62 resultados para QUALITY TRAITS


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This article aimed at compiling recent studies on the main factors that influence ostrich meat quality and carcass yield. Few articles investigated the effect of subspecies, which generally are not even mentioned. There are important dietary effects, particularly those caused by dietary protein to energy ratio. Rigor mortis follow-up studies showed that there are no losses in meat quality when carcasses are hot-deboned. Age at slaughter influences some meat quality traits, such as tenderness and lipid content. Few effects of gender have been observed, and at the same age at slaughter, both male and female present the same meat quality traits.


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An experiment was carried out to establish mean bone quality values of the tibiae and femora of ostriches and to evaluate these bones. The right leg bones of 10 males and 10 female African Black ostriches were evaluated. Birds were radiographed immediately after slaughter (during bleeding), with the aid of a portable X-ray apparatus. The obtained radiographs were scanned and bone mineral density means were obtained using software. Bone strength, Seedor index, and dry matter percentage were evaluated and correlated to weight gain during the finishing period (3-13 months of age). Mean values of the evaluated bone quality traits, not previously found in literature, were established. There were no significant differences between males and females in performance or bone quality parameters. It was concluded that male and female ostriches present similar performance and bone quality at slaughter age.


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Fifty-nine Nellore bulls from low and high residual feed intake (RFI) levels were studied with the objective of evaluating meat quality traits. Animals were slaughtered when ultrasound-measured backfat thickness reached 4. mm, and samples of Longissimus were collected. A mixed model including RFI as fixed effect and herd and diet as random effects was used, and least square means were compared by t-test. More efficient animals consumed 0.730. kg dry matter/day less than less efficient animals, with similar performance. No significant differences in carcass weight, prime meat cuts proportion, chemical composition, pH, sarcomere length, or color were observed between RFI groups. Shear force, myofibrillar fragmentation index and soluble collagen content were influenced by RFI, with a higher shear force and soluble collagen content and a lower fragmentation index in low RFI animals. Feedlot-finished low RFI young Nellore bulls more efficiently convert feed into meat, presenting carcasses within quality standards. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study was performed to compare CAPN1, CAPN2, CAST, TG, DGAT1 and LEP gene expressions and correlate them with meat quality traits in two genetic groups (Nellore and Canchim) in order to assess their expression profile and use their expression profile as genetic markers. We analyzed 30 young bulls (1. year old), 15 of each genetic group. Samples of the Longissimus dorsi muscle were collected for analysis of: total lipids (TL) and meat tenderness measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force (SF) and myofibrillar fragmentation (MFI) at day of slaughter and 7. days of aging. Gene expression profiles were obtained via RT-qPCR. TL and MFI showed differences between breeds, higher MFI in Canchim and higher TL in Nellore. Calpains showed no differential expression between groups, as did DGAT1, TG, and LEP. CAST was expressed more in the Nellore cattle. The only significant within-breed correlation (0.79) between gene expression and meat traits was found for DGAT1 and MFI in Canchim breed. Although the number of animals used in this study was small, the results indicate that the increased expression of CAST in Nellore may reflect tougher meat, but the lack of correlations with the meat traits indicates it is not a promising genetic marker. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Bos indicus bulls 20. months of age grazed on pasture in Minas Gerais, Brazil either received 2 doses of the GnRF vaccine Bopriva at d0 and d91 (group IC, n. =. 144) or were surgically castrated on d91 (group SC, n. =. 144). Slaughter on d280, was 27. weeks after castration. Adverse safety issues in 8% of group SC bulls following surgery contrasted with 0% in group IC bulls. At d105 testosterone levels were suppressed to similar levels in both groups. Importantly, group IC bulls had higher live weight, hot carcass weight, ADG (P<. 