134 resultados para Relativity (Physics)


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The Large Hadron Collider presents an unprecedented opportunity to probe the realm of new physics in the TeV region and shed light on some of the core unresolved issues of particle physics. These include the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking, the origin of mass, the possible constituent of cold dark matter, new sources of CP violation needed to explain the baryon excess in the universe, the possible existence of extra gauge groups and extra matter, and importantly the path Nature chooses to resolve the hierarchy problem - is it supersymmetry or extra dimensions. Many models of new physics beyond the standard model contain a hidden sector which can be probed at the LHC. Additionally, the LHC will be a. top factory and accurate measurements of the properties of the top and its rare decays will provide a window to new physics. Further, the LHC could shed light on the origin of neutralino masses if the new physics associated with their generation lies in the TeV region. Finally, the LHC is also a laboratory to test the hypothesis of TeV scale strings and D brane models. An overview of these possibilities is presented in the spirit that it will serve as a companion to the Technical Design Reports (TDRs) by the particle detector groups ATLAS and CMS to facilitate the test of the new theoretical ideas at the LHC. Which of these ideas stands the test of the LHC data will govern the course of particle physics in the subsequent decades.


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This chapter of the "Flavor in the era of LHC" workshop report discusses flavor-related issues in the production and decays of heavy states at the LHC at high momentum transfer Q, both from the experimental and the theoretical perspective. We review top quark physics, and discuss the flavor aspects of several extensions of the standard model, such as supersymmetry, little Higgs models or models with extra dimensions. This includes discovery aspects, as well as the measurement of several properties of these heavy states. We also present publicly available computational tools related to this topic.


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Procurou-se, neste trabalho, pensar o tempo no contexto das ciências da saúde, no qual se entrelaçam aspectos físicos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociológicos. Enquanto em nossa percepção do mundo e de nós mesmos o tempo se apresenta sob muitas facetas, na física clássica, conforme o modelo newtoniano, assumia-se a existência de um tempo absoluto, unilinear, homogêneo e independente do observador. Com a teoria da relatividade e o estudo dos sistemas complexos, um novo conceito de tempo apresenta-se na física: o tempo fractal, o qual possibilita maior compatibilidade com as abordagens psicológicas e sociológicas. Nesta perspectiva, a experiência de vida de uma pessoa, e seus respectivos processos de construção da saúde, envolveria uma multiplicidade de tempos, que coexistem e se organizam segundo um padrão coerente de auto-similaridade. Uma quebra desse padrão estaria correlacionada com a ocorrência da doença. Sugere-se que uma abordagem mais adequada do adoecimento deveria levar em conta, como referência para o profissional de saúde, o conceito de tempo fractal, possibilitando maior sintonia do paciente com a complexidade da natureza e, por conseguinte, consigo mesmo.


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Objective. To determine the influence of cement thickness and ceramic/cement bonding on stresses and failure of CAD/CAM crowns, using both multi-physics finite element analysis and monotonic testing.Methods. Axially symmetric FEA models were created for stress analysis of a stylized monolithic crown having resin cement thicknesses from 50 to 500 mu m under occlusal loading. Ceramic-cement interface was modeled as bonded or not-bonded (cement-dentin as bonded). Cement polymerization shrinkage was simulated as a thermal contraction. Loads necessary to reach stresses for radial cracking from the intaglio surface were calculated by FEA. Experimentally, feldspathic CAD/CAM crowns based on the FEA model were machined having different occlusal cementation spaces, etched and cemented to dentin analogs. Non-bonding of etched ceramic was achieved using a thin layer of poly(dimethylsiloxane). Crowns were loaded to failure at 5 N/s, with radial cracks detected acoustically.Results. Failure loads depended on the bonding condition and the cement thickness for both FEA and physical testing. Average fracture loads for bonded crowns were: 673.5 N at 50 mu m cement and 300.6 N at 500 mu m. FEA stresses due to polymerization shrinkage increased with the cement thickness overwhelming the protective effect of bonding, as was also seen experimentally. At 50 mu m cement thickness, bonded crowns withstood at least twice the load before failure than non-bonded crowns.Significance. Occlusal "fit" can have structural implications for CAD/CAM crowns; pre-cementation spaces around 50-100 mu m being recommended from this study. Bonding benefits were lost at thickness approaching 450-500 mu m due to polymerization shrinkage stresses. (C) 2012 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A precise fomulation of the strong Equivalence Principle is essential to the understanding of the relationship between gravitation and quantum mechanics. The relevant aspects are reviewed in a context including General Relativity but allowing for the presence of torsion. For the sake of brevity, a concise statement is proposed for the Principle: An ideal observer immersed in a gravitational field can choose a reference frame in which gravitation goes unnoticed. This statement is given a clear mathematical meaning through an accurate discussion of its terms. It holds for ideal observers (time-like smooth non-intersecting curves), but not for real, spatially extended observers. Analogous results hold for gauge fields. The difference between gravitation and the other fundamental interactions comes from their distinct roles in the equation of force.


