46 resultados para Septo-optic dysplasia


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The cleidocranial dysplasia is a rare disease which can occur either spontaneously or by a dominant autosomal inheritance, with no predilection of genre or ethnic group. The odontologist is, most of the times, the first professional who patients look for to solve the problem, since there is a delay in the eruption and/or an absence of permanent teeth. In the case related in this work, this was the reason why the patient looked for treatment. Many others odontological problems are also present in this syndrome, such as, supernumerary teeth, retained teeth, with shape deviation and absence of deciduous teeth resorption. The premature diagnosis allows a proper orientation for the treatment, offering a better life quality for the patient.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study examined the influence of both optic flow characteristics and intention on postural control responses. Two groups of 10 adults each were exposed to the room's movement either at 0.6 cm/s (low velocity group) or 1.0 cm/s (high velocity group). All the participants stood in the upright stance inside of a moving room and were informed about the room movement only after the fourth trial as they were asked to resist to its influence. Results revealed that participants from both groups were influenced by the imposed visual stimulus in the first trials, but the coupling strength was weaker for the high velocity group. The request to resist the visual influences decreased visual influences oil body sway, but only for the low velocity group. These results indicate that intention might play a role in stimulus influences on body sway but it is stimulus dependent.


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Locomotion generates a visual movement pattern characterized as optic flow. To explore how the locomotor adjustments are affected by this pattern, an experimental paradigm was developed to eliminate optic flow during obstacle avoidance. The aim was to investigate the contribution of optic flow in obstacle avoidance by using a stroboscopic lamp. Ten young adults walked on an 8m pathway and stepped over obstacles at two heights. Visual sampling was determined by a stroboscopic lamp (static and dynamic visual sampling). Three-dimensional kinematics data showed that the visual information about self-motion provided by the optic flow was crucial for estimating the distance from and the height of the obstacle. Participants presented conservative behavior for obstacle avoidance under experimental visual sampling conditions, which suggests that optic flow favors the coupling of vision to adaptive behavior for obstacle avoidance.


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Background: Although oral lichen planus has been classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a potentially malignant disorder, such classification is still the target of much controversy. Aim: To evaluate the cell proliferation rate in oral lichen planus, comparing it to the rate observed in epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma, aiming at indications which might indicate the potential for malignant transformation. Material and Methods: Twenty-four cases of each lesion were submitted to the streptoavidin-biotin and AgNOR technique to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA and the mean NORs/ nucleus, respectively. Results: Positivity for PCNA was observed in 58.33% of oral lichen planus cases, 83.33% of epithelial dysplasia cases and 91.67% of oral squamous cell carcinoma cases. Chi-squared test showed that the number of positive cases for PCNA was significantly lower in oral lichen planus than in oral squamous cell carcinoma (p<0.05). No significant statistical difference between oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia (p>0.05) and between the epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma (p>0.05) was observed. The mean NORs/ nucleus in oral lichen planus, epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma were 1.74 +/- 0.32, 2.42 +/- 0.62 e 2.41 +/- 0.61, respectively. Variance analysis (ANOVA) revealed significant statistical difference between oral lichen planus and the other studied lesions (p<0.05). Conclusion: Oral lichen planus cell proliferation rate was less than in oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma which might explain the lower malignant transformation rate.


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O diagnóstico histopatológico do líquen plano bucal não é fácil, pois alguns casos de displasia epitelial podem apresentar características bastante semelhantes às do líquen plano. OBJETIVO: Comparar as alterações celulares sugestivas de malignidade presentes no líquen plano bucal com as da displasia epitelial. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Cortes histológicos de líquen plano bucal e displasia, corados com hematoxilina-eosina, foram analisados por meio da microscopia de luz. RESULTADOS: A análise de variância (alfa=5%) revelou haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de alterações celulares no líquen plano bucal (5,83±1,61) e na displasia epitelial (4,46±1,26). O teste de qui-quadrado não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante entre o líquen plano bucal e a displasia epitelial em relação às seguintes alterações celulares: aumento da relação núcleo/citoplasma, hipercromatismo nuclear, distribuição irregular da cromatina e núcleos aumentados (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Algumas alterações celulares sugestivas de malignidade presentes no líquen plano bucal também podem ser encontradas na displasia epitelial, dificultando o seu diagnóstico e, consequentemente enfatizando a importância do acompanhamento a longo prazo dos pacientes com a doença.


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A fluorometric technique based on a liquid drop excited from its interior by an optical fiber is described for the measurement of low concentrations of atmospheric hydrogen sulfide (H2S). A drop of alkaline fluorescein mercuric acetate (FMA) solution is suspended in a flowing air sample stream and serves as a renewable sensor. An optical fiber contained within the conduit that forms the drop, brings in the excitation beam; the fluorescence emission is measured by an inexpensive photodiode positioned close to the drop. As H2S in the sample is collected by the alkaline drop, it reacts rapidly with FMA resulting in a significant decrease in fluorescence intensity, proportional to the concentration of H2S sampled. The chemistry of this uniquely selective reaction has been well established for many years, the present technique permits a simple fast inexpensive near real-time measurement with very little reagent consumption. Even without prolonged sampling/preconcentration steps, limits of detection (LODs) in the double digit ppbv range is readily attainable. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We report on two unrelated Brazilian girls born to normal and nonconsanguineous parents and presenting ectodermal dysplasia, ectrodactyly, clefting, tear duct anomalies, and micro/anophthalmia. The clinical picture presented by these patients suggests the diagnosis of Goltz-Gorlin (Focal dermal hypoplasia) syndrome and EEC syndrome.


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The orofacial characteristics of ectodermal dysplasia include anodontia or hypodontia, hypoplastic conical teeth, underdevelopment of the alveolar ridges, frontal bossing, a depressed nasal bridge, protuberant lips, and hypotrichosis. Patients with this disease often need complex prosthetic treatment. The options for a definitive treatment plan may include fixed, removable, or implant-supported prostheses, singly or in combination. However, financial constraints and other priorities can prevent patients from choosing the most desirable treatment. This clinical report describes the diagnosis and treatment of ectodermal dysplasia in an 18-year-old man. The treatment included interim removable partial dentures fabricated to establish an acceptable therapeutic occlusal vertical dimension, followed by definitive overlay removable partial dentures and composite restorations.


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The spondylothoracic dysplasia syndrome is characterized by congenital malformations of vertebrae and ribs. As a consequence of the anomalous development of the vertebral column, the neck and thorax are short, and the normal head looks as if emerging from the shoulders. The thorax is short and asymmetric with an increased anteroposterior diameter. Dorsolumbar lordosis and a protuberant abdomen are present. The extremities though normal in length appear long relative to the shortened trunk. Short stature results from the vertebral abnormalities. The syndrome was seen in 2 siblings of nonconsanguineous parents.


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This report describes clinical and pathological findings in 2 flocks in Brazil where blindness and deaths in sheep occurred after closantel overdosage. Depression, weakness, and blindness affected 37 animals and 17 died in 2 flocks of 190 animals. Two animals submitted for ophthalmic examination showed no inflammation in the anterior segment of both eyes; posterior segment evaluation by indirect ophthalmoscopy suggested retinal degeneration. One postmortem evaluation local spongy vacuolization was in several regions of the brain and the optical nerves had severe axonal degeneration.