55 resultados para SAUNDERSIAE BULBS
A adubação fosfatada promove o aumento de produtividade na cultura do alho, mas doses de fósforo (P) podem proporcionar a deficiência de zinco (Zn) na planta, sobretudo em solos com baixos teores deste micronutriente. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar o efeito da interação entre P e Zn no solo sobre o desenvolvimento e produção de plantas de alho. Foram instalados três experimentos, cada um com um tipo de solo, em vasos com 17 kg de solo, em casa de vegetação telada. Empregou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial com 4 doses de P (0, 100, 200 e 400 mg dm-3) utilizando-se superfosfato triplo e 4 doses de Zn (0, 2,5, 5,0 e 10 mg dm-3) aplicados na forma de ZnSO4.7H2O, ambos incorporados ao solo, com três repetições. A produtividade e o desenvolvimento de plantas de alho foram influenciados, isoladamente, pelas doses de P e Zn, não havendo a interação entre esses nutrientes. Para os solos Neossolo Quartzarênico (NQ) textura arenosa, Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (LE) textura média e Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (LR), textura argilosa, as melhores doses de P para a produção de alho foram de 190, 400 e 400 mg dm-3 e para o Zn de 2,2; 6,5 e 5,1 mg dm-3 respectivamente.
The use of prosthetic devices for correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is an alternative treatment for patients with conditions that preclude surgery and for those individuals with a hypofunctional velopharynx (HV) with a poor prognosis for the surgical repair of VPI. Understanding the role and measuring the outcome of prosthetic treatment of velopharyngeal dysfunction requires the use of tools that allow for documenting pre- and post-treatment outcomes. Experimental openings in speech bulbs have been used for simulating VPI in studies documenting changes in aerodynamic, acoustic and kinematics aspects of speech associated with the use of palatal prosthetic devices. The use of nasometry to document changes in speech associated with experimental openings in speech bulbs, however, has not been described in the literature. Objective: This single-subject study investigated nasalance and nasality at the presence of experimental openings drilled through the speech bulb of a patient with HV. Material and Methods: Nasometric recordings of the word "pato" were obtained under 4 velopharyngeal conditions: no-opening (control condition), no speech bulb, speech bulb with a 20 mm(2) opening, and speech bulb with 30 mm(2) opening. Five speech-language pathologists performed auditory-perceptual ratings while the subject read an oral passage under all conditions. Results: Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant difference among conditions (p=0.0002), with Scheffe post hoc test indicating difference from the no-opening condition. Conclusion: The changes in nasalance observed after drilling holes of known sizes in a speech bulb suggest that nasometry reflect changes in transfer of sound energy related to different sizes of velopharyngeal opening.
Este trabalho visou a comparação de cinco métodos diferentes de extração de DNA de materiais de arquivo (tecidos incluídos em parafina, esfregaços de sangue periférico - corados e não corados com Leishman, lâminas com mielogramas, gotas de sangue em Guthrie Card) e de fontes escassas (células bucais, um e três bulbos capilares e 2 mL de urina), para que fossem avaliadas a facilidade de aplicação e a facilidade de amplificação deste DNA pela técnica da reação de polimerização em cadeia (PCR). Os métodos incluíram digestão por proteinase K, seguida ou não por purificação com fenol/clorofórmio; Chelex 100® (BioRad); Insta Gene® (BioRad) e fervura em água estéril. O DNA obtido foi testado para amplificação de três fragmentos gênicos: Brain-derived neutrophic factor (764 pb), Factor V Leiden (220 pb) e Abelson (106 pb). de acordo com o comprimento do fragmento gênico estudado, da fonte potencial de DNA e do método de extração utilizado, os resultados caracterizaram o melhor caminho para padronização de procedimentos técnicos a serem incluídos no manual de Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão do Laboratório de Biologia Molecular do Hemocentro - HC - Unesp - Botucatu.