112 resultados para Segmented HPGe
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In the fields of Machine Vision and Photogrammetry, extracted straight lines from digital images can be used either as vector elements of a digital representation or as control entities that allow the determination of the camera interior and exterior orientation parameters. Applications related with image orientation require feature extraction with subpixel precision, to guarantee the reliability of the estimated parameters. This paper presents three approaches for straight line extraction with subpixel precision. The first approach considers the subpixel refinement based on the weighted average of subpixel positions calculated on the direction perpendicular to the segmented straight line. In the second approach, a parabolic function is adjusted to the grey level profile of neighboring pixels in a perpendicular direction to the segmented line, followed by an interpolation of this model to estimate subpixel coordinates of the line center. In the third approach, the subpixel refinement is performed with a parabolic surface adjustment to the grey level values of neighboring pixels around the segmented line. The intersection of this surface with a normal plane to the line direction generates a parabolic equation that allows estimating the subpixel coordinates of the point in the straight line, assuming that this is the critical point of this function. Three experiments with real images were made and the approach based on parabolic surface adjustment has presented better results.
This paper proposes a methodology for automatic extraction of building roof contours from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which is generated through the regularization of an available laser point cloud. The methodology is based on two steps. First, in order to detect high objects (buildings, trees etc.), the DEM is segmented through a recursive splitting technique and a Bayesian merging technique. The recursive splitting technique uses the quadtree structure for subdividing the DEM into homogeneous regions. In order to minimize the fragmentation, which is commonly observed in the results of the recursive splitting segmentation, a region merging technique based on the Bayesian framework is applied to the previously segmented data. The high object polygons are extracted by using vectorization and polygonization techniques. Second, the building roof contours are identified among all high objects extracted previously. Taking into account some roof properties and some feature measurements (e. g., area, rectangularity, and angles between principal axes of the roofs), an energy function was developed based on the Markov Random Field (MRF) model. The solution of this function is a polygon set corresponding to building roof contours and is found by using a minimization technique, like the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. Experiments carried out with laser scanning DEM's showed that the methodology works properly, as it delivered roof contours with approximately 90% shape accuracy and no false positive was verified.
A percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) é determinada de forma não invasiva e utilizada juntamente com a resposta lactacidêmica como indicadores de intensidade durante teste incremental. em campo, especialmente na natação, há dificuldades nas coletas sanguíneas; por isso, utilizam-se protocolos alternativos para estimar o limiar anaeróbio. Assim, os objetivos do estudo foram: prescrever um teste incremental baseado na PSE (Borg 6-20) visando estimar os limiares metabólicos determinados por métodos lactacidêmicos [ajuste bi-segmentado (V LL), concentração fixa-3,5mM (V3,5mM) e distância máxima (V Dmáx)]; relacionar a PSE atribuída em cada estágio com a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e com parâmetros mecânicos de nado [freqüência (FB) e amplitude de braçada (AB)], analisar a utilização da escala 6-20 na regularidade do incremento das velocidades no teste e correlacionar os limiares metabólicos com a velocidade crítica (VC). Para isso, 12 nadadores (16,4 ± 1,3 anos) realizaram dois esforços máximos (200 e 400m); os dados foram utilizados para determinar a VC, velocidade de 400m (V400m) e a freqüência crítica de braçada (FCb); e um teste incremental com intensidade inicial baseada na PSE, respectivamente, 9, 11, 13, 15 e 17; sendo monitorados em todos os estágios a FC, lactacidêmia e os tempos de quatro ciclos de braçadas e das distâncias de 20m (parte central da piscina) e 50m. Posteriormente, foram calculadas as velocidades dos estágios, FB, AB, V LL, V3,5mM e V Dmáx. Utilizaram-se ANOVA e correlação de Pearson para análise dos resultados. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre VC, V Dmáx e V LL, porém a V3,5mM foi inferior às demais velocidades (P < 0,05). Correlações significativas (P < 0,05) foram observadas entre VC versus V400m, V Dmáx e V3,5mM; V400m versus V3,5mM e V Dmáx; V Dmáx versus V LL; e no teste incremental entre PSE versus velocidade, [Lac], FC, FB e AB (P < 0,05). Concluímos que a PSE é uma ferramenta confiável no controle da velocidade dos estágios durante teste incremental na natação.
