122 resultados para Rain precipitation


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A eficácia dos herbicidas no sistema de cana-crua é diretamente influenciada pela quantidade e distribuição de palha na área, bem como pela ocorrência da primeira chuva superior a 20 mm posterior à aplicação, uma vez que a palha é capaz de interceptar o herbicida antes que este atinja o solo. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia e o comportamento do herbicida amicarbazone no controle de plantas daninhas no sistema de cana-crua. Para isso, foi realizado um experimento em condições controladas, considerando diferentes doses de amicarbazone (D1 = 1,05 kg ha-1, D2 = 0,875 kg ha-1, D3 = 0,700 kg ha-1 e D4 = 0,525 kg ha-1) e situações de aplicação desse herbicida, a saber: sobre 5 t de palha ha-1, sobre o solo e coberto com 5 t de palha ha-1, além de pulverização sobre o solo sem cobertura de palha, resultando assim em 12 tratamentos. Aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a aplicação (DAA), foi avaliada a porcentagem de controle das seguintes espécies de plantas daninhas: Ipomoea grandifolia, Brachiaria decumbens, Merremia cissoides e Euphorbia heterophylla. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se constatar que, independentemente da espécie de planta daninha avaliada, os maiores índices de controle foram observados quando o amicarbazone foi aplicado sobre a palha, simulando-se em seguida precipitação correspondente a 30 mm de chuva, e nos tratamentos em que o herbicida foi aplicado diretamente no solo sem palha. Dessa forma, para as espécies I. grandifolia, M. cissoides e E. heterophylla, todos os tratamentos apresentaram excelente controle (nota 6 - 100%) a partir dos 14 DAA; para B. decumbens, o controle total ocorreu aos 28 DAA. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o amicarbazone é uma excelente alternativa para o manejo dessas espécies de plantas daninhas em cana-crua.


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Crop species with the C-4 photosynthetic pathway are more efficient in assimilating N than C-3 plants, which results in different N amounts prone to be washed from its straw by rain water. Such differences may affect N recycling in agricultural systems where these species are grown as cover crops. In this experiment, phytomass production and N leaching from the straw of grasses with different photosynthetic pathways were studied in response to N application. Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and congo grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) with the C-4 photosynthetic pathway, and black oat (Arena Strigosa) and triticale (X Triticosecale), with the C-3 photosynthetic pathway, were grown for 47 days. After determining dry matter yields and N and C contents, a 30 mm rainfall was simulated over 8 t ha(-1) of dry matter of each plant residue and the leached amounts of ammonium and nitrate were determined. C-4 grasses responded to higher fertilizer rates, whereas N contents in plant tissue were lower. The amount of N leached from C-4 grass residues was lower, probably because the C/N ratio is higher and N is more tightly bound to organic compounds. When planning a crop rotation system it is important to take into account the difference in N release of different plant residues which may affect N nutrition of the subsequent crop.


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No Brasil, a cotonicultura localiza-se em regiões onde o índice de precipitação pluvial é de aproximadamente 2.000 mm anuais. A aplicação de reguladores de crescimento em condições com esse índice faz com que o produto aplicado seja lavado antes de ser absorvido pelas plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da lavagem do cloreto de mepiquat aplicado no algodoeiro, por chuvas simuladas em diferentes períodos após a aplicação do produto. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação, utilizando vasos de 12 L, com três plantas da cultivar DeltaOpal. No aparecimento do primeiro botão floral, aplicou-se cloreto de mepiquat na dose de 12,5 g ha-1 de i.a. Os tratamentos consistiram de duas lâminas de chuva, 10 e 20 mm, a 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 e 32 horas após aplicação do produto e sem chuva, com quatro repetições. Uma chuva de 10 mm foi suficiente para lavar o produto das folhas independentemente do tempo de ocorrência após a aplicação do regulador. Se houver ocorrência de chuva 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 e 32 horas após a aplicação do produto, a reposição deve ser de 131, 125, 120, 110, 93 e 70 mL ha-1, respectivamente.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of the formulated mixture clomazone and hexazinone applied in soil or combined with sugarcane mulch, after different periods of permanence without the occurrence of rain. The experiment was carried out in vases under greenhouse conditions in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The weeds Brachiaria decumbens, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia and Euphorbia heterophylla were sown and covered or not with sugarcane mulch. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with four repetitions. The treatments were displaced in a 3x6 factorial scheme, with the factors being six periods without rain (0, 3, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days) and three modes of herbicide application(on the soil without sugarcane mulch, on and under sugarcane mulch). Control evaluations were carried out at 10, 21, 35 and 42 days after the occurrence of rain. The clomazone + hexazinone mixture promoted an excellent weed control for all the species studied when applied on, under, or without sugarcane mulch. However, the control levels tended to reduce for periods over 60 days without rain.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The hunting spider communities of the Dionycha clade were studied 1986 through 1988 in fragmented woodlands and secondary agricultural habitats of the Botucatu area in São Paulo state, Brazil. The original vegetation of mainly tropical Atlantic rain forest (Mata Atlantica) was cleared already 70 years ago. In a total sample of over 1000 adult spiders, 247 species belonging to 12 families Mere determined. A decreasing frequency and diversity of spiders rc as found if forest remnants were compared with sugar cane fields and cattle pasture. The specific composition of the spider fauna as surveyed in different habitats is discussed under ecological aspects and in relation to the history of land use.