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Embora seja possível produzir cebola (Allium cepa) o ano inteiro no Brasil, a maioria dos cultivares nacionais apresentam bulbos com baixa qualidade, o que proporcionou grande importação de cebola da Argentina, do tipo Valenciana, que não bulbifica no Brasil, mas que agradou os consumidores brasileiros. Para estudar o efeito da seleção para maturidade de bulbos baseada em progênies de meios irmãos obtidas do híbrido triplo intervarietal [Crioula x (Pira Ouro x Valenciana Sintética 14)] foram semeadas 17 progênies selecionadas para maturidade precoce e 25 para tardia, além da geração F1 e dos cultivares Pira Ouro (dias curtos), Crioula (intermediários) e Armada (dias longos), totalizando 46 tratamentos. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições de 32 plantas por parcela, cultivadas em bandejas de isopor. As progênies precoces apresentaram ciclo médio variando de 67 a 83 dias e as tardias de 85 a 103 dias. Na comparação da porcentagem de plantas improdutivas esta diferença também foi evidente, variando de 0,0% a 6,2% nas precoces e de 8,1% a 59,5% nas tardias. Os coeficientes de herdabilidades obtidos foram elevados, variando de 0,65 (porcentagem de plantas improdutivas, na seleção tardia) a 0,80 (peso médio de bulbo, na seleção precoce), sendo, em média, superiores na população selecionada para maturidade precoce. Foram obtidas progênies com peso de bulbo superior às testemunhas 'Pira Ouro' e 'Crioula' e com ciclo que não diferia destas. A seleção para maturidade foi altamente eficiente e a população selecionada para maturidade precoce apresenta grande potencial de originar cultivares adaptados, com produção e qualidade de bulbos superiores às disponíveis no mercado brasileiro.
The onion (Allium cepa L.) belongs to the family Alliaceae, and the second vegetables in economic importance. It horticultural culture of high relevance, in central-south and in the far south, is highlighting the states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana. The bulbificacion only begins when the combination of the determinants of bulbificacion (photoperiod and temperature) of each cultivar is reached. It Can be grown in tropical regions with the use of vernalization of the bulbs. The objective of this study is to identify the efficiency in the production of seed, onion depending on the cut or not the bulb before the period of vernalization. The analysis of the variables consisted: humidity; number of seeds; mass of seeds for umbel; umbels number; number of seeds for umbel; total number of flowers and of fecundated flowers; number of seeds for capsule; total mass of seeds; emergency percentage; vigor percentage; index of emergency speed and mass of 100 seeds humidity; number of seeds; mass of seeds for umbel; umbels number; number of seeds for umbel; total number of flowers and of fecundated flowers; number of seeds for capsule; total mass of seeds; emergency percentage; vigor percentage; index of emergency speed and mass of 100 seeds, using the cultivars Baia Periforme and Texas Grano. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replicates, there was 80 plants for replicate, each parcel was conduced with 20 plants distributed in 4 lines of 5 plants with spacing of 20cm between plants and lines which was avaliated the 6 central plants. The seeds production not variated between cultivars Texas Grano e Baia Periforme. The cultivar Texas Grano showed seeds with more physiological quality. The cut or not cut of the bulbs not changed the physiological quality of the seeds. But utilization of whole bulbs resulted more yield of seeds with more flowers number and fertilized flower in Baia Periforme, more value of the total mass of seeds, number of seeds by plant and number and mass of seed by umbel in two cultivars.
