28 resultados para TCC
Tumor response to antineoplastic drugs is not always predictable. This is also true for bladder carcinoma, a highly recurrent neoplasia. Currently, the combination of cisplatin and gemcitabine is well accepted as a standard protocol for treating bladder carcinoma. However, in some cases, this treatment protocol causes harmful side effects. Therefore, we investigated the roles of the genes TP53, RASSF1A (a tumor suppressor gene) and hMLH1 (a gene involved in the mismatch repair pathway) in cell susceptibility to cisplatin/gemcitabine treatment. Two bladder transitional carcinoma cell (TCC) lines, RT4 (wild-type TP53) and 5637 (mutated TP53), were used in this study. First, we evaluated whether the genotoxic potential of cisplatin/gemcitabine was dependent on TP53 status. Then, we evaluated whether the two antineoplastic drugs modulated RASSF1A and hMLH1 expression in the two cell lines. Increased DNA damage was observed in both cell lines after treatment with cisplatin or gemcitabine and with the two drugs simultaneously, as depicted by the comet assay. A lack of RASSF1A expression and hypermethylation of its promoter were observed before and after treatment in both cell lines. On the other hand, hMLH1 downregulation, unrelated to methylation status, was observed in RT4 cells after treatment with cisplatin or with cisplatin and gemcitabine simultaneously (wild-type TP53); in 5637 cells, hMLH1 was upregulated only after treatment with gemcitabine. In conclusion, the three treatment protocols were genotoxic, independent of TP53 status. However, cisplatin was the most effective, causing the highest level of DNA damage in both wild-type and mutated TP53 cells. Gemcitabine was the least genotoxic agent in both cell lines. Furthermore, no relationship was observed between the amount of DNA damage and the level of hMLH1 and RASSF1A expression. Therefore, other alternative pathways might be involved in cisplatin and gemcitabine genotoxicity in these two bladder cancer cell lines.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This artistic-scientific process aims to innovate the concept of Interactive Comics by adding them into the concept of RPG games and Single-Adventures. To make it properly done, there will be some issues about Interactivity, history of the Comic Strip and Mangas, and their techniques of use. Also, there will be other issues involving Electronic Comics and Interactive Comics, in addition to the concept of the RPG games and Single-Adventures, so that the reader of this paper could understand the practical result of every issue combined into one. The identification of these issues is made from a bibliographic and iconographic research, and it will also be displayed throughout the content. Some decisions will be thrown along this paper for the reader to decide and, therefore, understand the Interactivity process in a better way. The combined issues’ result will be presented in my interactive website, http://a3studios.com.br/iss/home (address not final) or http://amstarproductions.net (final address), where the readers will have to experience the “Play&Read” phenomenon. Furthermore, this work is inserted in the line of the research Artistic Processes and Procedures of the Department of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of UNESP, whose methodology used was the Freinet Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group Media Arts and Videoclip leaded by the leading advisor for this Final Course Work. The result and discussion of artistic and scientific research were reported in monographs such as this that I present, with the following versions: PDF version for dissemination in the virtual repository of the Institute of Arts’ Library; hardcover version for physical collection at the Library of Institute of Arts; The Printed Version for the board of examiners; and an appropriated template version for submission to International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts.
This Final Course Work’s main subject comes from a study made on my previous Final Course Work titled “Artemídia Preferente: Fenômeno ‘Jogar&Ler’ nas Histórias em Quadrinhos Interativas (HQI) com os games do RPG”, and it is fed by the shortage of Electronical Comic publications, classes, courses and activities that could suit for educational purposes and experiences for a capable kind of audience to learn it and do it. Specific issues about Electronic Comic will be presented, based on Célestin Freinet’s Pedagogy, on some books about Methodology and on the Brazilian Curriculum Guidelines required for graduation. After that, a Lesson Plan will be developed for a 14 year-old-or-older kind of audience where they will be capable of making their own Electronic Comic, being it educational-themed or not. This study also cares about the participants’ influences on their lives to be completed. Furthermore, this work is inserted in the line of the research “Artistic Processes and Procedures” of the Department of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of UNESP, whose methodology used was the Freinet Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group “Media Arts and Videoclip” leaded by the leading advisor for this Final Course Work. The result and discussion of artistic and scientific research were reported in monographs such as this that I present, with the following versions: PDF version for dissemination in the virtual repository of the Institute of Art’s Library; hardcover version for physical collection at the Institute of Art’s Library; the printed version for the board of examiners, and an appropriated template version for submission to the International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts.
