59 resultados para Renal hypertension
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introdução: A nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva é importante causa de doença renal crônica com necessidade de diálise. As características que distinguem um portador de hipertensão arterial que evolui com nefroangioesclerose de outro que mantém função renal estável não são bem estabelecidas, devido à dificuldade em assegurar que os portadores daquela doença não sejam, na verdade, portadores de glomerulopatias ou outras doenças renais confundíveis. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar características clínicas ou laboratoriais que distingam os pacientes que desenvolveram doença renal crônica a partir da hipertensão, confirmada por biópsia renal, daqueles que, mesmo apresentando hipertensão arterial, não desenvolveram nefroangioesclerose. Métodos: Realizou-se comparação retrospectiva de dados clínicos e laboratoriais de 15 portadores de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva confirmada por biópsia renal e 15 hipertensos oriundos do ambulatório do Centro de Hipertensão Arterial, cuja ausência de nefroangioesclerose foi definida pela ausência de proteinúria. Os grupos foram pareados quanto à idade e gênero. Resultados: Dentre as variáveis avaliadas, tempo de hipertensão arterial, pressão de pulso, glicemia, ácido úrico, creatinina e frequência de uso de diuréticos e simpatolíticos diferiram estatisticamente entre os dois grupos. Todas essas variáveis apresentaram valores maiores no grupo com nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva. Conclusão: O presente estudo associa a nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva, confirmada por biópsia, com alterações metabólicas, duração e intensidade da hipertensão e corrobora a ideia de que a prevenção primária da hipertensão arterial, postergando o seu início, o controle pressórico mais estrito, quando a hipertensão já está estabelecida, bem como o controle metabólico têm a potencialidade de prevenir o desenvolvimento de nefroangioesclerose hipertensiva.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We explored the role of angiotensin II and vasopressin in the maintenance of blood pressure during the nephrotic syndrome of adriamycin-induced nephropathy in rats. All 91 rats treated with adriamycin developed chronic renal failure with nephrotic syndrome, which was more pronounced in the normotensive rats than the 35% who became hypertensive. Angiotensin II blockade with DuP 753 produced a significantly greater hypotensive response in both the adriamycin-hypertensive (-16+/-3 mmHg) and adriamycin-normotensive (-14+/-5 mmHg) groups than the saline-treated controls (-5+/-1 mm Hg, P<.05). Vasopressin blockade with either a V1V2 inhibitor or a selective V-1 inhibitor produced a hypotensive response in adriamycin-hypertensive rats only (by -16+/-4 and -17+/-2 mm Hg, respectively, P<.01), although the nonselective vasopressin inhibitor produced similar fluid loss and body weight reduction in all three groups. The data suggest that in adriamycin-induced nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome, angiotensin II contributes to blood pressure maintenance in both hypertensive and normotensive animals, whereas the presser action of vasopressin contributes to elevated blood pressure in hypertensive animals only.
In this study, the graft outcome in renal allograft recipients with [high cholesterol group (HCG), n = 30] or without [normal cholesterol group (NCG), n = 42] hypercholesterolemia and with [high triglyceride group (HTG), n = 33] or without [normal triglyceride group (NTG), n = 36] hypertriglyceridemia were prospectively compared. At 6 months post-transplantation, no significant difference was observed between the groups (NTG compared with HTG, and NCG compared with HCG) regarding age, presence of arterial hypertension, kind of donor (living related or cadaveric), immunosuppressive therapy, number of rejection episodes per patient, frequency of patients with acute cellular rejection, prevalence of patients with diabetes mellitus or proteinuria > 3 g/24 h, and mean serum creatinine. The probability of doubling serum creatinine during follow-up was statistically different between NTG and HTG (12 months: NTG = 0.03, HTG = 0.15; 36 months: NTG = 0.08, HTG = 0.33; 60 months: NTG = 0.08, HTG = 0.48; and 120 months: NTG = 0.18, HTG = 0.48), but not between NCG and HCG (12 months: NCG = 0.05, HCG = 0.13; 36 months: NCG = 0.13, HCG = 0.24; 60 months: NCG = 0.19, HCG = 0.31; 84 months: NCG = 0.27, HCG = 0.31). There was no significant difference in actuarial graft survival between HCG and NCG or between NTG and HTG. Hypertriglyceridemia, but not hypercholesterolemia, was associated with loss of graft function.
