integram a avaliação e refletem a qualidade de vida em portadores de marca-passo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar uma das primeiras contribuições ao conhecimento sobre a fidelidade quantitativa de associações de moluscos recentes em rios subtropicais. Tanatocenoses e biocenoses foram estudadas em seções retilínea e meandrante tendendo a anastomosada, no curso médio do rio Touro Passo, um tributário de 4ª ordem do rio Uruguai, localizado no extremo oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. As amostragens foram realizadas por meio de quadrats de 5 m², cinco em cada seção, amostrando-se um total de 50 m². Também foram feitas amostragens em um ambiente lêntico, com comunicação intermitente com o Touro Passo, objetivando detectar a existência de transporte de comunidades lênticas para o interior do rio. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, apesar da freqüente oscilação do nível da água, a biocenose do Touro Passo apresenta uma alta fidelidade ecológica e sofre pouca influência de espécies de ambientes lênticos. A composição taxonômica e características de estrutura de comunidades, especialmente as espécies dominantes, refletem, ainda, diferenças ecológicas relacionadas às duas seções amostradas, como a maior complexidade de habitats da estação meandrante. Quanto à fidelidade quantitativa, 60% das espécies encontradas vivas também foram encontradas mortas e 47,3% das espécies encontradas mortas também foram encontras vivas em escala de rio. Porém, 72% dos exemplares coletados mortos são representantes de espécies encontradas vivas. Essa percentagem alta pode estar relacionada à boa correlação entre o ranking de dominância das associações vivas e mortas e, conseqüentemente, as espécies dominantes das tanatocenoses podem ser utilizadas para inferir características ecológicas das biocenoses. Todos os índices analisados variaram muito em escala local (quadrat) e seus valores são mais aproximados aos de outros, registrados em estudos prévios, apenas quando analisados em escala mais ampla (seção, área total).