0.005) and dressing percentage (P<. 0.0001) compared to group SC animals. There were no negative effects on carcass or meat quality traits, thus immunocastration was concluded to offer a safe and effective method that provides production gains, and improves animal welfare in Bos indicus beef bulls without impacting meat and carcass quality. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The aim of this study was to compare four genetic groups of sheep on the carcass and meat quality traits. Thirty-three contemporary and unrelated male lambs, all of single birth were used in the experiment, being thirteen from the Santa Inês (SI) breed, seven from the Brazilian Somali breed (BS), six from the Morada Nova (MN) breed and seven from the ½ Dorper - ½ Morada Nova (F1) crossbreed. The genotypes SI, BS and F1 presented similar performances in relation to hot and cold carcass weights, which values were 10.76±0.53kg and 10.46±0.52kg for SI, 9.20±0.73kg and 8.99±0.71kg for BS, and 9.35±0.73kg and 9.13±0.71kg for F1, respectively. The BS had a better hot carcass yield (47.10±0.88%) and cold carcass yield (46.00±0.87%). Better carcass conformation was observed in SI and F1 (2.73±0.12 and 2.50±0.17, respectively) while the BS presented a better finishing (3.29±0.20). The average for the rib eye area (REA) was 9.94±0.49cm², 8.66±0.67cm², 7.18±0.72cm² and 9.8±0.67cm², and for the carcass compactness index (CCI) it was 0.17±0.01kg/cm, 0.17±0.01kg/cm, 0.11±0.01kg/cm and 0.16±0,01kg/cm, for SI, SB, MN and F1, respectively. There were no significant differences between SI, BS and F1 regarding REA and CCI. Although, in general, the MN presented a relatively lower performance than the other genotypes, this breed had similar carcass yields and fat thickness when compared to SI and F1 and similar conformation and REA in comparison to the BS. Regarding meat quality, no differences were observed between genotypes, except for redness and cooking losses. It is concluded that no one group had a higher or lower performance in all traits analyzed. Moreover, for the management conditions employed in this study, there was evidence of greater specialization in meat production for genotypes SI, BS and F1 when compared to MN, although there are no substantial differences between the four groups regarding meat quality.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Avaliaram-se a qualidade física do músculo Longissimus lumborum de ovelhas de descarte da raça Santa Inês, abatidas em diferentes estágios fisiológicos, a cor da gordura subcutânea desse músculo e as possíveis correlações entre as variáveis de qualidade da carne. Utilizaram-se 21 ovelhas, distribuídas nos seguintes tratamentos: T1= ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e abatidas um dia após o desmame das crias; T2= ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e mais um período aproximado de 30 dias sem os cordeiros e posteriormente abatidas; e T3= ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. A cor da carne e da gordura subcutânea não foram influenciadas pelo estágios fisiológico dos animais no momento do abate, com exceção da luminosidade da carne (T1= 41,13; T2= 37,56 e T3= 38,12 L*). A qualidade física da carne apresentou pouca variação entre os tratamentos, porém a força de cisalhamento (T1= 4,08; T2=2,86 e T3=2,35 kgf/cm²) e as perdas por cocção (T1=31,97; T2=35,70 e T3= 31,91 %) da carne diferiram entre os tratamentos. Não se observou alta correlação entre a maioria das características avaliadas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thirty non-castrated male lambs with 20. ±. 2.3. kg average body weight (BW) were randomly assigned to five treatments consisted of different dietary concentrations of crude glycerin (CG; 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12% on DM basis) to evaluate the effects on performance, carcass and meat quality traits. A quadratic effect was observed for performance (P= 0.04), final BW (P<. 0.01) and hot carcass weight (P<. 0.01). No effects of CG were observed (P>. 0.05) on carcass pH neither on shear-force, cooking loss and ether extract content in longissimus. The inclusion of CG tended to reduce the Zn content in meat (P= 0.09). The data suggests that CG (36.2% of glycerol and 46.5% of crude fat) may be used in diets of finishing lambs with concentrations up to 3% without negative effects on performance and main carcass traits. Moreover, inclusion of CG seems to not affect quality and safety of meat for human consumption. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