173 resultados para Sensitivity and Specificity


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Protein C activation initiated by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex forms the major physiological anticoagulant pathway. Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix protein C activator, a glycosylated single-chain serine proteinase, activates protein C without relying on thrombomodulin. The crystal structures of native and inhibited Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix protein C activator determined at 1.65 and 1.54 angstrom resolutions, respectively, indicate the pivotal roles played by the positively charged belt and the strategic positioning of the three carbohydrate moieties surrounding the catalytic site in protein C recognition, binding, and activation. Structural changes in the benzamidine-inhibited enzyme suggest a probable function in allosteric regulation for the anion-binding site located in the C-terminal extension, which is fully conserved in snake venom serine proteinases, that preferentially binds Cl1- instead of SO42-.


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Um ensaio de imunoadsorção enzimática (ELISA) baseado em antígeno bruto foi avaliado na detecção de anticorpos contra Babesia bigemina. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do teste foram de 98,0% e 99,0%, respectivamente. Concordando com a alta especificidade do teste, não foram verificadas reações cruzadas com soros de bezerros inoculados três vezes com 10(7) merozoítos de Babesia bovis. Com relação à comparação do ELISA com a imunofluorescência indireta (IFAT) na detecção de anticorpos contra B. bigemina em bezerros experimentalmente infectados com cinco isolados brasileiros geograficamente distintos deste hemoparasito, o IFAT foi capaz de detectar anticorpos um dia antes do ELISA na maioria dos soros dos animais. Houve uma boa concordância entre os resultados encontrados no ELISA e no IFAT com soros de bovinos de região de estabilidade enzoótica (k=0.61). No entanto, não houve concordância entre os testes sorológicos com soros de animais de área de instabilidade enzoótica (k=0.33). O ELISA foi empregado em um inquérito epidemiológico com 1.367 soros de quatro municípios do Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul e caracterizou esta região como uma área de estabilidade enzoótica, uma vez que as prevalências variaram de 87,7 a 98,9%. Dessa forma, este ELISA, que apresentou alta sensibilidade, especificidade e desempenho similar ao IFAT, pode ser utilizado no diagnóstico sorológico de B. bigemina.


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A pair of primers directed to 16S-23S rDNA interspacer (ITS) was designed directed to Brucella genetic sequences in order to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) putatively capable of amplifying DNA from any Brucella species. Nucleic acid extracts from whole-blood from naive dogs were spiked with decreasing amounts of Brucella canis RM6/66 DNA and the resulting solutions were tested by PCR. In addition, the ability of PCR to amplify Brucella spp. genetic sequences from naturally infected dogs was evaluated using 210 whole-blood samples of dogs from 19 kennels. The whole-blood samples collected were subjected to blood culture and PCR. Serodiagnosis was performed using the rapid slide agglutination test with and without 2-mercaptoethanol. The DNA from whole blood was extracted using proteinase-K, sodium dodecyl sulphate and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide followed by phenol-chloroform purification. The PCR was capable of detecting as little as 3.8 fg of Brucella DNA mixed with 450 ng of host DNA. Theoretically, 3.8 fg of Brucella DNA represents the total genomic mass of fewer than two bacterial cells. The PCR diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 100%. From the results observed in the present study, we conclude that PCR could be used as confirmatory test for diagnosis of B. canis infection.


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The reproducibility and validity of self-perceived periodontal, dental, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) conditions were investigated. A questionnaire was applied in interview to 200 adults aged from 35 to 44, who were attending as casual patients at Araraquara School of Dentistry, Sauo Paulo State University, Sauo Paulo, Brazil. Clinical examination was based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization manual. The interview and the clinical examination were performed in two occasions, by a calibrated examiner. Reproducibility and validity were, respectively, verified by kappa statistics (kappa) and sensitivity (Sen) and specificity (Spec) values, having clinical examination as the validation criterion. The results showed an almost perfect agreement for self-perceived TMJ (kappa=0.85) and periodontal conditions (kappa=0.81), and it was substantial for dental condition (kappa=0.69). Reproducibility according to clinical examination showed good results (kappa=0.73 for CPI index, kappa=0.96 for dental caries, and kappa=0.74 for TMJ conditions). Sensitivity and specificity values were higher for self-perceived dental (Sen=0.84, Spec=1.0) and TMJ conditions (Sen=1.0, Spec=0.8). With regard to periodontal condition, specificity was low (0.43), although sensitivity was very high (1.0). Self-perceived oral health was reliable for the examined conditions. Validity was good to detect dental conditions and TMJ disorders, and it was more sensitive than specific to detect the presence of periodontal disease.


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Protein A containing Staphylococcus aureus was used to develop a coagglutination (COA) test for the detection and typing of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) O, A and C serotypes in infected cells and tissues. Different batches and amounts of guinea pig anti-FMDV sera were assessed to optimize the preparation of COA conjugates. The sensitivity and specificity of the COA Test for the detection of FMDV O, A and C serotypes and heterologous viruses was also characterized. Comparison between the COA Test and complement fixation test for the detection and typing of FMDV obtained from extracts of tongue epithelial tissues from infected cattle revealed high agreement in the results and indicated a potential application of the COA Test for the direct diagnosis of viruses.


