50 resultados para Tree breeding


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The wood of Eucalyptus tereticornis is intensively used for timber, structures, buildings, poles, posts and coal. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and genetic and phenotypic correlations in growth and stem form traits of 52 open-pollinated progenies of E. tereticornis sampled from three Australian populations (20 progenies from Helenvale, 19 from Ravenshoe and 13 from Mt. Garnet). The progenies were compared with three commercial control also from Australian. The experimental design used was the compact family block, with the effect of provenance allocated in the plots and progenies within provenances in the subplots. Ten repetitions of the 52 treatments, sub-plots with six plants and the spacing of 3 x 2 m was used. At 25 years of age it was measured the diameter at breast height (DBH), total height, true volume and the stem form. We found genetic variation amon and within the three provenances and the possibility of obtaining high gains from mass selection and individual among and within progenies. The provenance Helenvale showed the best development for DBH, height and volume. The traits DBH, height and volume showed high genetic correlations (> 0.9), indicating the possibility to use the indirect selection. The coefficient of heritability on a progeny mean for the traits DBH and height was median, being 0.31 and 0.30, respectively. The expected genetic gain with the selection were estimated at 12.4% for DBH and 8.5 % for plant height. These results will subsidize the transformation of the provenance and progeny test in a seedling seed orchard and a clonal seed orchard.


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Further to increase the wood yield, is important goal of forest tree breeding the adaptation of clones through diverse environment, especially for soil and climate. Perennial tree species such as eucalypts, have a long life cycle and the frosts can occur and to be their limiting source of cultivation. The aim of the study was to determine the genetic variability and the genetic correlations between selection ages of clones cultivated in the municipality of Palma So la, SC, Brazil, where frosts are common in the winter. A clonal trial was set up in 2008 in Palma So la, by statistical design of randomized complete blocks considering 29 clones, six replications, six plants per plot, and 3.0m x 3.0 m spacing. The silvicultural characters of total plant height, diameter of breast height (dbh), and wood volume were evaluated through 24, 36, 48, and 60 months old. The deviance analysis and estimates of genetic parameters were based on the REML / BLUP genetic statistical procedure. Significant differences were observed for all traits in the deviance analysis. High correlations and statistically significant between characters were observed, indicating that the early selection will provide significant gains. Part of the clones USP/IPEF 64, USP/IPEF 78, USP/IPEF 52, USP/IPEF 68, and USP/IPEF 74) are potential to be used into the breeding programs and in commercial stands into the studied frost regions.


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In Brazil, Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden is widely used for commercial reforestation, especially for production of pulp, paper and energy. Its genetic variability is being explored in tree improvement programs for over 30 years. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters and compare genetic gains by multi-effects index in a breeding population of E. grandis. Progeny tests were established using open-pollinated seeds from ten provenances ranging from 153 to 160 progenies established in a completely randomized block design in four sites of Sao Paulo State (Anhembi, Avere Itarare e Pratania). At 24 months of age the traits diameter at breast height (DBH), height (ALT) and volume (VOL) were measured. The individual site analyses indicated significant genetic differences among progenies, height genetic variability and the mean progeny heritability (> 0.70). For joint analyses of sites, significant differences in genotype x environmental interaction effects were detected, showing differences of performance of the progenies in different sites. The Itarare site gave high genetic gains, effective size and genetic diversity. The genetic diversity and low effective size are unviable factors; considering that the progeny tests studied should retain adequate levels of genetic variability in order to be transformed in future seedling seed orchards.