O objetivo desse relatório é explicar e delimitar a criação do site “Americanismos: uma outra perspectiva das eleições de 2012 nos EUA”, que foi produto de uma experiência de campo no âmbito do jornalismo internacional, baseado nos preceitos teóricos e práticos estudados no curso de Jornalismo da Unesp e apresentado como trabalho de conclusão de curso (TCC). O blog criado, hospedado no domínio www.americanismos.net, também baseado em conceitos teóricos do jornalismo digital, é uma coletânea de reportagens, infográficos, vídeos, imagens e edição jornalística, organizados sob pautas da cobertura das eleições de 2012 nos Estados Unidos da América. A plataforma escolhida foi a digital, como forma de experimento do papel do correspondente internacional às luzes das novas mídias. Esse relatório pretende esmiuçar os caminhos do processo criativo e elencar os elementos utilizados para a criação do blog, bem como explicar a abordagem utilizada para reportar o universo que circunda as eleições nos EUA
No Brasil, a partir dos anos 90, as pesquisas educacionais passaram a focalizar a prática docente e os saberes pedagógicos, pois eram temas poucos explorados, colocando em cena o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos professores, pois havia necessidade de se construir lógicas de formação que valorizassem a experiência, como: aluno, aluno-mestre, estagiário, professor principiante, professor titular, professor reformado. Nesse universo escolheu-se pesquisar as representações que os alunos/estudantes de um curso de licenciatura, Educação Física, construíram de seus professores e orientadores nos agradecimentos de seus trabalhos de conclusão de curso (TCC), tendo como referência a prática docente. Portanto, buscou-se identificar nos saberes da experiência, ou dessa experiência, registrados em 150 TCC, os aspectos significativos de histórias de vidas circunscritas em micro narrativas que apontam para o desenvolvimento pessoal, bem como para dimensões do exercício profissional de professores e orientadores (TCC). Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, tendo como técnicas fonte documental, entrevista e análise de conteúdo. Entre os resultados encontrados nas categorias orientador, professor geral e professor específico se pode apontar no âmbito dos licenciandos, a emergência de uma pedagogia oculta que valoriza de forma muito acentuada aspectos da dimensão humana nas relações interpessoais da prática docente com ênfase maior no afetivo, seguido da moral, do cognitivo. Como considerações finais, aponta-se que, em termos de perfil profissional, valoriza-se tanto nos orientadores como nos professores (geral e específico) o exercício da profissionalidade docente composto pela obrigação moral, compromisso com a comunidade e competência profissional.
The present work aims to prepare a study of selectivity and coordination in an isolated electrical system with the aid of computer software PTW (Power Tools for Windows). Based on appropriate protection standards, on equipment data and the survey of the curves of “time versus current” (Time Current Curve – TCC), may be defined protection settings to leave the system selective, coordinated and properly protected. Definitions of adjustments are made taking into account the data of, so called, thermal curves of the equipment, which take into account the rated current and the supportability of short-circuit current of the equipment and cables involved in the installation in question. For that we use the tools provided by the PTW in which an industrial electrical circuit is simulated, presenting and discussing the results. With that validates the software PTW, taking it as a great tool helper implementation the coordination and selectivity study
Para iniciar a escrita do TCC, foi elaborado um memorial onde resgato memórias de minha infância, meu ingresso na escola, até os dias de hoje, no intuito de falar da influência que a relação professor-aluno teve em minha formação. Dessa forma, observei a força dessas memórias. No diálogo com Benjamin, discuto a importância da escrita do memorial e do registro de nossa história. Num segundo momento investigo a configuração da escola e as diferentes tendências pedagógicas para, a partir de diferentes teóricos, compreender como é concebida a relação professoraluno na escola. Valendo-me da literatura analiso alguns contos onde autores consagrados falam de suas lembranças na relação com seus mestres ou professores. Assim, procurei estabelecer um diálogo entre minha história pessoal com autores teóricos que tratam da configuração da escola e das tendências pedagógicas e, outros do campo da literatura. Por fim, apresento conclusões e sugestões para se pensar na relação professor-aluno, na sala de aula, a partir da reciprocidade.