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With seeds collected monthly during one year from 53 1-m(2) seed traps, we investigated the seed rain and seed limitation in a gallery forest planted in 1994 in SE Brazil. Contrasting animal- (zoochorous) and wind-dispersed (anemochorous) plants we investigated (1) which aspects of the composition and structure of the vegetation influence the abundance and species richness of the seed rain; (2) if such influences differ between zoochorous and anemochorous seeds; (3) if the abundance and richness of the seed rain sampled under zoochorous and nonzoochorous plant species differ; and (4) if seed limitation (given by the proportion of sites to which seeds were not dispersed) differs between zoochorous and anemochorous plant species, and also between species that have been planted and those that further colonized the area (colonists). Seed rain was intense and dominated by anemochorous species. The overall seed rain was not influenced by the vegetation parameters we analyzed (canopy height and cover, plant size, abundance, and richness) or by the plant species above the seed trap. The abundance and richness of zoochorous seeds in a given spot was influenced by the abundance and richness of zoochorous plants in its immediate vicinity. Seed limitation was higher for anemochorous than zoochorous species and higher for planted than for colonist species. We concluded with recommendations for the initial establishment of a planted forest, including the homogeneous distribution of zoochorous plants to permit a spatially homogeneous zoochorous seedfall, which will likely enhance the chances of survival and successful establishment of seeds.