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According to the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, curvature and torsion are two equivalent ways of describing the same gravitational field. Though equivalent, they act differently: curvature yields a geometric description, in which the concept of gravitational force is absent whereas torsion acts as a true gravitational force, quite similar to the Lorentz force of electrodynamics. As a consequence, the right-hand side of a spinless-particle equation of motion (which would represent a gravitational force) is always zero in the geometric description, but not in the teleparallel case. This means that the gravitational coupling prescription can be minimal only in the geometric case. Relying on this property, a new gravitational coupling prescription in the presence of curvature and torsion is proposed. It is constructed in such a way to preserve the equivalence between curvature and torsion, and its basic property is to be equivalent to the usual coupling prescription of general relativity. According to this view, no new physics is connected with torsion, which is just an alternative to curvature in the description of gravitation. An application of this formulation to the equations of motion of both a spinless and a spinning particle is discussed.


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Three-dimensional quadratic gravity, unlike general relativity in (2+1)D, is dynamically nontrivial and has a well behaved nonrelativistic potential. Here we analyse the changes that occur when a topological Chem-Simons term is added to this theory. It is found that the harmless massive scalar mode of the latter gives rise to a troublesome massive spin-0 ghost, while the massive spin-2 ghost is replaced by two massive physical particles both of spin 2. We also found that light deflection does not have the 'wrong sign' such as in the framework of three-dimensional quadratic gravity.


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The nuclear matter calculations with realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials present a general scaling between the nucleon-nucleus binding energy, the corresponding saturation density, and the triton binding energy. The Thomas-Efimov three-body effect implies in correlations among low-energy few-body and many-body observables. It is also well known that, by varying the short-range repulsion, keeping the two-nucleon information (deuteron and scattering) fixed, the four-nucleon and three-nucleon binding energies lie on a very narrow band known as a Tjon line. By looking for a universal scaling function connecting the proper scales of the few-body system with those of the many-body system, we suggest that the general nucleus-nucleon scaling mechanism is a manifestation of a universal few-body effect.


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Using conformal coordinates associated with conformal relativity-associated with de Sitter spacetime homeomorphic projection into Minkowski spacetime-we obtain a conformal Klein-Gordon partial differential equation, which is intimately related to the production of quasi-normal modes (QNMs) oscillations, in the context of electromagnetic and/or gravitational perturbations around, e.g., black holes. While QNMs arise as the solution of a wave-like equation with a Poschl-Teller potential, here we deduce and analytically solve a conformal 'radial' d'Alembert-like equation, from which we derive QNMs formal solutions, in a proposed alternative to more completely describe QNMs. As a by-product we show that this 'radial' equation can be identified with a Schrodinger-like equation in which the potential is exactly the second Poschl-Teller potential, and it can shed some new light on the investigations concerning QNMs.


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We intend to analyse the constraint structure of Teleparallelism employing the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for singular systems. This study is conducted without using an ADM 3+1 decomposition and without fixing time gauge condition. It can be verified that the field equations constitute an integrable system.


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The cross-section for the scattering of a photon by the Sun's gravitational field, treated as an external field, is computed in the framework of R + R-2 gravity. Using this result, we found that for a photon just grazing the Sun's surface the deflection is 1.75 which is exactly the same as that given by Einstein's theory. An explanation for this pseudo-paradox is provided.


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Massive particles of spin 0 and 1 violate the equivalence principle (EP) at the tree level. on the other hand, if these particles are massless, they agree with the EP, which leads us to conjecture that from a semiclassical viewpoint massless particles, no matter what their spin, obey the EP. General relativity predicts a deflection angle of 2.63' for a nonrelativistic spinless massive boson passing close to the Sun, while for a massive vectorial boson of spin 1 the corresponding deflection is 2.62'.


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Photon propagation is non-dispersive within the context of semiclassical general relativity. What about the remaining massless particles? It can be shown that at the tree level the scattering of massless particles of spin 0, 1/2, 1 or whatever by a static gravitational field generated by a localized source such as the Sun, treated as an external field, is non-dispersive as well. It is amazing, however, that massive particles, regardless of whether they have integral or half-integral spin, experience an energy-dependent gravitational deflection. Therefore, semiclassical general relativity and gravitational rainbows of massive particles can coexist without conflict. We address this issue in this essay.


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The stationary cosmological model without closed timelike curves of Godel type is obtained for the ideal dust matter source within the framework of the teleparallel gravity. For a specific choice of the teleparallel gravity parameters, this solution reproduces the causality violating stationary Godel solution in general relativity, in accordance with the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. The relation between the axial-vector torsion and the cosmic vorticity is clarified. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.