325 resultados para Saanen goats


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da restrição alimentar nas características de carcaça de cabritos F1 Boer x Saanen. Foram utilizados 21 cabritos, pesando 15 kg de PV, distribuídos em três tratamentos (0, 30 e 60% de restrição). O consumo dos animais do tratamento 0% de restrição determinavam o consumo dos animais dos tratamentos 30 e 60% de restrição. Quando os animais do nível de restrição 0% atingiam 25 kg, estes juntamente com seus pares foram submetidos a jejum de sólido de 24 h e de líquido de 16 h. O abate ocorreu mediante descarga elétrica, seguido de sangria e retirada dos órgãos. Os ganhos de peso foram de 211,03, 126,15 e 11,71g/dia; a eficiência alimentar de 0,20, 0,18 e de 0,03; os pesos de abate de 25,44, 20,91 e 15,82kg para os tratamentos 0, 30 e 60% de restrição, respectivamente. O rendimento de carcaça quente, de carcaça fria e biológico não foram influenciados pela restrição alimentar. Somente a proporção da paleta e a do lombo foram influenciados pela restrição alimentar, com aumento linear do rendimento da paleta e decréscimo linear do rendimento do lombo. Houve efeito da restrição na redução do rendimento de gordura e aumento da proporção de osso. A restrição alimentar em níveis moderados, permitiu a obtenção de carcaças de boa qualidade, com bom rendimento, elevada proporção de músculo e baixa participação de gordura e, dependendo da relação custo:benefício, pode tornar-se boa alternativa para o produtor.


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Estudou-se o efeito do estresse fisiológico, via administração pontual de ACTH, sobre os níveis de cortisol e a quantidade e qualidade do leite produzido. Para tanto, 12 cabras da raça Saanen foram alocadas em dois grupos experimentais: o grupo ACTH recebeu 0,6 UI de ACTH/kg PV, e o grupo placebo recebeu solução placebo. A produção de leite, os percentuais de proteína, gordura e lactose e a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite foram mensurados antes, durante e após a administração de ACTH e do placebo. Simultaneamente à administração de ACTH e placebo por três dias consecutivos, foram realizadas colheitas de sangue para mensuração dos teores de cortisol. Nos tempos -30 e zero, ambos os grupos apresentaram concentrações basais de cortisol. O aumento nos níveis de cortisol foi significativo nos tempos 60min (grupo ACTH: 59,00±5,70 e grupo placebo: 5,23±1,37ng/mL) e 120min (grupo ACTH: 47,96±9,72 e grupo placebo: 4,38±1,14ng/mL), pois a concentração de cortisol foi maior no grupo ACTH. Os valores retornaram ao basal no tempo 300min. Não houve diferenças na produção leiteira entre os grupos ACTH e placebo, tampouco de proteína, gordura, lactose e CCS do leite dos grupos, portanto o estresse induzido por três dias consecutivos não trouxe prejuízos à produção.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effect of increasing phosphorus (P) intake on P utilization was investigated in balance experiments using 12 Saanen goats, 4 to 5 mo of age and weighing 20 to 30 kg. The goats were given similar diets with various concentrations of P, and 32P was injected to trace the movement of P in the body. A P metabolism model with four pools was developed to compute P exchanges in the system. The results showed that P absorption, bone resorption, and excretion of urinary P and endogenous and fecal P all play a part in the homeostatic control of P. Endogenous fecal output was positively correlated to P intake (P < .01). Bone resorption of P was not influenced by intake of P, and P recycling from tissues to the blood pool was lesser for low P intake. Endogenous P loss occurred even in animals fed an inadequate P diet, resulting in a negative P balance. The extrapolated minimum endogenous loss in feces was .067 g of P/d. The minimum P intake for maintenance in Saanen goats was calculated to be .61 g of P/ d or .055 g of P/(kg.75·d) at 25 kg BW. Model outputs indicate greater P flow from the blood pool to the gut and vice versa as P intake increased. Intake of P did not significantly affect P flow from bone and soft tissue to blood. The kinetic model and regressions could be used to estimate P requirement and the fate of P in goats and could also be extrapolated to both sheep and cattle.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the leukocyte count and the oxidative metabolism of neutrophil in Saanen goats during periods of pregnancy, parturition and postpartum. Were used 20 Saanen goats, clinically healthy and serologically negative for caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture 49 (M1), 42 (M2), 35 (M3), 28 (M4), 21 (M5), 14 (M6), seven (M7), three (M8) days before the parturition, on the day of birth (M9), three (M10) and seven (M11) days postpartum, for the leukocyte count, and serum for cortisol, estradiol and progesterone determination. From 28 days (M4) before parturition until seven days postpartum (M11) blood samples were collected for evaluation of oxidative metabolism of neutrophils by the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test (NBT). The results showed that at parturition day there were an increase in cortisol and estradiol levels and a decrease in progesterone serum, neutrophilic leukocytosis and left shift slight, decrease of lymphocytes, increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte, eosinopenia, monocytosis and basophilia. There was a neutrophilic leukocytosis and an increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte on the seventh day postpartum. There were not significant alterations in oxidative metabolism of neutrophils during pregnancy, parturition and postpartum. It was concluded that parturition causes an elevation in cortisol and estradiol levels and a decrease in progesterone serum determining a neutrophilic leukocytosis and left shift slight, with a reduction of lymphocytes, increase in the neutrophil:lymphocyte, eosinopenia, monocytosis and basophilia. Neutrophilic leukocytosis, increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte and fibrinogen are detected on the seventh day postpartum. Pregnancy, parturition and the postpartum do not change the oxidative metabolism of neutrophils evaluated by NBT reduction test.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this work was to determine the adaptability of Saanen and A1/2Saanen x A1/2Anglo-Nubian (A1/2SA1/2AN) goats bred in tropical climates. The study included 30 goats, 15 Saanen and 15 A1/2SA1/2AN. The data was collected during the rainy and dry seasons. During the whole experimental period, the environment variables were recorded, as well as rectal temperature (RT), superficial temperature (ST), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) and milk production (MP). The adaptability coefficient (AC) was calculated for both genotypes. The averages were evaluated by ANOVA at 5 % probability. There was a genotype and period of year effect, as well as the interaction genotype x period of year. Pearson's simple correlation analysis was then carried out between milk production and physiological and environment variables. There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the seasons for RT, ST and RR. RT, RR and HR were lower for A1/2SA1/2AN than Saanen goats, regardless of the season. MP was greater in the dry season (p < 0.05) (2.52 A +/- 0.50 kg/day for A1/2SA1/2AN and 2.41 A +/- 0.38 kg/day for Saanen) than the rainy season (2.17 A +/- 0.27 kg/day for A1/2SA1/2AN and 2.28 A +/- 0.53 kg/day for Saanen). The MP correlations were very significant (p < 0.05), however low and negative, where it was higher when correlated with RR in Saanen goats. Under the conditions of the present study, it is concluded that the goats were influenced by climatic factors, where the rainy period was more likely to cause thermal stress in the animals.