102 resultados para Tension Leg Platform (Tlp)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of platform switching implants using a photoelastic method. Three models were constructed of the photoelastic resin PL-2, with a single implant and a screw-retained implant-supported prosthesis. These models were Model A, platform 5.0 mm/abutment 4.1 mm; Model B, platform 4.1 mm/abutment 4.1 mm; and Model C, platform 5.00 mm/abutment 5.00 mm. Axial and oblique (45 degrees) loads of 100 N were applied using a Universal Testing Machine (EMIC DL 3000). Images were photographed with a digital camera and visualized with software (AdobePhotoshop) to facilitate the qualitative analysis. The highest stress concentrations were observed at the apical third of the 3 models. With the oblique load, the highest stress concentrations were located at the implant apex, opposite the load application. Stress concentrations decreased in the cervical region of Model A (platform switching), and Models A (platform switching) and C (conventional/wide-diameter) displayed similar stress magnitudes. Finally, Model B (conventional/regular diameter) displayed the highest stress concentrations of the models tested.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate, using three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA), the stress distribution in peri-implant bone tissue, implants, and prosthetic components of implant-supported single crowns with the use of the platform-switching concept. Materials and Methods: Three 3D finite element models were created to replicate an external-hexagonal implant system with peri-implant bone tissue in which three different implant-abutment configurations were represented. In the regular platform (RP) group, a regular 4.1-mm-diameter abutment (UCLA) was connected to regular 4.1-mm-diameter implant. The platform-switching (PS) group was simulated by the connection of a wide implant (5.0 mm diameter) to a regular 4.1-mm-diameter UCLA abutment. In the wide-platform (WP) group, a 5.0-mm-diameter UCLA abutment was connected to a 5.0-mm-diameter implant. An occlusal load of 100 N was applied either axially or obliquely on the models using ANSYS software. Results: Both the increase in implant diameter and the use of platform switching played roles in stress reduction. The PS group presented lower stress values than the RP and WP groups for bone and implant. In the peri-implant area, cortical bone exhibited a higher stress concentration than the trabecular bone in all models and both loading situations. Under oblique loading, higher intensity and greater distribution of stress were observed than under axial loading. Platform switching reduced von Mises (17.5% and 9.3% for axial and oblique loads, respectively), minimum (compressive) (19.4% for axial load and 21.9% for oblique load), and maximum (tensile) principal stress values (46.6% for axial load and 26.7% for oblique load) in the peri-implant bone tissue. Conclusion: Platform switching led to improved biomechanical stress distribution in peri-implant bone tissue. Oblique loads resulted in higher stress concentrations than axial loads for all models. Wide-diameter implants had a large influence in reducing stress values in the implant system. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:482-491


