43 resultados para Stars: rotation


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The photospheres of stars hosting planets have larger metallicity than stars lacking planets. This could be the result of a metallic star contamination produced by the bombarding of hydrogen-deficient solid bodies. In the present work we study the possibility of an earlier metal enrichment of the photospheres by means of impacting planetesimals during the first 20-30 Myr. Here we explore this contamination process by simulating the interactions of an inward migrating planet with a disc of planetesimal interior to its orbit. The results show the percentage of planetesimals that fall on the star. We identified the dependence of the planet's eccentricity (e(p)) and time-scale of migration (tau) on the rate of infalling planetesimals. For very fast migrations (tau= 10(2) and 10(3) yr) there is no capture in mean motion resonances, independently of the value of e(p). Then, due to the planet's migration the planetesimals suffer close approaches with the planet and more than 80 per cent of them are ejected from the system. For slow migrations (tau= 10(5)and 10(6) yr) the percentage of collisions with the planet decreases with the increase of the planet's eccentricity. For e(p) = 0 and 0.1 most of the planetesimals were captured in the 2:1 resonance and more than 65 per cent of them collided with the star. Whereas migration of a Jupiter mass planet to very short pericentric distances requires unrealistic high disc masses, these requirements are much smaller for smaller migrating planets. Our simulations for a slowly migrating 0.1 M-Jupiter planet, even demanding a possible primitive disc three times more massive than a primitive solar nebula, produces maximum [Fe/H] enrichments of the order of 0.18 dex. These calculations open possibilities to explain hot Jupiter exoplanet metallicities.


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Pereira, GR, Leporace, G, Chagas, DV, Furtado, LFL, Praxedes, J, and Batista, LA. Influence of hip external rotation on hip adductor and rectus femoris myoelectric activity during a dynamic parallel squat. J Strength Cond Res 24(10): 27492754, 2010-This study sought to compare the myoelectric activity of the hip adductors (HAs) and rectus femoris (RF) when the hip was in a neutral position or externally rotated by 30 degrees or 50 degrees (H0, H30, and H50, respectively) during a parallel squat. Ten healthy subjects performed 10 repetitions of squats in each of the 3 hip positions and the myoelectric activities of the HAs and RF were recorded. The signal was then divided into categories representing concentric (C) and eccentric (E) contractions in the following ranges of motion: 0-30 degrees (C1 and E1), 30-60 degrees (C2 and E2), and 60-90 degrees (C3 and E3) of knee flexion. From those signals, an root mean square (RMS) value for each range of motion in each hip position was obtained. All values were normalized to those obtained during maximum voluntary isometric contraction. We found that HAs showed a significant increase in myoelectric activity during C3 and E3 in the H30 and H50 positions, as compared with H0. Meanwhile, RF activity did not significantly differ between hip positions. Both muscles showed higher activation during 60-90 degrees (C3 and E3) of knee flexion, as compared with 0-30 degrees (C1 and E1) and 30-60 degrees (C2 and E2). The results suggest that if the aim is to increase HA activity despite the low percentage of muscle activation, squats should be performed with 30 degrees of external rotation and at least 90 degrees of knee flexion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A class of boson-fermion stars, whose spin-0 and spin-1/2 constituents interact through a U(1) current-current term in the Lagrangian density, is analyzed. It is shown that it describes the low-energy behavior of a system of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) from the leptonic sector of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. In this case the effective coupling constant A is related to the Fermi constant GF.


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In the weak field approximation of higher order gravity theory a gravitational potential is described by a Newtonian plus a Yukawa-like term. This new term is used to explain some aspects of galactic dynamics, without considering dark matter. Its presence modifies the scattering probability of a massive intruder star and relaxation time of the stellar system.


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Magneto-optical rotation was measured at room temperature for glasses containing Bi2O3-CdO-GeO2 (BCG), and Bi2O3-PbO-GeO2-B2O3 (BPGP). A pulsed magnetic field between 50 and 80 KG was used to measure Faraday rotation at 632.8 nm as a function of the concentration of Bi and Cd for BCG and Bi and Pb for BPGB. Verdet constant as high as 0.162 min G-1 cm-1 at 632.8 nm for the BPGB sample with the highest concentrations of Bi and Cd was found. Verdet constant increases linearly with the heavy-metal concentration for the BPGB whereas it reaches some saturation for the BCG system. Measurements of the magneto-optical rotation at other wavelengths in the visible and the refractive index at 632.8 nm are also reported. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we introduce a current-current type interaction term in the Lagrangian density of gravity coupled to complex scalar fields, in the presence of a degenerated Fermi gas. For low transferred momenta, such a term, which might account for the interaction among boson and fermion constituents of compact stellar objects, is subsequently reduced to a quadratic one in the scalar sector. This procedure enforces the use of a complex radial field counterpart in the equations of motion. The real and the imaginary components of the scalar field exhibit different behavior as the interaction increases. The results also suggest that the Bose-Fermi system undergoes a phase transition for a suitable choice of the coupling constant.


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Considering the ferromagnetic screening for the decay of the X-ray neutron star magnetic field in the binary accretion phase, the phase transition of ferromagnetic materials in the crust of neutron star induces the ferromagnetic screening saturation of the accreted crust, which results in the minimum surface magnetic field of the accreting neutron star, about 108 G, if the accreted matter has completely replaced the crust mass of the neutron star. The magnetic field evolution versus accreted mass is given as Bs ∝ ΔM-0.9, and the obtained magnetic field versus spin period relation is consistent with the distribution of the binary X-ray sources and recycled pulsars. The further thermal effect on the magnetic evolution is also studied.


