55 resultados para Slow transit constipation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Although the prevalence of caries has decreased dramatically over the past decades, it has become a polarised disease, with most of subjects presenting low caries levels and few individuals accounting for most of the caries affected surfaces. Thus it become evident for the need of clinical approaches directed at these high-risk patients, in order to overcome problems related to compliance and low attendance at dental care centres. Slow-release fluoride devices were developed based on the inverse relationship existing between intra-oral fluoride levels and dental caries experience. The two main types of slow-release devices - copolymer membrane type and glass bead - are addressed in the present review. A substantial number of studies have demonstrated that these devices are effective in raising intra-oral F concentrations at levels able to reduce enamel solubility, resulting in a caries-protective effect. Studies in animals and humans demonstrated that the use of these devices was able to also protect the occlusal surfaces, not normally protected by conventional fluoride regimens. However, retention rates have been shown to be the main problem related to these devices and still requires further improvements. Although the results of these studies are very promising, further randomised clinical trials are needed in order to validate the use of these devices in clinical practice. The concept of continuously providing low levels of intra-oral fluoride has great potential for caries prevention in high caries-risk groups.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sibutramine is a drug globally used for the treatment of obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate male reproductive disorders caused by sibutramine in adult rats. Wistar rats were treated for 28 consecutive days (gavage) with 10 mg/kg of sibutramine. Control animals received only vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide and saline). The rats were sacrificed for evaluation of body and reproductive organ weights, sperm parameters, hormone levels (luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone), testicular and epididymal histopathology, sexual behavior, fertility and in vitro contractility of the epididymal duct. Sibutramine decreased (P < .05) weights of the epididymis and ventral prostate, but not of other reproductive organs. The sperm number and transit time in the epididymal cauda were decreased (P < .001), but the daily sperm production was not altered. Moreover, morphology and sperm motility, histopathology of the testes and epididymis, sexual behavior, fertility, and serum hormone levels were not altered by the treatment. Sibutramine increased the potency of norepinephrine and, per se, increased the mechanical activity of the epididymal duct in vitro. Thus, although sibutramine in these experimental conditions did not interfere with the reproductive process of rats, it provoked acceleration of the sperm transit time and a decrease in the sperm reserves in the epididymal cauda. This alteration is probably related to the sympathomimetic effect of this drug, as shown by the in vitro assays. In humans, use of this drug might present a threat for male fertility because sperm reserves in men are naturally lower than those in rats.


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The aim of this study was to investigate if the Na+-channel activating alkaloid veratrine is able to change the oxidative and m-ATPase activities of a fast-twitch glycolytic muscle (EDL, extensor digitorum longus) and slow-twitch oxidative muscle (SOL, soleus) in mice. Oxidative fibers and glycolytic fibers were more sensitive to veratrine than oxidative-glycolytic fibers 15, 30 and 60 min after the i.m. injection of veratrine (10 ng/kg) with both showing an increase in their metabolic activity in both muscles. In EDL, the m-ATPase reaction revealed a significant (p < 0.001) decrease (50%) in the number of type IIB fibers after 30 min while the number of type I fibers increased by 550%. Type I fibers decreased from 34% in control SOL to 17% (50% decrease) in veratrinized muscles, with a 10% decrease in type IIA fibers within 15 min. A third type of fiber appeared in SOL veratrinized muscle, which accounted for 28% of the fibers. Our work gives evidence that the changes in the percentage of the fiber types induced by veratrine may be the result, at least partially, from a direct effect of veratrine on muscle fibers and else from an interaction with the muscle type influencing distinctively the response of a same fiber type. Based on the results obtained in the present study the alterations in EDL may be related to the higher number of Na+ channels present in this muscle whereas those in SOL may involve an action of veratrine on mitochondria. Although it is unlikely that the shift of enzymes activities induced by veratrine involves genotypic expression changes an alternative explanation for the findings cannot be substantiated by the present experimental approach. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Guanethidine, a chemical that selectively abolishes peripheral noradrenergic nerves, was used to investigate the role of sympathetic innervation in the maintenance of epididymal sperm quantity and quality. Four groups of 10 adult male rats each were treated daily for 21 days, by i.p. injections, with either 0 (saline vehicle), 6.25, 12.5, or 25 mg/kg guanethidine. Norepinephrine content was reduced to undetectable levels in the cauda epididymidis in all guanethidine groups after 3 wk of treatment and was reduced to 7.4% of the control values after 1 wk of 6.25 mg/kg treatment. While body weight gain was significantly decreased at 12.5 and 25 mg/kg compared to that in controls, there was a significant increase in the weights of the seminal vesicles/coagulating glands in all treated groups. The number of homogenization-resistant spermatids per testis and the daily sperm production per testis remained unchanged. The weight of the epididymis was significantly increased at 6.25 and 12.5 mg/kg. Moreover, the number of cauda epididymal sperm and the transit time were increased significantly at 6.25 mg/kg (10.2 days) compared to values in the control cauda (6.3 days). Neither serum testosterone levels nor LH was affected in a dosage-related manner. There were no effects of guanethidine treatment on cauda epididymal sperm motility or morphology. A quantitative analysis of detergent-extracted cauda epididymal sperm proteins by SDS-PAGE revealed no differences, but there were diminutions in seven proteins in homogenates of caput/ corpus tissue. Histologic analysis of testis and epididymis sections revealed no differences between control and denervated animals. In a subsequent experiment the lowest effective dosage (6.25 mg/kg) was given to rats for 1 wk, and an increased number of cauda epididymal sperm and a delay in sperm transit were observed. Our results indicate that low-dosage guanethidine exposure denervates the epididymis within 1 wk, thereby delaying epididymal transit; however, neither 1- nor 3-wk exposure produces qualitative changes in the sperm.


