63 resultados para Significant Structure


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Determining the genetic structure of tropical bird populations is important for assessing potential genetic effects of future habitat fragmentation and for testing hypotheses about evolutionary mechanisms promoting diversification. Here we used 10 microsatellite DNA loci to describe levels of genetic differentiation for five populations of the lek-mating blue manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata), sampled along a 414-km transect within the largest remaining continuous tract of the highly endangered Atlantic Forest habitat in southeast Brazil. We found small but significant levels of differentiation between most populations. F-ST values varied from 0.0 to 0.023 (overall F-ST = 0.012) that conformed to a strong isolation by distance relationship, suggesting that observed levels of differentiation are a result of migration-drift equilibrium. N(e)m values estimated using a coalescent-based method were small (<= 2 migrants per generation) and close to the minimum level required to maintain genetic similarity between populations. An implication of these results is that if future habitat fragmentation reduces dispersal between populations to even a small extent, then individual populations may undergo a loss of genetic diversity due to an increase in the relative importance of drift, since inbreeding effective population sizes are relatively small (N-e similar to 1000). Our findings also demonstrate that population structuring can occur in a tropical bird in continuous habitat in the absence of geographical barriers possibly due to behavioural features of the species.


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A total number of 4824 Mustelus schmitti was sampled. Females ranged from 25 to 93 em in spring and from 28 to 90 cm in summer. Males ranged from 34 to 82 and from 28 to 77 cm, respectively. Length composition of the population showed significant differences between spring and summer being females larger than males. Total length distribution did not show significant differences between cruises. Males density varied significantly between cruises while for the females no significant variation was observed. In the spring cruise, both sexes occurred at depths lower than 50 in. Females occurred in the whole area with adult occurrence only above 35 degrees 30'S. Mature males occurred throughout the area, immature males occurring in two trawls in Samborombon Bay. The summer cruise showed a discontinuous distribution of the species along the study area resulting in spatial segregation in two groups with immature females predominating in both of them.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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NAPc2, an anticoagulant protein from the hematophagous nematode Ancylostoma caninum evaluated in phase-II/IIa clinical trials, inhibits the extrinsic blood coagulation pathway by a two step mechanism, initially interacting with the hitherto uncharacterized factor Xa exosite involved in macromolecular recognition and subsequently inhibiting factor VIIa (K-i = 8.4 pM) of the factor VIIa/tissue factor complex. NAPc2 is highly flexible, becoming partially ordered and undergoing significant structural changes in the C terminus upon binding to the factor Xa exosite. In the crystal structure of the ternary factor Xa/NAPc2/selectide complex, the binding interface consists of an intermolecular antiparallel beta-sheet formed by the segment of the polypeptide chain consisting of residues 74-80 of NAPc2 with the residues 86-93 of factor Xa that is additional maintained by contacts between the short helical segment (residues 67-73) and a turn (residues 26-29) of NAPc2 with the short C-terminal helix of factor Xa (residues 233-243). This exosite is physiologically highly relevant for the recognition and inhibition of factor X/Xa by macromolecular substrates and provides a structural motif for the development of a new class of inhibitors for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis and angioplasty. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Convulxin (CVX), a C-type lectin, isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, causes cardiovascular and respiratory disturbances and is a potent platelet activator which hinds to platelet glycoprotein GPVI. The structure of CVX has been solved at 2.4 Angstrom resolution to a crystallographic residual of 18.6% (R-free =26.4%). CVX is a disulfide linked heterodimer consisting of homologous alpha and beta chains. The heterodimers are additionally linked by disulfide bridges to form cyclic alpha(4)beta(4)heterotetramers. These domains exhibit significant homology to the carbohydrate-binding domains of C-type lectins, to the factor IX-binding protein (IX-bp), and to flavocetin-A (Fl-A) but sequence and Structural differences are observed in both the domains in the putative Ca2+ and carbohydrate binding regions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We compared the fish assemblage structure from streams with different intensities of physical habitat degradation and chemical water pollution by domestic sewage in southeastern Brazil. Eight streams (R1-R8) showing less disturbed or more disturbed conditions of chemical water quality and of physical habitat quality were selected. Cumulative abundance and biomass, combined in ABC plots, revealed (i) biomass curves above the abundance curves, represented by the streams R1-R2 (water and habitat less disturbed) and R5-R6 (water more disturbed and habitat less disturbed), and (ii) biomass curves below the abundance curves, represented by the streams R3-R4 (water less disturbed and habitat more disturbed) and R7-R8 (water and habitat more disturbed). The quantitative structure of the ichthyofauna showed significant correspondence with physical habitat condition but not with chemical water quality. The most significant species to cause the dissimilarity between less disturbed and more disturbed physical habitats was the exotic Poecilia reticulata. Such results indicate that in the focused region-with little influence of industrial pollution, noncritical domestic sewage discharge, and soil predominantly used for pasture-streams with high physical habitat integrity possess a differently structured ichthyofauna than streams with relatively low physical habitat integrity, reinforcing the importance of the physical habitat quality and riparian conservation along these water courses, warranting the conservation of these systems. Indeed, our results also reinforce the importance of including biotic descriptors, particularly of the ichthyo-fauna, in water-monitoring programs designed to reveal signs of human interference.