This work examined the histological effects, on the rat palatal mucosa, of a denture base acrylic resin, submitted or not to a post-polymerization heat-treatment. Methods: Fifteen adult female Wistar rats, with sixty days old, weighting 150 g – 250 g were divided in G1: animals being maintained under the same conditions as the experimental groups following described, but without the use acrylic palatal plates (control group); G2: use of heat-polymerized acrylic resin palatal plates made of Lucitone 550; G3: use of palatal plates identical to G2, but subjected to a post-polymerization treatment in a water bath at 55°C for 60 min. The plates covered all the palate and were fixed in the molar region with light-cured resin, thus being kept there for 14 days. After the sacrifice, the palate was removed, fixed in formaldehyde 10% and decalcified with EDTA. Sections were stained using haematoxylin and eosin. Images in duplicate were made from the central region of the cuts, to measure the thickness (μm) of the keratin layers (TKC), epithelium total (TET) and connective tissue (TCC). Statistical analyses were carried out by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-tests (α=0.05). Results: According to the results there was significant difference in the thickness of keratin between G2 and G3, with G1 having the intermediate value and similar to the other groups. There was a significant difference in the connective tissue with G3
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Objectives. To research parental behavior and measure the weight of Nelore and Guzerat calves up to 120 days of age, collecting data from birth up to the first lactation. Materials and methods. Seven different corporal positions were considered to obtain specific data for each of the following categories: time to stand (TP), time to intend to feed after standing (TPTM), weight at birth (PN), weight at 120 days (P120), and time in contact with the calf (TCC). Additionally, independent variables were also evaluated, organized by class: weight at birth (CPN), number of calvings (CNP), order of calving in relation with the herd (CLPR), time of calving (CHP), and finally, hindering to feed (CTAT). Results. There was a significant result in favor of the Nelore race over the Guzerat race. The statistical averages for Nelore and Guzerat were: Time to stand averaged 71 and 153 minutes; time to intend to feed after standing, 39 minutes for Nelore and of 114 minutes for Guzerat. For variable weight at 120 days, Nelore reached an average of 122 kg, and Guzerat 109 kg. For the time in contact with the calf variable there was no significant variance between races. Conclusions. Results showed the superiority of the Nelore race, considering it better adapted to local environmental conditions.
Considering current technological progresses, they prove to be useful tools to be increasingly exploited in order to meet the population's needs. Generally, in Brazil, the Mobile Emergency Services (SAMU) tend to be limited to the management of incidents, which undermines the efficiency of these bodies. In this context, this final dissertation aims to present the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the SAMU in the cities of Feira de Santana BA and Rio Claro SP, integrating occurrences data related to trauma by cold weapon injuries, injury by gun, and assaults, in the period 2012-2013, as well as census data. The study was developed in stages that included obtaining data related to trauma events linked to urban violence, and statistical Census data (2010), provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Regarding the GIS, the free software Quantum GIS (QGIS) was adopted for processing and spatializing data, assuming the districts as units of study, in the urban area of the cities analyzed. The resulting research products were presented in thematic maps format, which conducted to a comparative analysis of the occurrences related to traumas. The achieved results were satisfactory, and a database in GIS was developed, integrating occurrences data by Cold Weapon Injuries (FAB), Injury by Gun (FAF) and Assaults with census data, allowing the proper use and update of the system. Making a comparative analysis between the two cities, it was possible to establish that Rio Claro presents more occurrences when it comes to FAF, FAB and Aggression recorded at SAMU per 100,000 inhabitants than Feira de Santana. Thus, although Rio Claro's population is about three times smaller than Feira de Santana's, it can be said that Rio Claro is a more violent city, considering the factors analyzed. It is possible to infer that the use of GIS applied to the SAMU in medium-sized cities is feasible, and it has the advantage...
This work aims to understand the multimedia Learning Objects (LO's) developed within the CONDIGITAL project, subsidized by the federal government. The CONDIGITAL aimed to encourage the production and the use of media in teaching in high school classrooms. This work presents a reflection on the contribution of media to the construction of significant learning of student users. The research was conducted through a literature study. Therefore, it was considered the work of some researchers related to the study of the potential of these technologies in education, such as Valente (1995), Tauroco (2007) and Mussoi (2010). These readings made possible to discern some common evaluation criteria that may be used as parameters to analyze the quality of these media as educational tools. The theme of exploration is guided by a research on the motivation of the mentioned project and on its amplitude and its results, which is directed later to the LO's developed by UNICAMP team, particularly in the Mathematics productions developed by the M³ project, some of the which are presented and evaluated in this monograph