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In implant therapy, a peri-implant bone resorption has been noticed mainly in the first year after prosthesis insertion. This bone remodeling can sometimes jeopardize the outcome of the treatment, especially in areas in which short implants are used and also in aesthetic cases. To avoid this occurrence, the use of platform switching (PS) has been used. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical concept of PS with relation to stress distribution using two-dimensional finite element analysis. A regular matching diameter connection of abutment-implant (regular platform group [RPG]) and a PS connection (PS group [PSG]) were simulated by 2 two-dimensional finite element models that reproduced a 2-piece implant system with peri-implant bone tissue. A regular implant (prosthetic platform of 4.1 mm) and a wide implant (prosthetic platform of 5.0 mm) were used to represent the RPG and PSG, respectively, in which a regular prosthetic component of 4.1 mm was connected to represent the crown. A load of 100 N was applied on the models using ANSYS software. The RPG spreads the stress over a wider area in the peri-implant bone tissue (159 MPa) and the implant (1610 MPa), whereas the PSG seems to diminish the stress distribution on bone tissue (34 MPa) and implant (649 MPa). Within the limitation of the study, the PS presented better biomechanical behavior in relation to stress distribution on the implant but especially in the bone tissue (80% less). However, in the crown and retention screw, an increase in stress concentration was observed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thickness of the periodontal ligament of rat molars during orthodontic tooth movement (OTM). METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats were divided into three groups of 10 animals each: GI, GII and GIII and the mice were euthanized at 7, 14 and 21 days, respectively. Experimental subjects were compared to their respective controls by the Mann-Whitney test. Comparison of values between compression and tension sides were performed during the same and different time periods through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis test and, subsequently, Tukey's test. RESULTS: Groups GI and GII showed decreased PDL size in the apical regions of the mesiobuccal root and in the cervical region of the distobuccal root. There was also an increased PDL in the cervical regions of the mesiobuccal root, apical region of the distobuccal root and middle region of both roots. CONCLUSION: The reduction and increase in PDL size were seen in the same root, which characterizes tooth inclination. The apical, middle and cervical regions were compared with one another in each time period and at three times: 7, 14 and 21 days. They were also compared in each region, confirming a tipping movement in GI and GII and a gradual decreased intensity between GI to GII, reaching normal dimension in GIII.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência de dois diferentes intervalos de recuperação (IR) entre as séries no exercício leg-press sobre o número e sustentabilidade das repetições e no volume total, em idosas não treinadas. MÉTODOS: Onze idosas (66,5 ± 5,0 anos; 59,2 ± 9,1kg; 146,4 ± 34,9cm) foram submetidas a duas sessões experimentais de exercícios com pesos com intensidade de 15 repetições máximas. Cada sessão experimental foi composta por três séries realizadas até a fadiga muscular utilizando IR de um (IR-1) ou três minutos (IR-3). As sessões experimentais foram separadas por, no mínimo, 48 horas. Todas as participantes realizaram ambos os protocolos e um delineamento cross-over balanceado foi utilizado para determinar a ordem das sessões experimentais. RESULTADOS: Para ambos os IR entre as séries, reduções significativas (P < 0,05) no número e na sustentabilidade das repetições foram observadas da primeira para a segunda e terceira séries e da segunda para a terceira séries. Diferenças significativas (P < 0,05) entre os IR foram observadas nas duas séries finais. O volume total da sessão realizada com IR-3 foi estatisticamente superior (20,4%; P < 0,05) quando comparada a sessão IR-1. CONCLUSÃO: O número e a sustentabilidade das repetições e o volume total de treino de idosas não treinadas são influenciados pelo IR empregado entre as séries. Maiores IR devem ser utilizados quando a finalidade for otimizar o volume de treino por meio da sustentabilidade das repetições. Em contrapartida, menores IR devem ser utilizados quando a meta for obter maiores níveis de fadiga muscular.


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Detalhes morfológicos e anatômicos dos frutos de Dalbergia nigra (Veil.) Fr. All. foram descritos e ilustrados em vários estágios de desenvolvimento.


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A lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) do joelho acarreta alterações somatosensoriais em função da perda de informações provenientes dos mecanorreceptores presentes no LCA. Esses receptores constituem importante fonte de informação sensorial, afetando o desempenho de vários atos motores, dentre os quais o controle postural. O estudo objetivou analisar o controle postural de indivíduos com joelhos normais e com lesão unilateral do LCA. Participaram 15 voluntários com lesão do LCA (grupo lesado) e 15 voluntários com joelhos normais (grupo controle). O controle postural foi analisado por plataforma de força, sendo o voluntário instruído a assumir a situação experimental em apoio unipodal direito e esquerdo, posicionado no centro da plataforma de modo estático e com os olhos fechados. A plataforma de força forneceu informações de forças e momentos no eixo vertical e horizontal, a partir das quais foi obtida a área de deslocamento do centro de pressão nas direções ântero-posterior e médio-lateral. Os resultados mostram que indivíduos com lesão do LCA apresentaram maior amplitude média de oscilação comparados aos do grupo controle, sugerindo que o deficit no controle postural seja devido à perda de informações proprioceptivas nos indivíduos com LCA. Esses resultados têm implicações para a abordagem clínica de indivíduos com lesão do LCA.


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The sl(2) affine Toda model coupled to matter is shown to describe various features, such as the spectrum and string tension, of the low-energy effective Lagrangian of two-dimensional QCD (one flavor and N colors). The corresponding string tension is computed when the dynamical quarks are in the fundamental representation of SU(N) and in the adjoint representation of SU(2).