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We discuss the possible influence of gravity in the neutronization process p+e-→νe, which is particularly important as a cooling mechanism of neutron stars. Our approach is semiclassical in the sense that leptonic fields are quantized on a classical background spacetime, while neutrons and protons are treated as excited and unexcited nucleon states, respectively. We expect gravity to have some influence wherever the energy content carried by the in state is barely above the neutron mass. In this case the emitted neutrinos would be soft enough to have a wavelength of the same order as the space curvature radius. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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We study the equation of state for neutron matter using the Walecka model including quantum corrections for baryons and sigma mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. We next use this equation of state to calculate the radius, mass, and other properties of rotating neutron stars.


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In the last few years, crop rotation has gained attention due to its economic, environmental and social importance which explains why it can be highly beneficial for farmers. This paper presents a mathematical model for the Crop Rotation Problem (CRP) that was adapted from literature for this highly complex combinatorial problem. The CRP is devised to find a vegetable planting program that takes into account green fertilization restrictions, the set-aside period, planting restrictions for neighboring lots and for crop sequencing, demand constraints, while, at the same time, maximizing the profitability of the planted area. The main aim of this study is to develop a genetic algorithm and test it in a real context. The genetic algorithm involves a constructive heuristic to build the initial population and the operators of crossover, mutation, migration and elitism. The computational experiment was performed for a medium dimension real planting area with 16 lots, considering 29 crops of 10 different botanical families and a two-year planting rotation. Results showed that the algorithm determined feasible solutions in a reasonable computational time, thus proving its efficacy for dealing with this practical application.


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We study the effect of shear and rotation on results previously obtained dealing with the application of the spherical collapse model (SCM) to generalized Chaplygin gas (gCg)-dominated universes. The system is composed of baryons and gCg and the collapse is studied for different values of the parameter α of the gCg. We show that the joint effect of shear and rotation is that of slowing down the collapse with respect to the simple SCM. This result is of utmost importance for the so-called unified dark matter models, since the described slowdown in the growth of density perturbations can solve one of the main problems of the quoted models, namely the instability described in previous papers [e.g., H. B. Sandvik, Phys. Rev. D 69, 123524 (2004)] at the linear perturbation level. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main problems for grain production in Brazilian 'cerrado'. Although lime has been the most applied source for soil correction, silicate may be an alternative material due to its lower solubility and Si supply, which is beneficial to several crops. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of superficial liming and calcium/magnesium silicate application on soil chemical attributes, plant nutrition, yield components and final yield of a soybean/white oat/maize/bean rotation under no-tillage system in a dry-winter region. The experiment was conducted under no tillage system in a deep acid clayey Rhodic Hapludox, Botucatu-SP, Brazil. The design was the completely randomized block with sixteen replications. Treatments consisted of two sources for soil acidity correction (dolomitic lime: ECC=90%, CaO=36% and MgO=12%; calcium/magnesium silicate: ECC=80%, CaO=34%, MgO=10% and SiO2=22%) applied in October 2006 to raise base saturation up to 70% and a control, with no soil correction. Soybean and white oat were sown in 2006/2007 as the main crop and off-season, respectively. Maize and bean were cropped in the next year (2007/2008). Products from silicate dissociation reach deeper soil layers after 18months from the application, compared to liming. Additionally, silicate is more efficient than lime to increasing phosphorus availability and reducing toxic aluminum. Such benefits in soil chemical attributes were only evidenced during bean cropping, when grain yield was higher after silicate application comparatively to liming. Both correction sources were improved mineral nutrition of all the other crops, mainly Ca and Mg levels and agronomical characteristics, reflecting in higher yield. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Nutrient use efficiency has become an important issue in agriculture, and crop rotations with deep vigorous rooted cover crops under no till may be an important tool in increasing nutrient conservation in agricultural systems. Ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) has a vigorous, deep root system and may be effective in cycling P and K. The balance of P and K in cropping systems with crop rotations using ruzigrass, pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and ruzigrass + castor bean (Ricinus communis), chiseled or not, was calculated down to 0.60 m in the soil profile for 2 years. The cash crops were corn in the first year and soybean in the second year. Crop rotations under no-till increased available P amounts in the soil-plant system from 80 to 100 %, and reduced K losses between 4 and 23 %. The benefits in nutrient balance promoted by crop rotations were higher in the second year and under without chiseling. Plant residues deposited on the soil surface in no-till systems contain considerable nutrient reserve and increase fertilizer use efficiency. However, P release from ruzigrass grown as a sole crop is not synchronized with soybean uptake rate, which may result in decreased yields. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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This paper presents a numerical approach to model the complex failure mechanisms that define the ultimate rotational capacity of reinforced concrete beams. The behavior in tension and compression is described by a constitutive damage model derived from a combination of two specific damage models [1]. The nonlinear behavior of the compressed region is treated by the compressive damage model based on the Drucker-Prager criterion written in terms of the effective stresses. The tensile damage model employs a failure criterion based on the strain energy associated with the positive part the effective stress tensor. This model is used to describe the behavior of very thin bands of strain localization, which are embedded in finite elements to represent multiple cracks that occur in the tensioned region [2]. The softening law establishes dissipation energy compatible with the fracture energy of the concrete. The reinforcing steel bars are modeled by truss elements with elastic-perfect plastic behavior. It is shown that the resulting approach is able to predict the different stages of the collapse mechanism of beams with distinct sizes and reinforcement ratios. The tensile damage model and the finite element embedded crack approach are able to describe the stiffness reduction due to concrete cracking in the tensile zone. The truss elements are able to reproduce the effects of steel yielding and, finally, the compressive damage model is able to describe the non-linear behavior of the compressive zone until the complete collapse of the beam due to crushing of concrete. The proposed approach is able to predict well the plastic rotation capacity of tested beams [3], including size-scale effects.