PURPOSE: Gelatinous polyethylene (GP) has been used as an orbital implant to evaluate volume maintenance and tissue reaction in the anophthalmic socket in a rabbit model. METHODS: Twenty-eight Norfolk white rabbits underwent unilateral evisceration with placement of 2ml GP (GP group - 16 animals) or 2ml 0.9% sodium chloride solution (Control group - 12 animals). Animal behavior, postoperative tissue response and socket conditions were evaluated. The animals were sacrificed at 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after the surgery and the bulbs were enucleated; volume maintenance and histopathological evaluation were done in the enucleated bulbs. The results were submitted to statistical analysis. RESULTS: All animals showed normal behavior. The orbital volume maintenance was better in the GP group. Histopathology in the GP animals showed mild tissue inflammation throughout the evaluation period and a thin pseudocapsule formation surrounding the orbital implant material. CONCLUSION: The clinical findings, good orbital volume maintenance and mild inflammatory tissue response make GP a good choice to replace the lack of volume in anophthalmic socket reconstruction.
The use of water or soil with a high salt concentration has been the main cause of failure in the yield of many crops. Consequently, this work aimed at evaluating the effects of different salinity levels and soil moisture on onion yield (cultivar Baia periforme). An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Soil Science Department - FCA - UNESP, Botucatu, SP, in pots of 10 L. The soil was salinized with NaCl in order to increase the electrical condutivity of saturation extract of soil from 0.13 to 2; 4; 6 and 8 dS m-1. In each experimental unit 15.2 g of thermophosphate enriched by micronutrients and 1.5 L of organic matter were incorporated. The moisture treatments kept the soil within the limits of 25-50, 50-75 and 75-100 % of field capacity. The plant height the pseudostem diameter and yield of bulbs were evaluated. The results lead to the conclusion that the salinity reduced the vegetative growth and the yield of onion bulbs. Moisture treatment influenced both the diameter and weight of bulbs. The water consumption of the plants decreased with increassing soil salt concentration.
The use of irrigation systems that consume lower water and energy in agriculture is important to supply the growing global demand for food. In this way, it's important to develop techniques that will increase the uniformity of water application on drip irrigation systems. The aim of the work was to compare the provision of lateral lines in drip irrigation, through the formation of wet bulbs in soil and physical parameters of radish, composed of single spacing between drippers in relation to lateral lines composed of two segments, each one composed by different spacing between emitters. Two distributions of evaluation were carried out: 1) conventional drip lateral lines with 20 cm emitter spacing were compared to proposed drip lines, with 24 emitter spacing in the initial section and 20 cm emitter spacing in the final section; 2) conventional drip lateral lines with 30 cm emitter spacing were compared to proposed drip lines, with 36 emitter spacing in the initial section and 30 cm emitter spacing in the final section. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Sao Manuel Experimental Farm, located at Sao Manuel, SP. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with six treatments and four replications. Results showed no difference among treatments for the most of the evaluated variables. So it is possible to conclude that the use of different spacing between emitters in the same lateral line can be used to increase the line length.
As the psychrometric method is considered standard for the measurement of relative humidity, many studies have used aspirated thermocouple psychrometers connected to microloggers but, however, they do not detail how the aspiration of the air stream is done. However, one of the major difficulties of aspirated thermocouple psychrometers is to program and to connect it in micrologger, because specific programming and connection are requires, and still some skills in getting accurate measurements. This work aimed to provide the programming and the connection of the aspirated thermocouple psychrometer type T for the CR10X microloggers and CR23X of Campbell Scientific, evaluating the quality of measurements of temperature and air relative humidity in relation the a sensor Vaisala HMP50. The non-continuous measurements were made in the period 2006/09/04 to 2007/07/11 at Jaboticabal, SP. The air temperature measurements were similar between the Vaisala sensors and aspirated thermocouple psychrometer, but the relative humidity measurements were significantly different. The measurements obtained by the aspirated thermocouple psychrometer connected to CR10X micrologger were the most accurate. Using the programming and connection of a micro-fan to suck in the dry and moist bulbs of aspirated thermocouple psychrometer in microloggers models CR10X and CR23X, it is possible to obtain measurements of air temperature with good precision and accuracy, and measurements of air relative humidity with good precision, but accuracy is not always attainable due to the difficulties inherent to the physical processes that occur in the wet bulb, the skill in the use and maintenance of this equipment and the reservoir protection against radiative effects.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)