83 resultados para Respiratory system
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A finalidade deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) na via aérea superior. Por intermédio de um caso clínico, será relatado como indivíduos com atresia da maxila e com comprometimento da função naso-respiratória podem beneficiar-se com a ERM. Para entender melhor as alterações morfológicas decorrentes do paciente com problemas respiratórios, deve-se conhecer a anatomia e a fisiologia do sistema respiratório. Entretanto, não se pode esquecer que o tratamento deste paciente é multidisciplinar, envolvendo o ortodontista, otorrinolaringologista e a fonoaudióloga.
Objetivou-se avaliar os rendimentos dos cortes e dos não-componentes das carcaças de cordeiros Santa Inês puros e ½ Dorset ½ Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal (óleo de soja, óleo de canola e óleo de linhaça) e uma dieta controle (sem adição de óleo vegetal). Após o abate, foram coletados sangue, pele, aparelho gastrintestinal cheio (esôfago + estômagos + intestinos delgado e grosso com seus conteúdos), aparelho gastrintestinal vazio (esôfago + estômagos + intestinos delgado e grosso, previamente esvaziados e limpos), aparelho reprodutor + bexiga, baço, fígado, coração, aparelho respiratório, rins com gordura perirrenal, cabeça, patas e cauda, que foram pesados para determinação do rendimento em relação ao peso vivo ao abate. Após resfriamento por 24 horas em câmara fria, pesou-se a carcaça e, posteriormente, dividiu-se longitudinalmente, sendo a metade esquerda seccionada em sete regiões anatômicas: perna, lombo, paleta, costelas flutuantes, costelas verdadeiras, baixos e pescoço. O estudo dos não-componentes da carcaça destacou a representabilidade dos pesos da pele (8,74%) e do conteúdo gastrintestinal (10,65%) na determinação do rendimento. As porcentagens dos cortes não apresentaram diferenças (p>0,05) em relação às dietas e grupos genéticos estudados.
Objetivou-se estudar a morbidade referida pela população urbana amostrada, no Município de Botucatu, SP, Brasil, em 1983/84, segundo sexo, idade, escolaridade e renda per capita. O método consistiu em entrevistas domiciliárias, com aplicação de dois formulários pré-codificados. Os entrevistadores eram leigos treinados e supervisionados, e a pessoa entrevistada foi quase sempre a mãe de família. O período recordatório estabelecido em relação aos eventos informados (queixas, sintomas, acidentes comuns e diagnósticos) foi de três semanas. Das 7.075 pessoas amostradas (12% da população), 56% apresentaram episódios mórbidos, totalizando 6.649 episódios. As mulheres, bem como o grupo etário de 50 e mais anos apresentaram maior freqüência de queixas. A escolaridade e a renda per capita não diferenciaram os entrevistados quanto à ocorrência maior ou menor de episódios. A prevalência de episódios mórbidos foi de 939/1.000 entrevistados. Predominaram queixas do aparelho respiratório (20% do total de queixas), principalmente as infecções respiratórias agudas. em segundo lugar, os sinais e sintomas mal definidos (19%) e, a seguir, as doenças do sistema osteo-muscular, do sistema nervoso e do sistema circulatório, com proporções similares (ao redor de 9%) e, finalmente, as do sistema digestivo e as lesões e envenenamentos (ao redor de 8%). Foram estimados os coeficientes de prevalência por grupos de doença (pela CID), segundo as variáveis estudadas. São comentadas as dificuldades de comparação dos resultados obtidos com os de trabalhos congêneres, face às diferenças nos métodos usados, apontando-se para a necessidade de uma padronização metodológica dos estudos de morbidade referida, cuja importância epidemiológica e para o planejamento em saúde vem sendo amplamente reconhecida.