Background: In this case report we presented the stand-alone posterior approach for hemivertebra resection with unilateral laminar hooks.Case report: The patient was male and five years old. The coronal and sagital X-Rays images showed a failure of vertebral formation, segmented hemivertebra of third lumbar vertebra. The segmented hemivertebra caused a thoracolumbar scoliosis from T12 to L4 (rightside convexity), of 30 degrees (Cobb angle). The patient was submitted to a hemivertebra resection from posterior approach with two unilateral laminars hooks stabilization (superior lamina in L2 and inferior lamina of L4) in association to a compression system and autologus bone graft. The coronal X-Ray image after surgery showed a partial improvement to 25 degrees (Cobb angle) between L2 and L4. After three years of follow up it was not observed system failure (hook pull-out), maintance of curve (25 degrees of Cobb angle) and correction of trunk inbalance.Conclusion: The hemivertebra resection with posterior approach is safe, with satisfactory correction of scoliosis curve, which means is a good choice for congenital scoliosis surgical treatment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi à monitoração dos parâmetros laboratoriais como hemograma, enzimas hepáticas alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT), glicemia e proteinograma sérico, e avaliar o efeito da idade em gatos sem raça definida durante a fase neonatal. Vinte gatos machos e fêmeas foram utilizados a partir do terceiro dia de vida até o 38º dia de idade. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas semanalmente e as análises laboratoriais (hemograma, enzimas hepáticas, glicemia e proteinograma sérico) realizadas no 3º, 10º, 17º, 24º, 31º e 38º dia de idade. Os resultados exibiram efeito significativo da idade sobre a contagem total de eritrócitos, concentração de hemoglobina, volume globular, volume corpuscular médio, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, eosinófilos e basófilos. Nenhum efeito foi observado em células como linfócitos, monócitos ou na concentração sérica de glicose. A análise das modificações ocorridas nos parâmetros laboratoriais durante a fase neonatal reflete o desenvolvimento fisiológico do filhote e contribui para o conhecimento do processo adaptativo em gatos neonatos durante o primeiro mês de vida, sendo útil para a avaliação clínica, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças neonatais.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A importância do estudo dos valores hematológicos, de bioquímica sérica e urinários de Cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous) baseia-se na necessidade de cuidados e manutenção da sanidade destas populações. Este estudo visou investigar os parâmetros fisiológicos hematológicos, de bioquímica sérica e urinários dos Cachorros-do-mato de cativeiro, comparando as possíveis diferenças sexuais e de faixa etária. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue de 52 animais, pertencentes a diversos Zoológicos do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram colhidos cerca de 7mL de sangue, que foram utilizados para se obter os valores hematológicos e o perfil de bioquímica sérica. Também foram colhidos 5mL de urina para realização da urinálise. Não se encontraram diferenças entre os valores obtidos para machos e fêmeas tanto na hematologia, quanto na bioquímica sérica. Alguns parâmetros hematológicos e de bioquímica sérica foram afetados pela idade, mostrando diferenças significativas. Os resultados da urinálise foram demonstrados apenas em forma descritiva. Os principais valores encontrados foram, hemácias 4,35+0,73 x 106 células /µL, leucócitos totais 7,72+3,66 x 103 células /µL (predomínio de neutrófilos segmentados), plaquetas 227,06+111,58 x 103 células /µL, ureia 43,06+14,28mg/dL e creatinina 1,03+0,24mg/dL. Os valores hematológicos, de bioquímica sérica e urinários obtidos neste estudo podem ser utilizados como valores fisiológicos de Cachorros-do-mato de cativeiro. Pode-se concluir que as espécies silvestres necessitam de seus próprios valores de referência com necessidade de se diferenciar animais em cativeiro de animais de vida livre.
Natural (NV) and Cobalto60-irradiated (IrV) Crotalus durissus terrificus venom were used to evaluate serum production capacity of sheep and possible hematological and biochemical effects. Freeze-dried venom aliquots were diluted in acidified saline solution (NaCl 150 mM, pH 3.0) and irradiated by a Cobalt 60 source at a dose of 5.54 x 102 Gy/h and a concentration of 2.000 Gy. Twelve sheep were divided into two groups of six animals. One group received irradiated venom (IrV) and the other natural venom (NV). Three antigen doses (venom) were administered at monthly intervals. Blood samples were collected weekly for analysis of serum neutralization potency and capacity, complete blood count (CBC), total plasma protein, fibrinogen, albumin, and globulin. At the end of the experiment, the animals were challenged with a LD50 for sheep and showed no signs of envenoming. The two groups did not present clinical alterations. Results of the total leukocyte count did not present interaction or time factor effect for both groups, but there was a different action between them, with the NV group presenting more cells than the IrV group. The leukocyte increase to 13,000/ml indicates that slight leukocytosis occurred in the week after the first inoculation in the NV group. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in the absolute count of segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes but there were statistically significant oscillations in values at the different collecting times. The NV group presented an increase in the absolute neutrophil count after the first inoculation that persisted for 5 weeks. In the IrV group, the increase in neutrophils occurred only in the first week returning to normal in the following weeks. The alterations in the neutrophil count are indicative of systemic inflammatory response related to cytokine release; response was more marked in the NV group, showing its greater toxicity.
