60 resultados para Photochemistry.


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The influence of pH on the degradation of the herbicide tebuthiuron (TBH) was investigated using in situ generated Fe(III)-citrate complexes (Fe:cit) submitted to the photo-Fenton process under solar irradiation. Using Fe:cit in a wide pH range (2.5-7.5), 100-78% TBH oxidation was achieved respectively from a UV dose of 2.0 J cm(-2) (15 min). Moreover, the oxidation of TBH obtained in the presence of Fe:cit at pH 6.0 was higher than that obtained using Fe(NO3)3 at pH 2.5. A similar behavior is observed for the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) in TBH solutions. In the presence of Fe:cit, 20% and 85% of TOC was removed at pH 7.5 and 2.5, respectively, after 7.5 J cm-2 irradiation, while no mineralization was observed employing Fe(NO3)(3) for the same UV dose. Using Fe(NO3)(3), mineralization was observed only after 11 J cm-2 (8%). A higher mineralization rate was obtained with Fe(NO3)(3) only when a concentration three times higher was employed at pH 2.5. Besides the high efficiency of TBH degradation observed using the ferric citrate complex in the solar photo-Fenton process, it also offers the advantage of application at a pH of up to 7.5. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Low intensity laser therapy has been recommended to support the cutaneous repair; however, so far studies do not have evaluated the tissue response following a single laser treatment. This study investigated the effect of a single laser irradiation on the healing of full-thickness skin lesions in rats.Methods: Forty-eight male rats were randomly divided into three groups. One surgical lesion was created on the back of rats using a punch of 8 mm in diameter. One group was not submitted to any treatment after surgery and it was used as control. Two energy doses from an 830-nm near-infrared diode laser were used immediately post-wounding: 1.3 J cm(-2) and 3 J cm(-2). The laser intensity 53 mW cm(-2) was kept for both groups. Biometrical and histological analyses were accomplished at days 3, 7 and 14 post-wounding.Results: Irradiated lesions presented a more advanced healing process than control group. The dose of 1.3 J cm(-2) leaded to better results. Lesions of the group irradiated with 1.3 J cm(-2) presented faster lesion contraction showing quicker re-epithelization and reformed connective tissue with more organized collagen fibers.Conclusions: Low-intensity laser therapy may accelerate cutaneous wound healing in a rat model even if a single laser treatment is performed. This finding might broaden current treatment regimens. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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[1] Surface-based measurements of atmospheric formic acid (HCOOH), acetic acid (CH3COOH), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and nitric acid (HNO3) were made in central São Paulo State, Brazil, between April 1999 and March 2000. Mean concentrations were 9.0 ppb (HCOOH), 1.3 ppb (CH3COOH), 4.9 ppb (SO2), 0.3 ppb (HCl), and 0.5 ppb (HNO3). Concentrations in sugar cane burning plumes were 1160-4230 ppb (HCOOH), 360-1750 ppb (CH3COOH), 10-630 ppb (SO2), 4-210 ppb (HCl), and 14-90 ppb (HNO3). Higher ambient concentrations of SO2, HCl and HNO3 were measured during the burning season (May-November). Concentrations of SO2 and HCl increased during the evening, and of HCOOH and CH3COOH were lowest in the morning, with peak levels in the afternoon. Ratios obtained between different species showed either nighttime maxima (SO2/HCOOH, SO2/CH3COOH, SO2/HNO3, CH3COOH/HNO3, SO2/HCl and HCOOH/HNO3), daytime maxima (HCOOH/HCl, CH3COOH/HCl and HNO3/HCl), or no clear trends (HCOOH/CH3COOH). Correlation analysis showed that SO2 and HCl were primary emissions from biomass burning and road transport; HCOOH, HNO3 and CH3COOH were products of photochemistry; HCOOH and CH3COOH were emitted directly during combustion as well as from biogenic sources. Biomass burning affected atmospheric acidity on a regional scale, while vehicular emissions had greater impact in urban and adjacent areas. Atmospheric ammonia levels were insufficient to neutralize atmospheric acidity, which was mainly removed by deposition to the surface.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the laser radiation (685 nm) associated with photosensitizers on viability of different species of Candida genus. Suspensions of Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis, containing 106 viable cells per milliliter were obtained with the aid of a Neubauer's chamber. From each species, 10 samples of the cell suspension were irradiated with diode laser (685 nm) with 28 J/cm(2) in the presence of methylene blue (0.1 mg/ml), 10 samples were only treated with methylene blue, 10 samples were irradiated with laser in the absence of the dye, 10 samples were treated with the dye and irradiated with laser light and 10 samples were exposed to neither the laser light nor to the methylene blue dye. From each sample, serial dilutions of 10(-2) and 10(-3) were obtained and aliquots of 0.1 ml of each dilution were plated in duplicate on Sabouraud dextrose agar. After incubation at 37 degrees C for 48 h, the number of colony-forming units (CFU/ml) was obtained and data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Laser radiation in the presence of methylene blue reduced the number of CFU/ml in 88.6% for C. albicans, 84.8% for C. dubliniensis, 91.6% for C krusei and 82.3% for C tropicalis. Despite of this, only laser radiation or methylene blue did not reduce significantly the number of CFU/ml of Candida samples, except for C tropicalis. It could be concluded that the photo activation of methylene blue by the red laser radiation at 685 nm presented fungicide effect on all Candida species studied. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A general overview on the photochemical behaviour of [Ru(NH3)(5)L](2+) complexes (where L is a pi ligand) is presented. The proposed mechanisms and techniques employed for the study of these reactions are discussed. Emphasis is made on the mechanisms that allow the identification of the reactive excited state of the [Ru(NH3)(5)py](2+) complex.


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Under physiological conditions B-form DNA is an exceedingly stable structure. However, experimental evidences obtained through nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence anisotropy suggest that the structure of the double helix fluctuates substantially. We describe photoacoustic phase modulation frequency measurements of ethidium bromide (Eb) with calf thymus, DNA. As in fluorescence phase modulation measurements, we used an intercalating dye as a probe; however, we monitored the triplet excited state lifetime at different ionic strengths. The triplet lifetime of Eb varied from about 0.30 ms, with no DNA present, to 20 ms, (at a DNA:Eb molar ratio of 5). With salt titration, this value falls, to about 2.0 ms. This result suggests, a strong coupling between the phenantridinium ring of the ethidium and the base pairs because of the stacking movement of the DNA molecule under salt effect. This, effect may be understood considering DNA as a polyelectrolyte. The counterions, in the solution shield the phosphate groups, reducing the electrostatic repulsion force between them, hence compacting the DNA molecule. The results from Fourier transform infrared demonstrated two important bands: 3187 cm(-1) corresponding to the symmetric stretching of the NH group of the bases, and 1225 cm(-1) corresponding to the asymmetric stretching of phosphate groups shifted toward higher wavenumbers, suggesting a proximity between the intercalant and base pairs and a modification of the DNA backbone state, both induced by salt accretion.


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It has been suggested that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can modulate inflammatory processes. The aim of this experiment was to investigate what effects red laser irradiation with two different wavelengths (660 nm and 684 nm) on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and histology. Thirty two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups. One group received a sterile saline injection, while inflammation was induced by a sub-plantar injection of carrageenan (1 mg/paw) in the three other groups. After 1 h, LLLT was administered to the paw in two of the carrageenan-injected groups. Continuous wave 660 nm and 684 nm red lasers respectively with mean optical outputs of 30 mW and doses of 7.5 J/cm(2) were used. The 660 nm and 684 nm laser groups developed significantly (P < 0.01) less edema (0.58 ml [SE +/- 0.17] ml and 0.76 ml [SE +/- 0.10] respectively) than the control group (1.67 ml [SE +/- 0.191) at 4 h after injections. Similarly, both laser groups showed a significantly lower number of inflammatory cells in the muscular and conjunctive sub-plantar tissues than the control group.We conclude that both 660 nm and 684 nm red wavelengths of LLLT are effective in reducing edema formation and inflammatory cell migration when a dose of 7.5 J/cm(2) is used. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of the buildup and decay of photoinduced birefringence was examined in a series of host-guest systems: azobenzene-containing crown ethers, differing in the size of the crowns, dissolved in a poly (methyl methacrylate) matrix. In all samples, the kinetics of the buildup of the birefringence was reasonably described by a sum of two exponential functions, the time constants being inversely proportional to the intensity of the pumping light and the magnitudes of the signals at the saturation level depending on the pumping light intensity and sample thickness. The dark decays were best described by the stretched exponential function, with the characteristic parameters (time constant and stretch coefficient) being practically independent of the type of crown ether. The time constants of the signal decay were orders of magnitude shorter than the respective constants of the dark isomerization of the azo crown ethers, thus indicating that the process controlling the decay was a relaxation of the polymer matrix and/or a rearrangement of the flexible parts of the crowns. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The degradation of the antibiotic tetracycline (TC) by the photo-Fenton process was evaluated under black-light and solar irradiation. The influences of iron source (Fe(NO3)(3) or ferrioxalate), hydrogen peroxide and matrix (pure water, surface water and a sewage treatment plant effluent-STP) were evaluated. Under black-light irradiation, TC degradation was favored in the presence of Fe(NO3)(3), achieving total degradation after 1 min irradiation, while under solar light the use of ferrioxalate favors the degradation. Nevertheless, no significant difference in total organic carbon removal was observed between these two iron sources, achieving a residual concentration of around 5 mg L-1 under black-light and 2 mg L-1 under solar light irradiation. No decrease of the degradation efficiency relative to pure water was observed when TC was irradiated in a sample of surface water, under either black-light or solar irradiation. However, lower efficiency was obtained under black-light when TC was present in a sample of STP effluent, indicating the interference of the constituents of this sample on the overall efficiency of the process. on the other hand, under solar irradiation in the presence of ferrioxalate, no influence of the matrix was observed, even in the sample of STP effluent, achieving total degradation of TC in 1.5 min. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Here we describe the application of microparticles (MPs) for the delivery and release of the drug a benzopsoralen. We also evaluated the intracellular distribution and cellular uptake of the drug by using an encapsulation technique for therapeutic optimization. MPs containing the compound 3-ethoxycarbonyl-2H-benzofuro[3,2-f]-1-benzopyran-2-one (psoralen A) were prepared by the solvent evaporation technique, and parameters such as particle size, drug encapsulation efficiency, effect of the encapsulation process on the drug's photochemistry, zeta potential, external morphology, and < i > in vitro release behavior were evaluated. The intracellular distribution of MPs as well as their uptake by tissues were monitored. Size distribution studies using dynamic ligh scattering and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the MPs are spherical in shape with a diameter of 1.4 mu m. They present low tendency toward aggregation, as confirmed by their zeta potential (+10.6 mV). The loading efficiency obtained was 75%. As a consequence of the extremely low diffusivity of the drug in aqueous medium, the drug release profile of the MPs in saline phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was much slower than that obtained in the biological environment. Among the population of peritoneal phagocytic cells, only macrophages were able to phagocytose poly-d,l-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) MP. The use of psoralen A in association with ultraviolet light (360 nm) revealed morphological characteristics of cell damage such as cytoplasmic vesiculation, mitochondria condensation, and swelling of both the granular endoplasmatic reticulum and the nuclear membrane. These results indicate that PLGA MP could be a promising delivery system for psoralen in connection with ultraviolet irradiation therapy (PUVA).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Triplet carbonyls can be generated not only from the thermal cleavage of dioxetanes, but also enzymatically from appropriate substrates. The excited species can phosphoresce with an intensity depending upon the extent of shielding from deactivating oxygen collisions, react and also transfer energy, thus promoting sensitized emission and sensitized photochemistry. © 1994.


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Hybrid organic-inorganic ionic conductors, also called ormolytes (organically modified electrolytes), were obtained by dissolution of LiClO 4 in siloxane-poly(propylene glycol) matrixes. The dynamic features of these nanocomposites were studied and correlated to their electrical properties. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to probe the effects of the temperature and nanocomposite composition on the dynamic behaviors of both the ionic species ( 7Li) and the polymer chains ( 13C). NMR, dc ionic conductivity, and DSC results demonstrate that the Li + mobility is strongly assisted by the segmental motion of the polymer chain above its glass transition temperature. The ac ionic conductivity in such composites is explained by use of the random free energy barrier (RFEB) model, which is agreement with their disordered and heterogenous structures. These solid ormolytes are transparent and flexible, and they exhibit good ionic conductivity at room temperature (up to 10 -4 S/cm). Consequently, they are very promising candidates for use in several applications such as batteries, sensors, and electrochromic and photoelectro-chemical devices.