78 resultados para Rank of income


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EICHEMBERG, M. T. and V. L. SCATENA (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Botanica, Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil). J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 138:34-40. 2011.-Handicrafts from Jalapao (TO), Brazil, and their Relationship to Plant Anatomy. In the state of Tocantins, midwestern Brazil, communities from the region of Jalapao use scapes of "capim dourado" (golden grass - Syngonanthus nitens- Eriocaulaceae) and leaves of "buriti" (Mauritia flexuosa - Arecaceae) to make handicrafts (baskets and ornaments). The predominant biome of this area is cerrado (savanna), with a notable presence of buriti in the "veredas" (swampy forest-like vegetation), and of golden grass, which is one of the most common plants in humid grasslands. These traditional handicrafts represent a significant source of income for local communities. The whole scapes of Syngonanthus nitens are used due to their golden color, which is a reflection of such internal structures as thick walled cells and lignin in the epidermis and cortex. The strips called "seda" (silk) used to sew the scapes in the making of handicrafts come from young leaves of Mauritia,flexuosa. They are constituted by the adaxial epidermis and bundles of subepidermic fibers, both showing thick-walled cells. Since the cells of the bundles of sclerenchymatic fibers from the abaxial surface of buriti leaves present stegmata containing silica bodies, their mechanical properties are less adapted to the production of "silk", justifying the use of the leaf adaxial surface. Anatomical characteristics such as the thickening and composition of the cell walls of both species together with sociocultural factors, allow a better knowledge of the use of plant structures in the making of handicrafts.


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The algebraic matrix hierarchy approach based on affine Lie sl(n) algebras leads to a variety of 1 + 1 soliton equations. By varying the rank of the underlying sl(n) algebra as well as its gradation in the affine setting, one encompasses the set of the soliton equations of the constrained KP hierarchy.The soliton solutions are then obtained as elements of the orbits of the dressing transformations constructed in terms of representations of the vertex operators of the affine sl(n) algebras realized in the unconventional gradations. Such soliton solutions exhibit non-trivial dependence on the KdV (odd) time flows and KP (odd and even) time Bows which distinguishes them From the conventional structure of the Darboux-Backlund-Wronskian solutions of the constrained KP hierarchy.


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Origin and importance. Acerola, or Malpighia emarginata D. C., is native to the Caribbean islands, Central America and the Amazonian region. More recently, it has been introduced in subtropical areas (Asia, India and South America). The vitamin C produced by acerola is better absorbed by the human organism than synthetic ascorbic acid. Exportation of acerola crops is a potential alternative source of income in agricultural businesses. In Brazil, the commercial farming of acerola is quite recent. Climatic conditions. Acerola is a rustic plant. It can resist temperatures close to 0 degrees C, but it is well adapted to temperatures around 26 degrees C with rainfall between (1200 and 1600) mm per year. Fruit characteristics. Acerola fruit is drupaceous, whose form can vary from round to conic. When ripe, it can be red, purple or yellow. The fruit weight varies between (3 and 16) g. Maturation. Acerola fruit presents fast metabolic activity and its maturation occurs rapidly. When commercialised in ambient conditions, it requires fast transportation or the use of refrigerated containers to retard its respiration and metabolism partially. Production and productivity. Flowering and fruiting are typically in cycles associated with rain. Usually, they take place in 25-day cycles, up to 8 times per year. The plant can be propagated by cuttings, grafting or seedlings. Harvest. Fruits produced for markets needs to be harvested at its optimal maturation stage. For distant markets, they need to be packed in boxes and piled up in low layers; transportation should be done in refrigerated trucks in relatively high humid conditions. Biochemical constituents. Acerola is the most important natural source of vitamin C [(1000 to 4500) mg.100(-1) g of pulp], but it is also rich in pectin and pectolytic enzymes, carotenoids, plant fibre, vitamin B, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, proteins and mineral salts. It has also shown active anti-fungal properties. Products and market. Acerola is used in the production of juice, soft drinks, gums and liqueurs. The USA and Europe are great potential markets. In Europe, acerola extracts are used to enrich pear or apple juices. In the USA, they are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Conclusions. The demand for acerola has increased significantly in recent years because of the relevance of vitamin C in human health, coupled with the use of ascorbic acid as an antioxidant in food and feed. Acerola fruit contains other significant components, which are likely to lead to a further increase in its production and trade all over the world.


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The 1980s' debt crisis is a landmark in developing economies' growth and stabilization. According to the most quoted empirical articles, external shocks and vicissitudes gave rise to crisis just because of delays in stabilization policies, engendered by internal conflicts and institutional immaturity. I review some of these papers, and find out some problems - in the measurement of shocks and foreign indebtedness, namely - whose corrections lead to opposite results: external shocks and foreign indebtedness explain that crisis regardless of domestic policies. At the same time, the strong correlation of income distribution to terms of trade changes and foreign indebtedness suggest that inequality may have contributed differently to that crisis: either through an economic channel, or through a political channel based on delays in reforms.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trabalho estuda construções de orações hipotáticas temporais e construções de orações hipotáticas condicionais, com a finalidade de investigar o grau de gramaticalização que se verifica nesses dois tipos de enunciados. A hipótese é que quanto maior a integração da oração hipotática à nuclear, maior o grau de gramaticalização. Essa maior integração foi medida segundo três grupos de fatores, e os resultados mostraram que, em duas das variáveis avaliadas, as orações condicionais são as mais integradas a seu núcleo, mas, em outra ordem de avaliação, as orações temporais são as mais integradas. Dentro da base funcionalista em que o trabalho se move, esses resultados podem ser interpretados segundo o princípio da existência de competição de motivações no jogo da linguagem, entendendo-se que cada enunciado que se produz é o resultado do equilíbrio dessas pressões.


