34 resultados para Traducción discursiva


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Partindo de questionamentos ao modo como a literatura trata o fenômeno hesitativo, defendemos, neste trabalho, a hipótese de que as hesitações funcionariam como marcas de momentos de tensão entre elementos lingüístico-discursivos. Buscando confirmá-la, analisamos material extraído de sessões de conversação de um sujeito com doença de Parkinson e de um sujeito sem patologia neurológica. Verificamos, nos vínculos entre as marcas de hesitação e os trechos de fala que a elas se relacionavam: (a) se ocorria contenção da ou abertura para a deriva; (b) se as ações sujeito-língua ocorriam antecipadamente ou reparando a deriva; e (c) se as tensões predominavam no eixo sintagmático e/ou paradigmático da linguagem. Essa observação permitiu-nos conjecturar: (I) que, no processo hesitativo, podem figurar uma contenção da deriva e/ou uma abertura para a deriva; (II) que as hesitações se constituem em pontos de deriva/ancoragem de ações sujeito-linguagem de reparação e/ou antecipatórias; (II) que subsistemas lingüístico-discursivos funcionam sob diferentes relações de predominância no acontecimento do fenômeno hesitativo.


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O presente trabalho t em como objetivo fazer uma breve apresentação do contexto histórico em que se deu a produção do texto O Príncipe de Nicolau Maquiavel, destacando o aspecto socioeconómico das cidades italianas durante o Renascimento, com o propósito de estabelecer um perfil do homem renascentista. Em seguida, faz uma apresentação da maneira como foi organizado o texto maquiavélico, para destacar dois aspectos: seu caráter de manual, que visa à construção de um saber, e os procedimentos argumentativos e retóricos de seu discurso.


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Procedendo a um estudo textual e discursivo do verbo, demonstramos como o presente futuro se realiza na construção do texto falado no português brasileiro, verificando seus valores temporais e modais, como também seu contexto de ocorrência. Destacamos que o caráter prospectivo do presente do indicativo, marcado pela relevância do presente do falante, desencadeia-se a partir da interação entre o valor semântico do radical verbal, a flexão, a situação discursiva e o marcador temporal.


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Neste trabalho, analisamos os adjetivos atributivos em anúncios de jornais paulistas do século XIX para identificar o que determinaria o uso de Adj+N ou N+Adj. Categorias sintatico-semânticas sozinhas não explicam tal variação. A correlação entre elas e o contexto discursivo predetermina a escolha de uma posição no sintagma, demonstrando que a posição pós-nominal - típica do adjetivo - é, em alguns casos, relativa.


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In this paper, we intend to contribute to the debate about the circulation of the discourses. To do that, we analyze aspects regarding the circulation of Amway's discourse, a North-American network sales company that has been working in Brazil for a while. Precisely, we analyze the conditions of this circulation at the time it was more intensively, ie, in the 90s, when there were thousands of people in several parts of the country selling the company's products or consuming them. This study has been based on French Discourse Analysis with focus on both Michel Foucault's insights on the control mechanisms of discourse and Maingueneau's reformulated notion of discursive practice. The analysis reveals that Amway's discourse displays features of a doctrine, and, as a discursive practice, it cannot be conceived of as separated from the subjects who convey it, nor from its hierarchical organization, nor from the events that the company promotes and those which are promoted under its name. In these terms, the analysis shows how the discourse is not only a set of texts, but also concerns to the institutional network related to the social group that the enunciation of discourse presupposes and makes it possible.


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It is assumed as a sociocultural approach to contemporary theories necessary to scientific Information Science, considering that information should be treated from the observance of its context of enunciation, situations and purposes, involving all social actors. In this sense, it is the prerogative of the individual knowledge is socially conditioned and therefore it becomes necessary to investigate the knowledge of professionals who directly or indirectly influence the products generated in the thematic treatment of information in context of university libraries. To do so, it explores the discursive community of thematic treatment information from the institutional and social interaction through structured interview. The results revealed the need of Information Science advance the establishment of studies that surround issues involving human action from the social reality in order to enhance the theoretical concepts and methodological thematic treatment of information in context of university libraries.


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Taking into account the treatment offered to adverbial subordination in teaching and learning Portuguese, this article presents contributions from Functional Discourse Grammar concerning clausal (in)dependency and the acceptance of Discourse Subordination in the systematization of adverbial relation in teaching contexts.


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In the current context of Metalexicography several types of studies have been conducted in order to better understand the organization of existing dictionaries and, thus, constitute a knowledge base that would support the development of new works. Regarding specifically the dictionaries of Phraseology, although there are many researchers who engage in this domain, there is still much to study in order to optimize and boost production as much monolingual as bilingual works. The aim of this paper is to present a brief discursive analysis of three phraseological dictionaries considering the pedagogical aspect.


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This paper proposes a discursive analysis of teachers‘s blogs , particularly those accessible from the MEC site : http://portaldoprofessor.mec.gov.br/links.html . The aim is to analyze , dialogically, based on Bakhtinian discourse studies the speech of Portuguese language teachers on the internet , and to investigate aspects of the discourse genre blog , this specialized sphere of circulation :whether it is a means of exposing themselves, whether they are professional media extent , reflect about how to produce the identity of the Portuguese language teachers in such discourse . The axes of reflection on identity , in this case , are four: the subject‘sthe discourse about themselvesand their peers , how the subject shows itself tothe analyst - researcher in dialogue with others in history ( teachers , students , interested in issues of language , official documents ), how it can be seen by the analyst - researcher considering using resources ( videos , photos , literary genres, etc. ), how it is seen by those who comment your say


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The term poetic expressiveness refers to the multiple joints of the plan of expression, derived from the expressive value of the linguistic sign (ROSSET: 1970, 135) and its particular role in the field of poetry. The features of meaning, such as projection, elevation and salience, make it possible to consider expressive all poetic statements which constitute particularly dense instances in the formal consolidation of a convergence between the two planes (expression/content), and therefore it stands out from the others due to the high density of structural parallelisms and isomorphisms, which are procedures responsible for the impression that a particular form of content can only be expressed by cutting that same specific form of expression out. These considerations have an immediate impact on the reading, interpretation and practice of translating poems, which is intended to be demonstrated here, through an example of translation of a Phaedrus' fable, written in iambic meter.


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This paper is focused in a qualitative analysis on the item assim in correlation to its topic function in Tradições Discursivas (Discursive Traditions), investigated in the from 18th to 21th centuries. The results point out to a close relation between the investigated texts traditions and the changes that have occured concerning the item mentioned above, from a historical conception of non-linear diachrony.