In the present work, 199 patients with leprosy who underwent autopsy between 1970 and 1986 were retrospectively studied to determine the prevalence, types, clinical characteristics, and etiologic factors of renal lesions (RLs) in leprosy. Patients were divided into two groups: 144 patients with RLs (RL+) and 55 patients without RLs (RL-), RLs observed in 72% of the autopsied patients were amyloidosis (AMY) in 61 patients (31%), glomerulonephritis (GN) in 29 patients (14%), nephrosclerosis (NPS) in 22 patients (11%), tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) in 18 patients (9%), granuloma in 2 patients (1%), and other lesions in 12 patients (6%), AMY occurred most frequently in patients with lepromatous leprosy (36%; nonlepromatous leprosy, 5%; P < 0.01), recurrent erythema nodosum leprosum (33%; P < 0.02), and trophic ulcers (27%; 0.05 < P < 0.10), Ninety-seven percent of AMY was found in patients with lepromatous leprosy, 88% showed recurrent trophic ulcers, and 76% presented with erythema nodosum leprosum, NPS was found in older patients with arterial hypertension, neoplastic diseases, infectious diseases, and vasculitis associated with GN, Most patients with AMY presented with proteinuria (95%) and renal failure (88%), the most frequent causes of death were renal failure in patients with AMY (57%), infectious diseases in patients with GN (41%) and TIN (45%), and cardiovascular diseases in patients with NPS (41%), No difference in survival rates was observed among RL- patients and those with AMY, GN, NPS, or TIN. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
This study was designed to analyze the impact of diminished renal perfusion pressure due to renal clipping on the rat model of adriamycin nephropathy. Male Wistar rats, divided into four groups (n = 9 per group) were injected with saline as control (C), adriamycin 3 ml/kg (Ad), saline with the left renal artery clipped (Rv), and adriamycin plus clip (AdRv). After 24 weeks mean arterial pressure (MAP), inulin, and p-aminohippurate (PAH) clearances were performed to evaluate renal function. Morphologic analysis included histologic criteria of percentage of glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial lesion index (TILI). The MAP (mm Hg) was similar between Rv (143 +/- 13) and AdRv (154 +/- 20), but higher (P < .05) than C (120 +/- 8) and Ad (124 +/- 11). Inulin clearance (mL/min/100 g) in Ad (0.2 +/- 0.05) was smaller than in C (0.53 +/- 0.17) and Rv (0.4 +/- 0.01) (P < .05), and was at an intermediate level in AdRv (0.33 +/- 0.2). The level of PAH (mL/min/100 g) was normal at 1.76 in C, and diminished more in Ad (0.58) than in Rv (1.06) and AdRv (1.18) (P < .05). Both Ad and the AdRv nonclipped kidneys had the highest degree of glomerulosclerosis (33% and 25%) and TILI (7% and 8%), respectively, compared with C and Rv (both 0%), whereas the clipped kidneys displayed intermediate degrees (9% and 5%) (P < .05 v nonclipped). The data suggest that diminished perfusion pressure of the clipped kidney, by decreasing the intraglomerular pressure, protects the glomerulus from damage and attenuates the evolution of adriamycin nephropathy. Am J Hypertens 1998;11:1124-1128 (C) 1998 American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd.
Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (RAS) and coronary artery disease (CAD) arise from the same multiple risk factors. The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of previously undiagnosed CAD in patients with angiographically confirmed RAS, by conducting coronary arteriography in the same setting. of 57 consecutive patients referred for renal arteriography on clinical grounds during a 14-month period, 28 had no RAS and 6 had RAS, but previously documented CAD. of the remainder 23 patients. 17 (74%; CI 56%-92%) had both RAS and CAD (7 single vessel, 4 two-vessel, and 7 multivessel disease). The clinical characteristics, such as age, blood pressure (BP) levels, signs of heart failure, were no different between those with and without CAD, although the 4 diabetic patients, the 4 patients with fundoscopic findings of grade III retinopathy, 11 of 14 with peripheral arterial disease, and 7 of 8 patients with prior stroke belonged in the CAD group. None developed complications as a result of the two consecutive procedures. The data suggest that in patients with RAS the frequency of silent CAD is high and cannot be predicted on clinical grounds alone, therefore coronary angiography should be routinely recommended in the same setting.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The renal involvement in patients with multiple myeloma has been described as a sign of poor prognosis. The influence of renal insufficiency in the clinical patterns and in the prognosis of patients with multiple myeloma was studied retrospectively in 45 patients. Patients with renal insufficiency, at first visit, more often presented weight loss, proteinuria, hypercalcemia. The means of uricemia, ESR, were higher and the hematocritic mean was lower in patients with renal insufficiency. There was no difference in edema, arterial hypertension, fractures and bone pain. The reversibility of renal insufficiency occurred in 47% of the cases, which happened more often in the first months of the follow up. The creatinine mean was lower in patients with reversible renal insufficiency. The median survival was: patients with renal insufficiency: 11 months; patients with normal renal function: 50 months. Among patients with renal insufficiency those with recuperation of renal function showed a higher median survival (24 months) than those with irreversible renal insufficiency (1 month). The renal involvement then is frequent and often reversible. Patients with impaired renal function showed a worse prognosis; normalization of the renal function was associated with a better outcome.
Although systemic hypertension is very common in patients with glomerulonephritis there is a dispute if this alteration is consequence of the glomerulonephritis per se or is a consequence of the renal failure secondary to the glomerular lesion. With the aim to analyze the factors associated with systemic hypertension, 196 patients with different forms of nephritis were studied. The systemic arterial pressure was measured by standard sphygmomanometer, renal function was evaluated by the determination of the serum creatinine concentration or creatinine clearance. The diagnosis of the type of glomerulonephritis was made on the basis of an examination of kidney biopsy specimens. The prevalence of arterial hypertension among patients with glomerulonephritis was 62.7%. The hypertensive patients were older (hypertensive = 30.6 ± 12.8; normotensive = 25.4 ± 1.6 years; P = 0.03). The prevalence of arterial hypertension was lower in patients with minimal glomerular lesion (12.5%), though their ages were also lower (18.1 ± 3.6 and 29.1 ± 1.03 years; P = 0.03). Arterial hypertension did not correlate with the serum levels of creatinine and albumin; creatinine clearance and 24-h proteinuria. In conclusion: In the patients with glomerulonephritis, the presence of arterial hypertension was associated with a higher mean age whereas the intensity of proteinuria, the level of renal function or the type of glomerulonephritis was not different between the two groups.
The juxtaglomerular cell tumor is a cause of secondary hypertension in adults. A 35-year-old female patient suffering from hypertension and low serum potassium had a 3 × 3 cm solid mass at the lower pole of left kidney diagnosed by abdominal sonography. Partial nephrectomy was performed and the postoperatory was uneventful. Normalization of blood pressure was observed within the first month.