73 resultados para River of Grass


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New records of the Rufous-faced Crake, Laterallus xenopterus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) in Brazil and observations about its habitat. The Rufous-faced Crake, Laterallus xenopterus, is a bird that is rarely spotted at Paraguay, central Brazil, and central Bolivia. There are known species records at the Brazilian states of Distrito Federal, Sao Paulo, and Minas Gerais. Here, we provide information about new areas of occurrence for this species in Brazil and detailed observations of its habitats. In October 2012, two individuals were registered in the municipality of Cristalina, state of Goias. In December 2012, the species was found in a new locality of Distrito Federal and at the municipality of Patrocinio, Minas Gerais. In February 2013, a new record for this species was obtained in the municipality of Itiquira, Mato Grosso. In all occasions, the bird was spotted in humid environments, which were characterized by the presence of grass and a thin water layer.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In crop-livestock integration systems the presence of both grass roots in the soil and straw on the surface can temporarily immobilize nitrogen. This study examined the persistence of grass residues in the system as well as their effects on cotton response to N when grown after Congo grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis, Syn. Urochloa ruziziensis). Congo grass was grown in pots with soil. Next, cotton was grown in the same pots without residues, with whole plant residues (Congo grass roots and shoots) or root residues (grass roots) and fertilized with N as ammonium nitrate. Congo grass and cotton roots were separated using stable carbon isotope fractioning. Congo grass roots showed higher C/N ratio than shoots, losing 14% of its mass after 45 days and increasing soil N immobilization. The lower N availability resulted in N deficient and shorter cotton plants with lower dry matter yields. Nevertheless, the application of 80 to 120 mg kg-1 of N compensated the immobilization by the soil microorganisms, allowing cotton to show normal growth. When Congo grass is present in the cropping system, the effects of the decaying roots on soil N dynamics and availability are more important than those of the straw left on the soil surface.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The cultivation of the soil causes changes in physical attributes, depending on the intensity of preparation and management. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degree of modification of some physical properties of soil mid the S index, comparing areas of Pasture of grass Tanzania (Panicum maximum) and native forest with an area under maize (Zea mays L.) irrigated bay, a central pivot. The study was conducted in three areas within the Agency of Technology Agribusiness Paulista (APTA) Regional High Mogiana, located in Colina, SP. The experimental design was split plot in a factorial 3 x 3, with 4 replications, where the plots were installed in areas of Cultivation of corn, pasture and forest in the depths 0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m 0.2-0.3 m. The physical attributes of soil were: resistance to penetration (RP), bulk density (Ds), microporosity (Micro), macroporosity (Macro), total volume of pores (VTP) and water retention in soil. The native forest had the best physical condition of soil in all parameters examined. The use of land and pasture with corn altered the physical structure of it, evidenced by the increase in penetration resistance and soil density and, reduction in macroporosity. The level of degradation of the managed soil was considered low, index S (<0035). The replacement of pasture by the corn crop in the soil tillage system provided a conventional mild improvement in soil physical characteristics.


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Determinaram-se a degradabilidade potencial (DP) e a digestibilidade intestinal da proteína não degradada no rúmen (DIPNDR) do capim-elefante em diferentes idades de rebrote (30, 45 e 60 dias) e comparou-se a técnica do saco de náilon móvel (in situ) com o método de três estádios (in vitro). Para tanto, utilizaram-se seis novilhos mestiços canulados no rúmen e duodeno alimentados exclusivamente com capim-elefante picado. O ensaio de degradabilidade foi realizado com amostras do capim incubadas no rúmen por 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120h. A digestibilidade intestinal foi determinada utilizando-se os resíduos de incubação por 24 horas. Na técnica in situ os resíduos em sacos de náilon foram colocados no duodeno e recuperados nas fezes. No método in vitro, os resíduos foram submetidos à digestão com HCl-pepsina-pancreatina. em amostras de capim com idades de 30, 45 e 60 dias foram observados valores de DP da proteína de 87,5; 87,8 e 83,8%, respectivamente. A DIPNDR variou com a idade do capim e foi semelhante entre os métodos in situ e in vitro somente para o capim com 60 dias. O método in situ apresentou estimativa de digestibilidade intestinal mais coerente com as mudanças na composição química do capim-elefante decorrentes do envelhecimento.