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Aim: The present study was developed in a deforested stream located in a region that exhibits marked seasonality with the purpose to investigate whether ecological descriptors of the quantitative structure (i.e., composition, abundance, biomass, species richness, diversity) and feeding of fishes do change between the dry and wet periods. Methods: Sampling was conducted bimonthly from April 2004 to February 2005 by using a standardized effort with electrofishing equipment and environmental variables measurements. Results: We collected 713 fishes belonging to 23 species. The most abundant species were Gymnotus carapo (24.0%) and Poecilia reticulata (23.8%). Species richness, abundance, and biomass showed to be higher in the wet period, but these differences were not significant and did not influence the multivariate pattern of the assemblage (ANOSIM, R = 0.148). Nevertheless, average dissimilarity between community structure in the dry and wet periods was 52.7%, mainly due to the differential contribution of P. reticulata, notably more abundant in the wet season, under quasi-hypoxic water conditions. Examination of 333 gastric contents of 12 species evidenced that food variety was higher in the dry period. of these species, 67% (Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax fasciatus, Geophagus brasiliensis, Gymnotus carapo, Hypostomus ancistroides, Phalloceros harpagos, Poecilia reticulata, and Rhamdia quelen) kept the diet throughout the year, being classified in the same trophic groups in both periods, and detritus was the most important item for half of them, followed by aquatic insects. Overall, no significant differences in the community's diet between periods were registered (ANOSIM, R = [long dash]0.04). Conclusions: This relative constancy suggests a quite regular availability of resources (mainly shelters in submerged marginal grasses and detritus) along the year.


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Aim: To investigate whether composition and structure of stream ichthyofauna vary along the conservation gradient in the Bodoquena Plateau; Methods: Standardized sampling was performed in nine stream stretches (three references, three in the pasture, and three in urban areas), each 80 m long, in April, May and June/08; Results: A quantity of 8,102 individuals representing 36 species was collected. There were no significant differences with respect to absolute species richness among stretches. Urban stretches were more similar to each other than the other two groups, both regarding species composition and abundance. A set of six species was considered an indicator of reference stretches, whereas two were of pasture stretches and four of urban stretches. Poecilia reticulata and Corydoras aeneus, occurring only in urban stretches, were unique in showing the maximum values in the indicator species analysis; Conclusions: Results indicate changes in the ichthyofauna with urbanized surrounding water courses. The presence and abundance of Poecilia reticulata and Corydoras aeneus may indicate the quality loss of these environments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com o objetivo de identificar os padrões de organização das comunidades de peixes dos rios Jogui e Iguatemi nós amostramos peixes através de redes de espera trimestralmente entre Novembro/1999 e Agosto/2000. Hypostomus ancistroides e Parauchenipterus galeatus foram as espécies de peixes mais abundantes nos rios Jogui e Iguatemi, respectivamente. A variação longitudinal foi mais importante que a sazonal na determinação da composição de espécies em ambos os rios e a diferença entre estações não foi significativa. A altitude foi o fator mais importante na determinação da distribuição das espécies.


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Um total de 4824 Mustelus schmitti foi amostrado. As fêmeas apresentaram comprimento total de 25-93 cm na primavera e 28-90 cm no verão enquanto os machos apresentaram 34-82 e de 28-77 cm, respectivamente. A composição de comprimentos da população mostrou diferenças significativas entre primavera e verão sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos. A distribuição de comprimento total não variou significativamente entre cruzeiros. A densidade variou significativamente entre cruzeiros nos machos sendo que a variação não foi expressiva nas fêmeas. No cruzeiro da primavera, ambos os sexos ocorreram em profundidades menores do que 50 m, as fêmeas ocorrendo em toda a área de estudo, as adultas somente acima da latitude 35°30'S. Os machos adultos foram observados em toda a área sendo que os imaturos somente em dois arrastos na Bahia de Samborombón. O cruzeiro de verão mostrou uma distribuição descontínua da espécie ao longo da área de estudo, resultando na segregação espacial em dois grupos, com predominância de fêmeas imaturas em ambos.