80 resultados para Social time


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The social wasp P. paulista is relatively common in southeast Brazil causing many medically important stinging incidents. The seriousness of these incidents is dependent on the amount of venom inoculated by the wasps into the victims, and the characteristic envenomation symptoms are strongly dependent on the types of peptides present in the venom. In order to identify some of these naturally occurring peptides available in very low amounts, an analytical protocol was developed that uses a combination of reversed-phase and normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of wasp venom for peptide purification, with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight post-source decay mass spectrometry (MALDI-Tof-PSD-MS) and low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (QTof-MS/MS) instrument for peptide sequencing at the sub-picomole level. The distinction between Leu and Ile was achieved both by observing d-type fragment ions obtained under CID conditions and by comparison of retention times of the natural peptides and their synthetic counterparts (with different combinations of I and/or L at N- and C-terminal positions). To distinguish the isobaric residues K and Q, acetylation of peptides was followed by Q-Tof-MS analysis. The primary sequences obtained were INWLKLGKMVIDAL-NH2 (MW 1611.98Da) and IDWLKLGKMVMDVL-NH2 (MW 1658.98Da). Micro-scale bioassay protocols characterized both peptides as presenting potent hemolytic action, mast cell degranulation, and chemotaxis of poly-morphonucleated leukocyte (PMNL) cells. The primary sequences and the bioassay results suggest that these toxins constitute members of a new sub-class of mastoparan toxins, directly involved in the occurrence of inflammatory processes after wasp stinging. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Social behavior of Hypsiboas albomarginatus was studied in the Atlantic rain forest, Municipality of Ubatuba, in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Vocalizations of H. albomarginatus are described, including contexts in which they were emitted and temporal and spectral parameters differentiating advertisement from aggressive calls. Dominant call frequency was inversely correlated with male length and body mass but not with environmental temperature. Number of pulses per note was not correlated with any variable, and advertisement call amplitude was influenced by temperature and time. During chorus aggregation, males interacted acoustically by emitting advertisement calls in antiphony, or by emitting aggressive calls. Some disputes among males culminated in physical combat; males performed kicks and slaps on rivals' heads, in an apparent attempt to dislodge rivals from perches. Visual signals were also displayed during conflicts between males, contributing to an escalation of aggressive behavior. Visual signals were not recorded during courtship between males and females but may help in the accurate localization of the signaling male during aggressive interactions.


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Testamos o efeito do isolamento social sobre a agressividade no peixe amazônico, Astronotus ocellatus. Dez peixes juvenis foram transferidos de um aquário de agrupamento (60 x 60 x 40 cm) contendo 15 indivíduos (sem discriminação de sexo) para um aquário de isolamento (50 x 40 x 40 cm). A agressividade foi testada por meio de ataques e exibições direcionadas à imagem do peixe no espelho. O comportamento foi filmado durante 10 min em 4 momentos: 30 min, 1 dia, 5 dias e 15 dias após o isolamento. Nós analisamos a motivação agressiva por meio da latência para início do comportamento agonístico e pela freqüência dos ataques totais e específicos direcionados ao espelho. A latência para o comportamento agonístico reduziu ao longo do isolamento e houve uma tendência de aumento da freqüência de mouth fighting (um ataque de alta intensidade de agressão), mostrando-nos um aumento na motivação agressiva. Os resultados estão de acordo com os encontrados para ciclídeos juvenís de Haplochromis burtoni, mas discordam com os encontrados para Pterophylum scalare (acará bandeira). Sugerimos que o aumento da agressividade em A. ocellatus pode ser mediado pelo efeito de exposição prévia, da residência prévia ou por processos envolvendo reconhecimento de co-específicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O nomadismo contemporâneo associado à migração, pobreza, desemprego e desfiliação social é uma característica marcante de nosso tempo e se expressa com maior radicalidade no fenômeno da errância, compreendida por uma perambulação a pé do indivíduo pelas rodovias, sem rumo certo e destino definido. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre a errância e a normalização social, tendo como foco de análise o caso dos andarilhos de estrada.


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Sixteen post-emergent colonies of Polistes lanio were studied while producing males in the course of the colonial cycle. Individually, they remained in the nest only 10.5 days (5-31, n=165). Twelve different male behaviors were observed: remaining immobile on the nest (82,8%), giving alarm (4,8%), flying out from the nest (2,4%), copulating on the nest (2,4%), being dominated (1,6%), self-grooming (1,2%), checking cells (1,2%), adult-adult trophallaxis (receiving food) (0,8%), larva-adult trophallaxis (0,8%), chewing prey and giving it to the larvae (0,8%), returning to the nest without food (0,8%), and fanning the nest (0,4%). In comparison to the behavioral repertory of females (28 items), they performed fewer tasks and remained immobile most of the time on the nest. Their behavior was largely related to self maintenance, but also included giving chewed prey to the larvae, giving alarm signals and fanning the nest.


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Aim: To evaluate caries experience and prevalence associated to social and preventive factors in 3-6-year-old children of a Pastoral Community from Limeira, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out through an epidemiologic research about the oral conditions of 110 children registered at the Children's Pastoral Community from the city of Limeira, SP, Brazil. Intraoral examination was performed by a trained dentist and the parents/caregivers filled out a questionnaire in order to outline the children's profile with respect to gender, parental education and oral health. Results: Differences related to gender were not detected (p= 0.3404). The most frequent periods of breastfeeding were 0 to 2 months (36.36%) and 2 to 6 months (35.45%), corresponding to 71.81% of the cases. The time bottle feeding pointed to two most frequent categories: 1) more than 12 months (35.45%) and 2) between 2 and 6 months (22.63%). Regarding parental education, the majority of the sample has not completed primary school (38.32%). It was observed a larger number of decayed teeth in male children (63.39%). Caries experience was significantly higher in children who were breastfed for only 2 months of life (41.96%). Children that did not use baby bottle or did not use a baby bottle for more than 1 year presented a smaller dmft, corresponding to 29.17% and 28.33%, respectively. Time of use of bottle and pacifier presented a significant association (p<0.05). Conclusions: The implementation of adequate strategies and actions is needed to reinforce oral health conditions in risk groups.


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Foraging behavior in social wasps is important in the development of the colony and reflects an important ecological interaction between the colony and the environment. Although the social traits of the colony play a role in the foraging activities, the conditions that establish the space and time limits are mainly physical. Here, we evaluate colonies of Polybia paulista throughout one year in order to verify the foraging activities and the items collected, as well as the importance of temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation on motivating foraging. Collection of liquids was always higher than that of solids; preys were collected all year long, and nests showed two annual episodic expansions. The linear mixed effects (LME) model used to analyze which weather factors influence the foraging showed temperature as the most influencing factor on the collection of materials. © 2011 Naila Cristina de Souza Canevazzi and Fernando Barbosa Noll.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC