123 resultados para Photolabile protecting groups
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As soluções hipertônicas de cloreto de sódio, associadas ou não a colóides hiperoncóticos, podem ser eficazes em proteger o rim em situações de hipovolemia. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar, em cães, o real benefício dessas soluções sobre a função renal, em vigência de hipovolemia e isquemia do órgão. MÉTODO: em 24 cães, anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico, submetidos à nefrectomia direita e à expansão volêmica com solução de Ringer (1 ml.kg-1.min-1), foram observadas possíveis alterações renais morfo-funcionais após hemorragia de 20 ml.kg-1 e trinta minutos de total isquemia renal esquerda, com posterior reperfusão, além da repercussão renal da administração de soluções de cloreto de sódio 7,5% (SH) e esta em dextran 70 a 6% (SHD). Atributos estudados: FC, PAM, pressão de veia cava inferior, fluxo sangüíneo renal, resistência vascular renal, hematócrito, Na+, K+, osmolaridade plasmática, PaO2, PaCO2 e pH, depuração (para-aminohipurato de sódio - PAH-1, creatinina, osmolar, água livre, Na+, K+), fração de filtração, volume e osmolaridade urinários, excreções urinárias e fracionárias de Na+ e K+ e exame histopatológico do rim. Os atributos foram estudados em três grupos (G1, G2 e G3) e em cinco momentos. RESULTADOS: Houve elevação estatisticamente significativa da pressão arterial média em G2 e G3, da resistência vascular renal em G1, do fluxo sangüíneo renal e da depuração de PAH em G3, da excreção fracionária de Na+ em G2 e G3, das depurações de creatinina, osmolar, de água livre e de Na+ e K+, da excreção urinária de Na+ e K+ e do volume urinário em G3. CONCLUSÕES: A SHD administrada 15 minutos após hemorragia moderada e 30 minutos antes de insulto isquêmico de 30 minutos foi eficiente em proteger o rim de cães das repercussões da isquemia-reperfusão. Não foi constatada alteração histopatológica renal à microscopia óptica.
Venous ulcers of the lower limbs complicated by infection or chronicity represent a serious public health problem. The elevated number of those afflicted burdens the health services, interferes in quality of life and causes absenteeism. Although there are 2,500 items on the market, ranging from the simplest dressing up to the most complex types of dressing, treatment remains a challenge. Among the substances used, fibrin sealant is the one that promotes diminution of bacterial colonization and of edema, controls hemorrhaging, alters the pain threshold by protecting the nerve endings, hydrates the wound bed and forms granulation tissue that favors healing. Its disadvantages include higher cost and utilization of human fibrinogen that can transmit infectious diseases. The Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous Animals (CEVAP) at São Paulo State University (UNESP) developed a new sealant made up of fibrinogen extracted from large animals and from an enzyme obtained from snake venom. The present study, developed in the Health Education Clinic (CEPS) of Sacred Heart University (USC) aimed to evaluate the effect of the new sealant on the healing process of venous ulcers in 24 adult patients, seven of whom were male and 17 female. Two study groups were formed as follows: Group 1 (G1) - control group of 11 patients treated with essential fatty acid (EFA) and Unna's boot, and Group 2 (G2) - 13 patients treated with essential fatty acid (EFA), fibrin sealant and Unna's boot. The follow-up lasted eight weeks and the sealant was applied at only the first and fourth weeks. The results showed that Group 2 presented worse lesion conditions as to healing, but, when comparing the two groups, it was noteworthy that the the sealant was effective in healing venous ulcers. There is evidence that the new sealant is recommended for leg ulcers with the following advantages: ease of application, preparation of the wound bed, diminution of pain and a higher number of discharges in the eighth week. More important, other positive characteristics are non-transmission of infectious diseases, absence of adverse reactions, and economic advantage of being produced by Brazilian technology. Finally, it is suggested that the weekly application of sealant, for at least eight weeks, could improve the healing process and consequently life quality.