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Bamboos often negatively affect tree recruitment, survival, and growth, leading to arrested tree regeneration in forested habitats. Studies so far have focused on the effects of bamboos on the performance of seedlings and saplings, but the influence of bamboos on forest dynamics may start very early in the forest regeneration process by altering seed rain patterns. We tested the prediction that the density and composition of the seed rain are altered and seed limitation is higher in stands of Guadua tagoara (B or bamboo stands), a large-sized woody bamboo native from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, compared to forest patches without bamboos (NB or non-bamboo stands). Forty 1 m(2) seed traps were set in B and NB stands, and the seed rain was monitored monthly for 1 year. The seed rain was not greatly altered by the presence of bamboos: rarefied seed species richness was higher for B stands, patterns of dominance and density of seeds were similar between stands, and differences in overall composition were slight. Seed limitation, however, was greater at B stands, likely as a resulted of reduced tree density. Despite Such reduced density, the presence of trees growing amidst and over the bamboos seems to play a key role in keeping the seeds falling in B stands because they serve as food sources for frugivores or simply as perches for them. The loss of such trees may lead to enhanced seed limitation, contributing ultimately to the self-perpetuating bamboo disturbance cycle. (C) 2008 Elsevier B,V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A estrutura horizontal e vertical do componente arbóreo foi investigada em um trecho de Floresta Atlântica baixo-montana através de um levantamento fitossociológico em dois blocos amostrais de 0,99 ha cada no Parque Estadual Intervales. Todos os indivíduos com DAP > 5 cm foram registrados. Foram amostrados 3.078 indivíduos distribuídos em 172 espécies. O índice de diversidade de Shannon foi de H' = 3,85 nat.ind.-1. A família Myrtaceae se destacou tanto em número de espécies (38) quanto em número de indivíduos (745) no levantamento. Euterpe edulis Mart. teve o maior valor de importância (33,98%), abrangendo 21,8% do total de indivíduos registrados. O índice de similaridade quantitativo foi maior do que o qualitativo, mostrando pouca variação estrutural entre os blocos amostrais, mas a grande quantidade de espécies pouco abundantes, resultou em pronunciadas diferenças florísticas entre eles. Uma análise de correspondência retificada (DCA) gerou três estratos verticais arbitrários. O estrato A (> 26 m) teve a menor densidade e foi bem representado pelas espécies Sloanea guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. e Virola bicuhyba (Schott. ex A.DC.) Warb. O estrato B (8 m < h < 26 m) mostrou a maior riqueza e diversidade florística, e o estrato C (< 8 m) a maior densidade. Euterpe edulis, Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz, Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi e Eugenia mosenii (Kausel) Sobral foram bem representadas nos estratos B e C da floresta. A existência de estratos verticais em florestas tropicais é discutida, recomendando-se o uso da DCA para estudos da estratificação vertical em outras florestas tropicais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the Atlantic Montane Rain Forest of south-eastern Brazil, a field study was carried out to describe the forest disturbance regime, analyse canopy gap composition and evaluate the influence of habitat parameters on gap tree species composition. We characterized canopy gaps considering the group of variables as follows: area, type and number of tree/branch falls, topographic position, soil coverage and surrounding canopy trees. Gap composition was assessed at species level by measuring all individuals inside gaps higher than one meter. Mean gap area of the 42 canopy gaps analysed was 71.9 +/- 9.0 m(2) (mean +/- SE). Out of the studied gaps, 35.7% were created by uprooted and by snapped trees, 16.7% by dead-standing trees and 11.9% by the fall of large branches. The disturbance regime was characterized by gap openings predominantly smaller than 150 m(2) and by spatial patterning related to topography. Ridges had smaller gaps and higher proportions of gaps created by branch falls; slopes had bigger gaps generally created by uprooting events. The more abundant and frequent species were shade tolerant and the more species-rich families found inside gaps did not differ from the forest as a whole. Pioneer species were rare and restricted to medium and large size classes. The Indicator Species Analysis and the Canonical Correspondence Analysis indicated gap area, topography and the percentage of soil cover by the genera Calathea and Ctenanthe were the predominant variables correlated with woody species distribution. So, topography emerged as an important issue not only to the gap disturbance regime, but also to gap colonization. In respect to the influence of gap processes on the Atlantic Montane Rain Forest regeneration, our results support the view that canopy gap events may not be working as promoters of community wide floristic shifts.


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This paper presents an analysis of pluviometric precipitation time series obtained from 45 data collection points, with daily rain measurements (in mm), from 45 counties within the nine climatic regions of the state of SA o pound Paulo, mostly for the period of 1950-1997. SA o pound Paulo State (Brazil) is situated between the inter-tropical climatic zone, dominated by tropical and equatorial masses, and the sub-tropical climatic zone controlled by tropical and polar air masses. Due to this location the State can be divided into three climatic zones: south-east and south-west, which are permanently humid, and north with a well defined dry period. Rescaled range analysis, or R/S analysis, has been used to investigate the scale properties of the time series. We found two clear values for the Hurst exponent, one for a period of 10 to 200 days (H(1)), and another for a period above 210 days (H(2)). The value of H(1) lies between 0.6 to 0.7 for all climatic zones indicating characteristics of persistence. However, H(2) is (i) close to 0.5 for the littoral area, showing random characteristics, (ii) close to 0.6 for mountain areas, indicating persistence characteristics, and (iii) close to 0.4 for the plane area, irrespective of whether the climate is dry or humid, and shows anti-persistence characteristics.


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The Ag precipitation and dissolution reactions in the Cu-3 wt.% Al-4 wt.% Ag alloy were studied using isothermal and non-isothermal analyses. The activation energy values, obtained for the Ag precipitation reaction indicated that, when the Kissinger, Ozawa and Johnson-MehI-Avrami methods are compared, the Kissinger method is the most appropriate. Although the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation often does not fit precipitation data, the energy values obtained for Ag precipitation kinetics are in agreement with what was experimentally observed. For the dissolution reaction of Ag precipitates the activation energy values obtained from the Kissinger and Ozawa methods are higher than that found in the literature for the Ag dissolution in Cu. This discrepancy seems to be related to the fact that the activation energy is influenced by the heating rate. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.