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The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of exercise mode, training status and specificity on the oxygen uptake ((V)over dot O-2) kinetics during maximal exercise performed in treadmill running and cycle ergometry. Seven runners (R), nine cyclists (C), nine triathletes (T) and eleven untrained subjects (U), performed the following tests on different days on a motorized treadmill and on a cycle ergometer: (1) incremental tests in order to determine the maximal oxygen uptake ((V)over dot O-2max) and the intensity associated with the achievement of (V)over dot O-2max (I(V)over dot O-2max); and (2) constant work-rate running and cycling exercises to exhaustion at I(V)over dot O-2max to determine the effective time constant of the (V)over dot O-2 response (tau(V)over dot O-2). Values for (V)over dotO(2max) obtained on the treadmill and cycle ergometer [R=68.8 (6.3) and 62.0 (5.0); C=60.5 (8.0) and 67.6 (7.6); T=64.5 (4.8) and 61.0 (4.1); U=43.5 (7.0) and 36.7 (5.6); respectively] were higher for the group with specific training in the modality. The U group showed the lowest values for VO2max, regardless of exercise mode. Differences in tau(V)over dot O-2 (seconds) were found only for the U group in relation to the trained groups [R=31.6 (10.5) and 40.9 (13.6); C=28.5 (5.8) and 32.7 (5.7); T=32.5 (5.6) and 40.7 (7.5); U=52.7 (8.5) and 62.2 (15.3); for the treadmill and cycle ergometer, respectively]; no effects of exercise mode were found in any of the groups. It is concluded that tauVO(2) during the exercise performed at I(V)over dot O-2max is dependent on the training status, but not dependent on the exercise mode and specificity of training. Moreover, the transfer of the training effects on tau(V)over dotO(2) between both exercise modes may be higher compared with (V)over dot O-2max.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of the present study was to develop and apply the direct immunohistochemistry (D-IHC) assay to search for turkey coronavirus (TCoV) antigens in formalin-fixed embedded-paraffin tissues by the use of biotin-labeled polyclonal antibody. Twenty-eight-day-old embryonated turkey eggs (n = 50) were inoculated with TCoV-purified virus, and 3 d after inoculation, sections from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca were harvested, fixed in neutral formalin, and embedded in paraffin blocks and used as positive control. In addition, a total of 100 field samples from ileum, ileum-cecal junction, and ceca, collected from 30 to 45-d-old turkeys poults experiencing an outbreak of acute enteritis, were used to search for TCoV by the same D-IHC. All results were compared with those obtained by conventional RT-PCR and indirect fluorescent antibody assay (IFA) for all tested samples. Turkey coronavirus was detected in experimentally infected embryo tissues and also in field samples in 100% of ileum-cecal junction and ceca by the 3 detection procedures. With IFA as a reference assay, sensitivity and specificity of D-IHC were 98 and 58%, whereas sensitivity and specificity of reverse transcription-PCR were 96 and 66%, calculated from the total of tested samples from experimental infection. Each of the examined procedures was highly specific (D-IHC, 93%; RT-PCR, 90%), sensitive (D-IHC, 85%; RT-PCR, 86%), and agreement of both D-IHC and RT-PCR was 99 and 100%, respectively, compared with IFA results obtained from all the field samples. These findings demonstrated the utility of D-IHC for direct detection of TCoV from field samples and considering the sensitivity and specificity found here, can be used as an alternative technique.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aims: To compare the efficacy of histochemical and immunohistochemical methods in detecting forms of Sporothrix schenckii in tissue. Methods: Thirty five cutaneous biopsy specimens from 27 patients with sporotrichosis were stained by histochemical haemotoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, and Gomori's methenamine silver methods and an immunohistochemical (avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase) (ABC) technique associated with a newly produced rabbit polyclonal antibody anti-Sporothrix schenckii. Results: A total of 29 (83%) cases were positive by the ABC method used in association with anti-Sporothrix schenckii rabbit polyclonal antibodies. Histochemical methods, using silver staining, periodic acid Schiff, and conventional haematoxylin and eosin detected 37%, 23%, and 23% of forms of S schenckii, respectively. The ABC technique was significantly more reliable than periodic acid Schiff and silver staining techniques. Conclusions: It is concluded that immunostaining is an easy and rapid method which can efficiently increase the accuracy of the diagnosis of sporotrichosis in human tissue.


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A procedure to determine residue concentrations of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides (flumethrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin and cyhalothrin) in the milk and blood of lactating dairy cows was developed. Extraction was performed with acetonitrile, n-hexane partitioning, and silica gel column cleanup with n-hexane and diethyl ether. Analysis was carried out by high- performance liquid chromatography and ultraviolet detection. Recovery of the four pyrethroids averaged 78 to 91% with a minimum detectable concentration of 0.001 mg/kg. The method was reproducible and sensitive.


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For the diagnosis and follow-up of paracoccidioidomycosis patients undergoing therapy, we evaluated two methods (immunoblotting and competition enzyme immunoassay) for the detection of circulating antigen in urine samples. A complex pattern of reactivity was observed in the immunoblot test. Bands of 70 and 43 kDa were detected more often in urine samples from patients before treatment. The immunoblot method detected gp43 and gp70 separately or concurrently in 11 (91.7%) of 12 patients, whereas the competition enzyme immunoassay detected antigenuria in 9 (75%) of 12 patients. Both tests appeared to be highly specific (100%), considering that neither fraction detectable by immunoblotting was present in urine samples from the control group. gp43 remained present in the urine samples collected during the treatment period, with a significant decrease in reactivity in samples collected during clinical recovery and increased reactivity in samples collected during relapses. Reactivity of some bands was also detected in urine specimens from patients with 'apparent cure.' The detection of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens in urine appears to be a promising method for diagnosing infection, for evaluating the efficacy of treatment, and for detecting relapse.