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O experimento foi conduzido na FCAV - Campus de Jaboticabal, no período de inverno-primavera-verão de 2001-2002, com o objetivo de determinar o fracionamento de compostos nitrogenados e de carboidratos do Tifton 85 (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst x Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers), exclusivo ou sobressemeado com forrageiras anuais de inverno. Os tratamentos testados foram: aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb); aveia amarela (Avena byzantina C. Koch); triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack); aveia preta + aveia amarela; aveia preta + triticale; aveia amarela + triticale; aveia preta + aveia amarela + triticale, sobressemeados sobre Tifton 85 e, sem consorciação (testemunha). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos ao acaso, com três repetições. O corte das forrageiras foi realizado a 20 cm de altura (presença de forrageiras de inverno) e 10 cm de altura (ausência das forrageiras de inverno). Foram determinados os teores de proteína bruta, carboidratos totais, e o fracionamento dos compostos nitrogenados e de carboidratos. Houve redução nos teores dos compostos químicos das espécies de forrageiras de inverno e no Tifton 85 ao longo dos períodos de avaliações. Os conteúdos de compostos nitrogenados e de carboidratos apresentaram grande variação durante os períodos avaliados, relacionando com as características morfológicas das espécies de gramineas e com a composição botânica das pastagens.


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The Grass, have high relation for C/N and a fascicule root system, is an alternative for use in the system of tillage (SPD) in northeastern Brazil. This work had the objective to assess the effects of three plants and grass cover on the components of production of the corn crop in no-tillage system and accumulation of biomass of their grass. The design was randomized blocks with four replications, with each plot area of 112 m2 (5,6 x 20,0m). The treatments consisted of the corn cultivation, DKB-333-B, about three grass species (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria humidicola and Tifton in the system of tillage and a witness, without vegetation. The B. decumbens provided higher income to the corn crop, producing 5708 kg ha-1, didn't differ of the witness. The use of grass as cover plants are a viable alternative to the SPD of the corn crop, adding value by producing two crops (corn and grass), and protect the soil against erosion and produce forage for ruminants during the between-season.


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A reflectância da folha em determinados comprimentos de onda pode ser uma alternativa para estimar a concentração de nitrogênio (N) na planta, devido à relação entre o teor de clorofila e de N no tecido foliar. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar índices da cor verde em grama-bermuda para predizer o nível de N na planta. O experimento foi conduzido em área comercial de produção de grama-bermuda, localizada na cidade de Capela do Alto/SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600kg de N ha-1) e quatro repetições. Foi avaliada a reflectância das folhas pelo uso de medidor de cor de grama, clorofilômetro, e por meio de análise da imagem digital. O matiz (H) e índice de cor verde escuro (ICVE), calculados com base nos índices de reflectância da imagem digital, o ICVE, obtido com medidor de cor de grama, e a intensidade de coloração verde (ICV), obtida com o clorofilômetro, apresentaram forte correlação positiva com a concentração de N e a taxa de cobertura do solo (TCS) da grama-bermuda, podendo ser utilizados como índices auxiliares na recomendação de adubação nitrogenada para a cultura. Os valores obtidos que podem servir como primeiros índices para avaliação do estado nutricional em N na grama-bermuda Celebration são: H de 88 a 109o e ICVE de 0,54 a 0,66 (imagem digital); H de 67 a 76o e ICVE de 0,41 a 0,44 (medidor de cor da grama TCM 500); e ICV de 374 a 471 (clorofilômetro CM 1000).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective was to evaluate the potential use of poultry litter, compared to mineral fertilization, productivity, features bromatologic and absorption of nutrients from a pasture of Brachiaria decumbens. The experimental area was installed in oxisoil in Uberlandia-MG. The design was randomized blocks with four replicates and the treatments used: control (without application of organic or mineral source), mineral fertilizer (60, 75 and 100 kg ha(-1), P K, respectively); organic fertilization with poultry litter at rates of 3,125, 6,250, 9,375 and 12,500 kg ha(-1). There were two cuts of the aerial part of Brachiaria decumbens, both at 60 days after treatment. We evaluated the yield of DM and the levels of CP, NDF, ADF, lignin, macro and micronutrients in shoots of grass. The results showed that application of poultry litter increased the productivity of DM and the levels of CP, N, P, K and Zn in Brachiaria decumbens. The poultry litter can be used as supplementary source of nutrients, the mineral fertilizer. The use of poultry litter not increased over the levels of S, Ca and Mg in Brachiaria decumbens.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of plant densities of Urochloa decumbens on the early growth of Corymbia citriodora. The experimental design was completely randomized design with four replications, each plot consisted of a of 60 L capacity vase. The signal grass densities were 0, 20, 40, 80 and 160 plants m(-2), along with one eucalyptus plant. At the end of eight months of living together increase in height and in diameter and plant dry mass of eucalyptus and signal grass were carried out. The eucalyptus characteristics were influenced by all the weed populations, the effect being more pronounced with the increasing of grass density.