348 resultados para Sedimentos superficiais
A erodibilidade é um fator de extrema importância na caracterização da perda de solo, representando os processos que regulam a infiltração de água e sua resistência à desagregação e o transporte de partículas. Assim, por meio da análise de dependência espacial dos componentes principais da erodibilidade (fator K), objetivou-se estimar a erodibilidade do solo em uma área de nascentes da microbacia do Córrego do Tijuco, Monte Alto-SP, e analisar a variabilidade espacial das variáveis granulométricas do solo ao longo do relevo. A erodibilidade média da área foi considerada alta, e a análise de agrupamento k-means apontou para uma formação de cinco grupos: no primeiro, os altos teores de areia grossa (AG) e média (AM) condicionaram sua distribuição nas áreas planas; o segundo, caracterizado pelo alto teor de areia fina (AF), distribui-se nos declives mais convexos; o terceiro, com altos teores de silte e areia muito fina (AMF), concentrou-se nos maiores declives e concavidades; o quarto, com maior teor de argila, seguiu as zonas de escoamento de água; e o quinto, com alto teor de matéria orgânica (MO) e areia grossa (AG), distribui-se nas proximidades da zona urbana. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) mostrou quatro componentes com 87,4 % das informações, sendo o primeiro componente principal (CP1) discriminado pelo transporte seletivo de partículas principalmente em zonas pontuais de maior declividade e acúmulo de sedimentos; o segundo (CP2), discriminado pela baixa coesão entre as partículas, mostra acúmulo da areia fina nas áreas de menor cota em toda a área de concentração de água; o terceiro (CP3), discriminado pela maior agregação do solo, concentra-se principalmente nas bases de grandes declives; e o quarto (CP4), discriminado pela areia muito fina, distribui-se ao longo das declividades nas maiores altitudes. Os resultados sugerem o comportamento granulométrico do solo, que se mostra suscetível ao processo erosivo devido às condições texturais superficiais e à movimentação do relevo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Most of the water supplies in Brasil have a low Fluoride concentration, however there are some places where these concentrations are above the recommended as suitable for human consumption, causing chronicle intoxication, more specifically, dental Fluorosis. This study aimed to know the Fluoride content naturally present in water from 175 shallow wells located in the rural zone of Gabriel Monteiro city, in São Paulo state, in 2004, and to verify if these contents could prevent dental decay. Armed with a map of the city were located and visited all households in which a sample of water used was collected in a polyethylene bottle, then sent to NEPESCO (Collective Health Research Nucleus) laboratory of the Post-Graduation Program of Preventive and Social Dentistry of the Ara atuba Dental School-UNESP, The method used was the Fluoride ion-specific electrode (Orion 9609 BN), coupled to an ion-analyzer (Orion 710 A). The results showed that in 73.36% of the samples in the Fluoride concentrations was considered despicable (<0.10 ppm F). The Fluoride concentration in water sources do not exceed the values recommended by Brazilian legislation, however, considering the low concentrations of Fluoride found in the sources analyzed, it is important to recommend the use of Fluoride products, if used with proper care, aiming to promote oral health in this population.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Uma técnica empregando fluoresceína sódica 5% e luz ultravioleta foi desenvolvida para a identificação dos trajetos dos vasos linfáticos superficiais das glândulas mamárias em dez cadelas. A fluoresceína foi injetada por via intradérmica ao redor da base de cada mamilo e cada mama foi observada após 5, 15, 30 e 60 minutos. em cada animal, primeiramente, foram avaliadas as mamas torácica cranial, abdominal cranial e inguinal das cadeias direita e esquerda e 48 horas após as mamas torácica caudal e abdominal caudal das cadeias direita e esquerda. de um total de 97 mamas injetadas, em 8 a fluoresceína não foi captada pelos linfáticos. O tempo de 30 minutos foi o mais adequado para a visualização total dos trajetos. Mostrou ser um método simples, rápido e inócuo de verificação in vivo de vasos linfáticos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As criteria in photointerpretation slope features, tonality, texture, structure, vegetation density and gullies were utilized. The origin of the surficial formations is related to the weathering, erosion and deposition processes and little diagenesis.-after English summary
The beachs of Santos are situated in Santos Bay, central portion of paulista coast, in São Paulo state. This beachs are frequently affected by cold fronts with winds and currents from the South. These fronts are responsible for the removal and transport of sediments (sand) in Santos beaches. In order to quantify this sedimentation the channels of Santos were analysed, due to their function as box colectors of sediments during storm events. The channels are filled by sands, which volume in channels 1 to 6 was estimated, by using the length, width and height of sand sedimented in the channels, in the event of 22-27 april 2005. The chanels 2, 3 and 1 presented the larger volumes of sands, confirming that the central and SW portion of the beaches of Santos present higher levels of sedimentation or re-sedimentation. That is due to the transport by ocean waves and currents and currents from the Channel of the Port of Santos. This central portion suffer invasion of marine water over street and buildings, caracterizated of geological rise area.