Considering the high number of new cancer cases in Brazil (approximately 470 000 cases in 2005) and the remarkable differences in the incidence of this disease around the world, the development of chemopreventive strategies using foods widely consumed would have a huge impact, both medically and economically. This review summarizes some of our studies conducted to verify the anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic potential of some Brazilian natural dietary constituents (annatto, mushrooms, and propolis). Overall data have shown a clear role for these compounds in preventing mutation and specific preneoplastic lesions. Taken together, these agents indicate a favorable side-effect profile and may prove to be a promising alternative for cancer prevention strategies, although more investigation is needed to fully explore this issue.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Babesia bigemina infections were investigated in four genetic groups of beef cattle and in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus engorged female ticks. Blood samples and engorged female ticks were collected from 15 cows and 15 calves from each of the following genetic groups: Nelore, Angus x Nelore, Canchim x Nelore, and Simmental x Nelore. Microscopic examination of blood smears and tick hemolymph revealed that merozoites of B. bigemina (6/60) as well as kinetes of Babesia spp. (9/549) were only detected in samples (blood and ticks, respectively) originated from calves. PCR-based methods using primers for specific detection of B. bigemina revealed 100% infection in both calves and cows, regardless the genetic group. Tick infection was detected by nested-PCR amplifications showing that the frequency of B. bigemina was higher (P 0.01) in female ticks collected from calves (134/549) than in those collected from cows (52/553). The frequency of B. bigemina was similar in ticks collected from animals, either cows or calves, of the four genetic groups (P > 0.05). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Statement of problem. To select the width of denture teeth, the distance between the marks indicating the location of the canines is usually measured around the curvature of the wax occlusal rim; however, most manufacturers' mold charts provide the measurements of the artificial 6 anterior teeth as if they were on a straight line.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the curve distance between the distal surfaces of the maxillary canines can be related to the combined width (straight measurement) of the 6 anterior teeth in 4 ethnic groups.Material and methods. Maxillary stone casts were obtained for 160 dentate subjects of 4 ethnic groups (40 whites, 40 blacks, 40 multiracial - descendants of white and black parents, and 40 Asians). The width of each maxillary anterior tooth was measured on the casts with sliding calipers. The combined width of the 6 anterior teeth (CW) corresponded to the sum of the width of each anterior tooth. The curve distance between the distal surfaces of the canines (CD) was measured by using dental tape and sliding calipers. The Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to evaluate the relationship between CD and CW in each ethnic group (alpha=.05).Results. The mean CD and CW values (in mm) obtained were: whites (CD=52.12; CW=45.65); blacks (CD=56.10; CW=48.13); multiracial (CD=53.58; CW=46.54); and Asians (CD=53.29; CW=46.60). Significant (P<.001) correlations between CD and CW measurements were observed for all ethnic groups studied (whites, r=0.957; blacks, r=0.803; multiracial, r=0.917; and Asians, r=0.881). The following linear regression equations were obtained: whites [CD=1.1(CW)+0.3]; blacks [CD=0.95(CW)+9.3]; multiracial [CD=1.2(CW)-1.1]; and Asians [CD=1.0(CW)+5].Conclusions. The curve distance between the distal surfaces of the maxillary canines can be accurately related to the combined width of the 6 anterior teeth in the selection of denture teeth for the studied ethnic groups. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:400-404)
Objectives: To evaluate the use of the center of the incisive papilla as a guide for the selection of the proper width of maxillary dentures in 4 racial groups. Method and Materials: One hundred sixty stone casts were obtained from impressions of the maxillary arch of white, black, mixed, and Asian subjects. The occlusal surfaces of the casts were photocopied and the images placed on a digitizer. The most anterior and posterior points of the papilla and cusp tips of the canines were digitized. Dentofacial Planner Plus software was used to calculate the distance from a line passing through the cusp tips of the canines to the center of the papilla, defined as the midpoint of the anterior and posterior points of the papilla. The selection error (in millimeters) due to the clinical application of the method of the incisive papilla was calculated and analyzed. Results: In all studied racial groups, there was no coincidence between the center of the incisive papilla and the canine line. The utilization of the center of the papilla would lead to the selection of wider artificial teeth. In 24.9% of the white, 19.3% of the mixed, 32.9% of the black, and 15.5% of the Asian populations, errors greater than 4 mm would be present with the utilization of the papilla. Conclusion: The method of the center of the incisive papilla is not accurate, but may aid in initial artificial teeth selection for the racial groups studied. (Quintessence Int 2008;39:841-845)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Cellulose chemically modified with p-aminobenzoic groups, abbreviated as Cel-PAB, was used for preconcentration of copper, iron, nickel, and zinc from ethanol fuel, normally used in Brazil as engine fuel. The surface characteristics and the surface area of the cellulose were obtained before and after chemical modification using FT-IR, elemental analysis, and surface area analysis (B.E.T.). The retention and recovery of the analyte elements were studied by applying batch and column techniques.
Silica gel chemically modified with 2-aminotiazole groups (SiAT), was used for preconcentration of cupper, zinc, nickel and iron from gasoline, normally used as a engine fuel. Surface characteristics and surface area of the silica gel were obtained before and after chemical modification using FT-IR, Kjeldhal and surface area analysis (B.E.T.). The retention and recovery of the analyte elements were studied by applying batch and column techniques. The experimental parameters, such as shaking time in batch technique, flow rate and concentration of the eluent (HCl-0.25-2.00 mol 1(-1)) and the amount of silica, on retention and elution, have been investigated. Detection limits of the method for cupper, iron, nickel and zinc are 0.8, 3, 2 and 0.1 mug 1(-1), respectively. The sorption-desorption of the studied metal ions made possible the development of a preconcentration method for metal ions at trace level in gasoline using flame AAS for their quantification. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A new procedure was developed for the in situ characterization of the lability of metal species in aquatic systems by using a system equipped with a diffusion membrane and cellulose organomodified with p-aminobenzoic acid groups (DM-Cell-PAB). To this end, the DM-Cell-PAB system was prepared by adding cellulose organomodified with p-aminobenzoic acid groups (Cell-PAB) to pre-purified cellulose bags. After the DM-Cell-PAB system was sealed, it was examined in the laboratory to evaluate the influence of complexation time, mass of exchanger, pH, metal ions (Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn, and Ni), and concentration of organic matter on the relative lability of metal species. It was found that the pH and kinetics strongly influence the process of metal complexation by the DM-Cell-PAB system. At all pH levels, Cd, Mn, and Ni showed lower complexation with Cell-PAB resin than Cu and Fe metals. Note that relative lability of metals complexed to aquatic humic substances (AHS) in the presence of Cell-PAB resin showed the following order: Cu congruent to Fe >> Ni > Mn=Cd. The results presented here also indicate that increasing the AHS concentration decreases the lability of metal species by shifting the equilibrium to AHS-metal complexes. Our results indicate that the system under study offers an interesting alternative that can be applied to in situ experiments for differentiation of labile and inert metal species in aquatic systems.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)