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The current rhythm of petroliferous exploration is esteem that the existing reserves will be depleted in next the 45 years. Thus being, it has that to study intensely, what it has come to be fact, the alternative power plants, as well as the technologies economically capable to ultilizar them. The potential demand of biodiesel for 2020 is taken in consideration that, in accordance with the International Agency of Energia (AIE), in only eight countries, will jump of 34,7 million tons in 2010 for 133,8 million in 2020, with an increment next to 300%. The tame nut is a producing oil plant with all the qualities necessary to be transformed into oil diesel. Beyond perennial and of easy culture, it presents good conservation of the harvested seed, being able to become great producer of substance cousin as optional fuel source. For these authors, this is a culture that can be developed in the small properties, with the available familiar man power, being plus a source of income for the country properties of the Northeast Region. The objective of this work is to evidence the capacity of oil production of the nut-bellwether, and the quality of extration with hexano and methanol in 6 distinct times.


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The objective of this study was to characterize the fish farms located in the lowland micro region in Cuiaba, MT, through interviews with 26 selected farmers which represent the universe of fish farms that are active. Qualitative data were subjected to statistical Chi-square test to diagnose the existence of correlation between them with 95% confidence. These results support the conclusion that the species that compose the group of round fish are present in 100% of fish farms, accounting 88.2% of production. The difference is that production exclusively in nurseries and the largest area of shallow water, with production in higher scale than elsewhere in the country, with prospects of growth in area and productivity. Some actions should be implemented: legislation objectively and with sufficient qualified personnel to inspect the enterprises, applied research in food management and feed production with better price and quality, technical and administrative management, use of juveniles with proven genetics and monitoring of water quality. Fish farming is the main source of income funding for 67.5% of farmers interviewed. The size of the fish farms did not affect the variables related to implementation, conduct and management of the activity. The demand and price of feed are the variables that most directs the decision making of farmers. The main marketing channel used by medium and large farmers is exclusively, the slaughterhouses. The main part of fish is sold processed.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the process of salting and dry salting of fillets in pacu (P. mesopotamicus), from cultivation in cages. Fillet with skin were salted at a rate of 40% of salt in relation of the initial weight, for a period of 10 days. After processing, were evaluated for microbiological and centesimal composition of fillets subjected to salting and determining the concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl) and calculation of income. The centesimal composition were evaluated the protein, ether extract, moisture and ash of the raw material fresh and processed products by salting. The microbiological analysis included the determination of coliforms at 45 degrees C, Salmonella and Staphylococcus coagulase positive. The pacus subjected to umided and dry salting were within quality control standards established by the legislation. The content of umided, protein, lipids and chlorides showed differences (p< 0.05) between the processes of salt. However both forms can be used for the development of technological processes of low investment by encouraging new options for fish consumption.


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Economic evaluation of the treatment bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus was evaluated. Two hundred and seventy udder quarters with or without subclinical mastitis were distributed into four groups, in conformity to lactational stage and treatments. Group 1 included animals treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 2 included animals treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying; group 3 included animals no treated between 10 and 60 days of lactation; group 4 included animals no treated from 61 days of lactation to two months before drying. Treatment with gentamicin (150mg) was accomplished by intramammary doses, once a day, after performing sensitivity tests. The mammary quarters were re-evaluated after 30 days. The costs with the treatment were calculated considering a S. aureus prevalence of 5% as well as expenses with antibiotic, milk disposal, tests of drug sensitivity and workload. There was loss of income of 2% and 14% in the groups 1 and 2, respectively, when compared with the values before the treatment. In such case, the treatment of bovine subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus in the lactation was economically unviable.


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The health pact arises in the Brazilian scene after a number of attempts for the improvement of the Unified Health System (SUS), so as to consolidate social equity. In this perspective, this paper discusses the pact using documental analysis, in order to help the public administration process in Brazil. This new policy, still in the initial phase of implementation, is a unique reality and highly feasible for the improvement of national practices in public health. Its performance is intimately related to overcoming the political barriers inherent to each rank of the administration.


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Sericiculture is characterized by the possibility of income generation in areas smaller than 10.0 ha and by the rationalization of family labor. Even considering this favorable scenario for the development of this activity, there is still a gap in the management of its economic factors in most of the rural properties within this chain, contributing negatively to their expansion. This study aimed at assessing the production cost and economic viability for producing silkworm cocoons, by using a case study conducted in a property located in Quatá, São Paulo State, Brazil. The main results for a production of 1,904 kg-1 of silkworm cocoons, with labor costs reaching 51.5% of the Effective Operating Cost and 35.5% of the Total Operating Cost, were a profitability index higher than 50% and an Internal Rate of Return of 9.68%, for the second production year, providing a good profitability rate for this agricultural segment, when we consider that the improved profitability of the producer is proportional to the best production indicators, particularly due to the fast return that this activity provides.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR