44 resultados para Success and Failure


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Intraspecific variation in seed size is common in wild plant populations and has important consequences for the reproductive success of individual plants. Multiple, often conflicting evolutionary forces mediated by biotic as well as abiotic agents may maintain such a variation. In this paper we assessed seed size variation in a population of the threatened, commercially important palm Euterpe edulis in southeast Brazil. We investigated (i) how this variation affects the probability of attack by vertebrate and invertebrate post-dispersal seed predators, and (ii) if seed size influences the outcome of seeds damaged by beetles in terms of seed germination and early survival of seedlings. Euterpe edulis seeds varied in diameter from 8.3 to 14.1 mm. Neither insects nor rodents selected the seeds they preyed upon based on seed size. Seed germination and total, shoot and root biomasses of one-year seedlings were significantly and positively affected by seed size. Root biomass and seedling survival were negatively affected by seed damage caused by a scolytid beetle (Coccotrypes palmarum) whose adults bore into seeds to consume part of the endosperm, but do not oviposit on them. Seed size had a marginally significant effect on seedling survival. Therefore, if any advantage is accrued by E. edulis individuals producing large seeds, this is because of greater seed germination success and seedling vigor. If this is so, even a relatively narrow range of variation in seed size as observed in the E. edulis population studied may translate into differential success of individual plants. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A via de acesso femoral tem sido a preferida para os procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos coronarianos, mas apresenta limitações, principalmente relacionadas a complicações vasculares e hemorrágicas. O aces-so transradial é uma técnica mais recentemente empregada com o objetivo principal de diminuir essas complicações, além de produzir maior conforto e redução dos custos de hospitalização, embora com maior curva de aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a realização de coronariografia transradial, executada por operadores sem experiência na técnica, e comparar com a abordagem clássica (Sones e femoral) em termos de sucesso do procedimento e complicações, analisando a influência da curva de aprendizagem. MÉTODO: Estudo multicêntrico realizado em 14 hospitais do interior de São Paulo, no período de um ano. Foram randomizados mil pacientes de maneira equivalente para as técnicas transradial ou clássica. RESULTADOS: A taxa de sucesso em ambos os grupos foi similar (97,8% vs. 98,5%; P = 0,47). No grupo clássico, 95,2% dos procedimentos foram realizados pela técnica de Sones. O número de cateteres utilizados, a duração do procedimento e o tempo de exposição aos raios X foram maiores no grupo transradial (P < 0,001). Não houve diferença quanto às complicações maiores (morte, infarto e acidente vascular cerebral) e quanto às complicações vasculares e hemorrágicas. Os grupos que realizaram mais de 100 procedimentos pela artéria radial (3 centros/5 operadores) obtiveram menor taxa de insucesso (1,6% vs. 3,6%; P = 0,04). CONCLUSÃO: Um período de aprendizagem para a realização de procedimentos pela via transradial mostra-se necessário, porém não se acompanha de menor índice de sucesso, nem tampouco de maior taxa de complicações para os pacientes.


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As reformas educacionais atuais introduziram conceitos econômicos na gestão das escolas e transferiram a responsabilidade pelas ações educativas a seus sujeitos, a quem cabe o sucesso ou o fracasso das mudanças. Nesse contexto, novas formas de controle do trabalho docente passaram a ser utilizadas pelo sistema escolar, tais como as avaliações externas, a imposição de projetos e o pagamento de bônus aos responsáveis pelo trabalho docente. Este artigo resulta de uma pesquisa empírica realizada entre 20062008 e visa a apresentar a análise da escola e do trabalho docente a partir do ponto de vista de trinta professores de três diferentes regiões do estado de São Paulo. Os resultados apontam o forte impacto das reformas educacionais e da introdução dos elementos gerencialistas e performáticos no trabalho dos professores, implicando profundas alterações no ofício docente, especialmente do professor secundário, o que evidencia um sofrimento ético perante a perda da especificidade histórica do seu trabalho.