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Prediction of genetic gains within breeding programs is not always compatible with those observed in practice. One reason for this inconsistency is the lack of knowledge of genotype-environment interaction (GxE). The aim of this study was to estimate genetic variation, evaluate the GxE, investigate the genetic correlation between pairs of environments and for the set, and to study the productivity, stability and adaptability at 2 years of age for diameter at breast height (DBH) in five progenies trials of Eucalyptus urophylla, used in a randomized complete block design, with the number of progenies ranging from 138 to 167, four to eight blocks and five to six plants per plot. Estimates of variance components and genetic parameters were obtained using the REML/BLUP method. For analysis of productivity, stability and adaptability, the HMRPGV method was used. The highest DBH growth was observed in Anhembi (10.52 cm) and Uberaba (10.20 cm). Estimates considered high were obtained for the coefficient of individual additive genetic variation (>13.3%) and average heritability among progenies (>0.40), indicating the possibility of obtaining genetic gains by selection among progenies. The coefficient of determination of the GxE was 1.7%, a fact that led to a high value of genotypic correlation between the performance of the progenies and environments (78.1%), indicating that the interaction is simple. The first six progenies showed a coincidence of 100% in the order of stability (HMGV), adaptability (RPGV) and productivity (HMRPGV), being 13% higher than the overall mean of five experiments (9.21 cm). When ordering the progenies, the selection of the 20 best in growth led to an increase in gain ranging of from 10.4 to 70%. Anhembi is the ideal place to have a breeding population which will be good in the other places as well.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In Brazil, Eucalyptus grandis is a key species for wood production. However, some genotypes are susceptible to rust (Puccinia psidii), mainly in São Paulo State, where climatic conditions are favorable for its development. Rust represents a high economic risk to forest companies because of the high potential of damage to commercial eucalypt plantations. The aims of the present study were (i) to select progenies of E. grandis for stability and adaptability regarding resistance to rust at different locations; (ii) compare the selections under these different climatic conditions; and (iii) compare rust severity in the field with the theoretical model. We observed that climatic conditions were extremely influential factors for rust development, but even under favorable conditions for disease development, we found rust-resistant progenies. In sites unfavorable for rust development, we detected highly susceptible progenies. We found significant correlation among the genetic material, environmental conditions and disease symptoms, however, we observed a simple genotype-environmental interaction and significant genetic variability among the progenies. The average heritability was high among the progenies in all sites, indicating substantial genetic control for rust resistance. We also observed a good relationship between rust severity in the field and the theoretical model that considered annual average temperature and leaf wetness.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Spot-billed Toucanet (Selenidera maculirostris) is an endemic member of the Ramphastidae occurring in the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. There is anecdotal literature about this species breeding in the wild, but no data are available about parental behavior and nest morphometry. We describe observations of parental behavior of the Spot-billed Toucanet including measurements of one nest in Ilha do Cardoso State Park, São Paulo, Brazil. The nest was inside a hollow of a Lauraceae tree with the entrance hidden by leaves of Aechmea sp. (Bromeliaceae). The Spot-billed Toucanet, based on our observations and review of the literature, nests in tree cavities between 2 and 7 to above ground and both parents provision the nestlings. Received 13 July 2008. Accepted 7 June 2009.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The breeding biology of the only Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber colony in southeastern Brazil was studied during the 1996-97 breeding season. The ibises began to visit their colony site by mid-September. Nest building and egg laying took place in early November and was synchronous, making the first nesting pulse. Mean clutch size in this pulse was 2.45 eggs/nest, and 0.67 young/nest reached age three weeks, when they were able to walk about the nest tree and environs. Predation was the main cause of nest failures (74% of all losses), followed by nest collapses (19%). A second nesting pulse, also synchronous, started in late December, when the young from the first nests were already able to wander about the colony and make short flights. Mean clutch size of this pulse was 2.05 eggs/nest and productivity was 0.34 young/nest. Nest collapses during storms accounted for 58% of the losses, and predation for a further 27%. A third pulse, with only a few nests, started when the second pulse young were in their third week, but no nest was successful. The incubation time was 21-24 days, and the young were able to fly well when 40 days old, deserting the colony by age 75 days. Nesting early in the breeding season yielded greater success. Nests were built close to each other (a sphere with a 1.8 m radius and centered on an average nest would include the four nearest neighbors) and there was always more than one nest per tree. Most nests were built on the upper third of the nest-tree and had some cover from overhanging branches. There was a trend for the ibises building their nests in even closer proximity during the second pulse, perhaps as a strategy to lessen individual predation risks. Received 30 August 2000, accepted 4 October 2000.


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The correlated matings in two populations (Selvíria - SEL and Paulo de Faria - PFA) of dioecious Myracrodruon urundeuva were studied in the Southwest of Brazil, by allozyme analysis of progeny arrays using the sibling-pair model. Open-pollinated seeds were collected from 25 to 30 trees within populations. Departure from random matings were evident from the differences in pollen and ovule allele frequencies. The high and significant correlation of paternity (SEL r̂p = 0.671 ± 0.074; PFA r̂p = 0.371 ± 0.062) and a low number of effective pollinating trees (ranging from 2 to 3) were detected in the populations, suggesting high proportion of full-sibs progenies. According to these results, the estimate of coancestry within families (θ = 0.209 - SEL; θ = 0.171 - PFA.) exceeded the expectation of the half-sib progenies (θ = 0.125). Result outcomes are discussed from a conservation and breeding point of view.


