223 resultados para Relativistic mean-field theories


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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1/N(c) expansion in QCD (with N(c) the number of colors) suggests using a potential from meson sector (e.g., Richardson) for baryons. For light quarks a sigma-field has to be introduced to ensure chiral symmetry breaking (chi-SB). It is found that nuclear matter properties can be used to pin down the chi-SB modeling. All masses, M(N), m-sigma, m-omega, are found to scale with density. The equations are solved self-consistently.


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We investigate a dilute mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions in one dimension. With an attractive Bose-Fermi scattering length the ground state is a self-bound droplet, i.e., a Bose-Fermi bright soliton where the Bose and Fermi clouds are superimposed. We find that the quantum fluctuations stabilize the Bose-Fermi soliton such that the one-dimensional bright soliton exists for any finite attractive Bose-Fermi scattering length. We study density profile and collective excitations of the atomic bright soliton showing that they depend on the bosonic regime involved: mean-field or Tonks-Girardeau.


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We prove the equivalence of many-gluon Green's functions in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petieu and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. The proof is based on the functional integral formulation for the statistical generating functional in a finite-temperature quantum field theory. As an illustration, we calculate one-loop polarization operators in both theories and show that their expressions indeed coincide.


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We show that relativistic mean fields theories with scalar S, and vector V, quadratic radial potentials can generate a harmonic oscillator with exact pseudospin symmetry and positive energy bound states when S = -V. The eigenenergies are quite different from those of the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator. We also discuss a mechanism for perturbatively breaking this, symmetry by introducing a tensor potential. Our results shed light into the intrinsic relativistic nature of the pseudospin symmetry, which might be important in high density systems such as neutron stars.


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Using the coadjoint orbit method we derive a geometric WZWN action based on the extended two-loop Kac-Moody algebra. We show that under a hamiltonian reduction procedure, which respects conformal invariance, we obtain a hierarchy of Toda type field theories, which contain as submodels the Toda molecule and periodic Toda lattice theories. We also discuss the classical r-matrix and integrability properties.


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The models of translationally invariant infinite nuclear matter in the relativistic mean field models are very interesting and simple, since the nucleon can connect only to a constant vector and scalar meson field. Can one connect these to the complicated phase transitions of QCD? For an affirmative answer to this question, one must consider models where the coupling contstants to the scalar and vector fields depend on density in a nonlinear way, since as such the models are not explicitly chirally invariant. Once this is ensured, indeed one can derive a quark condensate indirectly from the energy density of nuclear matter which goes to zero at large density and temperature. The change to zero condensate indicates a smooth phase transition. © Springer-Verlag 1996.


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In analogy with the Liouville case we study the sl3 Toda theory on the lattice and define the relevant quadratic algebra and out of it we recover the discrete W3 algebra. We define an integrable system with respect to the latter and establish the relation with the Toda lattice hierarchy. We compute the relevant continuum limits. Finally we find the quantum version of the quadratic algebra.


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We perform a self-consistent relativistic RPA calculation for the isobaric analogue and Gamow-Teller resonances based on relativistic mean field theory results for the ground states of 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb. We use the parameter set NL1 for the σ, ω and ρ mesons, and experimental values for the pion and nucleon. An extra parameter, related to the intensity of the contact term in the pion-exchange interaction, is crucial to reproduce the latter resonances. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Numerical simulations based on the time-dependent mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation was performed to explain the dynamics of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) of 85Rb atoms. The atomic interaction was manipulated by an external magnetic field via a Feshbach resonance. On changing the scattering length of atomic interaction from a positive to a large negative value, the condensate collapsed and ejected atoms via explosion.


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Using the explicit numerical solution of the axially symmetric Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the dynamics of interaction among vortex solitons in a rotating matter-wave bright soliton train in a radially trapped and axially free Bose-Einstein condensate to understand certain features of the experiment by Strecker et al (2002 Nature 417 150). In a soliton train, solitons of opposite phase (phase δ = π) repel and stay apart without changing shape; solitons with δ = 0 attract, interact and coalesce, but eventually come out; solitons with a general δ usually repel but interact inelastically by exchanging matter. We study this and suggest future experiments with vortex solitons.


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We perform a systematic numerical study, based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, of jet formation in collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates as in the experiment by Donley et al (2001 Nature 412 295). In the actual experiment, via a Feshbach resonance, the scattering length of atomic interaction was suddenly changed from positive to negative on a pre-formed condensate. Consequently, the condensate collapsed and ejected atoms via explosion. On disruption of the collapse by suddenly changing the scattering length to zero, a radial jet of atoms was formed in the experiment. We present a satisfactory account of jet formation under the experimental conditions and also make predictions beyond experimental conditions which can be verified in future experiments.


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We analyze here the spin and pseudospin symmetry for the antinucleon spectra solving the Dirac equation with scalar and vector Wood-Saxon potentials. In relativistic nuclear mean field theories where these potentials have large magnitudes and opposite signs we show that contrary to the nucleon case where pseudospin interaction is never very small and cannot be treated perturbatively, for antinucleon systems this interaction is perturbative and an exact pseudospin symmetry is possible. This result manifests the relativistic nature of the nuclear pseudospin symmetry. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)