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The epididymal sperm transit time seems to have an important role in the process of sperm maturation, and it seems that alterations to the transit can harm the process. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the influence of altered sperm transit time through the epididymis on sperm parameters and fertility of rats, as well as the role of testosterone in the alterations. Sprague-Dawley adult male rats were randomly assigned to four different groups and were treated for 12 days: (i) 10 mu g/rat/day DES, to accelerate the transit; (ii) 6.25 mg/kg/day guanethidine sulphate, to delay the transit; (iii) same treatment as group 1, plus androgen supplementation; (iv) control animals received the vehicles. Guanethidine treatment delayed the sperm transit time through the epididymal cauda, provoking increased sperm reserves in this region. Animals exposed to DES showed an acceleration of sperm transit time in the epididymis, and consequently decreased sperm density in both epididymal regions, the caput-corpus and cauda, and diminished sperm motility. In both cases sperm production was not altered. Testosterone supplementation was able to restore the transit time to values close to normality, as they were higher than in the control rats. The same occurred in relation to sperm motility. Rats exposed to DES presented lower fertility after in utero artificial insemination using sperm collected from the proximal cauda epididymis. Therefore, it was concluded that the acceleration of rat sperm transit time appeared to harm normal sperm maturation, thus decreasing sperm quality and fertility capacity, in an androgen-dependent way.


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Clearance and transit time are parameters of great value in studies of digestive transit. Such parameters are nowadays obtained by means of scintigraphy and videofluoroscopy, with each technique having advantages and disadvantages. In this study we present a new, noninvasive method to study swallowing pharyngeal clearance (PC) and pharyngeal transit time (PTT). This new method is based on variations of magnetic flux produced by a magnetic bolus passing through the pharynx and detected by an AC biosusceptometer (ACB). These measurements may be performed in a simple way. cause no discomfort. and do not use radiation. We measured PC in 8 volunteers (7 males and I female. 23-33 years old) and PTT in 8 other volunteers (7 males and I female. 21-29 years old). PC was 0.82 +/- 0.10 s (mean +/- SD) and PTT was 0.75 +/- 0.03 s. The results were similar for PC but longer for PTT than those determined by means of other techniques. We conclude that the biomagnetic method can be used to evaluate PC and PTT.


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We studied the ingestion of 54 children with functional constipation (CC) and 41 without (Control), according to the Food Pyramid. A food frequency questionnaire was used, analyzing fruits with or without peel/bagasse, grains whole or refined, and beans separately. Total subjects and 2-6y CC ingested less DF (g/day) than Control (p < 0.05). The majority had high n degrees of dairy and of the meat group servings, but most groups/subgroups did not meet recommendation for fruit and vegetable. A greater proportion of fruit with peel/bagasse in Control than in CC was almost the only difference for 6-12y. There was a discrepancy between the high percentage of children with DF above AHF recommendation and the high percentage of children who did not meet Pyramid recommendations.


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This article extends results contained in Buzzi et al. (2006) [4], Llibre et al. (2007, 2008) [12,13] concerning the dynamics of non-smooth systems. In those papers a piecewise C-k discontinuous vector field Z on R-n is considered when the discontinuities are concentrated on a codimension one submanifold. In this paper our aim is to study the dynamics of a discontinuous system when its discontinuity set belongs to a general class of algebraic sets. In order to do this we first consider F :U -> R a polynomial function defined on the open subset U subset of R-n. The set F-1 (0) divides U into subdomains U-1, U-2,...,U-k, with border F-1(0). These subdomains provide a Whitney stratification on U. We consider Z(i) :U-i -> R-n smooth vector fields and we get Z = (Z(1),...., Z(k)) a discontinuous vector field with discontinuities in F-1(0). Our approach combines several techniques such as epsilon-regularization process, blowing-up method and singular perturbation theory. Recall that an approximation of a discontinuous vector field Z by a one parameter family of continuous vector fields is called an epsilon-regularization of Z (see Sotomayor and Teixeira, 1996 [18]; Llibre and Teixeira, 1997 [15]). Systems as discussed in this paper turn out to be relevant for problems in control theory (Minorsky, 1969 [16]), in systems with hysteresis (Seidman, 2006 [17]) and in mechanical systems with impacts (di Bernardo et al., 2008 [5]). (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.