Several biological phenomena have a behavior over time mathematically characterized by a strong increasing function in the early stages of development, then by a less pronounced growth, sometimes showing stability. The separation between these phases is very important to the researcher, since the maintenance of a less productive phase results in uneconomical activity. In this report we present methods of determining critical points in logistic functions that separate the early stages of growth from the asymptotic phase, with the aim of establishing a stopping critical point in the growth and on this basis determine differences in treatments. The logistic growth model is fitted to experimental data of imbibition of arariba seeds (Centrolobium tomentosum). To determine stopping critical points the following methods were used: i) accelerating growth function, ii) tangent at the inflection point, iii) segmented regression; iv) modified segmented regression; v) non-significant difference; and vi) non-significant difference by simulation. The analysis of variance of the abscissas and ordinates of the breakpoints was performed with the objective of comparing treatments and methods used to determine the critical points. The methods of segmented regression and of the tangent at the inflection point lead to early stopping points, in comparison with other methods, with proportions ordinate/asymptote lower than 0.90. The non-significant difference method by simulation had higher values of abscissas for stopping point, with an average proportion ordinate/asymptote equal to 0.986. An intermediate proportion of 0.908 was observed for the acceleration function method.
The Pelger-Huët anomaly is a dominant autosomal disease, characterized by the incomplete segmentation of the granulocytes nucleus without lost of the cellular function. The heterozygotes form of this anomaly is assintomatic and it did not possess physic meant, while the homozygote form is rare and can be lethal, being therefore, important differentiates of other infectious alterations. The pseudo-anomaly can occasionally be observed in cases of granulocitic leukemia, mieloproliferatives Diseases, some infections and after exposition the determined drugs. We evaluate eleven members of a familiar nucleus and, after the blood cells analysis, six of then had presented neutrophils and eosinophils with nuclei characteristic of the heterozygotes form of the Pelger-Huët anomaly. The recognition of this leukocyte anomaly, mainly in patients without infection and presenting great number of not segmented neutrophils, can prevent wrong interpretations of the blood cells count and unnecessary clinical and therapeutically behaviors.
The objective of the present study, developed in a mountainous region in Brazil where many landslides occur, is to present a method for detecting landslide scars that couples image processing techniques with spatial analysis tools. An IKONOS image was initially segmented, and then classified through a Batthacharrya classifier, with an acceptance limit of 99%, resulting in 216 polygons identified with a spectral response similar to landslide scars. After making use of some spatial analysis tools that took into account a susceptibility map, a map of local drainage channels and highways, and the maximum expected size of scars in the study area, some features misinterpreted as scars were excluded. The 43 resulting features were then compared with visually interpreted landslide scars and field observations. The proposed method can be reproduced and enhanced by adding filtering criteria and was able to find new scars on the image, with a final error rate of 2.3%.
OBJECTIVE: Early identification of craniofacial morphological characteristics allows orthopedic segmented interventions to attenuate dentoskeletal discrepancies, which may be partially disguised by natural dental compensation. To investigate the morphological characteristics of Brazilian children with Class III malocclusion, in stages I and II of cervical vertebrae maturation and compare them with the characteristics of Class I control patients. METHODS: Pre-orthodontic treatment records of 20 patients with Class III malocclusion and 20 control Class I patients, matched by the same skeletal maturity index and sex, were selected. The craniofacial structures and their relationships were divided into different categories for analysis. Angular and linear measures were adopted from the analyses previously described by Downs, Jarabak, Jacobson and McNamara. The differences found between the groups of Class III patients and Class I control group, both subdivided according to the stage of cervical vertebrae maturation (I or II), were assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), complemented by Bonferroni's multiple mean comparisons test. RESULTS: The analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences in the different studied groups, between the mean values found for some angular (SNA, SNB, ANB) and linear variables (Co - Gn, N - Perp Pog, Go - Me, Wits, S - Go, Ar - Go). CONCLUSION: Assessed children displaying Class III malocclusion show normal anterior base of skull and maxilla, and anterior positioning of the mandible partially related to increased posterior facial height with consequent mandibular counterclockwise rotation.
Estudaram-se as variáveis eritrométricas, leucométricas e a concentração de proteína total (PT) de éguas gestantes das raças Brasileiro de Hipismo (BH) e Bretão. Utilizaram-se 175 éguas sadias, com 3 a 13 anos de idade. Dentre as éguas utilizadas, 89 foram da raça BH, divididas em 14 não-prenhes e 75 prenhes, e 86 éguas da raça Bretão divididas em 11 não-prenhes e 75 prenhes. As éguas foram subdivididas em quatro grupos por raça: grupo controle (éguas não-prenhes, n=14 para BH e n=11 para Bretão); grupo I (primeiro período de gestação, 25-110 dias, n=25 para BH e Bretão), grupo II (segundo período de gestação, 111-210 dias, n=25 para BH e Bretão); e grupo III (terceiro período de gestação, 211-340 dias, n=25 para BH e Bretão). Os valores médios de cada variável eritrométrica, leucométrica e de proteína total foram obtidos para cada raça e, posteriormente, realizou-se comparação entre as mesmas. O número de hemácias (He), volume globular (VG) e teor de hemoglobina (Hb) aumentaram no segundo período de gestação e diminuíram no último período tanto para a raça BH, como para a raça Bretão. Além disso, essas mesmas variáveis apresentaram diferença estatística significativa tanto nas éguas não-prenhas como nas prenhes durante os três períodos gestacionais. Os valores médios obtidos de leucócitos e neutrófilos segmentados aumentaram a partir do segundo período de gestação para as duas raças estudadas.