The forest roads construction inevitably causes environmental impacts to adjacent ecosystems and streams. Also the routine activities of roads maintenance may similarly cause environmental impacts of about the same magnitude. The material scraped from the roadway by the motor grader is usually distributed along the roadsides, from where it may easily be washed out toward the streams. Therefore, quantifying the amount of sediments removed during road maintenance activities may provide important information of this stream sedimentation potential. For this purpose, three forest roads were divided in 30 m long segments, marked with leveled stakes. A nylon thread was then stretched across the leveled stakes and the distance from the nylon thread to the road surface was measured before and after the mechanical scraping of the road. The average removal of sediments was of 2,13 cm. Considering the mean density of soil 1,6 g cm -3, the average removal of sediments was of 341 t ha -1 of road. Considering still a 3,9 m wide and 150 m long road as an example, the total amount of removed sediments would be around 19,9 t. Road maintenance, therefore, must be well planned in order to avoid or minimize stream sedimentation.
This paper evaluates the behavior of suspended sediment load of the river Ivaí over a period of 32 years measured by the station further downstream the river (Novo Porto Taquara). The most suitable parameters for this assessment were the annual discharge of suspended sediment and water obtained from SUDERSA. The relationship between the concentration of suspended sediment and discharge of water had not a very good correlation (R 2 = 0,56) and hysteresis effect is quite clear. The justification for this behavior is given by the heterogeneity of the hydrological regime and basin occupation. There were no significant changes in annual flows which have remained the same during the study period. Already the discharge of suspended sediment showed a small gradual decline in which the end of the period (2007), the river carries less than 0.65 Mton at the beginning (1977). This reduction in suspended sediment transported is probably due to changes in soil management for agriculture.
The sediment production in river basins is an important aspect for planning the land use. Mathematical models are useful tools for analyzing the problem by providing speed, convenience and flexibility to the simulations of current conditions and future. In this article we evaluate a methodology to simulate the sediment production combining the MUSLE, a hydrologic model (ABC) and a GIS in different scenarios of land use. The models used showed good performance for purposes of planning land use, as well as for agricultural and environmental planning.
The Ribeira de Iguape River basin received intense mining activities for lead exploiting and, as a result, the river received the discharges of estimated amounts of 5.5 tons/month of material rich in As, Ba, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr and Zn. In this article, the toxicity of waters and sediments collected in Ribeira de Iguape River was assessed aiming to estimate environmental quality. Three sampling campaigns were conducted, from 2009 to 2010. Toxicity tests with the cladoceran Daphnia similis were done for water samples and for sediments, in this case using sediment-water interface exposure. Results showed in general absence of toxicity for sediments and waters, and only eventually were acute effects registered (marginal toxicity). Results are consistent with the conditions indicated by the literature, of low concentrations of metals in waters and sediments; however they differ from the monitoring made by the state environmental agency, which registered chronic toxicity. The occurrence of eventual acute toxicity indicates that although Ribeira de Iguape River quality is being restored, conditions still are not totally under control.
The present work showed the results of the biogas surface emissions from two large landfills. The study methodology consisted on escaping biogas analysis on the landfill surface, through the flux box and laboratory analysis. The total average emission of Bandeirantes Landfill was 0.00126 m3.CH4.m-2.h-1 and in Caieiras Landfill it was of 0.01222 m3.CH4.m-2.h-1. Those results were used to determinate the biogas escape both landfills. The total escape in Bandeirantes Landfill biogas accounted for 16% and in Caieiras, 35%. The conclusions demonstrated that there is a significant loss of biogas through the surface in both landfills, thus compromising the efficiency of the capture for using biogas.