This paper examines the therapeutic possibilities offered by animal-based remedies in five Brazilian cities. Information was obtained through semi-structured questionnaires applied to 79 traders of medicinal animals at Sao Luis, Teresina, Joao Pessoa and Campina Grande (Northeastern) and Belem (Northern) Brazil. We recorded the use of 97 animal species as medicines, whose products were recommended for the treatment of 82 illnesses. The most frequently quoted treatments concerned the respiratory system (58 species; 407 use-citations), the osteomuscular system and conjunctive tissue (46 species; 384 use-citations), and the circulatory system (34 species; 124 use-citations). Mammals (27 species), followed by reptiles (24) and fishes (16) represented the bulk of medicinal species. In relation to users, 53% of the interviewees informed that zootherapeuticals resources were sought after by people from all social classes, while 47% stated that low income people were the main buyers. The notable use and commercialization of medicinal animals to alleviate and cure health problems and ailments in cities highlights the resilience of that resource in the folk medicine. Most remedies quoted by interviewees depend on wild-caught animals, including some species under official protection. Among other aspects, the harvesting of threatened species confers zootherapy a role in the discussions about biodiversity conservation in Brazil. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
The primary role of the respiratory system is to ensure adequate tissue oxygenation, eliminate carbon dioxide and help to regulate acid-base status. To maintain this homeostasis, amphibians possess an array of receptors located at peripheral and central chemoreceptive sites that sense respiration-related variables in both internal and external environments. As in mammals, input from these receptors is integrated at central rhythmogenic and pattern-forming elements in the medulla in a manner that meets the demands determined by the environment within the constraints of the behavior and breathing pattern of the animal. Also as in mammals, while outputs from areas in the midbrain may modulate respiration directly, they do not play a significant role in the production of the normal respiratory rhythm. However, despite these similarities, the breathing patterns of the two classes are different: mammals maintain homeostasis of arterial blood gases through rhythmic and continuous breathing, whereas amphibians display an intermittent pattern of aerial respiration. While the latter is also often rhythmic, it allows a degree of fluctuation in key respiratory variables that has led some to suggest that control is not as tight in these animals. In this review we will focus specifically on recent advances in studies of the control of ventilation in anuran amphibians. This is the group of amphibians that has attracted the most recent attention from respiratory physiologists. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The authors studied the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles during deep inspiration and expiration. The electromyographic records demonstrated that these muscles showed no activity in either phase of breathing.
The effect of viable splenic lymphoid cells and their constituents (filtrate) on carrageenan-induced acute pleurisy was investigated in rats. Suspensions of lymphoid cells administered intravenously to recipients just prior to initiation of pleurisy enhance both the volume of exudate and cell accumulation in the pleural cavity 3 h after the irritation. Similar results were observed when filtrate of disrupted lymphoid cells was injected either 30 or 5 min before the carrageenan, but not when administered 30 min afterwards. Suspensions of bone marrow cells, on the contrary, were ineffective in producing an enhancement of the parameters studied. When administered into the pleural cavity together with carrageenan, the lymphoid cell filtrate augmented the inflammatory response to the irritant. Nevertheless, it was ineffective, per se, to elicit any local change. It is suggested that lymphoid cells may play a pro-inflammatory role in the initiation of the process by enhancing both the fluid and the cellular components of inflammation.
Objective: The present study was performed to investigate the influence of different routes of perfusion on the distribution of the preservation solutions in the lung parenchyma and upper airways. Methods: Pigs were divided into four groups: control (n = 6), pulmonary artery (PA) (n = 6), simultaneous PA + bronchial artery (BA) (n = 8), and retrograde delivery (n = 6). After preparation and cannulation, cardioplegia solution and Euro- Collins solution (ECS) for lung preservation were given simultaneously. After removal of the heart, the double lung bloc was harvested. Following parameters were assessed: total and regional perfusion (dye-labeled microspheres), tissue water content, PA, aorta, left atrial and left ventricular pressures, cardiac output and lung temperature. Results: Our data show that flow of the ECS in lung parenchyma did not reach control values (9.4 ± 1.0 ml/min per g lung wet weight) regardless of the route of delivery (PA 6.3 ± 1.5, PA + BA 4.8 ± 0.9, retrograde 2.7 ± 0.9 ml/min per g lung wet weight). However, flow in the proximal and distal trachea were significantly increased by PA + BA delivery (0.970 ± 0.4, respectively, 0.380 ± 0.2 ml/min per g) in comparison with PA (0.023 ± 0.007, respectively, 0.024 ± 0.070 ml/min per g), retrograde (0.009 ± 0.003, respectively, 0.021 ± 0.006 ml/min per g) and control experiments (0.125 ± 0.0018, respectively, 0.105 ± 0.012 ml/g per min). Similarly the highest flow rates in the right main bronchus were achieved by PA + BA delivery (1.04 ± 0.4 ml/min per g) in comparison with 0.11 ± 0.03 in control, 0.033 ± 0.008 in PA, and 0.019 ± 0.005 ml/min per g in retrograde group. Flows in the left main bronchus were 0.09 ± 0.02 ml/min per g in control, 0.045 ± 0.012 ml/min per g in PA, and 0.027 ± 0.006 ml/min per g in retrograde group. The flow rates were significantly (P = 0.001) increased by PA + BA delivery of the storage solution (0.97 ± 0.3 ml/min per g). Conclusions: Our data show that the distribution of ECS for lung preservation is significantly improved in airway tissues (trachea and bronchi) if a simultaneous PA + BA delivery is used.