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Objectives. This study evaluated the durability of bond strength between resin cement and a feldspathic ceramic submitted to different etching regimens with and without silane coupling agent application.Methods. Thirty-two blocks (6.4 mm x 6.4 mm x 4.8 mm) were fabricated using a microparticulate feldspathic ceramic (Vita VM7), ultrasonically cleaned with water for 5 min and randomly divided into four groups, according to the type of etching agent and silanization method: method 1, etching with 10% hydrofluoric (HF) acid gel for I min + silanization; method 2, HF only; method 3, etching with 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) for 5 min + silanization; method 4, APF only. Conditioned blocks were positioned in their individual silicone molds and resin cement (Panavia F) was applied on the treated surfaces. Specimens were stored in distilled water (37 degrees C) for 24 h prior to sectioning. After sectioning the ceramic-cement blocks in x- and Y-axis with a bonded area of approximately 0.6 mm(2), the microsticks of each block were randomly divided into two storage conditions: Dry, immediate testing; TC, thermal cycling (12,000 times) + water storage for 150 d, yielding to eight experimental groups. Microtensile bond strength tests were performed in universal testing machine (cross-head speed: 1 mm/min) and failure types were noted. Data obtained (MPa) were analyzed with three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results. Significant influence of the use of silane (p < 0.0001), storage conditions (p = 0.0013) and surface treatment were observed (p = 0.0014). The highest bond strengths were achieved in both dry and thermocycled conditions when the ceramics were etched with HF acid gel and silanized (17.4 +/- 5.8 and 17.4 +/- 4.8 MPa, respectively). Silanization after HF acid gel and APT treatment increased the results dramatically (14.5 +/- 4.2-17.4 +/- 4.8 MPa) compared to non-silanized groups (2.6 +/- 0.8-8.9 +/- 3.1 MPa) where the failure type was exclusively (100%) adhesive between the cement and the ceramic.Significance. Silanization of the feldspathic ceramic surface after APF or HF acid etching increased the microtensile bond strength results significantly, with the latter providing higher results. Long-term thermocycling and water storage did not decrease the results in silanized groups. (C) 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Integer carrier phase ambiguity resolution is the key to rapid and high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning and navigation. As important as the integer ambiguity estimation, it is the validation of the solution, because, even when one uses an optimal, or close to optimal, integer ambiguity estimator, unacceptable integer solution can still be obtained. This can happen, for example, when the data are degraded by multipath effects, which affect the real-valued float ambiguity solution, conducting to an incorrect integer (fixed) ambiguity solution. Thus, it is important to use a statistic test that has a correct theoretical and probabilistic base, which has became possible by using the Ratio Test Integer Aperture (RTIA) estimator. The properties and underlying concept of this statistic test are shortly described. An experiment was performed using data with and without multipath. Reflector objects were placed surrounding the receiver antenna aiming to cause multipath. A method based on multiresolution analysis by wavelet transform is used to reduce the multipath of the GPS double difference (DDs) observations. So, the objective of this paper is to compare the ambiguity resolution and validation using data from these two situations: data with multipath and with multipath reduced by wavelets. Additionally, the accuracy of the estimated coordinates is also assessed by comparing with the ground truth coordinates, which were estimated using data without multipath effects. The success and fail probabilities of the RTIA were, in general, coherent and showed the efficiency and the reliability of this statistic test. After multipath mitigation, ambiguity resolution becomes more reliable and the coordinates more precise. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


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This study shows the importance of the institutional environment in which the local productive arrangements are entered. It shows that the specifics of each case are historical knowledge fundamental to the studies of APLs. It also shows that in areas of traditional sectors with intensive use of labor, low innovative capacity and low barriers to entry, relations that historically will be developing between firms, workers and market can be considered strong constraints of the trajectory of success or failure. The case study is a set of companies producing textiles and confecciones (products of bed, table and bath) located in the municipality of Ibitinga-SP, of great importance in the region, the high generation of employment and income. It is the study of a particular case in the context of studies on local productive arrangements (APLs), because it serves to highlight the importance of the institutional environment as a prerequisite to overcome the difficulties and consolidation of APLs.


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It was analyzed if the effects of continuous incubation temperature deviations during the second half on the development of body, organs and hematological respiratory and energetic parameters differ between male and female from 30- and 60-week-old breeder eggs. From day 13, Cobb eggs were exposed to 36°C, 37.5°C, or 39°C. At 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after this change in the temperature and at hatch, red cells count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, plasma glucose level and body, liver and heart weights were evaluated. Independent of incubation temperature, sexes and breeder ages, mean corpuscular volume decreased and the other variables increased during late incubation. In 30-week-old breeder eggs, body weights and erythrocytic parameters were not influenced by temperature but liver and heart weights decreased increasing incubation temperature and glucose level increased at 36 and 39°C. In 60-week-old breeder eggs, males were heavier at hatching with incubation at 36°C and females had smaller body weights with incubation at 39°C. In both sexes, liver weight decreased and glucose concentration was higher at 36 and 39°C and heart weights and erythrocytes parameters were not influenced by temperature. Independent of breeder age, hatchability was lower at 39°C. The data show that high temperature from day 13 of incubation reduced more intensively the hatching success and caused cardiac hypoplasia in chicks from 30-week-old breeder eggs only, revealing for the first time that the susceptibility for ascites syndrome, by reduced heart development at hatching, is associated to a relationship between incubation temperature and egg size. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2012.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It is known that several factors can affect the clinical success and durability of fixed partial dentures. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to present a literature review about the longevity, clinical success, and quality, as well as, patients' and dental surgeons' satisfaction of ceramic fixed dentures. High rate of patients' satisfaction has been observed in relation to the esthetic of ceramic crowns. In addition, the literature has shown that dental ceramics can be used in several clinical situations with high success rate and longevity. Despite of failures and complications of ceramic restorations, nowadays, with the improvement of mechanical properties of such materials, ceramic crowns present a favorable prognosis and can be used in several clinical situations with high success rate, clinical quality, and great patients' satisfaction. © 2013 The American Ceramic Society.


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Habitat split is a major force behind the worldwide decline of amphibian populations, causing community change in richness and species composition. In fragmented landscapes, natural remnants, the terrestrial habitat of the adults, are frequently separated from streams, the aquatic habitat of the larvae. An important question is how this landscape configuration affects population levels and if it can drive species to extinction locally. Here, we put forward the first theoretical model on habitat split which is particularly concerned on how split distance - the distance between the two required habitats - affects population size and persistence in isolated fragments. Our diffusive model shows that habitat split alone is able to generate extinction thresholds. Fragments occurring between the aquatic habitat and a given critical split distance are expected to hold viable populations, while fragments located farther away are expected to be unoccupied. Species with higher reproductive success and higher diffusion rate of post-metamorphic youngs are expected to have farther critical split distances. Furthermore, the model indicates that negative effects of habitat split are poorly compensated by positive effects of fragment size. The habitat split model improves our understanding about spatially structured populations and has relevant implications for landscape design for conservation. It puts on a firm theoretical basis the relation between habitat split and the decline of amphibian populations. © 2013 Fonseca et al.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)