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Environmental factors strongly affect mangrove crabs, and some factors modulate population structure and habitat partitioning during the crabs' life cycle. However, the effect of these environmental factors on habitat selection by mangrove crabs is still unknown. We evaluated habitat selection by the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus in mangrove forests with different degrees of predominance of Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa or Avicennia schaueriana, two tidal flooding levels (less- and more-flooded), and two biological periods (breeding and non-breeding seasons). Sampling was conducted in four mangrove forests with different influences of these biotic and abiotic parameters. We used the data for sex ratio to explain environmental partitioning by this species. Females predominated in R. mangle mangroves, independently of the biological period (breeding or non-breeding seasons), and males predominated only in the less-flooded L. racemosa mangroves. The flooding level affected the sex ratio of U. cordatus, with a predominance of males in less-flooded mangroves, independently of the biological period; and a gender balance in the more-flooded mangroves only during the breeding season. Outside the breeding season, the largest specimens were recorded in the R. mangle mangroves, but in the breeding season, the largest crabs were recorded in the L. racemosa mangroves with a higher level of flooding. These results suggest that tree-species composition and tidal flooding level can have a significant effect on the habitat partitioning of sexes and sizes of the mangrove crab U. cordatus both during and outside the breeding season. © 2012 Springer-Verlag and AWI.


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Rubber production in the rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.] can be expressed differently in different environments. Thus the objective of the present study was to select productive progenies, stable and responsive in time and among locations. Thirty progenies were assessed by early yield tests at three ages and in three locations. A randomized block design was used with three replications and ten plants per plot, in 3 × 3 m spacing. The procedure of the mixed linear Reml/Blup model-restricted maximum likelihood/best non-biased linear prediction was used in the genetic statistical analyses. In all the individual analyses, the values observed for the progeny average heritability (ĥpa 2) were greater than those of the additive effect based on single individuals (ĥa 2) and within plot additive (ĥad 2). In the joint analyses in time, there was genotype × test interaction in the three locations. When 20 % of the best progenies were selected the predicted genetic gains were: Colina GG = 24.63 %, Selvíria GG = 13.63 %, and Votuporanga GG = 25.39 %. Two progenies were among the best in the analyses in the time and between locations. In the joint analysis among locations there was only genotype × location interaction in the first early test. In this test, selecting 20 %, the general predicted genetic gain was GG = 25.10 %. Identifying progenies with high and stable yield over time and among locations contributes to the efficiency of the genetic breeding program. The relative performance of the progenies varies depending of the age of early selection test. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A seringueira é uma planta de fácil reconhecimento por ser lenhosa, de porte mediano a grande, que apresenta um padrão característico de desfolha e reenfolhamento e, sobretudo, pela produção de látex. O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar um estudo anatômico e morfológico foliar, comparando os clones RRIM 600 e GT 1 de seringueira &91;Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.- Arg&93;, desenvolvidos sob as mesmas condições edáficas e climáticas, para obtenção de informações que possam fornecer subsídios para correlações com dados fisiológicos e também diferenciar os clones em relação ao conteúdo de fibras, espessamento de tecidos do parênquima paliçádico e do parênquima lacunoso, caracterização anatômica do pecíolo, número e tamanho de estômatos e fornecer dados referentes a morfologia foliolar. Foram realizadas secções transversais na região do mesófilo, nervura central e pecíolo, seguindo-se os métodos usuais de preparação de lâminas permanentes. Foram realizadas análises biométricas de extensões de tecidos dos parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso e contagem do número de células do parênquima lacunoso. Paralelamente foram realizadas análises biométricas para aferições de estômatos. Não houve diferenças para a altura das células epidérmicas, altura e número de camadas do parênquima lacunoso e para o comprimento e para a maior largura do limbo foliolar. Porém houve variação para a espessura das células do parênquima paliçádico, sendo que GT 1 apresentou maior espessura em relação a RRIM 600. GT1 apresentou maior número de estômatos em relação a RRIM 600, porém com menor tamanho. GT1 apresentou maior diâmetro da nervura central da folha e do pecíolo e maior quantidade de fibras de esclerênquima que RRIM 600.